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Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan media gambar seri dalam pembelajaran menulis teks narasi pada siswa kelas X SMPN 1 Teluk Bintan. Dapat disimpulkan, Ha Hipotesis diterima bahwa seri gambar lebih efektif untuk pengajaran membaca teks narasi kepada siswa kelas sepuluh di SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan media gambar seri dalam pengajaran pemahaman membaca teks naratif kepada siswa kelas sepuluh di SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan.

Based on the average and the T-test calculation, there was effectiveness after the treatments using photo series in the experimental class. In conclusion, the Ha hypothesis was accepted that the photo series is effective in teaching reading comprehension in recount texts in the tenth grade of SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, for mercy, blessing, strength and guidance to the researcher to complete this study, which is entitled: “The Effectiveness of Using Picture Sequences in Students' Reading Comprehension in Recount Texts in 10th grade of SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan”.

Muhammad Candra, S.Pd., M.Ed as research advisor guiding the researchers in conducting this research patiently.



  • Background of Study
  • Identification of the problem
  • Limitation of the problem
  • Research question
  • Purpose of the study
  • Significance of the study
  • Definition Of the Key Terms

Picture series is a medium that is expected to be the solution to the reading comprehension problem. So that students can easily understand the text and become more interested in learning reading comprehension in retelling text using picture series. For this reason, the researcher used picture series to see the effectiveness of students' reading comprehension in retelling texts.

The researcher believes that a series of pictures is a solution that can be used to investigate the problem of reading comprehension. Lastly, the researcher is interested in conducting a research titled “Effectiveness of Using Picture Series on Student's Reading Comprehension in Recounting Text in Grade 10 SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan”. Based on the above identification of the problem, the researcher limits the research to the effectiveness of using picture series on the student's reading comprehension in the narration of the text.

The main purpose of this study is to know the effectiveness of using picture series in students' reading comprehension in narrative text in 10th grade of SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan.


  • Review of the Related Theory
    • Reading
    • Recount Text
    • Picture Series
  • Previous Study
  • Conceptual Framework
  • Research Hypothesis

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that reading comprehension is the process of giving meaning to text, reading comprehension develops from the interaction between the text and the reader's response to the text. There are many previous studies investigating the effectiveness of using picture sequences on student reading comprehension research. In this study, the researcher found and proved that picture sequences are effective in improving students' reading comprehension in learning process.

The purpose of study to prove that picture sequences are effective in improving students' reading comprehension. In this research, the research was interested in findings on the effectiveness of using picture series on students' reading comprehension at grade 10 of students SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan. Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no effectiveness of using picture sequences on students' reading comprehension in retelling text at grade 10 of students SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan.

Alternative hypothesis (Ha): There is effectiveness in using picture series on students' reading comprehension in 10th grade retelling text by the students SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan.

Table 2.1 Indicators Of Reading Comprehension Of Recount Text   No   The Indicators of Reading Comprehension Of Recount Text
Table 2.1 Indicators Of Reading Comprehension Of Recount Text No The Indicators of Reading Comprehension Of Recount Text


  • Researh design
  • Place and Time
  • Population and sample
  • Technique of Data Collecting
  • Research Instruments
  • Research Procedure
  • Data Analysis
  • Hypothesis Testing

The researcher had the students pre-test two classes before the class started to find out the students' level of background knowledge of the material. Gave the pretest to both the experimental class and the control class to know the average score of reading comprehension before the treatment. I gave the post-test to both students to measure the average reading comprehension score after the treatment, and also to determine the final result.

It aims to test the significance of the mean score obtained for the experimental and controlled group. The purpose of the pre-test is to measure the students' reading comprehension before treatment. The table also shows that the pretest mean score was 60.45 and it was increased in the posttest to 90.91.

So we can conclude that the data on students' reading comprehension showed that it is normally distributed. While the output value of the power point in the sample statistics of independent shows the mean of pre-test 68.57 and post-test 71.43 while the N of each other is 21. Based on the analysis of the data results, the researcher concludes that there is a significant difference between the students' score at reading comprehension in the experimental class, which gave the picture series, and the controlled class, which used power point.

Based on the result of the previous chapter, the researcher concluded that using picture series is more effective than using power point on students' reading comprehension. After climbing nearly 400 steps, Claire received a spectacular view of the city from the statue's crown. The next morning, 17 August 1945, Soekarno read the text of the proclamation of Indonesian independence.

