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FADILLAH FEBRIYANTI Student Number : 1801072013


Academic year: 2023

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan Seri Gambar melalui Whatsapp Messenger meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan serangkaian gambar melalui strategi Whatsapp Messenger dapat meningkatkan pemahaman menulis siswa. Penelitian ini berfokus pada pemahaman siswa dalam menulis teks narasi di kelas VIII SMP Islam Ibnu Rusyd Kotabumi.

Thanks to Allah SWT who gave the researcher grace and blessing so that the researcher can complete this undergraduate thesis under the title "Using Picture Series Through WhatsApp Messenger to Improve Student's Writing Skills Of SMP Islam Ibnu Rusyd Kotabumi. All the teachers of SMP Islam Ibnu Rusyd Kotabumi who gave the researcher opportunity to carry out this research.

Background of Study

The problem of writing that comes from within the researcher is having poor vocabulary and mastery of grammar, having low motivation to write and lack of self-confidence to practice writing. The photo series method is in line with the above explanation, photo series are often used as media in the teaching-learning process. To overcome these problems, one of the alternative techniques to help students improve their skills is to write narrative text using Picture Series.

The use of picture sets is effective in improving the learning and teaching process and the students' ability to write in the right organization, generating student ideas and enriching students' vocabulary. So the writer chooses this medium with the expectation that Picture Series media can help the student in writing.

Problem Identification

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

First, Gayle and Lawrence argue that writing is important.4 Being able to write well and express yourself will help you for the rest of your life. Second, Trudy Wallace et al. explains that writing is the end. product of several very separate actions that are challenging to learn at the same time.5 These separable actions include taking notes, identifying a central idea, sketching, drafting, and editing. Subsequently, Brown said that writing is a skill that is the exclusive domain of scribes and scholars in the field. in the field of education or religious institutions.6Almost every aspect of daily life for the. Kancil asked, "What happened?" and the buffalo replied, “The crocodile bites my leg after I helped take out the big branch. Then Kancil suddenly said, "Let's run the buffalo, let's run!" The buffalo and Kancil rumbled as fast as they could and the crocodile had realized that he had been fooled by Kancil.

First, the teacher gives a brief explanation of the narrative text, starting from the definition, its purpose, its schematic structure. 14Hendro, K., & Eko, P.M. The effect of using WhatsApp Messenger on student performance in KKH class at PBIO FKIP UAD Ahmad Dahlan University:2016. The scenario learning process is the action; it is the implementation of the researcher's planning.

The data were analyzed by taking the mean of the pre- and post-test. This research used classroom action research whose purpose was to increase the students' activity and the result of the study in SMP Islam Ibnu Rusyd Kotabumi. Based on the teacher's experience and the results of writing narrative text skills exam at SMP Islam Ibnu Rusyd Kotabumi, the researcher came to the following conclusion: Many students have problems in understanding the narrative content.

Based on the results of the students in cycle I, the researcher determined that the problem is that the students find it difficult to understand the structure of the narrative text. In the first meeting in cycle 2, the teacher silenced all the material given in cycle 1. 7) The teacher told a different story than the previous meeting. The students' score of writing narrative text using picture sequences through WhatsApp Messenger .. test 2 in cycle II meeting 2nd Thursday, 20 January.

It can be concluded that the learning process went well and that the students were more engaged in the classroom than in cycle I. 2) The result of the students' activity. It means that picture series through whatsapp messenger improve students' skills in writing narrative text. Most of the students got the grade ≥75 in 85% percentage and there is improvement in student activity.

2016). The effect of using WhatsApp Messenger on students' performance in KKH class at PBI FKIP UAD, Ahmad Dahlan University.

Objective and Benefits of Study

Prior Research

The first preliminary research conducted by Chintia Chandra, Hery Yufrizal, Buhanuddin (2021) who conducted a research titled "Improving Students' Writing Skills Achievement in Descriptive Text Using Picture Series via WhatsApp Messenger at SMPN 34 Bandar Lampung". And the differences between this study and the first previous research in the research design and content. A difference in text type was included in this research, the previous research used a descriptive text type and this research used a narrative text type. Another is a research written by Yusnita et al (2012) entitled "Improving Students' Recount Text Writing by Using Picture Series a Classroom Action Research to the Tenth Grade Students of SMK Panca Bhakti Kubu Raya in Academic Year 2011/2012".

