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Charades Game in Teaching Vocabulary to The Seventh Grade Students of MTsN Sewulan Dagangan Madiun in Academic Year 2013/2014.

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Charades game in teaching vocabulary to seventh grade students at MTsN Sewulan Dagangan Madiun in the academic year. How can Charades Game build students' vocabulary for seventh grade students in MTsN Sewulan Dagangan Madiun in the academic year 2013/2014.

Research Location

Data Source

Technique of Data Collection

According to Creswell, "The collection procedure in qualitative research involved four basic types such as observation, interview, documents and audio-visual material"14. In this research, the researcher uses documentation to retrieve data and information about topics from some written data sources.

Data Analysis

In data display, the researcher has to display the data to get the data and information. This can be done by the researcher through some methods of data acquisition.

Data Credibilitation

This means that the previously stated conclusion is still provisional and may change if the evidence does not support the next data collection, but with increasing data the conclusion will be more justified. From the above statement, it can be concluded that the conclusion and the verification are the last steps in the research.

Research Procedure

In the reporting step, the researcher writes a research report in the form of thesis writing.

Organization of Thesis

This chapter contains an analysis of data on the use of Charades in teaching vocabulary and an analysis of data on the advantages and disadvantages of Charades in teaching vocabulary for the seventh grade students of MTsN Sewulan Dagangan Madiun in the academic year 2013/2014.


Definition of Teaching

Definition of Learning

Learners Style

In language teaching, the learners have domain in audio style, visual style and kinesthetic style.


The Definition of Vocabulary

It means that vocabulary is the basic component of the language that one learns. From two explanations, vocabulary is the basic component of language, especially for foreign language when one wants to communicate and learn it.

The Kinds of Vocabulary

It is a word for physical that can be perceived by the senses - we can see, touch, smell the object37. It is a combination of –self with one of the personal pronouns or with the impersonal pronouns one.41. It is pointing out someone or something.42 The most common demonstrative pronouns are this (plural these) and that (plural those).

It is often identified by special derivative endings or by special adverbial modifications that precede it. It is a word that describes or adds the meaning of a verb, adjective, another adverb or an entire sentence. It is a word used to indicate how other words are connected.

The Aspects of Vocabulary

In other words, homonym is one of a group of words that share the same spelling and pronunciation but can have different meanings. The example of homonym is the pair left (past tense of leave) and left (as opposed to right). Another potential source of confusion is the many words in English that sound the same but are spelled differently.

There are also words that are pronounced differently but spelled the same; bark (the sound of a dog) and bark (the bark of a tree). A hyponym relationship is a kind of relationship, as in a hammer is a kind of tool or a parrot is a kind of bird. Words that have this kind of thematic relationship are said to belong to the same lexical field.

Teaching Vocabulary

  • The Background of Teaching Vocabulary
  • The Goal of Teaching Vocabulary
  • Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary
  • The Evaluation of Teaching Vocabulary

Students must adopt vocabulary learning strategies to discover the meaning of a new word. This means that teaching vocabulary is important for students to increase their vocabulary in the English language. 57 Fitriyana Diah Kurniawati, "Vocabulary teaching process for fifth grade students of SDN 2 Siswodipuran Boyolali," (Thesis, UNS, Surakarta.

The teacher uses objects or brings the things to the classroom to help students know the meaning of the word. Encouraging students to guess the meaning of the words as much as possible is a good way. According to Scott Thornbury, there are many ways to present the meaning of vocabulary, they are; a) translation, b) pictures, c) gestures, d) real things, e) definition, f) relationship58.


The Definition Of Games

However, if students can recognize and spell an item correctly, they probably also know what it means, it is extremely difficult to perceive, let alone spell, a word that the teacher does not know. But testers may be able to write down acceptable items that are not, in fact, the originals or what the teacher attended. g) Translation. Translation can test all aspects of items, but there is the usual difficulty in finding exact equivalents in different languages ​​and it can be difficult to mark.

A game is an activity in which participants follow prescribed rules that differ from those in real life as they strive to achieve a challenging goal62. Furthermore, Andrew Wright states that play is an activity that is fun and engaging, often challenging, and an activity in which students play and usually interact with others63. From the previous statements, it can be seen that play is an activity that students use to promote maintaining interest in the learning process.

The Advantages of Using Games in Teaching

A learner is satisfied when he feels a new insight, when new ideas and concepts are formed. Such as; games help students to solve their problems because they are closely involved in the learning process, students are good participants because they have a high level of interest and are satisfied to learn something, and audiovisual media can be used to support the game process to give a positive stimulation for students. This means that there are many advantages of games used in language teaching such as; motivating and challenging students, helping students to put effort into their learning, providing language practice in a variety of skills, encouraging students and creating meaningful learning.

