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Copyright © 2017 Kyle John Swanson

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Academic year: 2023

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The work for this thesis is dedicated to the men in the younger generation of the church. 22This list is representative of the various articles compiled in Emerging Adults Religiousness and Spirituality.

The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden to work it and keep it.” 6

In this section of the narrative, God begins to describe three elements of human existence under His rule. The idea behind the selection of these particular texts is that they speak directly to the conversation regarding the God-given roles of both worker and family head, and to establish the fact that God has indeed established a code of moral law that is absolute. God the Lord took the man and put him in the garden to work it and guard it.”6.

Denoted by the lamed preposition and the infinitive construction9 forms of ahvad, which imply to work on behalf of another as a labourer,10 and shamar, which means to work and maintain, entrust, preside over and guard a property, the implication being the continuation of that action as a feature of the man's life.11. The exegetical summary of this verse can be rendered as follows: In this part of the story, God takes man by the hand and leads him to the Garden of Eden, intending that he will reside there permanently. He did this for the purpose of having man serve as his land manager, tending the garden and working in the garden as he was appointed.

And the LORD God commanded the man and said: You may certainly eat from any tree in the garden, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

And the LORD God commanded the man saying, ‘You may surely eat of any tree in the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

Whenever this construction occurs in Hebrew, it strengthens the meaning of the verb and gives it an intensified, strengthened and emphatic meaning.13 Interestingly, the following clause prohibits and restricts access to eating the fruit of a singular tree, the tree of knowledge. of good and evil. The way this passage is constructed, the Hebrew puts a permanent and emphatic negation in the lo (not, never) and the imperfect verb,14 and instructs Adam that this is a permanent law. Along with this permanent negation is another occurrence of the prepositive intensive cognate infinitive absolute in the form of mut, or dead.

In summary, God's law was established for Adam in that he was given open and unequivocal permission to enjoy the blessings of all the trees in the Garden of Eden, except for the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fulfillment of that emphatic promise of death was fulfilled not only in Adam's own mortality, but also in the introduction of death to all mankind through the fall (Rom 5:12). I will make a suitable helper for him.” The continuation of the confession is the movement only to God.

I will make a helper fit for him.'” Continuation in the story is the move to God's recognition of man's ideal state as being one in partnership with a woman.

For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” The al-cain, translated as “for this

Moses here does not use the construction of the permanent negation lo and the imperfect verb, so God does not say that it is "never good" for man to be alone, but rather that God's ideal plan is for man to have a suitable helper, designed as a complement to him. 15. God notices one "not good" thing in his creation, that it is not good for man to be alone. A good reminder to all men is that God may have created woman to be a helper, but He created man to need help!16.

God's mandate for man to be a worker is inculcated into the very foundation of his existence. The first is that man was created with a mandate to be a worker in his designed role. Third, Genesis 2 shows that God declared that it is not good for man to be alone, but that his ideal state is to leave the family home, find a wife, and start a new family.

Although Christ is the fulfillment of the law for his church, and thus much of Deuteronomy is not directly applicable to the daily Christian life, some relevant gnomic truths need to be examined for the context of this study.

You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold Him guiltless who takes His name in vain.” The

Sinai and prepared to meet with God to receive the law that was given down from the hand of God, thought to be the guiding principles that separate his people from the world. After the meeting with God, Moses brought down the law and read it to the people. Although the entire Decalogue is beneficial for understanding God's moral expectations, the selected passages are directly relevant to the discussion.

The defining factors of growing adulthood, especially how they mesh with the Christian faith, must be governed by the principles of worshiping God alone (no idolatry), genuine faith (no taking the Lord's name in vain), biblical obedience to God throughout. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold him innocent who takes his name in vain." That. The primary drive behind this idea does not refer to profanity or the frivolous use of the Lord's name, otherwise why would the Lord "not hold him innocent?” That is a very serious warning.

Instead, it should be translated, "Do not take (as in: bear the royal banner for the king and thus associate with his house)32 the name of 'LORD' your God in vain." It is a warning against any improper adoption, use or covert manipulation in the use of God's name, when we do not show the true faith and character of God's child.33 It is a warning against those who call themselves Christians and live a meaningless, empty religion. without good works that would prove rebirth and new birth (James 2:18-25).

Honor your father and mother, as the LORD

You shall not commit adultery.” The literal translation of

The verse speaks of the destructive nature of the sin of unfaithfulness through sexual infidelity, as it applies to both men and women, single and married. Many have accepted the name of Christ because of religious agreement or family ties, but show no evidence of new birth, regeneration, or faithful works of righteousness. This is therefore an essential mark of the life of Christ."39 This reality must be clearly communicated through biblical counseling and student relationships.

Bringing honor to the name of parents can only happen through an exemplary life of obedience to God, imitation of Christ-like behavior, and a sincere desire to bring respect and praise to the parents as a reflection of their behavior. An exegetical study through selected passages of the Decalogue yielded biblical wisdom to address some of the defining issues and characteristics of EA. Not only does this honor the meaning and intent of the text, it also makes a significant point about the nature of male maturity as it relates to spiritual formation.

Because of the acrostic nature (each verse begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet),57 there is simply too much material in this psalm to cover.

Because of the acrostic nature (each verse begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet), 57 there is simply too much material in this Psalm to cover for the

Many other aspects of David's life are relevant to the discussion of divine strength and maturity (i.e., his trust in God in the greatest difficulty of being pursued by Saul to death, his faithful command of the nation of Israel, leading them in a spiritual revival of covenant faithfulness and his humble submission to God's rule over him, realizing that he himself as Israel's king was merely a steward of God's people and land, just as Adam was a steward of the garden). This chapter has looked at selected passages from the Old Testament to offer exegetical insights from God's Word about many of the underlying sins of today's culture and common features of growing adulthood. In the following chapter, the same process will be applied to the selected texts from the New Testament.

As he faced various challenges in ministry, Paul sought to impart Spirit-inspired wisdom to him as the leader of this church to see a uniquely spiritually challenged part of the world grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and to reflect that knowledge in how they lived daily. Titus 2:6 says very clearly: "In the same way urge the younger men to be self-controlled." The flow of the dialogue has already taught three other subgroups of the congregation: the older men, the older women and young women. Wallace, Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament (Grand Rapids: Zondervan.

The logic behind including James' reference to the "ambiguous man" in his letter stems from EA's tendency toward indecisiveness and lack of direction.

This truth is bolstered when James calls for Christians to “cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” The parallelism in

Men in the church should act like men, being alert to the infiltration of false doctrine into their homes and. The church today, and especially the men in the church, face strong cultural pressures to conform to the world's image. 40 John Eadie, A Commentary on the Greek Text of Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians, ed.

In the same way that the Church of Corinth was called to "be imitators of me, as I am of Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1), the church members of Ephesus were to follow Timothy's example through his self-discipline, his desire to to live. in a way that pleases God, and his fulfillment of the roles God designed for him. In the practice of part one of the paradigm, it is important to note several factors. Particularly in the field of religion, Regnerus and Uecker note: “The advent of postmodern, postpositive thinking on college campuses has served to legitimize religiosity, even in intellectual circles.

One of the first things Bible counselors are taught is to be a good listener. 35John Street, 'Counseling Men with the Bible', in Men of the Word: A Biblical Guide to the Major Issues Men Face (Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 2013), 55. This dissertation is entitled 'The Church's Masculine Maturity Crisis. Part of the reason it was given this title, and part of the reason emerging adults were chosen as the research group, is because this is where the crisis begins.


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The primary data of this study were obtained from questionnaires to respondents, namely SPN members which were arranged in the form of statements or questions