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Academic year: 2023



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(A Study at Twelfth Grade Students of Academic Year 2014/2015 in SMAN 1 Kecamatan Suliki)


Hasinta *)

**) Armilia Riza dan **) Mayuasti Staff Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat


Menulis merupakan bagian dari kebutuhan siswa yang tidak bisa dipisahkan satu sama lain. Ini merupakan suatu keahlian yang penting yang harus dipelajari oleh siswa. Disamping itu, salah satu hal yang mempengaruhi kemampuan menulis siswa adalah Self-Efficacy. Self-Efficacy bisa memberikan dampak positif maupun negatif terhadap siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah ada atau tidak korelasi positif antara Self-Efficacy dan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks analitikal eksposisi. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 12 SMA Negeri 1 Kec. Suliki tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Total siswa dari semua adalah 306 siswa. Dalam menentukan sampel, peneliti menggunakan cluster random sampling teknik dengan memilih satu kelas sebagai kelas uji coba dan satu kelas sebagai kelas penelitian. Dalam penelitian ini kelas uji cobanya adalah kelas XII IPA 2 dan kelas penelitiannya adalah kelas XII IPA 1 dengan total 30 siswa. Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan angket untuk melihat Self-Efficacy siswa dan test menulis teks analitikal eksposisi untuk mengukur kemampuan menulis siswa. Dalam menganalisa data, peneliti menggunakan tata jenjang korelasi Spearman. Setelah menganalisis data, peneliti menemukan nilai dari r-hitung adalah 0.0785 dengan level signifikan 0.05. Hasil dari r- tabel adalah 0.377 dengan level signifikan 0.05 dan degree of freedom (df=n-2). Ini berarti r-hitung lebih rendah dari pada r-tabel (0.0785 < 0.377), maka hipotesis pada penelitian ini ditolak. Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Self-Efficacy mempengaruhi kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks analitikal eksposisi.

Sehingga, diharapkan guru bisa mendukung siswa untuk bisa meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa dengan memfariasikan metode mengajar nya.

*) Penulis

**) Pembimbing



English, as an international language, has developed rapidly. In Indonesia, English has been taught as one of the compulsory subjects from the first year of Junior High School until university level.

Besides, English is not only a compulsory subject at Senior High School, but it is also one of the subjects examined in National Examination.

To master English as a foreign language, there are four skills that should be acquired by the students.

They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Writing can help the students to improve their vocabulary and also their ability in grammar. In other word, writing is useful in many purposes. In learning English, there are 12 kinds of genres that must be mastered by the students at senior high school.

Moreover, the student should be able to finding idea, organizing idea, and developing idea, choice of vocabulary, grammatical, organization, content, and mechanic.

However, based on researcher‟s experience when she did teaching training in SMA N 1 Kec.Suliki, researcher found that students‟ ability in writing analytical exposition text was lack than others kinds of text. There were only three students who are able to pass analytical exposition text writing test.

Diana and friends (2011:197) state that Analytical exposition text (cause and effect) is a piece of exposition that describes relationship between an event or circumstance and its effect. It guides the writer by an idea that wants to develop. It may be a paragraph, it may be ten pages, but what it is really had is a subject, and it have to be conveyed. The first is students are lack of information, idea, and fact. It will happen if the topic is about social which is usually discussed in analytical exposition as what it is stated by Diana and friends (2001:196). The second is students are unable to make the text goes coherently and organizationally, for example there is still another argument after writing closing statement.

The third is students cannot make elaboration or extension of the reason. They just put their main idea, and then leave them away. In writing analytical exposition paragraph, reasonable arguments are the most important part to make whether the paragraph will be able to persuade or bring new judgment toward the readers.

Because of the condition, it can assume that the students anxiously in writing analytical exposition text. The anxiously not only caused by rip situations, but more on students perception about their inability. Regarding to writing analytical exposition text, students often have perceptions that they are not able to write analytical exposition text,

so it will make the students feel anxiously. Perception on inability is student who has low self-efficacy.

One of the factors that make students has different ability is self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is individuals‟ believe on her or his capable in a task or activity. If someone has high self-efficacy, he or she will be more confidence in doing a task or activity.

So, in difficult situations, people who have low self- efficacy are easier to give up while those who have high self-Efficacy will try harder to master the challenge. In addition, individual who has high self- efficacy will respond negative feedback by increasing effort and motivation. While individual who has low self-efficacy are likely to lessen their effort when given negative feedback.


1. Definition of Self-Efficacy

There are many definitions of Self-Efficacy based on some experts. According to Elizabeth and Lillie (2002:10), self-efficacy is to judge individual capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performance. It means that people‟s self-efficacy is not of a general nature, but related to specific situation, individuals can judge themselves to be very competent in a specific fields and less competent in another field.

Furthermore, Mary and Patricia (2008:183) define that self-efficacy is individual‟s judgment of his or her capabilities to organize and execute courses of action. The assumption that people can exercise influence over what they do. To determine self- efficacy an individual must have the opportunity for self-evaluation or the ability to compare individual output to some sort of evaluative criterion. It is comparative process that enables an individual to judge performance capability and establish self- efficacy expectation.

