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Copyright © 2018 Nathaniel Justin Magloughlin

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Academic year: 2023

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The journey to develop a biblical and theological foundation to equip Christians to engage in personal evangelism begins with Jesus' journeys through the towns and villages of Galilee, specifically Capernaum. Throughout the Gospels, similar references are made to the focus of Jesus' ministry, which often includes teaching, preaching, and healing.3 Significantly, as noted by Grant Osborne, "The term 'gospel of the kingdom' is important in Matthew. But what is not so common, is the description Matthew gives of Jesus' emotional state.

Nolland suggests, “Compassion means identifying with the situation of others to such an extent that one is willing to act in their favor.”5 The reason people were so bad was a lack of leadership; they were like sheep without a shepherd. David Turner writes, “The imagery implies that the religious leaders of Israel are not faithful shepherds of Israel, but vicious beasts of prey.”6 Jesus confirms what God spoke through the prophets.7 In accordance with the symbolism, the religious leaders mistreated the people with their unscrupulous, selfish ways. In light of the treachery of Israel's leaders, God through the prophet Ezekiel declares His purpose to shepherd His people: “I myself will

While the cross is the ultimate display of God's compassion for lost sinners, Jesus' immediate response to what He observed in the crowd was to encourage others to participate in compassionate ministry. Jesus' compassion for those who need to be saved is seen in the urgency he assigns to harvest work as he calls his disciples to "pray earnestly". Nolland rightly suggests: "There is an urgent need for sufficient workers to be able to reap the harvest before it is spoil."11 In other words, the time for salvation is short.

Its importance is obvious, as the Bible records its general content several times.15 While many acknowledge that Jesus gave the church marching orders in the Great Commission, many lament the fact that this task of making disciples has become a "great omission."16 On sadness. , this omission is not unique to churches, but is all too common among individual true Christians. When he interprets this passage, it is clear that Jesus has primarily in mind the making of disciples, not specifically personal evangelism. Matthew notes that Jesus directly gives his instructions to the eleven disciples (v.16).17 Considering this fact, some may wonder if the instruction to personally evangelize and make disciples is limited to a certain group of people.

Osborne suggests that Matthew uses the divine passive term when he writes, "Has been given" in verse 18.20 While some may question whether Jesus previously held all authority, from the disciples' perspective, Jesus' claim to have all authority, as well as His promise to always be with them served to strengthen confidence in carrying out their God-given mission.21 Moreover, Jesus' authority should increase the urgency with which Christians carry out this mission. Somehow too many Christians do not believe that Jesus has all authority, or have convinced themselves that they are excluded from submission to His authority. Blomberg notes that Jesus' call to make disciples, not His instruction to go, is "the chief commandment of Christ's commission."22 That said, he cautions his readers not to overdo or to make of this fact.

In addition, Osborne suggests that Jesus fulfills the identity of the one who is like the son of man of Daniel's prophecy in Dan. Nolland argues that Matt 28:18 is essentially a reaffirmation of Jesus' authority after the authorities in Jerusalem rejected it.

The Holy Spirit is the power behind effective evangelism and disciple-making, and the way Jesus fulfills his promise to be with his disciples until the end of time. 29. Luke records the coming of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus' disciples: "They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, which the Spirit gave them utterance" (Acts 2:4).33 I. Jesus equates Pentecost with the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles Acts 1:5 when he prophesies that they .. will be baptized with the Holy Spirit in not many days.).

Simon Kistemaker claims, “It is only through the indwelling person and the power of the Holy Ghost that the disciples are able to bear witness of Jesus Christ.”39 Luke points to several instances where the power of the Spirit manifests itself throughout the book of Acts. 40 Darrell Bock notes, “The Spirit is bound by power. Paul argues, “The word of the cross is foolishness to them that are perishing” (1 Cor. 1:18). 42 Spiritually dead individuals cannot and. a helpful commentary on the difference between the baptism of the Holy Ghost and the infilling of the Holy Ghost, see John R.

From there, the gospel will penetrate Judea and Samaria and then spread to the ends of the earth. This mission continues today, carried out by the power of the Holy Spirit through the faithful followers of Jesus.



Would Do Differently

Purpose: Session 1 is designed to reinforce the truth that God expects all Christians to engage in personal evangelism. All Christians are commissioned and empowered to proclaim Christ and engage in personal evangelism. Tell the class: Another aspect of love that needs to be considered when it comes to personal evangelism is that of compassion for the lost.

Objective: Session 1 is designed to reinforce the truth that God expects all Christians to engage in personal evangelism.

Figure A1. Q1: I understand the nature of the gospel
Figure A1. Q1: I understand the nature of the gospel


Table 4.  Pre-training survey participant responses concerning   barrier to engaging in personal evangelism
Table 5. T-test: Paired two sample for means
Figure A1. Q1: I understand the nature of the gospel
Figure A2. Q2: I understand the gospel well enough to communicate it clearly to the lost


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