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Exercise"Use of has and have"

Dyah Anggraini Puspaningrum

Academic year: 2024

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Lubna exercise

Use of has and have 1. Lisa ____ a pet cat.

a) has b) have

2. They ____ three bicycles.

a) has b) have

3. I ____ a new toy.

a) has b) have

4. She ____ a lovely garden.

a) has b) have

5. My brother ____ a blue backpack.

a) has b) have

6. My mom ____ a beautiful garden in our backyard.

7. We ____ a family reunion every year.

8. The dog ____ a fluffy tail.

9. Maria ____ a new bike for her birthday.

10. The children ____ a fun time at the park.

Use of it/that/this

1. I love to read books, and I have just finished one. _____ book was really interesting.

a) That b) It c) This

2. Look at _____ beautiful flower in the garden! Its colors are so vibrant.

a) That b) It c) This

3. _____ is a sunny day, perfect for a picnic in the park.

a) That b) It c) This

4. I saw a movie last night, and _____ was a comedy.

a) That b) It c) This

5. _____ is my favorite sweater. I wear it all the time.

a) That b) It c) This

6. Can you pass me _____ red crayon on the table, please?

a) That b) It c) This

7. Look at the painting on the wall. _____

was painted by a famous artist.

a) That b) It c) This

8. _____ is a delicious cake. I baked it for your birthday.

a) That b) It c) This

9. I have a cat, and _____ loves to play with yarn.

a) That b) It c) This

10. Do you see the mountain in the distance? _____ is so majestic.

a) That b) It c) This

11. Look at _____ cute kitten! I want to adopt _____.

12. _____ is a tall building in the city.

13. I have a new bike, and _____ is red.

14. _____ was a great movie. I enjoyed every moment of _____.

15. I found a book on the shelf, and _____ is very interesting to read.


Lubna exercise









Arrange it!

1. pillow-a-there 2. bed-a-comfortable-is 3. the-curtains-green-are 4. favorite-my-comforter-is 5. lamp-a-table-there-is

Make sentences from words Kiki: what animal do you have?

Nisa : I have a ….

Doni: what animal do they have?

Roy : They have a ….

Dito: what animal does he have?

Cici : He has a ….

Rino: what animal does she have?

Cita : She has a ….

Roni: Is that a fish?

Cita : ___________. That is a cow

Cika: Is this a buffalo?

Cita : ___________. this is

Mimi: Is this a hen?

Cilla : ___________. this is horse

Mimi: Is this a cat?

Cilla : ___________. this is.

14 9 Januari



Lubna exercise Kunci jawaban

1. a) has

2. b) have

3. b) have

4. a) has

5. b) have

My mom has a beautiful garden in our backyard.

We have a family reunion every year.

The dog has a fluffy tail.

Maria has a new bike for her birthday.

The children have a fun time at the park.

1. a) That

2. c) This

3. c) This

4. b) It

5. c) This

6. b) It

7. a) That

8. b) It

9. b) It

10. a) That 11. that, it

12. There

13. it

14. It, it

15. it

1. There is a pillow.

2. The bed is comfortable.

3. The curtains are green.

4. My favorite comforter is.

5. There is a table lamp.


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