Furthermore, Virginia French Allen points out that games are useful because they make students think that some words are important and necessary, because without those words the object of the game cannot be reached.67. From the statements, it appears that the use of games in the language of teaching is necessary to motivate students, besides this game encourages students to interact and communicate with their environment. By using games, students already have a context in which using the target language is immediately useful.

Charades game

  • The Definition of Charades Game
  • The Procedure of Using Charades Game
  • The Advantages of Charades game
  • Teaching Vocabulary by using Charades Game

Finally, procedures to play charades game as follows; a) divide the class into two groups, b) each team takes one word in a box to play in front of the class, the other team guesses, c) the actor plays the word without speaking or pantomime, d) the team guesser gets the wise if they answer the word correctly. Charades game builds students' confidence by letting them experiment with their bodies to make movement. The students try to be brave and act out the word for the class by pantomime.

For example, the game of charades helps students to participate in a group, the game of charades builds their confidence, students are more active and not afraid to learn English. When teaching vocabulary through the game of charades, at the beginning, the teacher shows the pictures and introduces the vocabulary of each picture through the game of charades, so that the teacher acts out the word based on the picture in front of the students. Third, after the students know the vocabulary of each picture, the teacher gives an example as a model that is suitable for each picture through the game of charades.

Previous Research Finding


General Data

  • The History of The Established of School
  • Geographical Condition
  • Vision, Mission and Goal of School a. Vision
  • Condition of Students and Teachers a. Students

There are some facilities or buildings given by MTsN Sewulan Dagangan to support student activities78. The school's teachers total 39, consist of a principal, 21 permanent teachers and 17 temporary teachers.

Specific Data

  • The Data of Charades Gam e in Building Students’ Vocabulary to The Seventh Grade Students of MTsN Sewulan Dagangan Madiun in
  • The Data of Advantages of Charades Game in Teaching Vocabulary to The Seventh Grade Students of MTsN Sewulan Dagangan Madiun
  • The Data of Obstacles using Charades Game in Teaching Vocabulary to The Seventh Grade Students of MTsN Sewulan Dagangan Madiun

Then the teacher demonstrates how to eat an orange in front of the class by pantomiming and asks the students. Then the teacher asks by saying: "Can you translate "Kupas kulit jeruk" into English?", and the students answer "I don't know teacher", and the teacher says: "Peel an orange". Then, the last actor pantomimes matching the secret word by saying "What am I doing?", the guesser repeats.

The teacher pantomimes and asks the question "What do I do?", the students try to answer enthusiastically. The researcher knows that the teacher used gestures to convey the meaning of words and the students get the point easily. The students get a lot of experience learning English in charades games to build their vocabulary.


In this research, the teacher has tried to stimulate the students by asking some questions about coffee. Based on the description above, it shows that the teacher gives apperception to the students before starting the lesson. The teacher asks the students to discuss the vocabulary of the vocabulary based on the movements, and then the teacher writes the translation of the vocabulary in English on the board.

In addition, after the students know the vocabulary of each gesture, the teacher does pantomime based on the vocabulary introduced by the teacher earlier. The students know the meaning of the word through the gesture/pantomime of the actors and it makes the students feel easier to understand and remember the vocabulary. And then the teacher asks the students to discuss the arrangement of the gesture vocabulary, and then the teacher writes the translation of the vocabulary into English on the whiteboard.

The Advantages of Charades Game in Teaching Vocabulary to the Seventh Grade Students of MTsN Sewulan Dagangan Madiun in

The benefits of Charades game in teaching vocabulary to seventh grade students of MTsN Sewulan Dagangan Madiun i. The first benefits of charades game is that students feel easier to understand and remember material by using charades game because it is fun to learn English using the game of charades. The other benefit of the charades game is the charades game builds students' confidence to move in front of the class.

The third, charades game increases students' interest in learning English because it makes students happy and active in the teaching process. Based on explanations above, it shows that the advantages of charades game in teaching vocabulary to seventh grade students of MTsN Sewulan Dagangan Madiun is that the students feel easier to understand and remember the meaning of vocabulary, and it builds students' confidence. The Obstacles of Charades Game in Teaching Vocabulary to the Seventh Grade Students of MTsN Sewulan Dagangan Madiun in.

The Obstacles of Charades Game in Teaching Vocabulary to the Seventh Grade Students of MTsN Sewulan Dagangan Madiun in

The body movement of the game relaxes them and makes them feel like they are playing, not studying. The third should combine the teacher with another strategy or variation in the game process to avoid boredom among the students. This is often caused by the deadly predictability of a lot of class time.112 Something has to be done to break the chain.

For example, singing can be used at the beginning of the lesson to break through the boredom of the students. In short, the obstacles of charades game in teaching vocabulary to seventh grade students of MTsN Sewulan Dagangan Madiun in academic year 2013/2014 is that the teacher needs a lot of time to prepare it, the teacher knows the skills of each student not personal, and charades game needs teachers'.





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