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Academic year: 2023



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The purpose of this research is to find out if Student Movie Subtitles Media can affect the students' vocabulary mastery at Senior High School 2 Sekampung East Lampung. To find out if Student Movie subtitles media can influence the students' vocabulary mastery at the Senior High School 2 Sekampung East Lampung, the researcher analyzed the data used t-test formulation.

Table 1 English vocabulary score test at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 2 No. Students’ Initial Score Pre-survey
Table 1 English vocabulary score test at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 2 No. Students’ Initial Score Pre-survey

Problem Formulation

Objectives and benefit of the research a. This research is aimed at

There are many issues related to the teaching of English, but the researcher will only focus on 'The effect of movie subtitles on media on the students'. For students; as a guidance to the students so that they can improve their vocabulary by studying more.

Theoretical Review

The Concept of Vocabulary Mastery a. The Concept of Vocabulary

A person's listening vocabulary is all the words he or she can recognize when listening to speech. Unlike the previous two types of vocabulary, the writing vocabulary is stimulated by its user.

Content word

Things include anything that actually exists, whether solid or liquid, such as animals, sugar, oil, water, wood, car, food, etc. The quality of things, such as height, beauty, brightness, poverty, purity, density , prosperity , efficiency, sensitivity, sermons, strength, courage, etc. Verb is a word or group of words which is used to express an action such as "run", to express the existence of a certain noun such.

An action verb is transitive if it has an object, such as the word eat in "Every morning. An action verb is intransitive if it has no object, such as go in "I go to school every day." A linking verb is a verb , used to connect a noun acting as a subject with another noun or adjective placed in the predicate of the sentence.

An adjective is a class of words used to modify a noun or other content element by qualifying, limiting, and specifying. An adjective is any form of a class-distinguishing noun with one of the suffixes such as -able, -ous, -er, and est. From the above statement, the writer can conclude that vocabulary is a group of words that have a meaning that is used in learning English.

The Concept of Movie Subtitles a. The definition of movies subtitles

Bimodal variety, also called intralingual, is also commonly used in classroom activities; the use of one or the other in the classroom will depend on the purpose of the lesson and on the level of the students.‟. Duration of a full two-line subtitle (maximum duration): Reading speed of "average" viewers (aged 14-65, from an upper-middle socio-educational class) for a text of average complexity (a combination formal and informal language) has been proven to vary between 150-180 words per minute, i.e. it should be noted that the importance of holding a full two-line subtitle for at least 6 seconds to ensure sufficient reading time is the importance of holding the same subtitle for no more than 6 seconds because this would cause the automatic rereading of subtitles, especially by fast readers.

This happens because with the two-line subtitles, the visual volume of the text signals an acceleration of the reading speed. Again, just as important as keeping a full one line subtitle for at least 3 1/2 seconds to ensure adequate reading time is the importance of not holding the same subtitle longer than 3 1/2 seconds as this would lead to automatic subtitle rereading, especially by fast readers. Again, it should be noted that the importance of keeping a one-word subtitle for at least 1 1/2 seconds to ensure adequate reading time is equivalent to the importance of keeping the same subtitle for no more than 1 1/2 seconds , as this would cause automatic subtitle rereading, especially by fast readers.

Lead time: Subtitles should not be inserted simultaneously with the start of the utterance, but 1/4 second later, as tests have shown that the brain needs 1/4 second to process the arrival of spoken linguistic material and guide the eye to the bottom of the screen, anticipating the subtitles. Delay time: Subtitles must not remain on the screen for more than two seconds after the end of the utterance, even if no other utterance is started during these two seconds. If such an opening is not maintained, the viewer's eye will not be able to perceive the change of the new subtitled text, especially if it is the same length as the previous one.

Theoretical Framework and Paradigm


Paradigm means the way used by someone or group to match an indication or even base on the paradigm so that they can examine that indication. If the subtitles of the movie used were of interest, it can make the students understand the material and study happily.

Hypothesis Formulation

Research Design


Population, Sample and Technique Sampling

Sample is the part of total and characteristic in the population.5 The researcher will use non-probability sampling technique, that is purposive sampling. In fact, there is no sure rule for determining the percentage of taking sample of the research. The samples of this research are the students in the eleventh grade, where the total students are 29 students.

