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Academic year: 2023



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Title: Code switching between the teachers and the students of the English conversation class at SMAN 1 Tombolo Pao Gowa Regency. Judul: Code switching between the teachers and the students of the conversation class at SMAN 1 Tombolo Pao Gowa Regency (a descriptive study in the second class of SMA Negeri 1 Tombolo Pao Gowa Regency). Title: Code switching between the teachers and the students of the English conversation class at SMAN 1 Tombolo Pao Gowa Regency.

Code switching between the teachers and the students of the conversation class at SMAN 1 Tombolo Pao, Gowa Regency (a descriptive study in the second class of SMA Negeri 1 Tombolo Pao, Gowa Regency), under the thesis of the Department of English Education of the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Makassar Muhammadiyah University (under the leadership of Abd. Muin and Amiruddin).


  • Problem Statement
  • Objectives of the Study
  • Significance of the Study
  • Scope of the Study

What types of code switching are used by the teachers and the students when teaching English conversation lessons? The teachers and the students refer to their ability to use code-switching in their conversations. From the observation, the researcher finds features of code switching used in classroom conversations by the teachers and the students. A).

And teachers and students used code switching because code switching has many functions.


Concept of Code-Switching

Heather (2008: 1) Code switching is the practice of moving between language variations in different contexts. In an educational context, code-switching is defined as the practice of switching between a primary and secondary language or discourse. Gumperz distinguishes two types of code-switching, covering code-switching and situational code-switching.

As far as compound code switching is concerned, morphemes belonging to both languages ​​are used, and more specifically the morphosyntactic structure of the utterance is influenced by the rules of both languages.

The Conversational Structural of Code-switching and its

The Functions of Teachers’ Code Switching

When functioning as interjections or sentence fillers, code switching is used for better expression, clarification, or better understanding (Gumperz, 1982). The most common feature of code switching by the Malay speaker is the transfer of unconscious markers through the insertion of particle lah (Yunisrina Qismullah Yusuf and Suan). The use of codes by teachers is not always conscious; meaning that the teacher is not always aware of the functions and outcomes of the code switching process.

In addition to the function of code switching, which is named as topic switching, the phenomenon also has affective functions that serve to express emotions. In this regard, code-switching is used by the teacher to build solidarity and intimate relationships with students. In this sense, one can speak about the contribution of code switching to creating a supportive language environment in the classroom.

As mentioned earlier, this is not always a conscious process on the part of the teacher. However, the same can also be concluded for the natural occurrence of code switching, since one cannot guarantee its conscious application when considering the Maori example given in section II. Another explanation for the functionality of code switching in classrooms is its repetitive function.

In this case, the teacher uses code-switching in order to convey the knowledge needed for clarity to the students. After learning in the target language, the teacher's code switches to the mother tongue to clarify the meaning and thus emphasizes the importance of the foreign language content for understanding efficiency.

The Functions of Students’ Code Switching

It can be argued that this kind of language exchange can have negative effects on learning a foreign language; as it can result in long-term loss of fluency. The third consideration in students' code-switching is repetition, which Eldridge points out as: messages are reinforced, emphasized or clarified, where the message has already been transmitted in one code but not understood (Sert, 2013: 4). In this case, the message in the target language is repeated by the learner in the native language, through which the learner tries to make sense by making use of a repetition technique.

Second, the student may feel that it is more appropriate to code switch to show the teacher that the content is clearly understood by him/her. For a student's potentially conflicting language use (meaning the student tends to avoid a misunderstanding or tends to pronounce words indirectly for specific purposes), code-switching is a strategy to transfer the intended meaning. The underlying reasons for the tendency to use this type of code switching may vary according to students' needs, goals, or objectives (Mati, 2013: 10).

In addition, the lack of a culturally equivalent lexicon among the native and target languages—which may lead to violation of the transfer of intended meaning—may result in code switching for conflict control; therefore possible misunderstandings are avoided.

Concept of Conversation

The conversational skill of speaking a second language is a long process initially, the learner must carefully repeat the patterns and imitate the teacher. They can memorize basic sentences to gain confidence in their ability to speak the second language. In this class the teacher should try to allow some activities before speaking, either guided conversation in each unit.

There is no single set of circumstances, rules, or divisions that can encompass conversation, although many have attempted to create classification systems that account for the wide variety of conversation types, purposes, and functions. Conversation is a form of interactive, spontaneous communication between two or more people that follows rules of etiquette. Conversations follow rules of etiquette because conversations are social interactions, and thus depend on social convention.

In (Lakshovsky, 2013: 1), conversations are sometimes the ideal form of communication, depending on the intended goals of the participants. Conversations can be ideal when, for example, both parties want a relatively equal exchange of information, or when one party wants to ask questions of the other. On the other hand, written communication may be ideal if durability or the ability to review such information is important.

Since its primary function is to help maintain social relationships, conversation is not (and should not be) held to the rigid standards of written grammar, which. Moreover, conversation should not be equated with uses of language that are not authentic, spontaneous interpersonal communication, such as other forms of spoken language (eg speeches and formal debate), written textbook dialogues or classroom discourse (which is primarily transactional, not social). .

Conceptual Framework

There are two variables in this study, namely code-switching of the conversation classroom and of the teachers and students. The researcher observed the process of using code-switching as practiced by English teachers during classroom conversations. The researcher wrote how many teachers and students use code switching and who the teachers and students use.

The researcher interviewed the teachers and some students about the use of code switching in the learning process, including the types and functions of code switching. 40 . covers the use of code switching between teachers and students for the second year of SMAN 1 Tombolo Pao Kab. Details about the code-switching functions performed by each teacher are presented in the following discussion.

Question: What do you think about the use of code switching in teaching English in the classroom. Question: What do you think is the function of code switching in the teaching of English in the classroom. Answer: The function of code switching can make the students easy to understand the material.

Answer: Code switching is very effective in teaching English because the students can easily understand the material and the students can be active in learning. Code switching was practiced by the English teachers because he planned to give his questions to students about English instruction in the classroom. And the students also used code switching to ask questions of their teachers and their friends.

And the students used code switching in the conversation class to make them speak English and understand what they want to say in English. International Journal: Code-switching in English as a foreign language Instruction practiced by English teachers in universities. Code-switching in English as a foreign language as practiced by English lecturers in universities.


Variabel and Operational Definition

Population and sample

According to Fraenkel and Wallen (1990: 84), population refers to all members of a given group. It is a group that is of interest to the researcher, the group from whom the researcher wants to generalize the result of a study. The population of the study is the second class of SMAN 1 Tombolo Pao in the academic year 2014/2015.

Class IPA consists of 36 student members, IPS 1 consists of 33 members and class IPS 2 consists of 38 student members. It depends on the researcher's ability in terms of time, energy and findings, and in this research the researcher will take 15% of the population. In this study, the researcher used cluster random sampling, where the sample was chosen as a group rather than as individuals.

Instrument of the Research

Code-switching was done by the English teacher to build intimate interactions between the English teacher and the students in English classroom conversation. Question: Have you felt that code switching can help you in your teaching? Code-switching was practiced by English teachers to reinforce a request or command to students in English classroom conversation.

Considering the previous description above, the teachers and students of SMAN1 Tombolo pao used three types of code switching: tag switching, intersentential switching, and intrasentential switching. Assessment, Technology and Education Evaluation (ATEE): Using code-switching as a strategy for bilingual education in the classroom.

Procedure of Data Collection

Technique of Data Analysis

The analysis aimed to find the reasons of English teachers practicing English in Indonesian and code switching of other languages ​​in the English conversation classroom while teaching English in the classroom.


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