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Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh


Identification of The Problem

Limitation of The Problem

Research Question

Research Objective

Significance of The Research

The result of the pre-test normality test of the experimental class can be seen in Table 4.5. And from the Shapiro Wilk test of the experimental class pre-test showed the significance.

Devfinition of Key Terms


Definition of Speaking

Speaking is the first way children acquire language; this is proven by a real situation where conversation is the biggest involvement in their daily life. Speaking is one form of communication that involves oral human interaction; it is the ability of people to use oral instruments or speech to communicate with others.

The Role of Speaking

Promotional students sometimes get lost in what to say or in some other way lose the fluency that the teacher expects of them. And the teacher should give them motivation so that they can be good speakers.

Type of Speaking

But many teachers can help them and the activity is to progress by offering discreet suggestion. Although this is a purely phonetic level of oral production, a number of prosodic, lexical and grammatical features of language can be included in the criterion performance.

The Characteristic of Speaking

Researcher would compare the pre-test results of the two groups after they were given different treatments. Then the result of the students' score will be in pre- and post-test classification based on scale interval categories. The pre-test and post-test were given to the students in the experimental group and control group.

The distribution of pre-test and post-test score in the experimental class can be seen in table 4.2. Graphically the total score of student pre-test and post-test in the control class. The distribution of pre-test and post-test scores in the control class can be seen in table 4.4.

Most of the eleventh graders in the experimental class already had better promotion and post-exam scores than their pre-exam scores.

Component of Speaking

High Order Thinking Skill (Hots)

  • Definition of Hots
  • HOTS Definition Category

Thinking skills in Bloom's taxonomy are divided into two, first the lower-order thinking skills (LOTS), and the second the higher-order thinking skills (HOTS).17 Between the two skills, which are often investigated and desired to be used by educators or socialized by government, namely higher-order thinking skills. According to Gilligan, Bloom's revised taxonomy is so useful for teachers aiming to improve higher order thinking skills (HOTS) in teaching and learning.18. High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) is a thinking process that requires students to be able to change or expect words and ideas to use certain processes that generate new understanding and implications for them19.

For some teachers who teach with state standards and curriculum mandates, higher-order thinking is the "top end," or analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Higher-order thinking is understood as connecting students' learning with other elements beyond what they learn to relate to what they master.

Mind Mapping

Note that problem solving is broadly understood in the context of what they call IDEAL problem solvers. 26. Bransford and Stein also show that problem solving is a normal process in a mind, even a memory. Because brain mapping can help memory, it means that brain mapping can help the subject develop their material results.

The main branch or basic organizing ideas (BON, the first-level branch that flows directly from the center of the mind map). According to Rose, fun is one of the important elements in the learning process. If someone involves the limbic system (which involves positive emotions) in the learning or teaching process, that person will use great power which makes the learning process much more effective and can create a strong memory, the student can enter, store and extract more easily.

Conventional (Initial Method)

Previous Study

One of them is in a book "how to assess High Order Thinking Skills in your classroom". Implementing Higher Order Thinking Skills for Teaching and Learning.33 This research determined that concerns about implementing higher order thinking skills for learning can be classified into three categories. The teaching of higher order thinking (HOT) has its own concerns, and these concerns require attention.

This study aims to describe how the teacher implements higher order thinking skills based on the class XI curriculum. It can be 1) there are activities of higher level thinking skills in the lesson plan, but not implementation, 2) there is a high level. The purpose of this study is to observe how the teacher teaches higher order thinking skills based on the lesson plan that has been made.

Higher-order thinking skills (hots) analysis of students in solving hots question in higher education.


H0): there was no significant difference in speaking skills between students who applied learning using HOTS techniques and students who did not. HI): there is a significant difference between students who learn to speak speaking skills with HOTS techniques and those who do not.


  • Place And Time of Research
  • Population And Sample
  • Instrument of the Research
  • Technique of the Data Collection
  • Technique of the Data Analysis
  • Procedures of the Research

And after conducting a pre-test in the experimental classroom, the researcher would give treatment based on the lesson plan using the HOTS technique. The third process, the researcher distributes pre-test questions to all students in the experimental class and the control class. Which is depicted in the table and figure below for the pre-test and post-test results in the experimental classroom.

Graphically, the total score of the students before and after the test in the experimental class is shown in Figure 4.1. Student pre-test and post-test in experimental classroom). Based on Figure 4.2, the pre- and post-test of the students in the control class showed that the pre-test score and the post-test were relatively the same.