In addition, Richard (2009:121) says that self- efficacy is a person‟s judgment of his or her capabilities to perform a particular activity or task.

The nature of an individual‟s self-efficacy beliefs is often revealed with statements such as, “I can” or “I cannot”. It means that individual makes regarding their perceived capability are powerful predictors of how they will behave.

Based on some explanation above, it can be concluded that self-efficacy is important to face problems in our life. Self-efficacy is an individual judge his or her self about his or her ability in making


3 tasks or in doing activity. Self-efficacy will impact on individuals‟ self-confident. If students have high self- efficacy, they will be success in making tasks or exercises than the students who have less self- efficacy.

2. Types of Self–Efficacy

There are some types of self-efficacy.

According to Andrew and Carol (2005:302), there are four types of self-efficacy, they are: experience, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and physical cues. The first type is experience, experience tells about success or failure on similar tasks or activity of someone. The second type is vicarious experience; it is observing the success or failure of models, particularly similar models of someone. The third type is verbal persuasion; it is from otherwise credible sources. The fourth type is physical cues, such as sweating and shortness of breath upon seeing the difficulty of questions on an exam.

Furthermore, Ilene and Pamala (2006:108) explain that type of self-efficacy includes four points.

The first type is mastery experience, it is based on someone beliefs about taking success. The second type is vicarious experience, the capabilities is measured by the success of others. The third type is verbal persuasion; it is usually from others whogave motivation. The fourth type is physiological and affective states, it means that high level of arousal in stressful situations make someone be failure.

Then, Ping and Dennis (2006:235) discuss that there are four types of self-efficacy. The first type is mastery, successful experience will build strong self- efficacy and failed experiences weaken especially less established self-efficacy beliefs. The second type is vicarious experience; someone compares the accomplishments of other individuals. The third type is verbal persuasion, the use of suggestive persuasion by others to persuade an individual that one has a given level of capabilities. The fourth type is physiological states, emotional of someone will impact on her or his self-efficacy.

Based on some explanations from the experts above, the researcher concludes that there are four types of self-efficacy. They are mastery experience, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and physiological states. The first type is mastery experience; student‟s successful experiences boost self-efficacy, while failures erode it. If individual has been able to do a task successfully in the past. He or she will be more confident to be able to do it in the future, because the success experience will increase her or his self-efficacy. Example of mastery experience is able to do a task successfully, performing task, and failure. The second type is

vicarious experience; self-efficacy is not only caused by experiences from someone itself, but also from someone else. If someone looks the success of someone else in same thing, it will increase her or his self-efficacy, because he or she knows that if someone else can be success, so there is no impossible for her or him. Vicarious experience of individual can be gotten from self-modeling of someone, from visual media and cognitive self- modeling. The third type is verbal persuasive, it is the power of someone‟s believe in getting the goal.

Teachers can boost self-efficacy with credible communication and feedback to guide the student through the task or motivate them to make their best effort. Example of verbal persuasion is student‟s discipline, attitude and opinion, guidance, suggestion or advice from someone to increase their effort. The fourth type is physiological state; a positive mood can boost student's beliefs in self-efficacy, while anxiety can undermine it. Emotional of someone will impact on her or his self-efficacy, if someone has high stress, he or she will has low self-efficacy, but if someone has low stress, he or she will has high self- efficacy. It is about talent, personality, feeling, interest and individual situational reactions.

B. The Nature of Analytical Exposition Text 1. Definition of Analytical Exposition Text

There are many definitions of narrative text based on some experts. According to Kurniawan and Artiningsih (2008:80) state that analytical exposition text is sometimes called a persuasive text because its social function is to persuade the reader or listener that something is the case. The analytical exposition text can be written or spoken form. In written form, it is often called an analytical exposition essay. This type of text often uses expert sources or personal experiences as evidence to support the argument being made.

Moreover, Martin (2007:536) defines that analytical exposition text is genres for individuals and groups to sway the public on major issues affecting society. The analytical exposition text has value in school precisely because it is more abstract and distanced, it is perceived as more complex, more written-like, thus more cognitively demanding, reflecting the great divide view of spoken and written. It means that analytical exposition text is a text that elaborates the writer„s idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Its social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter.

In addition, Hyland (2009:iv) states that analytical exposition text is a text that present and develop ideas in the form of a logical argument. The


4 text can be one sided, or it can address both sides of an argument allowing the reader to form an opinion from the information presented. It means that Analytical Exposition sense can be understood as a text that tries to provide a comprehensive explanation of a problem with showing the opinions of supporters carefully.

Thus, the researcher can conclude that analytical exposition text is a kind of text that presents one side of an issue in arguments form. The purpose of analytical exposition is to persuade the readers by presenting one side of an argument. In other word, it can be said that an analytical exposition is used to argue point of view or to persuade the listener or reader to do something.

Analytical exposition text can be found in legal defenses, spoken arguments, advertisement, announcement, radio commercial and leaflet.

2. Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition Text

There are three parts of generic structure of analytical exposition text; some experts who explain and define about the generic structure of analytical exposition text support it. Kurniawan and Artiningsih (2008: 80) explain that analytical exposition text has three parts. The first part is thesis, where it introduces the topic and indicates the writer position. The second part is arguments, where it contains sequence of some points, which are supported by discussion.

The last is reiteration, where it restates the topic more clearly and strongly. It means that there are three part of generic structure from analytical exposition text;

they are thesis, arguments and reiteration.

In addition, it is supported by Hyland (2009:iv), he divides that there are three parts of generic structure of analytical exposition text. The first part is a statement which introduces the issue that will be addressed. Then, it is followed by arguments with evidence to support the stance. The last is a conclusion summarizes the presentation or suggests that the reader now form an opinion.

In addition Billups and Thomas (2011:34) explain that the generic structure of analytical exposition text is organized with the beginning of thesis, it introduces the topic and shows speaker or writer‟s position; Outlines of the arguments are presented. Arguments, It consists about point and elaboration point, states the main argument.

Argument contains some further explanation of a simple statement in the thesis statement. When writing this argument, tried to be more careful because the part is a word can influence the reader. If necessary, include the opinion according to experts.

The last is reiteration. In this section, we are only

required to conclude, or more simply we express again, what is described in the thesis statement.

Based on explanation above, the researcher concludes generic structure of analytical exposition text is thesis, arguments and reiteration. Thesis consists of the writer‟s point of view, preview of the arguments that will follow in the next section, and a question or emotional statement to get audience attention. Arguments are significant to support about the thesis. Therefore, it needs some requirements.

The last is restating the writer‟s position.


The design of this research is correlation studied between self-efficacy and students‟ ability in writing analytical exposition text. This research involved two variables, self-efficacy and students‟

ability in writing analytical exposition that indicated the degree ofcorrelation between those variables.

This statement is supported by Gay and Airasian (2000:321) who say that a correlation research describes an existing condition where it is distinctly from its correlation provide an estimate of just how relation two variables. It collected the data in order to determine of significant correlation between two variables.

.According to Gay (1987:102), population is the group of interest to the researcher. It means that the group to which the researcher likes the result of the study to be generalized. The population of this research is all of the second year students of SMAN 1 Kec. Suliki. The number of the population is 306 students, and the members of population were distributed in ten classes: Class XII.IA.1, XII.IA.2, XII.IA.3, XII.IA.4, XII.IS.1, XII.IS.2, XII.IS.3, XII.IS.4, XII.IS.5, and XII.IS.6.

Sample is the representative of population.

Gay and Airasian (2000:121) define that sampling is the process of selecting a number of individual for a study in such a way that they represent the larger group from which they will be selected. Additionally, a sample comprises the individuals, items, or events selected from a large group refer to as a population (Gay and Airasian, 2000: 121). In this study, population is the larger group and individual group selected is called by sample. Because the population is very large that is ten classes, the researcher used cluster random sampling as the suitable technique to select a sample or large group. The sample was chosen randomly because the students have been grouped into their classes and students were taught with same curriculum and material. Furthermore, Gay and Airasian (2000:322) suggest that 30 participants are generally considered to be a minimally acceptable sample size.


5 In selecting a sample, the researcher chose one class by putting the name of classes (XII.IA.1, XII.IA.2, XII.IA.3, XII.IA.4, XII.IS.1, XII.IS.2, XII.IS.3, XII.IS.4, XII.IS.5, and XII.IS.6) on small piece of paper. The paper was rolled and mixed up in a box. Then, researcher picked up one piece of paper, and then got XII IPA 1 as sample class.


The researcher found several findings. They were as follow: first, the researcher found the highest score of self- efficacy questionnaires was 81 and the lowest score of self-efficacy questionnaire was 55.

Thus, the highest score of writing test of the sample class was 78.5 with 54.5 score for the lowest score.

The last, the researcher found that r-counted (0.0785) was smaller than r-table (0.377) in the degrees of freedom (df) n-2 where the level of significance (α) was 0,05. Therefore, it can be concluded that there was a positive correlation between self-efficacy and students‟ ability in writing analytical exposition text, but the strength of its correlation is very low correlation.


The researcher did a research to find out whether there was correlation between self-efficacy and students‟ ability in writing analytical exposition text at twelfth grade students in SMA N 1 Suliki.

This research was correlational research. In this research, the researcher used quantitative data. In getting the data, the researcher gave self-efficacy questionnaires and writing test to the students. There were 40 item of self-efficacy questionnaire and 4 topics of the writing analytical exposition test that was given to the students.

Based on finding as already discussed in the previous chapter, the researcher pointed out the conclusions. First, there was a positive correlation between self-efficacy and students‟ ability in writing analytical exposition text of twelfth grade students in SMA N 1 Suliki. It was proved by the valued of r- counted which was smaller than r-table. Second, the researcher found the coefficient correlation or r- counted = 0.0785 and r-table = 0.377.

In conclusion, there was positive correlation between self-efficacy and students‟ ability in writing analytical exposition text of twelfth grade students in SMA N 1 Suliki, but the correlation was categorized as very low correlation. In other words, students who had more self-efficacy not had more writing ability.



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