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Faculty IAIN Bengkulu


Academic year: 2023

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The objectives of this research were to find out and describe the English teachers' problems with lesson plan design. The teacher problem in the design of lesson plan is: Teaching method, Assessment, Instrument completeness, Learning material and Subject identity. The researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular and the readers in general.


  • Background
  • Identification of Problem
  • Limitation of the Research
  • Research Questions
  • Research Objectives
  • Significance of Study

The phenomenon above attracted the researcher to know more about the problems of English teacher in designing lesson plan in teaching English. This research focuses only on the English teacher problems in the design of lesson plan at Islamic Boarding School of Al-Qur'an Harsallakum Bengkulu. Based on the background described, it can be taken identification of problems are the English teachers' problems in the design of lesson plan in the teaching of English at Islamic Boarding School of Al-Qur'an Harsallakum Bengkulu.


Lesson Plan

  • Component of a Lesson Plan
  • The Purpose of Lesson Plan
  • The Function of Designing a Lesson Plan
  • The Step in Arrange a Lesson Plan
  • The Principles of Designing Lesson Plan
  • Some Mistakes in Creating English Lesson Plan
  • The Problem in Teaching in the Classroom

To make the teaching and learning process better, the teacher must organize a good lesson plan. As a good teacher, teachers should understand some techniques in designing a classroom lesson plan. The materials specified in the lesson plan are external to the actual learning activities described.

Teachers leave the teaching material in the lesson plan and create only the teaching material taken from the textbook. Ideally, the material in the lesson plan is a guide to what teachers will teach. So it means that problems in the implementation of the curriculum are problems in the learning process.

According to Sampurno (2012), there are many obstacles of the classroom teacher to the lesson plan. Teachers are more confused with the format of the lesson plan than they think about the content of the lesson plan in the classroom. From the above explanation, it can be concluded that there are three parts of the curriculum implementation.

I use the lesson plan to see if it matches the material contained in the lesson plan. The implementation of the lesson plan is the teacher's activities in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom. As uno and hamzah (3008:3) said that the important of lesson plan is to improve learning.

While designing the curriculum, the teacher should pay attention to the components of the above curriculum. After designing the curriculum, teachers must implement the curriculum in teaching English in the classroom.

The Important of a Lesson Plan in Teaching

The Concept of a Lesson Plan in Teaching English

In this step, a teacher must know what students need, because students are subjects in the process of teaching orientation. While implementing a lesson plan, the teacher must consider the situation and condition to make the teaching process more effective and efficient. The final step is evaluation; the teacher should try the assessment procedure and technique.

The Implementation of Lesson Plan

The final step is evaluation; the teacher should try out the procedure and technique of evaluation. logical development of students. The lesson plan implementation consists of Pre-Activity, While-Activity and Close-Activity. Implementation of the while activities of a learning process for achieved KD, conducted interactively, inspiringly, fun, challenging, motivating the learners to participate actively and providing ample scope for innovation, creativity and independence based on their talents, interests and skills. physical and psychological development of students.

While – Activities that use methods tailored to the characteristics of learners and subjects, which may include exploration, elaboration and confirmation. one. Assessment and/or reflection of the activities that have been carried out consistently and programmed. Planned follow-up activities in the form of remedial learning, enrichment programmes, counseling and/or giving the assignment, both individual and group assignments adapted to the students' learning outcomes.

The third part of this must be done by the teacher when the learning process is sequential.

Reviews of Previous Studies

She found that there were problems that English students faced in designing a lesson plan. This chapter described and discussed the problems of English teachers when he or she was teaching in the classroom, especially in implementing their lesson plan in the classroom. After evaluating all the lesson plans designed by their English teachers of Al-Qur'an Islamic Boarding School Harsallakum, it can be summarized that the problems of the teachers in designing the lesson plan are included in the following parts:

On the other hand, a curriculum has many components that teachers should complete when designing a curriculum. Based on the above theories, a teacher must design a curriculum before starting to teach. Because as we know, the curriculum is the teacher's guide for success in the teaching process.

