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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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It is based on data of problem identification found by the author, that the teacher's method has not yet made the students interested, and their motivation in English reading is low, and the students have problems to understand the meaning of words and information of identify the text The primary purpose of this research was to know the students' reading comprehension ability through STAD, in the eighth grade of MTs al Muhsin Metro in the academic year 2015/2016. Regarding the research process, the researcher administered the pre-test so that the students can know their reading comprehension score. In summary, it can be said that through CITY the students' reading comprehension ability at the eighth grade of MTs Al Muhsin Metro in academic year 2015/2016 has been increased.

Kesimpulannya, dengan menggunakan STAD, kemampuan membaca pemahaman siswa kelas VIII MTs Al Muhsin Metro meningkat. Mitra tercinta MA & MTs AL MUHSIN yang telah mendukung hingga penulis menyelesaikan skripsi ini yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu persatu.


Background of the Study

In the CITY technique, if the students want the team to succeed, they will encourage their team members to get better. Usually the students don't have the courage to ask their teacher what they don't understand about the material. Thus, from the above data, it can be concluded that the English reading achievement of the students is low.

Student teams-achievement divisions (STAD) will enable students to learn actively with their cooperative learning groups in a class. With cooperative learning, students can be able to improve their critical thinking, creative and social development.

Problem Identification

In realizing the question that the students are hoped to master in reading comprehension, the researcher must help the students to overcome the problem or to minimize the problem. In dealing with this case, the researcher is interested in finding out an effective way to teach English, especially in developing students' reading comprehension by using student team achievement sections (STAD). Reading is easier to learn to understand what they read if the students work or learn in small groups.

In this research, the researcher wants to do the classroom action research and it is hoped that the outcome of the teaching and learning of English will be better and students' reading comprehension ability of the reading text will be improved. The students experience difficulties in identifying the rhetorical step and communicative purpose of the text.

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Objective of the Study

Benefits of the Study

Theoretical Review

  • The Concept of Reading Comprehension Abilities a. The Definition of Reading Comprehension abilities
  • The Use of STAD to Increase Reading Comprehension Ability

Comprehension includes prior knowledge, knowledge of text structure, and an active search for information.9 The simplest definition of comprehension is understanding new information in light of what we already know.10. Jean Wallace points out that reading comprehension is the search for meaning, actively using our knowledge of the world and the text to understand each new thing we read.12. Based on these explanations above, the researcher can draw a conclusion that reading comprehension ability is the ability to understand.

Teachers can motivate readers by providing interesting articles during student lectures16. c. Types of reading comprehension ability. Measuring students' reading comprehension cannot be separated from reading speed or time.

Giving reward

  • Action Hypothesis
  • Setting and Subject of The Study
  • Object of The Study
  • Action Plan
    • Classroom Action Research
  • Data Collection Technique
  • Data Analysis Technique
  • Analysis
  • Indicator of Research
  • The Profile of The Research Setting
    • The History of MTs Al-Muhsin Metro
    • Vission and Mission of MTs Al-Muhsin Metro VISSION
    • The Condition of Teacher and Official Employees in MTs Al-Muhsin Metro
    • The Organitation Structure of MTs Al Muhsin Metro
  • Result of The Research

Based on the above theoretical framework and assumption, the researcher hypothesizes that by using STAD, reading comprehension will be increased in the eighth graders of MTs AL AL ​​MUHSIN METRO in academic year 2015/2016. The researcher chooses this class because it is assumed that most students have little understanding of reading. The research is aimed at elevating the teaching and learning process so that the researcher can use action research in the classroom.

These are practices and the situations in which these practices are carried out.1 The idea of ​​self-reflection is central. Planning is the first step in every activity, Author explains about what, why, when, where, who and how the action is done. 4 The activities in planning are:. In each cycle, the researcher will do the implementation in 3 activities, that is:. a) Greet, pray, take attendance list (b) Appearance.

Based on the observation, the researcher can determine if there is something that the researcher needs to raise soon so that the action can achieve the researcher's goal. In this step, the researcher observes the learning process by using some form of observation. The first step that will be done in this reflection is to analyze the amounts of data, the researcher will evaluate the score of each assignment.

