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View of Effect of Quality of Work Life, Organizational Commitment, and Work Stress on Employee Performance at PT World Innovative Telecommunication

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Academic year: 2023

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Effect of Quality of Work Life, Organizational Commitment, and Work Stress on Employee

Performance at PT World Innovative Telecommunication

Ditha Novianti Putri, Hermien Tridayanti

Departement of Management, Narotama University, Indonesia dithanovianti19@gmail.com, hermien.tridayanti@narotama.ac.id


A company's success is also marked by the presence of human resources or employees with good performance and abilities. This study aims to analyze the effect of Quality of work life, Organizational Commitment, and work stress partially and simultaneously on the Employee Performance of PT World Innovative Telecommunication. The sample in this study were PT World Innovative Telecommunication employees, with as many as 37 respondents using the total sampling technique. The analytical technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The results in this study prove that: (1) Quality of Work Life partially affects the Employee Performance of PT Word Inovatif Communication; (2) Organizational Commitment partially affects the Employee Performance of PT Word Innovative Communication; (3) Work Stress partially affects the Employee Performance of PT Word Innovative Communication; and (4) Quality of work life, Organizational Commitment, and work stress have a simultaneous effect on the Employee Performance of PT World Innovative Telecommunication.


Employee Performance, Organizational Commitment, Quality of Work Life, Work Stress

1. Introduction

Human resources are an essential factor determining the success of the company in achieving its goals because the success or failure of the company in achieving its goals is very dependent on the ability of human resources or employees to carry out the tasks given. Therefore, a human resource or its employees' ability to carry out the tasks can affect an organization's success. Therefore, all things that include human resources must be an essential concern for the management (Mangkunegara, 2016). A company's success is also marked by the presence of human resources or employees with good performance and abilities. According to Sedarmayanti (2017), performance is the result of work that a person or group of people can achieve in an organization by their respective authorities and responsibilities to achieve the goals of the organization concerned legally, not violating the law and by morals and ethics.

Several factors can affect a person's level of performance, one of which is an adequate quality of work life. According to Sumarsono in Sayuti et al. (2021), the quality of work life as a management system approach to coordinate and link the potential of human resources in the organization, as an effort by the leadership to meet the needs of members and organizations simultaneously and continuously. Furthermore, improving the quality of work life in the company will impact the employees' positive behavior in carrying out their work, which results in increased performance. This statement is supported by the findings of research conducted by Perangin- Angin et al. (2020), which proves in their research that the quality of work life directly influences employee performance.

In addition, a factor that can affect employee performance is organizational commitment. Robbins, Stephen P. (2016) define organizational commitment as a condition in which an employee side with the organization's goals and is believed to remain a member. According to Diana and Anggraeni (2020), organizational commitment is the involvement of people with the organization where they work and are interested in staying in the organization to improve performance. This statement supports the findings by Latief et al. (2020), which prove that organizational commitment significantly affects the performance of BPJS Kesehatan employees in Langsa City.

Many factors can affect employee performance, including job stress or job stress. Mangkunegara (2016) explains that work stress is a feeling that suppresses or feels pressured by employees in dealing with their work.

Job stress is a person's response to conditions that are felt both physically and psychologically that are excessive



because of a job demand internally and externally. These stressful conditions can cause job dissatisfaction and reduce performance. Massie et al. (2018) proved that work stress affects employee performance

PT World Innovative Telecommunication also experiences the importance of employee performance in the company. There are problems related to employee performance in PT World Innovative Telecommunication.

This problem that occurs shows a gap phenomenon. The problems that occur are shown more clearly in the employee performance data in the table below.

Table 1. Results of Employee Performance Assessment of PT World Innovative Telecommunication 2021 Month Employee Performance Assessment Results

January 79,25%

February 74,00%

March 76,50%

April 73,25%

May 70,00%

Juny 71,25%

July 69,00%

August 68,50%

September 66,25%

October 63,00%

November 62,25%

December 61,50%

Source: Company Internal Data (2021)

The results of the employee performance appraisal in the table above show that there are employee performance problems where the results show a fluctuating tendency to decline, where the lowest employee performance results occurred in December 2021. Based on the initial survey results, this performance problem is due to insufficient free time to rest at work and an uncomfortable work environment. This initial survey result indicates an unsupportive quality of work life. Then, the decreased employee performance is also caused by the workload, which causes a feeling of stress in the employee, resulting in decreased performance.

