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Academic year: 2023



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**)Riny Dwitya Sani, and**) Melvina. Staf Pengajar Program Studi Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh dari strategi Check Those Fact dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris khususnya membaca, penelitian ini menggunakan metode Pre-eksperimen dengan design One Group Pretest– Posttest. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti hanya menggunakan satu kelas eksperimen dan tidak membutuhkan kelas control, karena peneliti hanya melihat bagaimana kemampuan membaca siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Populasi pada penelitian ini yaitu sebanyak 89 siswa dari tiga kelas yaitu kelas XII IPA1, XII IPA 2 dan XII IPA3. Teknik sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Cluster Random Sampling, dan kelas yang terpilih adalah XII IPA1. Perlakuan yang diberikan terhadap kelas eksperimen sebanyak delapan pertemuan selama empat minggu. Setiap pertemuan, peneliti menggunakan strategi Check Those Fact dalam proses pengajaran di kelas. Selanjutnya, peneliti menggunakan instrumen untuk membantu pengumpulan data, yaitu Reading test. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dari Reading test yang telah dikumpulkan setiap pertemuan, maka dapat dilihat bahwa adanya peningkatan kemampuan membaca yang terjadi pada siswa walaupun tidak keseluruhan siswa yang bisa terlihat peningkatannya. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari hasil analisis Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan uji t-table, setelah dilakukan pengujian dengan ujian tes tertulis berjumlah 50 soal yang berbentuk pilihan ganda text Explanation dan Narrative diperoleh t-calculated 4,406 lebih besar dari t-table 2.045 maka hipotesis pada penelitian ini diterima, sehingga disimpulkan bahwa strategi Check Those Fact memberi efek yang baik terhadap hasil belajar Bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam kemampuan membaca siswa kelas XII SMA N 1 Lembah Gumanti, kabupaten Solok.

Key words: Reading, Reading Comprehension, Check Those Fact Strategy.

*) Peneliti

**) Pembimbing



Reading is one of important skills in language learning. Through reading, people can expand their knowledge, such as reading article, magazine and newspaper. There are two main reasons for reading, which are reading for pleasure and reading for getting information. People can entertain themselves by reading something they like. Especially for students, it can increase their motivation and build a good atmosphere in teaching and learning process. Reading is also something crucial and indispensable for student since the success of their study depends on a greater part of their ability to read.

In addition, the students should find out the topic and identify the specific information of the text which they have read. Not all of students can reach the ideal condition of reading result and understand what the text is about. It means that several students can not do the reading process and the average of students’ score in reading does not achieve the standard as well as it is expected.

However, when the researcher do observation at SMAN 1 Lembah Gumanti, the researcher found some problem. First, when the teacher gives a text and asks students to read the text, after that the teacher gives questions related to the text, but they can not answer it well. It mean that the students difficult in comprehending the text. The second problem come from the strategy that is used by the teacher seems do not help the students in comprehending the text. These case make students are not interested in reading and make the students be bored. The teacher ask the students to make exercise like asking and answering questions and the students practice using their own language in front of the class dealing with they have read. The last problem the students have lack attention in learning reading because they think that reading is difficult subject. So that, they have opportunity to talk with his friends. They do not give attention to their teacher when their teacher teach them.

Thus, based on the facts above, the researcher is interested in the second problem that is strategy that is used by the teacher. It is important for the teacher to find out the appropriate strategy to be applied in learning process. The teacher should improve the strategy to help the students in comprehending the text. The teacher can make the students interested, active and focus in teaching and learning process. It can also create the new atmosphere in the classroom.

Review Of Related Literature

Reading is a process a part of activity in daily lives that always do by someone. The readers read to find something that readers want to know, or because want to confirm opinion about

something. According to Urquhart and Weir (2009:14), reading is a process of receiving and interpreting information encoded in language from via the medium print. It means that reading is activity that do by reader. They do the reading process from medium print that is text. This activity will make the reader get information or knowledge from the text that they have been read.

Moreover, Nunan (2003:68) explains that reading is a fluent process of readers combining information from a text and their own background knowledge to build meaning. The goal of reading is comprehension. It means that reading is ability of the readers to get information. They get information from the text that they have been read.

If they were can caught what the text about it means the readers comprehend it.

Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is a comprehending the content of the text and understanding what the text about and it is an important ability in reading skills. According to Catherine (2002:11) reading comprehension is the process of extracting and constructing meaning use interaction and involvement with written language.

Moreover, Anderson, Hiebert and Scoot in Klinger (2007:2) states that reading comprehension is a process of constructing meaning by coordinating a number of complex processes that include word reading, word knowledge and fluency. The meaning is when someone read the text with comprehension, we can coordinate it from the knowledge of word and the fluency when read the text. It means that reading comprehension is the process when the reader read the text using interaction and constructing the word at the same time in the text, because both of them is important thing in comprehend the text.

Teaching Reading

Teaching Reading is the teachers’ way to help the students in comprehending the reading text. In this case, the teacher should find good ways on how to deliver it. According to Pennington (2008:2) notes that teaching reading strategies is the comprehensive, efficient, and user-friendly resource to differentiate remedial reading instruction. In the other words, teaching reading strategies differentiate in remedial reading instruction, So that is more comprehensive and efficient. Thus, the teacher should teach students effectively and can differentiate remedial reading comprehension.

Furthermore, Pennington (2008:2) notes that teaching reading strategies is the comprehensive, efficient, and user-friendly resource to differentiate remedial reading instruction. In the other words, teaching reading


strategies differentiate in remedial reading instruction, So that is more comprehensive and efficient. Thus, the teacher should teach students effectively and can differentiate remedial reading comprehension.

