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Copyright © 2023 Dionardo Medina Encarnacion

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Academic year: 2023

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Disciples grow in the likeness of Jesus by continually following to imitate his prayer life, with the power of the Holy Spirit. Our first duty to Christ is to practice holiness in the power of the Spirit.

Table 1 summarizes ages of participants and their time being believers. The  majority were long-term Christians, with 65 percent of believers being with more than 20  years in their faith journey
Table 1 summarizes ages of participants and their time being believers. The majority were long-term Christians, with 65 percent of believers being with more than 20 years in their faith journey

Discipleship Understanding and Practice Assessment

The next section evaluates how the goals of the ministerial project have been successfully achieved to achieve the goal. This goal was successfully achieved after more than fifteen adult members completed the pre-project DUPS. Fifteen were the minimum required participants and a total of 37 adult GFC members completed the survey.

The pre-project DUPS results were then analyzed, providing a clearer picture of current discipleship knowledge and practices among GFC members. The pre-project surveys helped identify areas of potential for improvement, and this information was crucial in the further steps of the ministry project, including curriculum development and teaching.

Curriculum Development

Teaching the Curriculum to Increase the Practice of

There were also items related to discipleship that showed significant improvement, including item 59 with a 19% increase, item 35 with a 19% increase, item 58 with a 12% increase and item 57 with an 8% increase . Each of the teachings was rich with biblical references that supported each point as I tried to equip the members to be a biblical disciple. The fundamental value of the authority of the Bible in all aspects of the church is something that should never be neglected.

The majority of GFC members are long-time Christians, with a large percentage of participants (65 percent) having been believers for more than twenty years.9 The solid orthodoxy of the participants made the teachings more digestible, allowing the project to focus on encouraging orthopraxy in discipleship. Many members began to fast and pray more with each other, especially many who are Spanish-speaking members of the church. Although it was a weakness, it was also a strength, as it led to the realization that the pursuit of a culture of discipleship is a lifelong task that must be continued in the life of the church.

Table 10. Most significant DUPS increases
Table 10. Most significant DUPS increases

Would Do Differently

Discipleship Understanding in the Context of Salvation

Since the day God saved me, I have grown in holiness, obedience and the death of sin.

The Practice of Spiritual Disciplines

I believe that prayer, Bible reading, and meditating on the Scriptures are important disciplines to practice even when fasting.

Obedience to the Word of God

I read the Bible for the purpose of knowing and obeying (applying in my life) the commandments of God. I regularly ask God in my prayers to help me grow in obedience to His law.

Fellowship with the People of God

Disciple-Making Practice


Dionardo Medina

It is impossible to grow into Christlikeness without the work of the Holy Spirit in us. That we are more aware of the reality that being a disciple of Jesus means becoming more like Him. We disciples want to be like Christ, because of the work God has already done in us.

Even our efforts to grow in Christlikeness are the result of the work the Holy SPIRIT has already done in us, ALL THE GLORY BELONGS TO GOD. Hokeman outlines four stages in the doctrine of the image of God: "before the fall, the original image; after the fall, the perverted image; through salvation [IN CHRIST], the renewed or restored image;. Believers are saved, justified, sanctified in Christ and at the same time they grow in sanctification here on earth through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Dionardo Medina

Kent Hughes, The Sermon on the Mount: The Message of the Kingdom, Preaching the Word (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2001), 15. The first three clauses of the disciple's prayer deal with God's praise, kingdom, and purpose, and in the final clauses, disciples submit to God's sovereign priorities rather than to their own wishes and desires.30. When one goes to God in prayer, one should be aware of the fact that one is about to communicate with the most powerful and holiest being in the universe;

France points out how "the essence of the coming of God's kingship is that he is properly obeyed and his purpose is fulfilled" and in this connection "the. In this part of the disciple's prayer, Jesus makes clear how the doing of the will of God sums up what it means to be his disciple. 34. The wealth of the Word of God to determine our prayer, not the poverty of our heart.

Dionardo Medina

This devotion can be clearly gauged through the account of the twelve-year-old Jesus in the temple, which we see in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 2. The education system of the time seems to have emphasized the discussion of problems. You see, brethren, Jesus uses the sword of the Spirit (God's Word) to fight Satan's temptation.

Now verse 5 of Matthew chapter 4. 5 Then the devil took him into the holy city and set him on the top of the temple. The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit, as we see in Ephesians 6:17, and we need it to fight the evil within us and also against us with the help of the Holy Spirit. 22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, and deceive yourselves. Brothers and sisters, we must be focused and make every effort to put into practice what we hear, read, and learn from the Bible.