Based on the results of empirical studies in several previous studies, it was found that there was a research gap that was evident from the differences in the findings in several of these studies. The results of research conducted by Suyantiningsih et al. (2018) prove that Quality of Work Life has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Contrasting results were found by the research of Inceng et al.

(2019), which stated that there was no significant effect between the quality of work life (QWL) and employee performance. The two studies have differences in findings, so this study intends to prove the truth of the relationship between the two variables and strengthen the previous findings. Another gap is the difference in research results on the relationship between work stress variables and employee performance. The findings of research conducted by Pranata et al. (2020) prove that work stress has a negative and significant effect on employee performance, while the results of Widarta (2019) show that work stress has a significant positive effect on employee performance. The two studies have differences in findings, so this study intends to prove the truth of the relationship between the two variables and strengthen the previous findings.

Based on the problems that have been stated above, the researchers conducted a study entitled "The Effect of Quality Of Work Life, Organizational Commitment, and Work Stress on Employee Performance at PT World Innovative Telecommunication”.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Quality of Work Life

Robbins, Stephen P. (2016) define the quality of work life as a process of how an organization responds to employee needs so that employees have the opportunity to make decisions to design their lives within the scope of work. Meanwhile, according to Siagian (2016), Quality of Work Life is a systematic effort in organizational life through which employees are allowed to determine the way they work and the contribution they make to the organization in order to achieve its goals and objectives

Quality of work life is the process by which organizations respond to the need for employees to develop mechanisms to enable them to share fully in the decisions that shape their lives at work. Quality of work life is a systematic effort of the organization to provide more excellent opportunities for workers to influence their work and their contribution to the achievement of overall company effectiveness. Quality of work also implies good supervision, working conditions, good pay and rewards, challenging work, and adequate rewards.



2.2. Work Stress

According to Handoko (2017), work stress is a condition of tension that affects a person's emotions, thought processes, and conditions. Too much stress can threaten a person's ability to deal with the environment.

According to Mangkunegara (2016), work stress is a feeling of pressure experienced by employees in dealing with work. This work stress can be seen in symptoms, including unstable emotions, feeling uneasy, being alone, having trouble sleeping, excessive smoking, anxiety, tension, nervousness, increased blood pressure, and digestive disorders. Hasibuan & S.P (2016) defines work stress as a condition in which there are one or more factors in the workplace that interact with workers so that it interferes with physiological and behavioral conditions.

2.3. Employee Performance

The definition of performance, according to Sedarmayanti (2017), is the result of work that can be achieved by a person or group of people in a company by their respective authorities and responsibilities to achieve the company's goals legally, not violating the law and by morals and ethics. Performance is an output produced by the functions or indicators of a job or something that is a profession at a particular time Wirawan (2016). The following factors affect performance, according to Mangkunegara (2016), are as follows:

1. Ability Factor: Psychologically, employees' ability consists of potential abilities (IQ) and reality abilities (skills). That is, for employees with an IQ above the average (IQ 110-120) with adequate education for their position and skill in daily work. It will be easier to achieve the expected performance. So, if a leader or employee has the potential or expertise in working in an organization, it may increase the progress of the organization.

2. Motivation Factor: Motivation is formed from an employee's attitude in dealing with work situations.

Motivation is a condition that moves employees who are directed to achieve organizational goals.

2.4. Thinking Framework

Figure 1. Thinking Framework

2.5. Hypothesis

Based on the formulation of the problem and the literature review description, the author proposes the research hypothesis as follows:

H1: Quality of work life partially significant effect on employee performance of PT World Innovative Telecommunication

H2: Organizational Commitment partially significant effect on Employee Performance PT World Innovative Telecommunication

H3: Work stress partially significant effect on Employee Performance of PT World Innovative Telecommunication

H4: Quality of work life, organizational commitment, and work stress simultaneous significant effect on Employee Performance at PT World Innovative Telecommunication

Quality of Work Life (X1)

Organizational Commitment (X2)

Work Stress (X3)

Employee Performance (Y) H1





95 3. Research Methods

3.1. Population and Sample

Sugiyono (2016) is a generalization area consisting of objects or subjects with specific qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. The population in this study were employees of PT World Innovative Telecommunication; as many as 37 respondents.

The sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population (Sugiyono, 2016). The sampling technique is a sampling technique to determine the sample to be used in research (Sugiyono, 2016).

This study uses a total sampling method, a sampling technique in which all members of the population are used as samples, so the sampling used in this study were employees of PT World Innovative Telecommunication as many as 37 respondents.

3.2. Data Analysis Technique

Regression analysis studies the dependent variable's dependence on one or more independent variables, intending to estimate the variables or predict the population average or the dependent variable's average value based on the independent variable's known value (Ghozali, 2016):

Y = α + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + e


Y = Employee Performance

a = Regression equation constant X1 = Quality of Work Life X2 = Organizational Commitment

X3 = Work Stress

e = Error

4. Results And Discussion

4.1. Validity and Reliability Test

Table 2. Validity Test

Variable Statement rcount Sig Conclusion

Quality of Work Life (X1)

X1.1 0.806 0.000 Valid

X1.2 0.911 0.000 Valid

X1.3 0.883 0.000 Valid

X1.4 0.857 0.000 Valid

X1.5 0.912 0.000 Valid

X1.6 0.886 0.000 Valid

X1.7 0.920 0.000 Valid

X1.8 0.923 0.000 Valid

Organizational Commitment (X2)

X2.1 0.840 0.000 Valid

X2.2 0.861 0.000 Valid

X2.3 0.890 0.000 Valid

Work Stress (X3)

X3.1 0.939 0.000 Valid

X3.2 0.882 0.000 Valid

X3.3 0.911 0.000 Valid

X3.4 0.900 0.000 Valid

X3.5 0.929 0.000 Valid

X3.6 0.894 0.000 Valid

Employee Performance (Y)

Y.1 0.866 0.000 Valid

Y.2 0.911 0.000 Valid

Y.3 0.841 0.000 Valid

Y.4 0.714 0.000 Valid

Y.5 0.863 0.000 Valid

The table above shows that the results of testing the validity of indicators of all independent and dependent variables are valid because of the value of sig smaller than 0.05, so it is stated that all research variables are valid.



The reliability test is a test for measuring the indicator part of the questionnaire. An instrument will be called consistent if it is reliable or if the Cronbach alpha value is > 0.6 Ghozali (2016). Here are the results of reliability testing:

Table 3. Validity Test

Variable Cronbach Alpha Alpha Conclusion

Quality of Work Life 0.961 0.6 Reliabel

Organizational Commitment 0.830 0.6 Reliabel

Work Stress 0.958 0.6 Reliabel

Employee Performance 0.895 0.6 Reliabel

Based on the table above shows that the results of testing the reliability of all indicators of the independent variable and the dependent variable show reliability because Cronbach's Alpha value is more significant than 0.6, so it is stated that all hands are reliable.

4.2. Multiple Linear Regression Test Results

Statistical testing was carried out to prove the hypothesis proposed in the study. Testing is done by using multiple linear regression analysis. The data was processed using the Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS) computer program. Based on the results of calculations with the help of the SPSS program package, we can obtain the following analysis results:

Table 4. Results of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Model

Unstandardized Coefficients

B Std. Error

1 (Constant) 2.629 0.700

Quality of Work Life 0.254 0.109

Organizational Commitment 0.296 0.097

Work Stress -0.375 0.099

Based on the results of the above calculations, the following multiple linear regression equation is obtained:

Y = 2.629 + 0.254 X1 + 0.296 X2 - 0.375 X3 + ei

The interpretation of the regression model above is as follows:

1. Constant (β0) = 2.629, which indicates the size of the Employee Performance variable, which is not influenced by the variables of Quality of Work Life, Organizational Commitment, and Work Stress or independent variable = 0, then the value of Employee Performance is 2.629, assuming other variables are constant.