Operational Definition of Variable

The indicator variable of the subtitles of the film is that the students understand the meaning of the words from the dialogue they read in the subtitles of the film accurately and are able to analyze the text of the film. The media of movie subtitles will be used in learning vocabulary by distributing the students of SMAN 02 Sekampung (Grade XI IPS 1). The researcher wants to measure the student's level of vocabulary mastery, especially using the medium of film subtitles, through fill-in-the-blank.

The indicator variable of vocabulary is that students can be recognized by their ability to understand the meaning of the words from the conversation they read in the subtitles of the movie, to fill in and answer the question according to what they read. In this variable, the researcher wants to measure the student's level of vocabulary mastery with more. Suharsimi Arikunto says that "a test is a set of questions or exercises and other tools used to measure the skills, knowledge, intelligence or talents possessed by individuals or groups."8.

The researcher used pre-test and post-test as data collection method to measure students' movie subtitle media in vocabulary mastery. Bambang Setiyadi defines documentation as the method used to obtain information in private form and formal form. The researcher uses the documentation method to get detailed information about the condition of the teacher, employers and organizational structure in SMAN 2 Sekampung, East Lampung.

Research Instrument

It can be written languages ​​or documents, private form (such as photo, diary, private letter, story of the other people) and formal form (the score of the lesson, general letter, and others).9. Instrument calibration is a scale of measurement that will be used to describe the instrument standard that will be used.

Data Analysis Technique

To investigate whether there is an effect on film subtitles on the students' vocabulary mastery at the Eleventh Grade SMAN 2 Sekampung East Lampung, the researcher analyzes the data using t-test.

Research Setting

  • Brief History about the Established of Senior High School 2 Sekampung East Lampung
  • The Profile of the School

After watching the film, the students answered the corresponding 10 blank-word questions and 10 multiple-choice questions about vocabulary, time was 45 minutes. Pre-Exam Film Subtitles of Students on XI Social 1 Vocabulary Mastery Score at Senior High School 2. After Earth” Result of XI Social 1 Grader at Senior High School 2 Sekampung East Lampung.

After knowing the pretest result of the students' vocabulary mastery, the students were given low scores and then the researcher gave treatment about movie subtitle media on the vocabulary mastery. So the students were motivated to use this method to make their vocabulary score better. In this process, the researcher saw that the students were interested and they motivated to learn vocabulary, finally the researcher gave post-test to know their ability after giving the instruction (treatment).

After watching the film, the researcher tested the students by giving them fill-in and multiple-choice tests. The caption media of the students after the test on the vocabulary mastery result of the XI Social 1 Graders at Senior High School 2. Source: The caption media of the students after the test on the vocabulary result of the XI Social 1 Graders at Senior High School 2 Sekampung East Lampung 04 February 2016.

Hypothesis Testing

So the result of the post-test was categorized in a good category, although some of the students still need to understand the context to study vocabulary, but it was good because they had a good effort to learn vocabulary. The Students' Pre-Test and Post-Test Film Subtitles Media on Vocabulary The Mastery Score of the Eleventh Graders of Senior High.

Sekampung East Lampung Participants Pre-test

  • Interpretations
  • Discussion
  • Limitations
  • Conclusion
  • Suggestion

There is a significant effect of movie subtitle media on vocabulary mastery in the eleventh grade of senior high school 2 Sekampung East Lampung. There is no significant effect of movie subtitle media on vocabulary mastery in the eleventh grade of senior high school 2 Sekampung East Lampung. This means that there is a positive effect of movie subtitle media on vocabulary mastery in the eleventh grade of senior high school 2 Sekampung East Lampung.

Most students can more easily understand the context of vocabulary by using media with subtitles for movies more easily. The researcher assumed that teaching and learning through the use of film subtitling media can have an effect on students' vocabulary mastery. Thus, it has been proven that using media for movie subtitles can affect the students' vocabulary mastery outcome, especially for the students of the 11th grade of Senior High School 2 Sekampung East Lampung.

After treatments, media with movie subtitles has a significant effect on vocabulary outcome, especially for the eleventh grade students of Senior High School 2 Sekampung East Lampung. From this it can be deduced that there is a positive and significant effect of film subtitling on the vocabulary mastery of the students in the eleventh grade SMAN 2 Sekampung. The teachers are recommended to improve the mastery of the students' vocabulary by applying media with subtitles of movies; so that the students can understand the material more easily than before.



Table 1 English vocabulary score test at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 2 No. Students’ Initial Score Pre-survey


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