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Academic year: 2023

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Judul Skripsi: The use of film preview to increase students' speaking skills (A pre-experimental research at the eleventh grade of SMA 4 Wajo). The use of movie preview to increase students' speaking skill (A pre-experimental research at the eleventh grade of SMA 4 Wajo). This research aimed to find out the improvement of students' speaking skill by using film preview as media to increase the students' speaking skill in terms of pronunciation and vocabulary.

Students' speaking problems in pronunciation and vocabulary could be reduced by using movie trailer, it proved by the result of finding, main score of students' pronunciation was 0.03 which was classified as very low, post-test 0.04 classified as very low and improvement of pre -test to post-test was 42%. The main score for students' vocabulary was 0.04, it was classified as very low, 0.06 in post-test was classified as low, and the improvement was 59.6%. In other words, the use of movie trailer was effective in increasing students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation and vocabulary in eleventh grade in SMA 4 WAJO.

The Use of Movie Trailer to Increase Students' Speaking Skill (A Pre Experimental Research at the Eleventh Grade of SMA 4 WAJO)" is submitted as a final requirement for the completion of undergraduate studies at the Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Makassar Muhammadiyah University . 20 Table 3.2 Evaluation criteria for students in speaking skills (pronunciation) 22 Table 3.3 Evaluation criteria for students in speaking skills (vocabulary).


  • Background
  • Problem Statement
  • Objective of the Research
  • Significance of the Research
  • Scope of the Research

To enhance students' speaking skills, the researcher uses a film as a media about the teaching and learning process. Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting a study entitled “The use of movie trailers to increase students' speaking skills (a pre-experimental study in the eleventh grade of SMA 4 Wajo). Does using movie trailers as media increase students' fluency in terms of pronunciation?

Does using a movie trailer as a medium increase students' speaking skills in terms of vocabulary. Using the movie trailer as a medium increases students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation. Using the movie trailer as a medium increases students' speaking skills in terms of vocabulary.

The scope of this research focused on the use of movie trailer to teach English speaking skills because the media was a problem found in this research. This research focused on students' pronunciation (short vowel, long vowel) and vocabulary (verb and adjective) because most of the students in that class lack pronunciation and vocabulary.


  • Previous Related Research Findings
  • The Concept of Teaching Speaking
  • The Concept of Speaking
    • The Nature of Speaking
    • Elements of Speaking
    • Teaching Speaking
  • Movie Trailer
    • Definition of Movie Trailer
    • The Features of Movie Trailer
    • Movie Trailer in English Learning Process
  • Conceptual Framework
  • Research Hypothesis

For most people, mastery of speaking is one of the most important aspects of learning a second or foreign language, because the purpose of learning a language is to be able to communicate using a language. Movie trailers use several tactics to persuade moviegoers and have become an important part of the movie trailer experience (Jerrick, 2013:1). Based on the description above, it is clear that the movie trailer can be used in teaching speaking, especially in pronunciation and vocabulary by asking the students to describe the movie, the place setting, or even the action or event given in the trailers.

The procedure of using the movie trailer in teaching descriptive pronunciation begins by building students' knowledge. The process referred to three points, they were pre-tests which aimed to know the students' speaking ability by giving or showing a picture, then they showed what the picture shows. Then, the treatment focused on making the Movie Trailer, and the Post-test aimed to measure the students' speaking by debating the topic of the movie trailer.

Alternative hypothesis (H1): There is a significant improvement on students' pronunciation and vocabulary before and after learning through the use of movie preview. Alternative hypothesis (H0): There is no significant improvement on students' pronunciation and vocabulary before and after learning through the use of film preview.

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework INPUT
Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework INPUT


  • Research Design
  • Research Variables and Indicators
  • Population and Sample
  • Research Instruments
  • Technique of Collecting Data
  • Technique of Data Analysis

Movie preview was a media to be used by students to increase students' pronunciation and vocabulary. Post-test is used to know the improvement of students' speaking skills after the treatment. The researcher used a survey test to collect the data to get information about the students' improvement.

The test was given to the students to measure the students' proficiency in speaking, especially students' pronunciation and vocabulary after giving treatment using a picture of a scene from movie preview and. The result of the data analysis of pre-test and post-test of the students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation and vocabulary is shown by the average score of indicator in table 4.3. This means that the students' speaking skills improved after being treated by using Movie Trailer.

The main purpose of this study was to find out whether using movie trailers as media increases students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation and vocabulary. The result of this study showed that the use of movie trailers increased students' fluency in pronunciation and vocabulary. You could say that using movie trailers to increase students' fluency in terms of vocabulary was successful.

This was proven by comparing the students' percentage in pre-test and post-test was 85.71% 28.57%. This means that the use of film preview is effective in improving the students' speaking ability in vocabulary. This means that students' speaking skill improved significantly after the students were treated by suing a movie preview in teaching speaking skill.

