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Copyright © 2020 Blake Hill Jessie

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Academic year: 2023

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First, the work of the Spirit is manifested in the private life of the preacher. The third way the Spirit works in the preacher is through the preaching of the word.

Table 1. Acts selection grid: Jerusalem  Acts
Table 1. Acts selection grid: Jerusalem Acts

What Is Preaching?

The eight weeks covered the following topics: What is Preaching?, The Work of the Holy Spirit, Key words, Biblical Theology, Discover the big idea of ​​the text, Practical. Most of the groups settled on one of the definitions, but one came up with their own. If not, what needs to be changed about your preaching?” Many of the men confessed that they were not always faithful to preach the text and preached sermons that they later realized were contrary to the Scriptures.

It was a humble time of confession and repentance that proved to be a moment of real connection and recognition for all the men present, who sensed the seriousness of the task of preaching.

The Holy Man and the Spirit’s Role in Preparation and Preaching Role in Preparation and Preaching

The session was followed by Breakout 2.2 covering 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and the source of the preacher's authority. First, definitions of recognized preachers were shared to define the work of the Spirit in the preaching moment. However, the work of the Spirit is balanced by pressing the men their role in persuasion (2 Cor 5:11) and begging others to be reconciled to God (2 Cor 5:19-20).

19 To this end, at the end of lecture 8.2, one of the men told how the recognition of key words had already greatly influenced his preaching.

The Big Idea. Then Onward to the Outline and Manuscript the Outline and Manuscript

Introductions. Conclusions

During the 6th hour, the men commented on how helpful and immediately applicable it was to learn about introductions, conclusions, transitions and illustrations for their preaching.


The number after the seminar was lower because five of the men did not attend six or more of the training sessions. In fact, 7 of the men present from RCAKB were bi-vocational pastors. First, the community that developed between the participants was one of the greatest strengths of this project.

One of the major weaknesses of this project concerns the survey, specifically that several items are not well written.

Table 4. Scores for pre- and post-seminar surveys
Table 4. Scores for pre- and post-seminar surveys

I relied too much on my relationship with several of the men, as I assumed our friendship would have kept them committed. In preparation for the project, I had the opportunity to read books by some of the most famous and respected preachers and theologians. One of the DMin classes required for this degree focused on exegetes of the Greek NT.

The class structure will balance the teaching component which was a strength of this project and also add the element of preaching which.


As a group, choose one of the following definitions or create your own definition of preaching. It aligns the interpretation of the text with the doctrinal truths of the rest of the Bible (sensitivity to systematic theology). Robert Smith, Jr. - "Guiding hearers into the presence of God for the purpose of transformation." 10.

Bryan Chapell – “An expository sermon can be defined as a message whose structure and thought is developed from a biblical text covering its scope, to explain how the features and context of the text reveal enduring principles of faithful thinking, living and worship intended by The spirit that inspired the text. 11.

Should We Preach?

Should We Preach?

Understanding our connection13 The NT often speaks of the preaching of the OT prophets, Jesus, the apostles; but. This helps us to see that as called men of God, as long as we preach the Word of God (and live as a 'man of God') we will also find it.

  • FEAR
  • Listen to and read good preaching and books on preaching
  • Ask for FEEDBACK on your own preaching. If possible, discuss your sermon before you preach

1 Cor 2:3 (ESV) - "And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, 4 and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, 5 that your faith should not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.” . 3 Characteristics of a holy man 1) WEAKNESS. Refers to the call to do something great and glorious and yet we are weak. Whatever 'calling' a person may claim to have, if he is not called to holiness, he is certainly not called to the ministry.”2.

God didn't get the "A team" when he got us d. 1) Time in the WORD for your own personal spiritual nourishment, not sermon preparation.

Need of a Holy Man Gather with your group and discuss the following

Holy Spirit’s Role in Preparation What we pray the Spirit will do in our hearers, he must first do in us

Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart argue that the goal is not. uniqueness to see what others have missed, but instead to find the simple meaning of the text.7.

