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Academic year: 2023



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The contribution of students' speaking learning strategies and motivation to their speaking skills at STAIN Batusangkar. Analysis of the correlation value of students' speaking learning strategies and motivation towards their speaking skills.


Identification of the Problem

On the other hand, the internal factors that come from within the students themselves, such as motivation, IQ, learning strategy. Second, students have low affective factors in learning English, especially learning the speaking class, such as self-esteem, attitude, empathy, and motivation.

Limitation of the Problem

Third, students have low speaking skills to learn English such as pronunciation, grammar, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.

Formulation of the Problems

Purpose of the Research

Significance of the Research

Students can improve their speaking skills and motivation by having certain strategies, and they can also analyze their speaking strategies and they will be able to know if their speaking strategies contribute to their speaking ability. In addition, after knowing English speakers' language learning strategies and the motivation used by students in speaking skills, it will be useful for the researcher to teach these strategies himself and give motivation to students in learning a speaking subject when he himself is a teacher/lecturer in the future.

Definition of the Key Terms

  • Students’ Learning Strategies a. Definition
  • Direct Strategies
  • Indirect Strategies
  • Students’ Speaking Motivation a. Definition
  • Students’ Speaking Skill a. Definition
  • Techniques of Testing Speaking
  • Scoring Criteria of Speaking Test

In addition, according to Dave's opinion, Oxford and 152-173) explains about "the use of speaking language learning strategies". Then, Brown and Hughes state that "indicators of speaking ability consist of five components, which are vocabulary, fluency, grammar, pronunciation, and comprehension."

Table 2: Indicators of Speaking Motivation
Table 2: Indicators of Speaking Motivation

Review of the Related Findings

Then Apriliza (2010) in her research on the speaking learning strategies of students in improving their speaking skills found that the first speaking learning strategy that students with high achievements use most often is the memory strategy with a medium score (3.9), the second, the speaking learning strategy the strategy most often used by students with average achievements were memory and social strategies, which have the same score (3.5), thirdly, the speaking learning strategy most often used by students with low achievements is social strategies with medium rating (3 .3). It can be concluded that the strategies found to be most frequently used by high-achieving students in speaking could be considered as effective strategies for a specific group of EFL learners to improve students' speaking skills.

Conceptual Framework

The motivation of students' speaking comes not only from the internal side, but also from the external side, mainly from their teachers. It means that if students have learning strategies and high motivation, they will get good grades and can communicate with each other.

Figure 1: Conceptual Frame Work Students‘ Speaking LS
Figure 1: Conceptual Frame Work Students‘ Speaking LS


Ho = The students' speaking learning strategies and motivation do not contribute significantly and positively to their speaking skills. Ha = Pupils' speaking learning strategies and motivation contribute significantly and positively to their speaking skills.

Figure 2: Research design Speaking
Figure 2: Research design Speaking

Population and Sample

This research was conducted for the students of the English Department at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar. The researcher took the sample based on the opinions of Isaac and Michael in Sugiyono (2010:87) says that ―to determine the sample the table of sample of population can be used which 10% significance level.

Procedure of the Research

Second, the operation, data collection took place between May 14 and July 14, 2012. After that, questionnaires with data were distributed and the researchers conducted a post-test of the data and two lectures of an English speaker.


The questionnaires were arranged by using the Likert scale model consisting of the students' speaking learning strategies and their motivation in speaking skills. The students' speaking skills, especially those related to speaking tests, were assessed using the criteria used in the context of having tests. While the scoring system for negative statements about students' speaking learning strategies and motivation was given as follows: score 1 was given to the student choosing always/strongly agree, 2 for often/agree, 3 for rarely/disagree and 4 for never/strongly disagree.

Instrument items consisted of 34 statements for students' speaking learning strategies as seen on the indicators above. While instrument items consisted of 43 statements for students' speaking motivation as seen on the indicators above. Afterwards, the students' speaking learning strategies, motivation and speaking skills of the three groups of students were analyzed.

Trying Out Instruments

Then the researcher categorized the students based on the results using the three categorizations of achievement supported by Sudijono namely: high, average and low. The number of students included in this research was obtained after grouping all students from the three classes into groups with high, average and low achievement based on the speaking test. Specifically for students' speaking learning strategies and motivation, the researcher distributed a questionnaire to the students and tested their speaking skills.

The instrument test was analyzed by correlating instrument scores and using the ―Product Moment‖ correlation technique. XY = sum of products of X and Y points separated X² = sum of squared points in the X distribution Y² = sum of squared points in the Y distribution N = sum of X and Y points separated Questionnaire Reliability : Total Variants : Sum of variants item k : Sum of voice Based on the analysis result of the analysis of each variables, it was found that the questionnaire of students' speaking learning strategies consisted of 46 items, 12 items were deleted and 34. items were valid.

Technique of Collecting the Data

Technique of Analyzing the Data

  • The Description of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies
  • The description of students’ speaking motivation
  • The description of students’ speaking skill

These analyzes were used to know the correlation between students' speaking learning strategies and students' speaking skills and speaking motivation (and students' speaking skills). dependent variable Meanwhile, questionnaires were administered to explain students' speaking learning strategies and speaking motivation for their speaking skill Statistical result of variables of students' speaking learning strategies and motivation for their speaking skill.

