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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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THE EFFECT OF E-SATISFACTION AND E-SATISFACTION SERVICE QUALITY ON ONLINE REDUCTION. Study on Lazada Customers in Bengkalis City). Praise and gratitude to the presence of ALLAH SWT for all his gifts and graces so that the author could complete the thesis as one of the requirements to obtain an applied bachelor's degree in the study program of international business administration in the department of state business administration. Bengkalis Polytechnic titled: “Effect of E-Service Quality and E-Satisfaction on Online Repurchase Intention (Study on Lazada Consumers in Bengkalis City)”.



  • Background
  • Formulation of the Problem
  • Purpose of the Study
  • Scope and Limitation of the Problem

One of the factors for the emergence of e-satisfaction is through the quality of electronic services or good e-service quality provided by the company, in this case by an e-commerce application development company. In this chapter, the author will explain the results of the research that was done based on the data that was obtained from filling in the questionnaire.

Table 1.1 List of Top 5 E-Commerce Applications in Indonesia
Table 1.1 List of Top 5 E-Commerce Applications in Indonesia


Related Theory

The purpose of this study is to determine the role of e-satisfaction in mediating the relationship between e-service quality and e-loyalty for users of an e-commerce website for booking tickets and hotel rooms (online travel sites) in Bali. The analytical method used is path analysis and the Sobel test to test the significance of the role of e-satisfaction in mediating the relationship between e-service quality and e-loyalty.

Literature Review .1 E-Service Quality

10 Regarding the nature of e-service delivery in the virtual commercial center, the quality of electronic service is increasingly important in influencing customer judgments and decisions. One of the most widely used e-service quality models is the E-service quality. According to Tjiptono (2011), Zeithaml et al.'s E-Service Quality model.


According to research by Santoso and Aprianingsih (2017), the quality of e-services has a significant relationship with the intention to buy back. Thus, it can be concluded that e-service quality has a strong influence on realizing customers' purchase intent.

Figure 2.1 conceptual framework  Source: Processed data 2021E-Satisfaction (Irawan 2013)
Figure 2.1 conceptual framework Source: Processed data 2021E-Satisfaction (Irawan 2013)

Location and Object of the Study .1 Location of the Study

Types and Sources of Data .1 Type of the Data

Primary data is data obtained from the first source of data, such as the results of interviews, directly collected by researchers at the research site. Primary data sources refer to information obtained directly (first-hand) by researchers and relating to variables of interest for a specific purpose of the study.

Population and Sample .1 Population

Secondary data is data obtained from the other data source that is necessary to provide information or supplementary data as comparison material. Based on the above formula, it can be seen that the minimum sample size to be obtained in this study is;.

Sampling Technique

Data Collection Techniques

This questionnaire technique is very well used when collecting data from respondents or researchers, although it is very controlled. Not only this, this technique can also be used to collect data from respondents in multiple areas.

Data Processing Techniques

Measurement Scale

24 respondents correctly see the variables to be measured and the research desires expected by the respondent or subject. 25 items or statements related to research variables Iskandar (2016) Questions were made in the form of a questionnaire using a Likert scale of 1-5, each representing the opinion of the respondent.

Test of Validity and Reliability .1 Test of Validity

A questionnaire is said to be reliable or trustworthy if a person's answer to a question is consistent or consistent from time to time. Reliability testing in this study uses a one-shot measurement method only once, then the results will be compared with other questions or measure the correlation between the answers to the questions using the Cronbach alpha statistical test where a variable is said to be reliable if gives a Value of Cronbach's alpha > 0.60 Ghozali (2013).

Data Analysis Method

To see the tendency of the assessment of the statements given to respondents, it will be seen from the average value (mean). Classical hypothesis testing aims to determine the condition of the data used in the study. This test is one of the classic assumption tests to be performed on linear regression.

Anwar (2013) is a condition where the variance inequality of the error occurs for all observations of each independent variable in the regression model. On the other hand, the concept of homoscedasticity is a condition where the variance of the error is the same for all observations of each independent variable in the regression model. Aims to see how big the role of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

Because it is assumed to be random, the size of the residual is unrelated to the size of the predicted value. If there is a relationship, the changes that occur in one of the E-Service Quality and E-Satisfaction variables will result in changes in the other variable Repurchase Intention.

Table 3.2 Score Identification
Table 3.2 Score Identification

Research Hypothesis

Simple linear regression analysis is a linear relationship between one independent variable E-Service Quality and E-Satisfaction and the dependent variable Repurchase Intent. Simple regression analysis can be used to determine the direction of the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable, whether it has a positive or negative relationship, and to predict the value of the dependent variable if the value of the independent variable increases or decreases . 32 H3: E-service quality and e-satisfaction have a significant effect on purchase intent when using e-commerce applications in the Bengkalis community at the same time.

According to Pardede and Manurung (2014), the tcount test is used to test the effect partially (per variable) on the dependent variable. Associative research is research that aims to determine the effect or relationship between two or more variables. Causal associative research is research that aims to determine the effect between two or more variables Umar (2015).

