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Career Anchors & Information Technology Apprenticeships: Developing & Retaining IT Pipelines


Academic year: 2023

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It is unclear why this program has not seen the traction the House desires, especially given the success of the TQL model. It is unclear at this time why this program has not found the traction the House desires, especially given the success of the TQL model. The current talent pipeline for IT professionals is insufficient to meet the needs of the industry.

However, Cincinnati's struggles mirror the nation's as the pipeline of talent cannot keep up with the demand of the region. Greeno and Gresalfi (2008) extend Lave and Wenger's (1991) work on legitimate peripheral participation and focus on the importance of developing learner identities throughout apprenticeship community opportunities and.



Individuals anchored in this category strive for high levels of responsibility and opportunities to lead and make tangible impacts on overall organizational operations, and to be paid accordingly (Shein, 1993). Those anchored in autonomy independence struggle with rules, procedures and norms of the general workplace and have an overarching desire to follow their own path and create their own processes and routines. Workers in this category often look for jobs that offer accommodations, have good retirement and health benefits, and generally the.

Employees in this category may not stay in traditional companies for long periods of time and tend to succumb to boredom easily (Schein, 1993). Rather, these authors suggest that the anchor should be split in two to accommodate the differences between individuals with an entrepreneurial or bureaucratic spirit and those who seek to create in a more protean nature (Wils et al., 2014). In this domain, people choose careers based on the desire to create change or help others (Schein, 1993).

These individuals seek work that supports their values ​​and desire to reconcile compensation with their contributions to the organization (Schein, 1993). Service-anchored individuals seek recognition and support from their peers as well as their superiors and desire opportunities to present their values ​​to upper-level management. As mentioned, other theorists, such as Wils (2014) and his colleagues propose alternative views to this aspect of the theory.

The Lifestyle Anchor is aimed at employees who are not only career-minded, but also insist that this career supports and integrates with it.


This research supports the idea that the extent to which employees experience congruence between their career anchors and their work environment and the nature of their work will determine the level to which they feel energized, committed, and engaged in their jobs. There is some research (El-Masri et al., 2018) that shows a link between an individual's career anchor and their career satisfaction. If an individual's career choice matches their career anchor, they may experience greater career satisfaction.

Conversely, if an individual's career choices do not match their career anchor, they may experience less career satisfaction. For example, an individual whose career anchor is Security-Stability may experience greater career satisfaction in a role that offers job security and steady income, such as being a government employee or a tenured professor. Jiang and Klein (1999) attempted to study the influence of career anchors and career satisfaction of entry-level information systems professionals.

Jiang and Klein (1999) found that the primary psychosocial function is role modeling, which occurs when the mentor exhibits behavior for the protégé. The group approach is psycho-pedagogical in delivery style (Corey, 1981), which differs from both group counseling (which is ... unstructured and involves little advance planning) and traditional classroom or lecture-style teaching (which is more structured). Psychoeducational groups are instead semi-structured, involve some planning before the group work takes place, and have specific but fluid goals (Meldrum, 2021).

While research by Jiang and Klein (1999) advocated supervisor mentoring, Meldrum (2021) advocates group training of IT professionals.






Seven respondents participated in the Apprentice program with only one of the seven disagreeing that the reduced compensation received during the apprenticeship was a reasonable exchange for the TQL Apprentice program. All of the TQL Apprenti Progam participants indicated that they were either extremely likely or moderately likely to continue working with their current employer (TQL) when their term as an apprentice was completed. These findings suggest that the Apprenti program is successfully creating a pipeline of IT professionals within TQL who will acquire necessary skills and continue to engage with the organization even within the constraints of the Apprenti program .


The majority of respondents to the employee satisfaction survey (n=29) had been employed by TQL for three years or less. Specific areas of divergence between the two groups include satisfaction with current workload, access to interesting work, physical workplace environment and relationships with managers. Questions related to interest in their work, ability to use related skills, and relationships with their managers.

Some deviations from this trend are beginning to emerge for questions related to current workload, opportunities for advancement, and the physical work environment. Overall, the most important career factor was lifestyle, with factors such as work-life balance being key elements of career satisfaction. When the data is broken down by seniority alone, career anchors are revealed as lifestyle for those with 0-3 years of service, security and stability for those with 3-5 and 5-10 years of service, and lifestyle for those with 10 - 15 years of mandate.