Holy Spirit’s Role in Preparation

Holy Spirit’s Role in the Preaching Moment Defining the work of the Holy Spirit in our Preaching

  • He ENLIGHTENS the minds of the listeners, so that they can understand (2 Cor 4:4-6)
  • He CONVICTS their hearts and prompts them to respond (Jn 16:7-11; Acts 2:37)
  • Preaching the Gospel in the power of the Spirit is God’s plan to SAVE (1 Cor 1:2
  • God is with you and He will build his church (Matthew 16:18; Acts 18:9- 11)

If it depends on the work of the Spirit, then what role do we play. The role of the Holy Spirit in the moment of preaching With your group, briefly share a time when you experienced the Spirit doing 1 or all.

The Holy Spirit’s Role in the Preaching Moment Share briefly with your group a time that you experienced the Spirit doing 1 or all

Selection and the First Round of Studying the Text What drives our selection process?

  • We may fear that our people will find it BORING
  • We may have DOUBTS that all Scripture is indeed sufficient

When preaching about David and Bathsheba, it will be useful for the audience to hear both chapters of 2 Samuel 11-12. 6) Remember, text divisions are not divinely inspired. A few reasons not to preach expository sermons (verse-by-verse). 1) Expository preaching is not EASY. Andy Stanley says that this style of preaching no longer fits our culture and that we should look for a human need or problem and then go to the Bible to solve it.

Now we may not think we do, but if we often find ourselves running to the same books, the same authors, the same subjects and avoiding others - we have to fight with if we think that ALL Scripture is God-breathed.

21 You are called to this because Christ also suffered for you and left an example for you to follow in his footsteps. 24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. Explore the Old Testament animal sacrifice and how sins were transferred to the animal by laying hands on its head.

Eg: Could this "with his stripes you were healed" (v25) refer to physical and/or spiritual healing.

Round 2 of Studying the Text

  • Next, examine the REPETITIONS of words, ideas, grammatical forms
  • Look for CONNECTOR words

25 For you were lost like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. 25 For you were like sheep that go astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. Example: What is the meaning of the quote from Isaiah 53:5 "from his wounds you are healed".

Could it be that Peter writing to a people who are suffering reminds them of the suffering servant in Isaiah.

Round 3 of Studying the Text

  • Determine the meaning of each SIGNIFICANT WORD
  • Any Greek or Hebrew words that get repeated that the English didn’t show?
  • What does this image mean in other places of the Bible?
  • Anything that is: quoted, referenced, or alluded to in other parts of the Bible, especially the OTHER TESTAMENT?

Pastor, do you know that the new Christian in your care is under surveillance? But the control of the 'chief shepherd' (5:4) has a magnificent breadth and depth; far beyond the concern of any undershepherd. So Jesus was the overseer of Peter's soul and warned him. they call him to prayer and prayer, they pray for him so that his faith does not fall, and they search his heart to restore him to his calling. 4. 5 = What this image means elsewhere in the Bible.

Clowney, The Message of 1 Peter: The Way of the Cross, The Bible Speaks Today (Leicester, Engeland; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

Learning to Look for Key Words

  • Key words help us strive after the main point of the passage as opposed to preaching our FAVORITE POINT
  • Key words can help us breakdown or SIMPLIFY the passage
  • Key words help us see how the verses are WORKING TOGETHER
  • Key words can transform not only our teaching, but also our THEOLOGY

Breakout Session 4.1...Investigation: Learn to Look for Key Words Work through John 3:14-16 (ESV) on your own. This chart is based on definitions from Steven Runge, Discourse Grammar of the Greek NT (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2010).

Key Words and How They Help Us Construct Our Message καί and, also


  • What’s the big idea or goal of this text?
  • How is this point proven?
  • So what? What difference does this make? How would you apply this to your people?

Key Words and How They Help Us Construct Our Message Breakout 4.2


  • Read through it and circle or underline any key connecting words in v9-11
  • Why does God exalt Jesus in v9 (what key connecting word in v9 helps you make that decision)?
  • What is the result of God exalting Jesus (what connecting word in v10 helps you make that decision)?
  • All of this Jesus exalting, knee bowing, tongues confessing results in what to God (identify the key connecting word in v11)?
  • If you were going to preach this text today, what would be your main idea (share it in a single sentence)
  • How might you apply this to specific people in your congregation? How can they live it out?

Boss: Even though you are the boss, you can humble yourself by putting the interests of your employees before your own.