In this step, the researcher observes the process of teaching learning by using observation format to collect data in action plan II. In this step, the researcher will compare the pre-test and post-test scores. Documentation is data collection method by examining objects written such as book, magazine, document, note and others.6 The researcher uses this method to get data from the school, such as the total number of students, the total number of teachers and the condition of school.

Observation is the selective modification, recording and combination of coding in the behavior in the situation of the organism that suits the purposes of the empires.7 The researcher observes the teaching learning process and infers everything that happens in the teaching learning process using STAD. The test is the sequence of questions or statements that is used to measure the skills, knowledge, intelligence, abilities that the individual or group has.8 The test that will be used by the researcher is pre-test and post-test.


Cycle 1 a. Planning

The researcher also planned to provide an evaluation to measure the students' mastery of the given materials. The researcher said, “Well class, at the last meeting I gave you a test on untitled text Nasreddin and the. The researcher explained that the text used in teaching learning was organized in the narrative form.

The students read the text individually, then the researcher announced the member of groups based on the pre-test consisting of four and five students. The researcher said that the best group will give a reward, as part of the technique. After the students with their group, the researcher asked them to discuss and understand the given text in groups.

After that, when the discussion time was over, the researcher asked one of the group members to retell the text forward. The researcher started the lesson by praying, greeting, checking the attendance list and asking the students. The researcher recalled that the text used in teaching was organized in narrative form.

When the discussion time was over, the researcher asked each group to present the result and read the sentence related to the question. The researcher started the lesson by praying, greeting, checking the attendance list and asking the students' condition. The researcher gave breaking ice, briefly reviewed the last material and then gave the post-test 1.

Cycle 2

A face on the window” in front of the class to stimulate the students to make them interested and enjoy the lesson. Then the researcher gave an example of narrative text without the title "It is important to follow good words". When all the students had finished, they had to discuss and understand the given text as a group.

Next, the researcher asked one of the group member to retell the story that gave. The researcher continued the material in the last meeting, explained the part of the generic structure from the text and the moral of the story. Next, the researcher gave the task that the groups had to discuss and present their result in front of the class.

After that, the researcher discussed the problem that the students face in reading comprehension through STAD technique. The researcher explained all the students' problem with reading comprehension through STAD technique. Based on the table above, the increase in students' attention from meeting one to meeting two is 6.7%, students' active is 13.3%, asking-answering the question to-from the teacher-other students is 13, 4%, note the material 10%, and Do the assignment is 3.4%.

We can conclude that by sharing the achievements of student groups (STAD), students could increase their reading comprehension ability. The result of the students increased in II. the average score of test 2 was 79, or 86.66% of successful students. According to the table above, the post-exam cycle II score was higher than the post-exam cycle I, which means we know that students' scores are increasing and the average of 70 becomes 79.


  • The Comparison of Students’ Score at Pre-test, Post-test at cycle I &
  • The Result of The Students` Observation Sheet

The purpose of the test is to know the students' ability before and after a treatment. From the result of pre-test to post-test cycle I and cycle II, we know that there was an increase from the result score. It can be concluded that most of the students had understood reading comprehension because the result can reach 86.66%, the higher from the target (80%).

Based on the if-line graph, it can be concluded that there is a cessation from the result from the result of pre-test, post test 1 and post test 2. It is proven that the STAD technique has positive effect on the teaching and learning process, especially with increasing reading comprehension. Based on the graph line, it could be concluded that there is an increase in students' learning activity during study time cycle I until cycle II through Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) in increasing students' reading comprehension.

It can be seen from the average result of the percentages of the students' observation sheet in cycle 1 which is 303.1%. It means that Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) have a positive effect on the teaching and learning process, especially in increasing the learning activity of students in the classroom. On the other hand, looking at the result of the learning process of the first cycle and the second cycle there, generally the researcher analyzes that through the Student Team Achievement Division Technique (STAD) the students.




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It is clear that guessing game will improve students’ motivation in learning English and improve their vocabulary.` Based on the background above, the problem of the study was