2. Quality of Work Life coefficient value of 0.254 indicates that if Quality of Work Life increases by one unit, it will also improve Employee Performance by 0.254, assuming other variables are constant.

3. Organizational Commitment coefficient value of 0.295 indicates that if Organizational Commitment increases by one unit, it will also improve Employee Performance by 0.295, assuming other variables are constant.

4. Work Stress coefficient value of -0.375 indicates that if Work Stress increases by one unit, it will result in a decrease in Employee Performance of -0.375, assuming other variables are constant.

4.3. Simultaneous Test (FTest)

The results of the F test according to the results of SPSS calculations can be seen in the table below:

Table 5. F Test Calculation Results

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 14.721 3 4.907 47.689 0.000

Residual 3.396 33 .103

Total 18.117 36

Based on the results of the F test, it is known that the value of Sig. test F = 0.000, so the value of sig. F test < (5%), which means that it can be concluded that there is a simultaneous influence between the independent variables of Quality of Work Life, Organizational Commitment, and Work Stress on the dependent variable of Employee Performance.


97 4.4. Hypothesis Test

Hypothesis testing in this study was tested using a t-test. In addition, this test was conducted to see the partial effect of the variables Quality of Work Life, Organizational Commitment, and Work Stress on Employee Performance.

Table 6. Results of t test analysis

t Sig.

Quality of Work Life 2.333 0.026

Organizational Commitment 3.045 0.005

Work Stress -3.787 0.001

Based on Table 6, above, the test results are obtained as follows:

1. Based on the regression analysis results, the t value is 2,333 with a significance value of 0.026. The significant number of the t-test is 0.026, which is smaller than 5%, then H0 is rejected so that the conclusion is partial that the Quality of Work Life variable influences Employee Performance.

2. Based on the regression analysis results, the t value is 3,045 with a significance value of 0.005. The significant number of the t-test is 0.005, which is smaller than 5%, so H0 is rejected so that the conclusion is partial that the Organizational Commitment variable influences Employee Performance.

3. Based on the regression analysis results, the t count value is -3.787, with a significance value of 0.001.

The significant number of the t-test is 0.001, which is smaller than 5%, so H0 is rejected so that the conclusion is partial that work stress an influences employee performance.

4.5. Analysis of Correlation Coefficient (R) and Coefficient of Determination (R2)

From the results of multiple linear regressions, the magnitude of the relationship between variables is known from the value of the multiple correlation coefficient (R) and the coefficient of determination (R2). The following is the magnitude of the value of each of these relationships:

Table 7. Multiple Correlation Coefficient (R) and Coefficient of Determination (R2) Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 0.901 0.813 0.796 0.321

Multiple correlation analysis determines the close relationship between independent variables on employee performance. The magnitude of the relationship between independent variables on employee performance calculated by the correlation coefficient is 0.901. This result shows a very close relationship between the three independent variables (Quality of Work Life, Organizational Commitment, and Work Stress) with Employee Performance.

The coefficient of determination obtained from the multiple linear regression model that has been received is 81.3%, concluding that the influence of the independent variables Quality of Work Life, Organizational Commitment, and Work Stress with the dependent variable is 81.3% Employee Performance, while other factors outside the study influence the remaining 18.7%.

5. Discussion

5.1. Effect of Quality of Work Life on Employee Performance

Based on the results of the t-test, it is known that the sig value is 0.026, which means it is smaller than 5%, which means that the quality of work life significantly affects employee performance. So the research hypothesis, which states, "Quality of work life has a significant effect on Employee Performance at PT Word Innovative Communication," is proven. The direction of influence between the quality of work-life variables and employee performance is positive, so it can be stated that there is a unidirectional influence between the two variables. This result shows that the better the quality of work life in a company, the more it will be able to improve employee performance. This result can be a reference for PT Word Innovative Communication which wants to improve employee performance to be able to pay attention and enhance the extent of the quality of work life provided in the company.