Table 3.1 : Research Desigh of Quasi Experimental Study  Nonequivalent  Class  Pre-Test  Treatment  Post-Test
Table 3.1 : Research Desigh of Quasi Experimental Study Nonequivalent Class Pre-Test Treatment Post-Test


Description of Classroom Circumstances

Before conducting an experiment, the researcher needs to know how the classroom situation is the focus of the research. Every student would benefit if the teacher could create a calm atmosphere in the classroom with the following tips. With the experimental class, this class is known to be very active in the class for positive and negative things.

Therefore, it is a challenge for the researcher to change the classroom situation to make it more favorable. This classroom is also equipped with student needs such as computers and practice sculptures.

The Result of Teaching-Learning Speaking

In the experimental class (Mia1) the lowest score of pre-test was 35, then the highest score was 75, and then, in the post-test score, the lowest score was 40 and the highest score was 85. This can be seen in the descriptive statistics of the pre-test and post-test score shows in table 4.1 it was found that the average of pre-test was 52.33 and the average score of post-test 63.50. In the control classes (Mia2) the lowest pre-test score was 30, then the highest score was 70.

And then, in the post-test score, the lowest score was 35 and the highest score was 75. These can be seen in the descriptive statistics of the pre-test and post-test scores in Table 4.2, it was found that the mean of the pre-test was 51.17 and the mean post-test score was 55.50.

Table 4.1  Descriptive Statistics
Table 4.1 Descriptive Statistics

The Result of Normality and Homogeneity of the Data

Based on the table above, it can be seen in the Kolmogrov Smirnov pretest of the experimental class that showed the significance wa 0.200 as the value (0.05) was higher than 0.05 and from the Shapiro Wilk test of the pretest. the experimental class showed that the significance was 0.147 the value was higher than 0.05. Normality test and histogram of post-test results in the experimental class and the control class. Based on the above table, it can be seen Kolmogrove Smirniv post-test of the experimental class showed the significance was 0.200 value was higher than 0.05, and from Shapiro Wilk post-test in the experimental class showed the significance was 0.156 value was more higher than 0.05.

Based on the above table, it can be seen Kolmogrove Smirnov post-test of the control class showed that the significance was 0.200 value was higher than 0.05. And from the post-test Shapiro Wilk test in the control class showed that the significance was 0.107 value was greater than 0.05.

The Statistically Analysis Result

This means that the sample in the experimental and control classes was homogeneous. the experimental class was 63.50 and the standard deviation was 13.271. The result of the paired samples T-test, the difference in the mean of the paired samples between the pre-test of speaking ability in the experimental class was -11.167 with a standard deviation of 8.477 with a standard and obtained t-7.215 at a significant level of 0.05 and a degree of freedom of 29. Based on the paired statistics, the mean value of the pre-test of speaking skills in the control class was 51.17 and the standard deviation was 11.423, and the mean value of the post-test of speaking skills in the control class was 55.50 and the standard deviation was 11.988.

The result of the paired sample t-test, the difference in the mean of the paired sample between the pretest Speaking in the control class was -4.333 with a standard deviation of 9.803 with a standard and the resulting t was -2.421 at a significant level of 0.05. According to the table above, the level of significance was 0.012, where if the significance is greater than 0.05, it cannot be said that the HOTS application is successful, if the significance is less than 0.05, the research is considered successful or the HOTS strategy. can be used.

Table 4.13  Paired Samples Test  Paired Differences
Table 4.13 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences


According to the data analysis results, students' speaking ability is influenced by the strategy of high-order thinking skills (HOTS). There are several reasons why higher-order thinking skills strategies have a significant effect on improving students' speaking ability in the experimental classroom. The results showed that using a high-order thinking strategy makes a significant difference to students' speaking, mastering what they find, and contributing.

Efektivitas buku teks berbasis kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (Hots) pada materi elastisitas siswa dan hukum Hooke. Keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi (Hots) dalam latihan membaca, Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Keguruan Fakultas Pendidikan Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.



English teachers need to adopt different strategies to avoid boredom of students in the learning process. Moreover, they should be able to make the teaching and learning process in the classroom more interesting, fun and educational. Therefore, it is highly recommended that teachers use a higher order thinking strategy when teaching speaking as it is effective in helping students improve their speaking skills.

Hendra Heriansyah (2012), "Speaking problem faced by English Department students of Syiah Kuala University", Syiah Kuala University. Morafaeh Alqahtani (2015). The importance of vocabulary in language learning and how to be taught, International journal of teaching and education.


Table 3.1 : Research Desigh of Quasi Experimental Study  Nonequivalent  Class  Pre-Test  Treatment  Post-Test
Table 3.2 Distribution of Population
Table 3.3 Sample of the Study
Table 3.4 : Creteria of Speaking Test


Dokumen terkait

Abstract: The objective of this research was to investigate the perception of students of English speaking class on using Youtube toward their achievement in speaking skill.