The frequency distribution data of students' speaking learning strategies No class interval frequency percentage categories. Furthermore, there were 62 students (6.45%) in low level of language learning strategies and 62 students (9.68%) in very low language learning strategies. The data of students' speaking ability was obtained from their raw score of speaking test.

Testing of Requirement Data Analysis

  • Inferential Statistic
  • Calculating coefficient correlation

The simple regression (Ỳ X₁) can therefore be used as the conclusion of the independent variables (students' speaking learning strategies) with the dependent variable (students' . speaking ability). This means that the variable of students' speaking learning strategies and motivation is influenced in speaking skill. To find out correlation between students' speaking learning strategies and motivation for their speaking skill, see the calculation process of index correlation and for detailed information (see appendix 4).

This means that there was a connection between the students' speaking learning strategies and motivation for their speaking skills. In other words, there was a significant contribution between students' speaking learning strategies and motivation to their speaking skills. This means that there was a high positive correlation between the students' speaking learning strategies and motivation for their speaking skills.

Figure 6: Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual
Figure 6: Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual

On the other hand, to know whether or not students' speaking learning strategies and motivation contribute to their speaking ability, it can be done by comparing t-calculated and t-table.

Hypothesis Testing

  • The Contribution of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies toward Their Speaking Skill
  • The Contribution of Students’ Speaking Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill
  • The Contribution of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies and Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill
  • Relative Contribution and Effective Contribution

Second, there was the contribution of students' speaking motivation to their speaking skills in semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar. Thus, it can be said that students speaking LS contributes to fluency. Ho = Students' variable speaking motivation does not contribute significantly and positively to their speaking ability.

Thus, it can be said that students' speaking motivation contributes to speaking ability. It means that if students' speaking skills score and speaking motivation score increase by one point, their speaking skills score can increase. Thus, it can be said that there is a contribution of both students' speaking ability and speaking motivation for speaking ability.

Table  above  shows  that  simple  linear  regression  equation  is  Y  =  7.237  +.477  X2  the  sig  score  is  .00  <  α  =  .05  and  sig  for  F  .000  <α  =  .05
Table above shows that simple linear regression equation is Y = 7.237 +.477 X2 the sig score is .00 < α = .05 and sig for F .000 <α = .05


  • There Is Contribution of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies toward Their Speaking Skill
  • There is contribution of students’ speaking motivation toward their speaking skill
  • There Is Contribution of Both Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies and Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill

The research finding showed that there was positive and significant contribution of students' speaking learning strategies to their speaking skill during semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar. On the other hand, students cannot improve their speaking skills if they do not have any good speaking learning strategies. Then students' speaking motivation regarding their speaking ability was rarely influenced by students when they spoke.

The research findings showed that students' speaking motivation contributed positively and significantly to their speaking skill in the sixth semester of STAIN Batusangkar. There is a contribution of students' speaking learning strategies and motivation to their speaking skills. These results showed that there was a positive and significant contribution of students' speaking learning strategies and motivation to their speaking skill in the sixth semester of STAIN Batusangkar.

Limitations of the Research




Saat meniru berbicara bahasa Inggris sebagai orang asing, apakah Anda berulang kali menggunakan bahasa (kata atau ungkapan) saat berbicara atau langsung mempraktikkannya. Saat meniru berbicara bahasa Inggris sebagai orang asing, apakah Anda berulang kali menggunakan bahasa (kata atau ungkapan) saat berbicara atau Belajar bahasa Inggris penting bagi saya karena guru mengharapkan saya untuk bisa melakukannya.

Belajar bahasa Inggris penting bagi saya karena saya senang menghabiskan waktu di luar negeri. dalam hal belajar dan bekerja). Belajar bahasa Inggris penting bagi saya karena saya malu untuk melewati level itu. Saya merasa sulit untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan orang yang memiliki nilai dan budaya.



Contoh Pernyataan

2 Ketika Anda meniru berbicara bahasa Inggris sebagai orang asing, Anda menggunakan bahasa (kata atau ungkapan) berulang kali dalam berbicara atau berlatih langsung dengan penutur asli. 28 Apakah Anda cenderung memperhatikan pikiran dan perasaan orang lain ketika Anda berbicara 29 Untuk melatih bahasa Inggris saya, saya harus. Berikut adalah beberapa pernyataan terkait dengan motivasi yang digunakan siswa dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris (Speaking).

3 Jika saya bekerja keras, saya yakin dan percaya bahwa saya akan mampu menjadi master berbahasa Inggris. 18 Jika saya membuat kesalahan dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, dosen saya membimbing dan menyemangati saya. 29 Saya suka berpikir tentang belajar bahasa Inggris sehingga saya bisa belajar tentang budaya dan seni berbicara.

32 Belajar bahasa Inggris penting bagi saya karena saya merasa malu jika mendapat nilai buruk dalam bahasa Inggris. Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Dihapus Valid Valid Valid Valid Dihapus Valid Valid Dihapus Valid Valid Valid R. Valid.


Table 2: Indicators of Speaking Motivation
Figure 1: Conceptual Frame Work Students‘ Speaking LS
Figure 2: Research design Speaking
Figure 6: Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual


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