Dionardo Medina

Many saints of the past understood that Christ taught us to fast because He expected us to do so and that is why it has been continued by Christians throughout history. As firmly practiced and taught by Jesus, by the church fathers, by many reformers, puritans and many other saints of the past, it does not make sense that many of our modern day believers have neglected this important discipline. Since fasting was a historical practice of the church (usually accompanied by a dedicated time of Scripture reading, meditations on it and prayers), it is a discipline that needs to be restored by the church today and in which contemporary believers need to be biblically and historically educated become over

Tertullian, one of the early church fathers, defended this spiritual discipline, but at the same time warned against extremism. In light of the examples and teachings of the saints of the past, disciples today will benefit greatly spiritually by incorporating the practice of fasting into their lives. Disciples grow in the likeness of Jesus by continually pursuing to imitate Jesus, and this includes incorporating the discipline of fasting into our devotion, depending on the Holy Spirit.

Dionardo Medina

Disciples grow in the fruit Obedience by remaining in Christ Those who truly remain in Christ bear fruit: "Remain in Me and I in you. We can only obey by remaining in Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Borchert points out, "it is because they [disciples] abide in Jesus, the Vine, and are obedient to Him in bearing fruit that they bring glory to the Father."87.

In verse 12 we see that abiding in Christ must also be manifested in the way his disciples relate to each other. It is because of the fact that the disciples are united to Christ by remaining in Christ's love that the disciples are able to obey God in the commandment of love. Christ's disciples overcome and have victory over sin because they abide in Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Dionardo Medina

When was the last time you shared the good news of the gospel of Christ with a lost soul? What are we telling unbelievers about the Good News of the Gospel? All these verses in Scripture tell us about the evangelical nature of Christ's coming into the world.

Jesus then instructs his followers that the disciples must be baptized in the name. 4 who wants all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Reach ONE lost soul, pray and preach the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to that person.

Dionardo Medina

We are all encouraged in Scripture to pursue Christlikeness in our prayer life and to help, encourage and invest in each other for the same purpose. We are all encouraged in the Scriptures to pursue Christlikeness in our Bible intake, in our Devotion to God's Word in the Scriptures, and to help, encourage and invest in each other for the same purpose. In week number 4 we covered the spiritual discipline of fasting, Christlikeness in the spiritual discipline of fasting.

We just finished some of the challenge last week, but all of us are encouraged by Scripture to continue to incorporate this discipline of fasting with prayers into certain times of devotion with God, and with a biblical purpose in mind. We were reminded of the fact that disciples of Christ imitate Him in the pursuit of obedience as we REMAIN in Christ. 19 Go therefore, make disciples of all the nations, and baptize them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”

In other words, the disciples in the early church persevered in fellowship with the teachings of Jesus and taught the same to one another in their practice of discipleship. In the same way, Christ expressed His desire for His followers to love one another, help and serve one another in loving fellowship. Here, Jesus is teaching his disciples that they should serve one another in loving fellowship.

Are we taking time to disciple one another for the purpose of Christlikeness. 16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. We have addressed three main points in this sermon today: Persisting in Christlikeness in Discipleship, Persisting in Loving Fellowship in Discipleship, Persisting in Investing in One Another in Discipleship.

The Practice of Spiritual Discipline 12. I read my Bible every day

I understand what Jesus meant when he said "by their fruits ye shall know them" in Matthew 7:20.

Fellowship with the People of God

Please use the same number when the survey is repeated at the end of the sermon series). The material in the curriculum contains relevant information for Christian faith and personal development of a believer. The points of the material clearly support the purpose of the project and are easy to implement.

In Fathers of the Third Century: Hippolytus, Cyprian, Novatian, Appendix, edited by Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson and A. In The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus, edited by Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson and A. This project sought to equip the members of Grace Fellowship Church in Hazleton, Pennsylvania, in the practice of biblical discipleship.


Table 1 summarizes ages of participants and their time being believers. The  majority were long-term Christians, with 65 percent of believers being with more than 20  years in their faith journey
Table 2. Highest items ranked in the pre-project DUPS
Table 4. Highest pre-project results regarding spiritual disciplines  Spiritual Disciplines Items  Number of
Table 3. Lowest pre-project results regarding spiritual disciplines  Spiritual Disciplines Items  Number of


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