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chapter 1 - Repository UHN


Academic year: 2023

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Based on the background above, the problem of the study was formulated as follows. To find out the students' mistake of the second grade at SMPNegeri 1 Parbuluanin by using adjective in writing descriptive text. To find out the dominant error type of the second grade at SMP Negeri 1 Parbuluan in the use of adjective in writing descriptive text.

Second language is a language but is not the native language but is used in the field of the person. Addition errors usually occur in the later stages of second language acquisition, when the learner has already acquired some target language rules. Misformation errors are characterized by using the wrong form of the morpheme or structure.

The Goal of Error Analysis

Writing is the representation of language in a textual medium, using a series of characters or symbols. Writing is different from other skills, it can be said as the combination of all skills. Writing is a complex activity, as it requires students' extensive skills such as mastering grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation.

Based on the explanation above, the author concludes that writing is really a process of communication and hard work for almost everyone.

The Process of Writing

The term "writing" is ambiguous: primarily, it can refer to either the process of writing or the written product. The term is also ambiguous between compositional aspects of writing and secretarial aspects, such as good penmanship and spelling. For example, it is now possible for word processors with spell checkers to take over some of the proofreading aspects of writing and produce flawless printouts.

There are five techniques of prewriting that can help the writer to state and develop the ideas. These are also familiar diagrams or mapping in which the author classifies the ideas based on the topic. Before writing, the writer makes a follow-up to his writing which includes the first for prescriptive techniques.

This statement means that the completion of the first draft does not mean that the writing is finished. The writer must move to the next stage to produce a good writing result. This statement means that after writing the first draft, the writer must check it carefully.

In these stages, the writer usually checks, edits, and corrects errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. Editing is necessary to avoid misunderstandings between the writer and the readers.

The Purpose of Writing

Revising can be defined as improving writing by making additions, deletions, substitutions and rearrangements of phrases, sentences or paragraphs. As a writing purpose that can make a student more interesting to write in their daily activity that can make writing easy. According to Heaton (1988:35) writing skills include four main components or areas such as

Having a specific purpose for writing helps make decisions at all stages of the writing process. Presenting information is one of the most common writing purposes and researching topics in due time, becoming short-term experts and conveying their findings in an easy-to-understand form. But self-expression has a place in other forms of writing and provides an opportunity to show personality and mastery of words.

Writing elements help the writer to arrange a clear and understandable text (Oshima and Hogue 1991:40). Grammar is the study of the rules of how words change their form and combine with other words to make sentences. In addition, focusing on grammar, the writer must choose and use appropriate vocabulary to make or develop a text so that there is no ambiguity.

The ability to write appropriately for a particular purpose with a particular audience in mind, together with the ability to select, organize and other relevant information. Thus, the writer has a place in other types of writing and provides the opportunity to display the personality and mastery of words.

The Part of the Speech


It is a sentence with two or more independent coordinates and one or more dependent clauses.


Generic Structure of Genre

Generic structure is the general structure formula of library, which consists of scaffolding plus an indication of the position of attachment of the various residues. Other generic structure of the source is the way in which elements of a text are arranged to suit the purposes. Each genre has different generic structure that needs to be understood, like narrative text, in general it has three generic structures: orientation, events and reorientation.

In narrative text, there are usually three general structures; orientation, complexity and resolution.

Types of Genre of Text

Said that CaturIrmawan and Lolita youth D.N the general structure of the recounting text consists of three parts, they are orientation, event and reorientation. M Sudarwati and Eudia Grace mention that narrative text tells about stories that have happened in the past to entertain readers that deal with what complications or problematic events lead to a crisis and in turn find a solution. The purpose of narrative text is to entertain the reader with the story, which can be fiction or non-fiction.

So the author's conclusion about the mentioned narrative text tells about stories that happened in the past. Its social function is to describe how something is done completely through a sequence of series. Buss and Karnowski (2004:22) said that two main purposes of writing procedural text are to instruct and explain.

CaturIrmawan and Lolitarini D.N said that the social function of news item is to inform readers, listeners or viewers about events of the day that are considered newsworthy or important. So, the author's conclusion about news item text is an important event that should be by many people, then this event deserves news. Narrative text is used to describe how things are, referring to a variety of natural, man-made and social phenomena in our environment.

The purpose of discussion texts is to present (at least) two points of view on a matter. Its function is to convince the reader or listener that something should or shouldn't be like that.

Descriptive Text

Purpose of Descriptive Text

It is familiar to students because the elements in descriptive text are easily remembered by students. Rinastuty (2014:23) mentions that Description is also used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or event eg: to describe a particular place and explain why it is special. Describe the most important person in your life describe the animal's habitat in your report descriptive writing is usually used to help a writer develop an aspect of.

So the writer's conclusion about the purpose of the descriptive text is and reveals a particular person, place or thing.

Generic Structure

Language Features

The simple present tense is one of the most common tenses in English, both in written and spoken form. Azlhar (1999:11) mentions that the simple present tense in English tells that something was true in the past, is true in the present, and will be true in function. It is used for general statements of fact/to express a normal or everyday activity.

In a sentence, the adverb gives an explanation, such as: place, mitigation, manner, frequency, purpose, etc. a. He walks with pride and grace, performing a dance of contempt as he slowly raises and lowers each paw with the dice of a dancer. His familiarity with cat food commercials has led him to reject generic brands of cat food in favor of only the more expensive brands.

George is as picky about visitors as he is about what he eats, befriending some and repelling others. He can snuggle up to your ankle and start being petted, or he can imitate a skunk and stain your favorite pants. George doesn't do this to mark his territory, as many cat experts think, but to humiliate me because he's jealous of my friends.

After my guest has left, I watch the old bag snooze and smile to myself in front of the TV, and I have to give him credit for his obnoxious but endearing habit.

Descriptive Adjective

The author takes the review of literature from other journals as the principle or comparison with this research. First, they are similar in doing a study by using adjective in the sentences, especially descriptive text. Second, they are similar in component of grammatical features and vocabulary. The author will focus on the students' problem of using adjective in descriptive text, while LailatulHusna and YenniRozimela focused on the analysis of students' writing skills.

Hendri, (2016).Hendri conducted a study that analyzed students' ability to use a descriptive adjective in a sentence. Second, Hendri or the writer conducts a study using the adjective in sentences, especially in descriptive text. The writer will focus on the students' problem in using the adjective in the descriptive text, and Hendri will focus on the analysis of the students' ability to use the descriptive adjective.

Second, either the researchers or the writer are using the writing test as an instrument to collect the data needed in the study. Studying the difference that researchers have made and the writer will make lies in the research method. The researchers used descriptive quantity to describe students' writing ability, while the writer will use descriptive quality to describe students' problem in using the adjective.

These studies are very beneficial as references for the writer who wants to do a research with the same topic in descriptive text. The way the previous researchers did their research and the results they got can be a comparison with the author when he does the next research which will do at SMP N 1 Parbuluan so the author can do a research on different components but still the same topic.

Research Design

The methodology in this case concerned the research design, the topic of the study, the data collection technique and the data analysis. Therefore the writer focused on analyzing the data to find out what is the problem of the second grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Parbuluan in using adjective in writing descriptive text.

The Subject of the Study

Data and Source of Data

Instrument of Collecting Data

The Technique of Collecting Data

The Technique of Analysis Data


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