This research describes the relationship between influence and influence by the variables to be investigated. Using a quantitative approach because the data that will be used to analyze the relationship between variables is expressed by numbers or a numerical scale Kuncoro (2013).

Figure 3.1 Research Model  Source: Processed data, 2021
Figure 3.1 Research Model Source: Processed data, 2021

Concept Definition and Operational Variables .1 Concept Definition

According to Sekaran (2013), a dependent variable is that variable that is the main concern of researchers by explaining its variability or the main variable that is a factor in conducting an investigation. Irawan (2018:37) How far is the app Effectively and efficiently makes it easy to shop, buy and deliver your products. The delivery time of the goods is according to the estimates given by the e-commerce application.

The e-commerce application bears all the costs of handling the product in case of a serious problem. Satisfaction with the quality of the purchased product is consistent with the product description on the e-commerce application. Satisfaction with the quality of products purchased on e-commerce applications online is as good or better for products that can be purchased in offline stores.

2 Tend to positively inform others about the benefits and experiences of e-shopping.

Table 3.3 Variable Operations  Variable  Definition
Table 3.3 Variable Operations Variable Definition



  • Characteristic of Respondents
  • Result of Descriptive Statistics
  • Test of Validity and Reliability .1 Test of Validity
  • Result of Hypothesis .1 Classic assumption test

Based on the descriptive statistical calculations in Table 4.5, it can be seen that the average value of the respondents' answers to the first statement is 4.04 and it is placed in the category of acceptable answers. This shows that the average respondent agrees that the Lazada app ensures the confidentiality of personal information. This shows that the average respondent agrees that the Lazada app provides payment protection and security.

This shows that the average respondent agrees that the Lazada app provides compensation in the form of a refund if there is a problem. This shows that the average respondent agrees that the Lazada app has a social network account. Based on the results of the descriptive statistical calculations in Table 4.6, it can be seen that the average value of the respondents' answers to the first statement is 4.11 and is placed in the category of acceptable answers.

This shows that the average respondent agrees that the Lazada app provides a good response and feedback. This shows that the average respondent agrees that the Lazada app provides a modern lifestyle that can be followed when shopping online. Based on the descriptive statistical calculations in table 4.7, it can be seen that the respondents' answers to the first statement, the average value for this first statement is 3.92 and is included in the category of acceptable answers.

This shows that the average respondent agrees that they will continue to use the Lazada application for shopping.

Figure 4.1 Lazada Logo  Source : https://technobusiness.id
Figure 4.1 Lazada Logo Source : https://technobusiness.id


0.000 <0.05 then Ho is rejected (Ha is accepted), which means that E-Service Quality and E-Satisfaction simultaneously have a significant effect on repeat purchases. This is not in line with the research of Santoso (2020) who states that e-service quality has an effect on e-repurchase intention. It can be seen that Lazada users' strong e-service quality is not caused by the influence of the e-commerce company's repurchase intention.

67 Realistically and logically, this can happen and it is quite clear that in Bengkalis, e-service quality variable has no significant effect on repurchase intention variable. This means that the e-service quality and e-satisfaction variables influence the repurchase intention variable. Thus, we can conclude that the quality of e-services has a strong influence on the realization of repeat purchase intentions through e-satisfaction of customers.

This goal is also achieved through e-service quality and e-satisfaction provided by excellent e-commerce applications. So that good E-Service Quality will ultimately have a strong effect on repurchase interest, which was previously influenced by high satisfaction factors.




Pengaruh e-security dan e-service quality terhadap e-repurchase intention dengan e-satisfaction sebagai variabel tidak langsung konsumen e-commerce Lazada di Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Undip. Pengaruh kualitas layanan elektronik terhadap niat pembelian kembali melalui kepuasan pelanggan (studi toko online gasoo galore). Pengaruh Kualitas E-Service Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Go-Jek Melalui Kepuasan Sebagai Variabel Tidak Langsung (Studi Pada Pengguna Layanan Go-Jek Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis UNISMA).

The influence of e-service quality on e-satisfaction and its impact on repurchase intention using e-commerce applications on students of Universitas Sumatera Utara. The influence of perceived service and e-service quality on repurchase intention the mediating role of customer satisfaction case study: Go-Ride in Java. Pengaruh E-service Quality Terhadap E-customer satisfaction İnjam Jasa Layanan Online Guddey Tembilahan, Jurnal Analisis Manajemen.

Pengaruh E-Service Quality Dan E-Satisfaction Terhadap Online Repurchase Intention (Study Pada Konsumen Lazada Di Kota Bengkalis). Intended to conduct the research "The Impact of E-Service Quality and E-Satisfaction on Online Repurchase Intention (Study on Lazada Consumers in Bengkalis City)".

Correlation Analysis Zero order

Regression Analysis analisis regresi


APPENDIX 8  Table Durbin Watson  111
Table 1.1 List of Top 5 E-Commerce Applications in Indonesia
Figure 2.1 conceptual framework  Source: Processed data 2021E-Satisfaction (Irawan 2013)
Tabel 3.1 Likert Scale Instrument


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