Explanation Text

Explanation text is a text which tells about process relating to the natural phenomena, social, knowledge, culture, and etc. Explanation text is to say ‘way’ and ‘how’ of the forming of the phenomena. According to Blake (2000: 76), explanation is a text that account for phenomena that occur in our world. Thus, explanation text explain how and why something happen.

Explanation are important, because it can help many people in the world about explanation about something occur or happen. Then, Wahidi ( 2008 : 11) defines that explanation text is a text that tells about processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific, and cultural phenomena.

Explanation text has function to explain the activities that ‘how’ and ‘why’ something happen and occur. Thus, explanation text can help students understand about the processes of the nature, social, scientific, and cultural phenomena that happen or occur in the world.

Discussion Text

Discussion text is a kind of mediation text that has purpose to gives mediation a problem or issue which consider at least from two points of view before comes to the conclusion or recommendation. According to Peters and Williamson (2000: 8), discussion text is a text to examine an issue from more than one angle. Thus, discussion text examines an issue or a problem opposite point of view are expressed about an issue and argument for these put forward, compared, and evaluated against each other. In addition, in discussion text also has two groups which is group

‘pro’ and ‘contra’. Group ‘pro’ is support the an issue and group ‘contra’ is unsupported the an issue. Next, Hyland (2008) defines that discussion text is a text to examine more than one side of a particular issue. Thus, discussion text tells about different point of view are investigated before a decision or concluding statement is presented.

Furthermore, discussion text also called as a problematic discourse. A problematic discourse which have two group between group pro and contra. An issue that presented in discussion text will discussed by two points

The Procedure Of Check Those Facts Strategy In applying any strategy, there are some procedures that can be followed by the teacher and the students. These procedures help the teacher and

the students to do this strategy well and make them success in teaching and learning process, it is including Check Those Fact Strategy. According to Greer (2002:166), there are some procedures in doing Check Those Fact Strategy. The first, the teacher divides the class into groups of 3-6 students. Each group takes one topic from two or more sources that provided by the teacher. After that each group discusses the topic. After they get the information of the topic, then they write into the paper (students draw summaries or conclusion about the validity or their sources). Last, one of members the group share the information to other groups.

Advantages of Check Those Facts Strategy In using Check Those Facts Strategy, there are some advantages that can be gotten by the teacher and the students, one of the advantages that can be gotten by teacher become creative thinking.

According to Greer (2002:166), Check Those Fact Strategy is a strategy that helps students in making conclusion as a result of comparing one topic that they take from two or more sources. In reading a text, the students often felt difficult to make a conclusion but by using this strategy, the students can make a conclusion well because this strategy make them thinks actively in reading by making comparison of some sources that they read. So that, it help the students get the conclusion easier.

Research Method

This research was experimental research because the problems and purposes of the research have some characteristics. Gay and Airasian (2000:367) explain that experimental research is type of research that can test hypothesis to know the cause and effect relationship. In this research, the researcher used the one group pre-test post-test, which is a part of pre-experimental design to know the effect of Check Those Fact Strategy on students reading comprehension. The researcher used pre- experimental research because the researcher only focused teaches for one class. In addition, reading is not easier skill that the students can master it. As a result, most of the students still got low score in learning reading subject. By knowing the fact above, the researcher divided to use pre- experimental design because this design only treated one class, so the researcher can focus to improve students’ reading comprehension. Besides, the researcher realized that on improve students’

reading comprehension is not easy. Therefore, the researcher did not compare the strategy because the researcher just wanted to know the effect of Check Those Fact Strategy. And then, the researcher would conduct this research in SMAN 1 Lembah Gumanti, at twelfth grade science, because the researcher found the problems in there.


Population and Sample

The population of this research was the twelfth grade science students of SMAN Lembah Gumanti in academic year 2014/2015 that consist of 3 classes. The total of population were 89. Then , the sample of this research was science class The researcher got the sample by did some activities.

First, the researcher took the students’ reading score to the English teacher. Second, the researcher calculated the data to get the normality data by using Lilifoers. Third, the researcher determined the sample of the research by using flipping coin Instrumentation

In this case, the instrument of this research was Reading Test.

Technique of Data Collection

In collecting the data, the researcher did some steps. The first, the researcher gave the try out with multiple choice questions. After the researcher gave the try out, then gave the pretest to the class experiment. The second, the researcher gave treatment to the class experiment by check those fact strategy for some meetings. The third, the researcher gave posttest to the class experiment at the end of the study.

Technique of Data Analysis

The data of this research were taken from the students’ score pretest-postest. the researcher analyzed the data by using formulation that suggested by Gay and Airasian (2000, p. 489) Data Analysis And Research Finding

There were some findings of this research that were found by researcher. The first finding was The researcher found that the difference of the both score Pre-Test and Post-Test was 5,2 . The second finding was The researcher found that t-calculated was 4,406,it was bigger than t-table (2, 045) at the degree of freedom 29 and at the level of significance 0,05. Therefore, It can be concluded that there was positive effect of using Check Those Fact Strategy toward students’ reading comprehension.


By conducting this research,the researcher did treatment at grade XII students of SMAN 1 Lembah Gumanti in academic year of 2014/2015.

The One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design which is part of the Pre-Experimental Design that used to know the effect of using Check Those Fact Strategy. The treatment was given about eight meetings. After that the researcher gave post-test

for the students to know the students’ reading comprehension.

Based on the data analysis the researcher found the difference of the scores both Pre-Test and Post-Test was 5,2 . The second finding was The researcher found that t-calculated was 4,406,it was bigger than t-table (2, 045) at the degree of freedom 29 and at the level of significance 0,05. Therefore, It can be concluded that there was positive effect of using Check Those Fact Strategy toward students’

reading comprehension.


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