The results of this study support the results of the Perangin-Angin et al. (2020) research which shows that Quality of Work Life has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The same result is also proven by Sayuti et al. (2021). They prove that a good quality of work-life encourages employees to improve their performance in carrying out their duties in the company. However, this is different from the research of Inceng et al. (2019), where in their study, it is proven that Quality of Work Life (QWL) has no significant effect on employee performance.



5.2. Effect of Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance

Based on the results of the t-test, it is known that the sig value is 0.005, which means it is smaller than 5%, which means that Organizational Commitment partially affects employee performance. So that the research hypothesis, "Organizational Commitment has a significant effect on Employee Performance at PT Word Innovative Communcation," is proven. The effect between the Organizational Commitment variable and employee performance is positive. This result indicates that there is a unidirectional influence. This result shows that the higher the Organizational Commitment, the higher the employee's performance. Thus, if PT Word Innovative Communication wants to improve employee performance, it is essential for the company to cultivate voluntary employee behavior further properly.

The results of this analysis are in line with the results of research by Latief et al. (2018), where in their study, it is proven that organizational commitment has a significant effect on employee performance. The same result is confirmed by Ginanjar & Berliana (2021), who demonstrate that organizational commitment positively and significantly impacts employee performance. However, this result is not in line with the findings of Diana and Anggraeni (2020), which prove that Organizational Commitment (X2) has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance.

5.3. Effect of Work Stress on Employee Performance

Based on the results of the t-test, it is known that the sig value is 0.001, which means it is smaller than 5%, which means that work stress partially affects employee performance. So the research hypothesis that states, "Work stress has a significant effect on Employee Performance at PT Word Innovative Communcation"

is proven. The influence between the work stress variable and employee performance is negative. This result indicates a unidirectional effect between work stress and employee performance. This result reflects the high work stress experienced by employees of PT Word Innovative Communication, so there is a decreased performance. Thus, if PT Word Innovative Communication wants to improve employee performance, the company needs to pay attention to the level of stress felt by each employee.

The results in this study align with the findings of research conducted by Massie et al., (2018), which proves that work stress has a significant negative effect on employee performance. The same result is confirmed by Pranata et al.(2020), which demonstrate that work stress significantly negatively impacts employee performance. However, this result contradicts the findings of research conducted by Widarta, (2019), where work stress has a positive effect on employee performance.

5.4. Effect of Quality of Work Life, Organizational Commitment, and Work Stress on Employee Performance

The results of the simultaneous influence test carried out by the F test showed that Quality of work life (X1), Organizational Commitment (X2), and work stress (X3) affected Employee Performance (Y). This result is evidenced by the F sig value of 0.000 < 0.05. The influence of Quality of work life (X1), Organizational Commitment (X2), and Work Stress (X3) indicates a positive direction or a unidirectional relationship to Employee Performance (Y). This result means that the first hypothesis, which reads "Quality of work life, Organizational Commitment and work stress simultaneously affects the Performance of PT World Innovative Telecommunication Employees," is accepted. The results of the coefficient of determination (R2) in this study indicate that simultaneously, Quality of Work Life, Organizational Commitment, and Work Stress have an influence of 81.3% on employee performance, while other variables outside of this study influence the remaining 18.7%.

6. Conclusions And Recommendations

6.1. Conclusion

Based on the results of the analysis obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Quality of Work Life partially affects the Employee Performance of PT Word Innovative Communication

2. Organizational Commitment partially affects the Employee Performance of PT Word Innovative Communication

3. Work stress partially affects the employee performance at PT Word Innovative Communication 4. Quality of work life, organizational commitment, and work stress simultaneously affect the Employee

Performance of PT World Innovative Telecommunication 6.2. Recommendations

Based on the results of the analysis and discussion conducted, the researcher provides several suggestions that can contribute to improving employee performance and for further research. The suggestions are as follows:



1. It is hoped that PT Word Innovative Communication can be better in providing quality of work life such as giving rights to employees for freedom of expression to improve employee performance results.

2. It is expected that the employees of PT Word Innovative Communication can increase their willingness to do additional work given by their superiors seriously and increase their curiosity regarding the company's development.

3. It is hoped that further research that wants to research on the same topic can use other variables that can affect the level of employee performance so that they can develop the research results that have been obtained in this study.


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