Hery Yufrizal et.al, "Improving Students' Writing Skills Achievement in Descriptive Text Using Picture Series via WhatsApp Messenger at SMPN 34 Bandar Lampung" (Lampung: University of Lampung, 2021). Clarry Sada et.al, “Improving Students' Recount Text Writing by Using Picture Series a Classroom Action Research to the Tenth Grade Students of SMK Panca Bhakti Kubu Raya in Academic Year.


The Concepts of Writing

The Concept of Picture Series Through WhatsApp

There are many benefits associated with the use of picture sequences in the teaching learning process, it can because it affects students. The teacher, here students can apply and learn to use picture sequences in writing narrative text. In addition, the teacher introduces picture series to the students from the definition, the purpose and the benefits of using picture.

This makes it easier and more fun for the students by using photo series. Therefore, teaching how to write narrative texts using image sequences is a suitable and interesting technique to apply in instructional activities.

Action Hypothesis

Students are given a text, a series of pictures and a list of alternative alternatives for some of the words in the text.


  • Variable and Oprational Definition of Variable
  • Research Location
  • Subject of the Research
  • Research Procedure
  • Data Collecting Technique
  • Data Analysis Technique
  • Indicator of Success

During the learning process, the writer observed the active participation of the students in learning how to create narrative text using photo series and the WhatsApp chat application. In this study, the author will use field notes to record the activities of the students during the learning process. When the teacher has finished explaining, he gives the task to have the students write a fable story in the form of a narrative text with a title they know.

During II. cycle, the researcher continued working with a colleague and observed the students' activities during the learning process. The table below showed students a recapitulation of students who increased their ability to read verbatim narrative text in the pre-test, post-test I, and post-test II. In teaching writing skills to the students of SMP Islam Ibnu Rusyd Kotabumi, especially to the class VIII students, the researcher chose Picture Series Media to improve the writing skills of the students.

Therefore, the implementation of Picture Series Media is proven to improve the learning activities of students using Picture Series Media.


Result of the Research

  • History of SMP Islam Ibnu Rusyd Kotabumi
  • The Description of Research Data

The teacher gives the story text titled Malin Kundang and then changes some words in the text. Student's Post-test I Result of Narrative Text Writing Skill with Picture Series through WhatsApp Messenger Application in Cycle I.




Based on the results of the classroom action research, the researcher can conclude that the average score from the two cycles is the average score of the student's narrative text writing skills is 45.35 in the pretest and 54.8 in the posttest 1 and 58 .3 in the posttest 2 SMP Islam Ibnu Rusyd Kotabumi, the result of observation sheets and student activities. This means that there was an increase in the results of students from the pretest in I. and II. Picture series through WhatsApp messenger can improve the writing ability of eighth graders at SMP Islam Ibnu Rusyd Kotabumi.


Siswa diberikan motivasi dan petunjuk untuk melihat, mengamati, membaca dan menulis ulang pada topik materi yang diberikan guru yaitu kaitannya dengan teks narasi dan juga penerapan media pembelajaran menggunakan gambar seri. Siswa mengamati penjelasan guru tentang definisi, fungsi sosial, langkah-langkah struktur retorika/generik, dan ciri kebahasaan teks narasi. Orang-orang membicarakan kematian ayahnya dan membuat ibunya sangat cemas setiap hari.

Furthermore, he was still very young and could not help his mother. However, life must go on. Since his mother continued to work every time, he did not have the heart and intended to help his mother. His mother was not banished at first because of fear that Malin did not come back like his father.

However, he continued to press until his mother allowed him to go. He immediately set out to sail because his mother had given him permission, and his departure was accompanied by his mother's weeping. On board, he continued to learn and began to learn the ins and outs of shipping and commerce. Many years after the initial voyage, he had not had the opportunity to visit his mother in her homeland. He also married a very beautiful and rich girl so they could live happily ever after. With wealth and a prosperous life, he forgot to return home to meet his mother.

Arriving at his hometown, Malin Kundang met his mother and his mother hugged him very tightly. He actually recognized his mother's face, but it's a great shame because there are crew as well as his wife. In front of them, he did not acknowledge that a woman who fell down was his mother.

His mother was sad and inwardly, he prayed that Malin would turn into stone. In an instant, the sky was covered with clouds, lightning and rain was falling. Write a narrative text using the picture series entitled 'Cinderella or the Little Glass Slipper'.


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