Your Sermon Text to the Rest of the Bible Understanding Systematic and Biblical Theology and how they relate to Expository

  • How does this passage connect to the surrounding verses and chapters?
  • How does this passage fit within the rest of the BOOK?
  • How does this passage fit within the ENTIRE BIBLE?
  • How do the Biblical themes in this section point to CHRIST?

Example: Paul, throughout Romans, but especially Romans 4-5 is helping people understand how they can become righteous. Example: James points to Christ showing how faith should transform the way we live.

Connecting Your Sermon Text to the Rest of the Bible

  • How does this passage fit within the rest of the Book?
  • How does this passage fit within the entire Bible?
  • How do the Biblical themes in this section point to Christ?

If they are doing that, then what are they doing after the 10th sermon, looking for toes.

From Big Idea to the Proposition to the Purpose

  • What’s the goal of this text? What’s the 1 THING that all the other things are about?
  • Write your AIM sentence
  • How does the text point us to CHRIST, and how does his salvation help us change in line with the pastoral aim?
  • Combine these 3 to write your THEME
  • What’s the goal of this text? What’s the 1 thing that all the other things are about?
  • Write your aim sentence
  • How does the text point us to Christ, and how does his salvation help us change in line with the pastoral aim?
  • Combine these 3 to write your theme
  • Application
  • Catch FIRE
  • Introduce what the PROBLEM is. Not simply tell them what the sermon is about
  • Our contemporary cultural context. The Fallen Condition Focus
  • State the BIG IDEA
  • Be BRIEF

Your sermon in one sentence…Introductions…Conclusions…Transitions Breakout 5.3…On to the outline and script. When the flint of a person's trouble hits the stealer of God's word, a spark is ignited that burns in the mind" (Robinson, Biblical Preaching, 170). We also have wolves that we face (list a few), and the temptation is to retreat or fight with our flesh 3) State the BIG IDEA.

Even if you don't write any other part, it is useful to write an introduction.

  • State the Big Idea/Main Theme

If you can't put what you preach about in a single sentence after a week or so of study, how will they be able to tell anyone what you preached?. If you don't see how this message can transform someone, how should your audience. If you take your study seriously, you will inevitably have more material than you can cover in one sermon.

The introduction is not the place to dump information you can't find a place for anywhere else.

  • Elevation (climax)
  • Don’t promise to LAND THE PLANE EARLY, just because the people are bored
  • Don’t bring out new MATERIAL
  • Don’t keep circling THE RUNWAY
  • Biblical Commentaries. Often commentaries provide a single sentence synopsis on the verse that just captures it really well
  • Sermon Illustration Books/Websites. Just guard against them becoming generic or the one everyone has heard 50 times
  • Personal EXPERIENCES. There is nothing better than laughing at yourself and inviting the congregation to join you
  • Everywhere

The Staying Power of Scripture 1

The passage is directly transferable because the practice .. is rooted in God. 3) Which aspect of the application is reflecting God's created order?.

The Staying Power of Scripture

How to Grow in Your Application 2

How to Grow in Your Application

The Application Grid

  • Non-Christian
  • Public
  • Christ
  • Unity in Diversity
  • Work
  • Individual Christian
  • Your Local Church

Not every application is necessarily for the married or those with children, or to assume that everyone should go in that direction.

The Application Grid

Sometimes you might be one of the 99...d to not get upset that someone didn't come to check on you.

Preaching Christ from All of Scripture 1

We are not saved by obeying the law, but saved into obedience to the law.

Preaching Christ from All of Scripture

How to Develop Redemptive Sermons

  • Identify the REDEMPTIVE principles evident in the text
  • Determine what APPLICATION these redemptive principles were to have in the lives of the original hearers/readers of the text
  • Grace CANCELING the guilt of sin
  • Grace DEFEATING the power of sin
  • Grace COMPELLING holiness

How to Develop Redemptive Sermons 4 Of the following 3 sermons, pick which one is not a redemptive sermon,


The International Critical Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, vol. This project aims to equip members of the Russell Creek Association of Kentucky Baptists (RCAKB) in Greensburg, Kentucky to preach Christ-centered expository sermons. The central tenet of this project is to equip pastors to preach Christ-centered expository sermons to bring glory to God.


Table 1. Acts selection grid: Jerusalem  Acts
Table 2. Acts selection grid: Judea and Samaria  Acts
Table 2. continued  Acts
Table 3. Acts selection grid: To the ends of the earth  Acts


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