Our findings are not necessarily consistent with the current literature on career anchors. 1995), show that career anchors are not grouped into a specific career field. However, our data clearly cluster around the anchors of lifestyle and security stability. 2007) did, however, identify the top three career anchors among entry-level Taiwanese IT workers. Career anchors for this population included security-stability, lifestyle, and sense of service-commitment to a goal (Chang et al., 2007).

This survey closely matches the data we collected and can address the fact that most of our participants had only used TQL for a short period of time.


Research claims that no relationship exists between career choice and career anchor, and that employees have different needs that should be met (at least tentatively) by the employer (Ginzberg & Baroudi, 1988). Furthermore, research now claims that the leader's role has a greater impact on retention and satisfaction than career anchors alone (Jiang & Klein, 1999). It is highly likely that managerial involvement, personal career anchors and basic occupational hygiene factors form a complex picture of employee retention and satisfaction.

While TQL already has a robust compensation and benefits plan in place, it is important to consider how this will change in the future. The two dominant career anchors of the TQL population we examined, lifestyle and security-stability, are both based on fulfilling psychological needs (Rodrigues, et. al., 2013; Coetzee, et al., 2014; Feldman & Bolino , 1996). Thus, tailoring pay and benefits packages to meet these needs is likely to lead to an overall increase in employee retention.

Establishing and publicizing clear criteria for promotions and raises is an organizational career management (OCM) strategy favored by IT professionals in the security and stability anchor (Arnold et al., 2019; Schein, 1993).


Establishing these norms and expectations in advance ensures that the employee can determine if they are a good fit for the position. Individuals within the Security-Stability anchor value understanding the criteria for achieving promotions and raises as they navigate their careers (Schein, 1993; Arnold et al., 2019). Establishing and publishing these criteria will help these individuals better understand their career options and how best to navigate their future workplace goals and aspirations.

While those in the Lifestyle anchor tend to focus less on career advancement (Schein, 1993; Arnold et al., 2019). When considering retention strategies for the members we surveyed, the ability to maintain their lifestyle is key. Schein & Van Maanen (2016) also suggest that a career anchor survey should be conducted upon hiring.

It is probably unreasonable to assume that TQL or any company can provide all possible career anchors in all possible cases. Participants in the program take advantage of an internally sponsored, cohort-based experience, while TQL takes advantage of a sustainable talent pool. We therefore recommend that TQL continue to build the program for the benefit of both the company and the Apprentice participants.

We encourage future research for the mutual benefit of the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber, TQL and the metropolitan area workforce.


In summary, the Apprenti program has proven to be a successful talent pipeline strategy for TQL. The Apprenti program has effectively achieved the goals set by TQL and the chamber and is a model for other companies to follow.

Microsoft's report distorts the truth about computing careers. https://www.epi.org/publication/pm195-stem-labor-shortages-microsoft-report- distorts/#:%7E:text=The%20report%20and%20Microsoft%20officials,economy%20is%. heterogeneous returns to apprenticeship training in Italy. For employers: Create a skilled workforce and save money with registered apprenticeships. https://apprentice.ohio.gov/employers/#benefits. 1996) Careers within careers: Reconceptualizing the nature of career anchors and their consequences. Apprenticeships are an overlooked solution to creating greater access to quality jobs. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue apprenticeships-are-an-overlooked-solution-for-creating-more-access-to-quality-jobs/. Opportunities for learning in practice and identity.

Supervisor Support and Career Anchor Impact on Career Satisfaction of the Novice Information Systems Professional. Technology Apprentices: A new way for entry-level talent to jump-start their careers after high school.


How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your ability to apply your skills in this role. Are you currently a participant in the Apprenti (TQL Apprenticeship Program) program OR an Apprenti (TQL Apprenticeship Program) graduate. The purpose of this survey is to examine career anchors of IT professionals as part of a Vanderbilt University Doctoral Capstone.

This data will also be used to inform your organization about what IT professionals value in a career. All data is anonymous, and you can opt out at any time by contacting the researchers at emily.k.myers@vanderbilt.edu or kevin.m.stamps@vanderbilt.edu.



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