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Copyright © 2019 Scott Cameron Ford, Jr.


Academic year: 2023

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Decision-making processes are bogged down by generational differences, and FBC struggles with its own identity as a "big church in a small town" or as a "local church in suburban Louisville." The need for church renewal is more related to FBC's mental health than to adding or subtracting people numerically. Blue: "Is Application Necessary in the Expository Sermon?" The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 3, No. Leading Members of the First Baptist Church Mount Washington, Kentucky, to Understand and Experience Church Renewal Through Expository Preaching.

The third purpose was to increase the knowledge of the members as it relates to the renewal of the church through expository preaching. The ultimate goal was to develop strategic priorities for church renewal through ongoing expository preaching. The third purpose was to increase the knowledge of the members as it related to the renewal of the church through expository preaching.

The ultimate goal was to develop a strategic priority plan for church renewal through ongoing expository preaching. Major church renewal through expository preaching at First Baptist Church Mount Washington, Kentucky, is the goal of this project.

Command and Commission to

Three scriptures will be examples of the primacy of God's word in leading His people. Second, in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Paul reminds Timothy of the sufficiency of God's word to guide his people and make them godly. Over the centuries, this verse has played a central role in the Church's teaching on the inspiration of Scripture.

Paul writes in the opening of 1 Corinthians that "the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" (1:18). He writes in the middle of his argument pitting the wisdom of God against the wisdom of the world. God's people who believe in His Word and gospel fools will bring renewal to the church and health to the body of Christ.

Most of the communication in church settings comes from the priest in the form of preaching. This illustration of the layers of an apple is helpful for a leader to understand how to bring about change in the church. This reminder to the leader and the church is appropriate since the primary role of the church is the preaching of a message.

Striving to clarify the vision through communication is a challenge, but absolutely necessary for the renewal of the Church. Finally, I concluded with 1 Corinthians 1:18 and the missionary priority of preaching and expository sermons in the life of the church. I then set up what I will be talking about for the second half of the night, the debriefing session.

Again, I wanted the Expository Session to complement what was preached in the first half of the night. 16 nights of projects where a complete family connection and were a big deal in the life of the church in general. On the third night of the project, the group sang "In Christ Alone" a cappella. Then I started with 2 Timothy 3:16-17, the second of the church renewal texts.

Finally, a strong point of the project is that it asserted the primacy of preaching to lead the church. This is a weakness because the survey data depended on the content of the project.

Would Do Differently


I also posted a Youtube link to the event each week of the most recent night of the project. Screen captures each of the posts to give a complete view of the dialogue during the project. In some of the videos, the participants enter the sanctuary, take the survey and sing.

In all videos I recorded the content of the project (preaching and explanatory session). In general, the pastor and the congregation share a common understanding of the pastor's role and ministry. misunderstandings about the role of the pastor. In what ways can people better understand the role and expectations of the pastor?

The deacon's role is to be one of the primary supporters of the Pastors Expository Preaching. This Personnel Area will be further explained in Strategic Priority 4 as a plan to develop the expository sermons within the life of the church. The deacon's role is to be one of the primary supporters of the Pastors Vision.

It would be prudent for the Senior Pastor to work with the deacons of FBCMW to shape, articulate and execute the church's vision. The deacons are a unifying body of the church and can help bring the church around a unified vision. The staff of FBCMW, like the deacons, should support the pastor and help him carry out the vision of the church.

This Staffs area will be further explained in Strategic Priority 4 as a plan to develop the church's vision within the life of the church. This strategic plan will work together as the senior chaplain will be the "air war" that the staff will lead in the "ground war." The senior pastor will lead the case and the staff will flank him in the follow-up of the results of the explanatory sermons.

It is the role of the Deacon to support the overall vision of the church and encourage parishioners in church renewal. The Deacons can help the implementation of the preaching and teaching of church renewal at FBCMW.

Table A1. Preaching reviews by Coe  Does Not 1
Table A1. Preaching reviews by Coe Does Not 1


Table A1. Preaching reviews by Coe  Does Not 1
Table A2. Preaching rubric 1 by Menikoff
Table A1 continued
Table A3. Preaching rubric 2 by Menikoff


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The universal church are collective members of the local church that identify themselves as followers of Jesus, set apart from this world, and committed to living in a kingdom where