It was the mark of the The next morning, on 17 August 1945, Soekarno read the text of the proclamation of Indonesia's independence. What does one think of the Indonesian military force compared to that of the British army at the time.

Table 3.2 Total population in SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan  (source: Administration of SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan)
Table 3.2 Total population in SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan (source: Administration of SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan)


Research Findings

  • Description of the Data

This research was conducted to know the effectiveness of using picture series on students' reading comprehension at grade 10 of SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan. A test set was to find out the score of students' reading comprehension, which consisted of two tests. In order to get a complete picture of the participants, a series of descriptive analyzes were carried out.

Meanwhile, the students' reading comprehension after instruction without the use of picture sequences shows that students who achieved Excellent were still none (0%), Very Good was one student (4.8%), Good were four students (19%), Fair Good was nine students (42.9%), Fair was six students (28.6%) and Poor was one student (4.8%).

Table 4.2 The Data Presentation of the Control Class  No  Name  Pre-test  Classification
Table 4.2 The Data Presentation of the Control Class No Name Pre-test Classification

Data Analysis

  • Normality Test
  • Homogeneity Test
  • Hypothesis Test

Levene's test for equality of variance was used to assess whether the homogeneity of variance assumption was met (Levene,1960). The homogeneity of variance assumption requires that the variance of the dependent variable be approximately equal in each group. The hypothesis test as used to determine the difference between the scores of the students in the experimental class who learned the picture series and those of the students in the control class who learned the PowerPoint.

First, the researcher used SPSS version 26 to conduct tests to find the mean score, standard deviation, and mean standard error. Based on the table above, the output of image sequences in the dependent sample statistics shows that the average pre-test is 60.45 and the post-test is 90.91, while N for each other is 22. It can be concluded that there is no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group before the strategy was implemented.

So it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group after implementing the strategy. Based on the calculation above, tcount is higher than ttable, so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. This means that there is empirical evidence that the use of picture series is more effective than the use of power point of students' reading comprehension at grade 10 in SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan.

Table 4.4 Homogeneity Test   Test of Homogeneity of Variance
Table 4.4 Homogeneity Test Test of Homogeneity of Variance


The effectiveness of using picture series can be seen from the fact that the students were excited before they started learning. This means that the use of picture series is effective in students' reading comprehension in retelling the text in Grade 10 SMAN 1 Teluk Bintan. This can be demonstrated by the average score of the students before they are taught using a series of pictures, generally fair.

The students' reading score after being taught using picture sequences is better than before. The researcher's score finding showed a significant difference in the students'. scores before and after they were taught using picture sequences. Therefore, it is suggested to use interesting media to help students understand the text such as picture series, because the effectiveness of the media has been proven.

The situation of the treatment and the students' perception during the implementation of the technique are also interesting to investigate. Using Photo Series to Encourage Reading Comprehension for the Second Semester of the English Department of IAN Tulungagung”. The invocation of Semar was probably intended to help draw on Javanese mythology to lend support to Suharto's legitimacy during the period of the transfer of power from Sukarno to Suharto.

Why do you think the date of the Battle of Surabaya is used as a momentum to commemorate the contribution of our hero. Claire made sure to make reservations before her visit because only 240 people are allowed to climb the stairs to the top of the statue each day. After the Statue of Liberty tour, Claire spent the rest of the day in New York City visiting other important monuments and historical landmarks.

He was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Inquisition for his support of the Copernican theory that the sun was at the center of the solar system. The declaration marked the start of the diplomatic and armed resistance of the Indonesian National Revolution, which fought against the forces of the Netherlands and pro-Dutch civilians until the latter officially recognized Indonesia's independence in 1949.



Based on the statistical analysis using independent sample t-test using SPSS version 26, it shows the T-test of a t-score is greater than t-table it was (8.195 > 1.32543). Students taught through picture sequences have higher scores than those taught with the usual media, namely power point.


Arguably one of New York's most iconic symbols, the Statue of Liberty is a popular tourist attraction for first-time visitors to the city.


Table 2.1 Indicators Of Reading Comprehension Of Recount Text   No   The Indicators of Reading Comprehension Of Recount Text
2.2  Table of conceptual framework  2.4 Research Hypothesis
Table 3.1 Research design Framework  01                  X               02


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