But, in fact, after analyzing the data, the researcher discovered that English teachers have problems in designing the lesson plan. If the results of this research are compared with the results of the previous ones, it can be seen that mostly teachers have problems in designing the lesson plan. After that, Khupriati (2011), she found that there were problems faced by English students in designing a lesson plan.

The English Study Program Students' problems with the design of a Lesson Plan in Teaching Practice an Academic Year 2010/2011.

Technique of Collection Data

Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting all the data, the researcher analyzed the lesson plan using the observation checklist, and analyzed the report using the observation sheet and lesson plan, and then graded and recorded the result according to the academic standard criteria of the students (based on the Rector Decree No. 0353 of 2014 IAIN BENGKULU). When analyzing the data, the researcher needs the hands of co-researchers. Then wrote the conclusion about the problem of the English teachers in implementing the lesson plan.



Clarity of the learning scenario.. i) Each step is reflected in the learning strategies/method.. j) Adaptation of the techniques to the learning goal and completeness of the instrument clearly. Clarity of the learning scenario.. i) Each step is reflected in the learning strategies/methods.. j) Adaptation of the techniques to the learning goal and completeness of the instrument clearly. In the first lesson plan of T-2, it describes the basic competence and standard competence based on the lessons to be taught, includes the character of the lesson, the prescribed subject matter to be presented, includes indicators of learning competences including the division of time. to be used in the learning process, described the source of learning / learning media, explanation of the formulation of learning objectives, selection of learning materials suitable for the character of students, clarity of learning scenarios (each step reflected a strategy / method and timing at each stage), and adjusting techniques with the aim of learning.

In the second lesson plan of T-2, he explained the basic competence and standard competence based on learning skills, lists the characteristics of learning, explains the subject that will be presented, lists the indicators in the learning competences, lists the time allocation that it will be used in the learning process. To get good results in the learning process, of course the teacher must have a good plan anyway. There are activities in the learning process that teachers must perform, namely pre-activities, while-activities and narrow activities.

During the evaluation, the teacher did not make a final assessment based on the students' competencies. At the end of the teaching and learning process, the teacher did not think about creating a summary by involving the students. But in the learning process, he did not use them as a medium in the delivery of the material.

As we know, in the nearby activity it consists of: the teacher offers students opportunities to express their opinion about the material they have studied.


According to PERMENDIKNAS number 41 of 2007, there are many components of the curriculum: 1) The identity of the subject consists of an educational unit, class, semester, skill, subject or topic of the lesson, meetings. In fact, a teaching method is used to create teaching and learning activities so that students can achieve a basic competency or a set of in-. The choice of teaching method must be appropriate to the students' situation and the characteristics of the individual indicator and competence that would be achieved in the individual subject.

Learning material is also the important part in lesson plan because it includes facts, concepts, principles and procedures that are relevant and written in the form of grain in accordance with the formulation of indicators for the achievement of competence. Give clues such as questions to the students to link their background knowledge to the material that would be discussed in that meeting (permendiknas, 2007). The choice of teaching methods must be appropriate for the students' circumstances, and the characteristics of indicators and competence to be achieved in each subject.

Teaching media are helpful in helping the teacher to communicate the material more easily to the students, and the students can understand the material better. If the students are excited about taking the lesson, it indicates that they are being encouraged to participate more actively in the teaching and learning process. Yosipa (2005) identified eight problems in the design of a lesson plan by the teachers: formulating TPK, selecting the teaching technique, the media, varying media, making evaluation and enforcing the evaluation.

The teachers have to design the lesson plan based on the criteria of the National Education Department, as the lesson plans designed by the teachers still do not meet the available criteria.




Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor 41 Tahun 2007, Tentang Standar Proses Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah: Jakarta.


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