By looking at the change in students' improvement rankings, it was proven that the use of the movie trailer developed the students' speaking skills. The students' pronunciation improved, which was demonstrated by the proportion of students who were categorized as very low at 100% becoming 57.14% in the posttest. The student's vocabulary improved, which was demonstrated by the percentage of students who were categorized as very low at 85.71% becoming 28.57% after the test.



  • The Students‟ Speaking Skill in Terms of Pronunciation
  • The Students‟ Speaking Skill in Terms of Vocabulary

There were 57.14% students categorized as very low, 42.86% students categorized as low and none of them classified as average, good and very good. The mean score of pronunciation in the pre-test was 0.03, which was classified as very low, whereas the mean score in the post-test was 0.04, which was classified as very low, and the improvement of students was 42%. The mean pre-test vocabulary score was 0.04, which was classified as very low, whereas the mean post-test score was 0.06, which was classified as low, with 59.6% improvement.

To know the level of significance of pre-test and post-test, the researcher used t-test analysis at the level of significance was (p) 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df)+ N-1, where N= number of subject (28) students) then the value of the t-table was 1.701.

Table  4.2  showed  that  there  were  85.71%  students‟  vocabulary  categorized as very low and 14.29% categorized as low
Table 4.2 showed that there were 85.71% students‟ vocabulary categorized as very low and 14.29% categorized as low


In the post-test, the researcher used an image related to the scene of the trailer previously viewed in treatment, after which students were asked to recount what the actors/actress were saying in that scene. The treatment was carried out in six meetings to measure the improvement of students' vocabulary after using film preview in learning process. During the treatment, the researcher gave the students an exercise to find 20 words (10 verbs and 10 adjectives) contained in the film preview dialogues.

The researcher needed to reduce the speaking rate of the actress/actors in the movie trailer. The researcher suggests English teacher to use movie trailer as one of the media in the teaching process, especially in the teaching of speaking, because most of the students had felt the positive effect of using movie trailer to improve their speaking skills. For students, they should be more diligent in learning English by using movie trailer as a medium because there were advantages in it that can help their speaking skills, especially in terms of pronunciation and vocabulary.

Guru meminta seluruh siswa menceritakan apa yang ada dalam pikirannya setelah menonton trailer film tersebut dengan menggunakan ekspresi yang mengungkapkan sikapnya terhadap sesuatu dan ekspresi respon yang mengungkapkan sikapnya terhadap sesuatu dalam bentuk dialog. Temukan beberapa kata yang Anda ambil dan belum pernah Anda dengar sebelumnya setelah menonton trailer filmnya. Guru meminta seluruh siswa menceritakan apa yang ada dalam pikiran mereka setelah menonton trailer film tersebut dengan menggunakan ekspresi yang mengungkapkan perasaan cinta dan menanggapi ekspresi yang mengungkapkan perasaan cinta dalam bentuk dialog.

Temukan beberapa kata yang Anda dengar yang belum pernah Anda dengar sebelumnya setelah menonton trailer filmnya. Guru meminta seluruh siswa untuk menanggapi trailer film yang mereka tonton sebelumnya dengan berdialog dengan teman sekelasnya dan mengungkapkan kemarahannya. Guru meminta seluruh siswa menanggapi trailer film yang mereka tonton tadi dengan berdialog dengan teman sekelasnya dan mengungkapkan rasa kesal.

Berikan pendapat Anda tentang trailer film tersebut dalam bentuk dialog dengan menggunakan ekspresi kemarahan. Guru memberikan latihan kepada siswa dalam menggunakan media yang disebut Movie trailer, kemudian meminta siswa mengulangi isi trailer film dalam bentuk teks tiruan. Guru membagi kelompok menjadi pro dan kontra, kemudian siswa mendiskusikan pendapatnya tentang trailer film yang mereka tonton.




Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (menyelesaikan sesuatu) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) formal dan berkelanjutan dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam kehidupan sehari-hari serta melibatkan tindak tutur: mengungkapkan sikap terhadap sesuatu, menyatakan perasaan cinta dan menyatakan perasaan kesedihan. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (menyelesaikan sesuatu) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) formal dan berkelanjutan dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam kehidupan sehari-hari serta melibatkan tindak tutur: mengungkapkan perasaan malu, mengungkapkan perasaan marah, dan mengungkapkan perasaan marah. gangguan. Dalam adegan tersebut, sang ibu marah-marah kepada anaknya karena ikut lomba dan tidak memberi tahu ibunya.

Table of students’ achievement in speaking
Table of students’ achievement in speaking


Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework INPUT
Table  4.2  showed  that  there  were  85.71%  students‟  vocabulary  categorized as very low and 14.29% categorized as low
Table 4.4 above showed the result of t-test calculation of students‟
Table of students’ achievement in speaking


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