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Copyright © 2019 Jeremiah Ryan Stanley

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Academic year: 2023

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Fostering a thriving spiritual culture at TBC should also contribute to the overall health of the organization. The role of a Christian college can be incredibly essential in this effort to convey the message of the gospel to the next generation. The role of a Christian college in supporting the work of the church is specifically highlighted in the role of a teacher.

In the following verse of this section, He is the source of the body's expansion (from Him, 4:16). It is important to be reminded that a Christian college is supposed to help or come together with the church. This reminds Christian college leaders of the importance of focusing on what brings believers together within the campus community.

Kelli explains: "The young disciple is reminded of his ordination, the Apostle's own dedication to the gospel. For a Christian college to be effective there must be a demonstration of faithfulness to the mission of the gospel over a long period. This process should lead to the promotion of a culture of spiritual growth as leaders and influencers within the campus community are reminded of the purpose for which the Christian college exists.

The promotion of this type of spiritual culture is largely the result of the behavior enacted by the leadership of the Christian college. The first step in the process of fostering a culture of spiritual growth is to raise awareness of a drift away from the original mission of the Christian college. For the Christian college, several components of fostering a culture of spiritual growth will contribute to overall health of the campus community.

One of the most important aspects of promoting a healthy, spiritual culture is the process of hiring individuals to attend the Christian school. The avoidance of cultural drift should be a constant concern for the leadership of the Christian school. The Christian College maintains that the idea of ​​God is the epicenter of the educational experience.

The Christian school must be committed to the application of a Christian worldview to every dimension of the educational environment. Maintaining biblical fidelity is key to the long-term success of the Christian school and it must be embedded in the culture of the institution. The focus of the training was to equip the RAs for discipleship, which would lead to the fostering of a culture of spiritual growth on the TBC campus.

First, the focus of the project was to promote a culture of spiritual growth through equipping student leaders for discipleship.

Would Do Differently

The Original Command from Jesus Still Applies Today

The Christian college and believers within its community cannot ignore the fact that this mandate has not changed over time. Because the command is grounded in the authority of Jesus Christ, Christian students today cannot avoid its reach and the implications it has on their lives. The fact that the Great Commission has been given to every follower of Christ is the basis on which a Christian college makes the claim that all Christian students are called to the ministry of discipleship.

Why is Jesus' authority important in relation to his delivery of the Great Commission.

Why is the authority of Jesus important in relations to His giving of the Great Commission?

How does the Great Commission apply to the context of a Christian college?

It cannot be missed by the Christian college that all followers of Christ today are connected to this chain of disciple-makers that originated with the twelve disciples whom Jesus called. The role that every believer must play in this important mission must be a top priority. The continuation of the process of making disciples into the succeeding generations involves every believer; this is an incredible privilege and a daunting responsibility.

The pattern of disciples making disciples making more disciples must be taught and demonstrated within the Christian school community. As an educational institution, it is only natural that a Christian school should include disciple-making as one of its primary functions. Discipling is an essential part of maintaining a culture of spiritual growth on the Christian college campus.

As a Christian college, TBC's main concern should be to support and strengthen this vitally important task. TBC's encouragement to all believing students is to identify their role as disciple-makers and then invest their lives in the disciple-making process.

Effective discipleship requires that students use whatever platform, level of influence, achievement, or any other human factor to accomplish this task

Objective: Each Student Leader would develop a biblical theology of Discipleship (Begin by reviewing last week's lesson and have students share three ways student leaders within a Christian college can engage in discipleship).

Various Models of Discipleship Discipleship as learning

Different Models of Discipleship Discipleship as teaching. becomes a disciple of Jesus and the process of growing as a Christian is called discipleship. 2.

Helpful Clarifications

The Importance of the Holy Spirit to the Disciple In John 14, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to his disciples.

The Importance of the Holy Spirit for the Disciple In John 14, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to His disciples

We are either controlled by our old flesh, which is sinful, or by the Holy Spirit. His fruit in my life. patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in my life. And yet, He told them that it was necessary for Him to go so that He could ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit.

He instructed them to wait in Jerusalem for the Father's promise - the filling of the Holy Spirit. Key Principle: God the Father constantly draws people to Jesus through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Remember that one of the key tasks of the Holy Spirit is to testify about Jesus.

As you are filled with Him daily, He will also enable you to testify for Jesus. It is not our unique gifts that will change the world, but the fullness of Jesus in and through us. Begin each day by asking the Holy Spirit to fill you, to take control of your life.

Be prepared to come back next week and share with the group how God answered this prayer. Becoming Like Jesus: The Mechanics of Discipleship Objective: Each Student Leader will be able to explain the process of discipleship. And the real world begins in my home, in my closest relationships, in the moment-to-moment circumstances of life. 5.

This should be an encouragement to us that discipleship is a process that takes time and involves both success and failure. Becoming like Jesus is an inside-out experience that occurs as the indwelling Spirit transforms the disciple over time. Make a list of areas in your life that need to be addressed to become more like Jesus.

What is catechism?

Biblical support for catechism

Catechism throughout Church History

In the Church - Churches should integrate the use of catechism into small group occasions and work to develop a catechism that builds on itself through the different ages and stages of life represented in the church. In Christian College - Students should be introduced to the idea of ​​catechism in Bible classes and chapel. A particular catechism could be used for the entire four-year Bible curriculum so that students could learn it during their college days.

Catechism and Personal Bible Study

True discipleship cannot happen without the local church

The well-lived Christian life is dependent upon accountability and community that only exists within the local church

Christ is in the middle of the church as king, and the family consists of those who love God, love others and multiply disciples. A local church is a group of Christians who meet regularly in the name of Christ to officially confirm and oversee each other's membership in Jesus Christ and His kingdom through the preaching of the gospel and the ordinances of the gospel.”9 4. Healthy formation is impossible without a healthy culture, that is embedded in chain and element of community.”11.

If you attend a local church but are not currently engaged in the spiritual life of the church, get better connected. The Christian university in a divided society.” In The Future of Christian Higher Education, edited by David Dockery and David Gushee, 81-94. This project focuses on fostering a culture of spiritual growth by equipping student leaders for discipleship on the campus of a Christian college.

The project is implemented through six training modules designed to equip student leaders for the work of discipleship. Specifically, this chapter focuses on three passages of Scripture that explain why a Christian college should be focused on equipping students for discipleship.


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Corresponding author: Husaini, A.; Email: ahusainifia@ub.ac.id Manuscript submitted: 27 April 2021, Manuscript revised: 18 June 2021, Accepted for publication: 20 July 2021 74