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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

Anas Hidayat, Drs, M.B.A., Ph.D., as a content advisor, for his patience and time and guiding me on the right path. Pd., as a language advisor for giving her time and patience, and being so helpful during my university life. The Technology Acceptance Theory (TAM) model was applied in this research to investigate the effect of OCRs on consumer trust and purchase intention.

It is clear that these attributes of OCRs were related to the development of the shopping environment, which could consequently affect sales.


  • Background of Study
  • Problem Formulation
  • Research Limitation
  • Research Objective
  • Research Benefits
  • Systematics of Writing

The numerical scale is often prominently displayed in the form of numerical star ratings (usually ranging from 1 to 5 stars) at the review surface level, while open comments are used to display commenters. This chapter explains the design and methods used in this research, population and sample, sampling technique, research variables and test methods used. This chapter contains the conclusions on the results of the analysis and calculation of the data obtained from the research.

In addition, this chapter also describes the limitations of the research conducted, and recommendations, which can be used for future research.


  • Technology Acceptance Model
  • Trust
  • Purchase Intention
  • Research Framework

Related to TAM, Davis (1989) proposed that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are the main determinants of system use and information adoption. While perceived ease of use is defined as the degree to which an individual believes that using a particular system would be effortless (Davis, 1989). This research tested the influence of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of OCRs on trust and purchase intention of e-commerce users.

The above theoretical framework model explains the effect of the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of OCRs by consumers on consumer confidence and intent to purchase online from an e-commerce site.


  • Type of Study
  • Population and Sample
  • Data Collection Method
  • Definition of Variable Operational and Measurement Research
  • Reliability and Validity Test of Research Instruments
  • Analysis Technique

PU6) Online consumer rating helps me in online shopping. the consumer review is clear and easy to understand. Reading online consumer reviews doesn't take too much time when shopping online. the consumer review feature is easy to use. PI2) I would be willing to provide information to online retailers that offer online consumer reviews.

Perceived Ease of Use Attributes Mean Category (PEOU1) Online consumer review is clear and. PEOU2) Read online consumer review when. The highest mean value came from “Online consumer review is helpful in finding my needs when shopping online”, with the same mean value of 3.76. There are some standards in AMOS, if the loading factor value of each indicator is more than 0.5 (μ>0.5), the data can be stated as valid.

Bab ini berisi kesimpulan, keterbatasan, dan saran sebagai hasil penelitian yang berjudul “Pengaruh Persepsi Kegunaan dan Persepsi Kemudahan Penggunaan Tinjauan Konsumen Online terhadap Kepercayaan dan Niat Beli di Kalangan Mahasiswa”. PENGARUH PERCEIVED BENEFITS DAN PERCEIVED EASY READING MENU KONSUMEN ONLINE TERHADAP NIAT PEMBELIAN DENGAN KEPERCAYAAN SEBAGAI VARIABEL MEDIATING.


Statistic Descriptive

The table 3.4 showed that out of the total of 210 respondents, the majority of the respondents were male. As the data showed, it can be concluded that men were more active in online shopping compared to women. From Table 7.4, about 41% of the respondents use Shopee as their favorite website for online shopping, followed by Tokopedia with the percentage of 22.4%.

Descriptive analysis provided an overview of the data and data distribution used in this research. The data showed that online shopping consumers provided ratings on perceived usefulness in the good category. Data collection on perceived ease of use variable was done using a questionnaire distributed to 210 respondents who used e-commerce to buy online.

The data showed that consumers who shopped online viewed OCR as clear and easy to understand, not too time-consuming, easy to use, and helpful in finding needs that influenced confidence that would ultimately influence purchase intent. An overview of the data collected from respondents can be seen in the following table:. The data showed that online shopping consumers viewed OCR as trustworthy, truthful and trustworthy, leading consumers to trust OCR when shopping online.

Data collection on variable purchase intent was done using a questionnaire distributed to 210 respondents who used e-commerce to shop online. The item "I read online consumer reviews when deciding whether to buy a product" reached the highest average value of 4.09, followed by "Online consumer reviews can increase my desire to buy a product".

Reliability and Validity Test

From the above data, it can be concluded that after reading OCR, consumers had the intention to buy a certain product online. This test was created to confirm that the research tools were valid and reliable by using AMOS 21 as the software that aids in this statistical test. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) or also called factor analysis was used to assess the evaluation of the measurement model.

CFA was used to illustrate how well the variable can be used to measure the construct, the requirement is that if the value of the load factor of any construct is more than 0.5 (λ>0.5) it should be considered as is considered valid, and if the construct confidence value of each construct is more than 0.5, it can be considered reliable. A reliability and validity analysis has been performed to investigate whether the research instrument already meets the validity and reliability criteria. While the reliability test can declare the acquired data reliable if the structure is greater than 0.7 (Ghozali, 2011).

In addition to the reliability test, each variable was classified as reliable because the result was greater than 0.7.

Normality Test

From Table 13.4, the results show that the data was in the acceptable range for skewness and kurtosis (± 2.58).

Goodness of Fit Measurements

However, the AGFI score (0.899) did not fall within the good fit criteria (≥ 0.90), although it was still within the acceptable criterion. The previous researcher mentioned that the proposed model does not have to meet all the suitability criteria. Haryono (2017) stated that even if only 4 to 5 suitability criteria are met, this is considered adequate to assess the feasibility of the model.

Hypothesis Testing

Therefore, the model proposed in this study was accepted based on the above general measure of fitness. The first hypothesis stated that the observed usability variable has a positive and significant influence on the confidence variable. In conclusion, the perceived usefulness of OCRs influencing consumer confidence in e-commerce had a positive result and the hypothesis was accepted.

The data showed that the higher the value of the perceived utility variable, the higher consumers trust a particular e-commerce site. The second hypothesis proposed that perceived ease of use of OCRs has a positive and significant influence on trust. In summary, the perceived ease of use of OCRs influence consumer trust in e-commerce had a positive result and the hypothesis was accepted.

The data showed that the higher the value of the perceived ease of use variable, the higher the consumer trust in a particular e-commerce website. The third hypothesis proposed that trust in e-commerce sites that provide OCR has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention. In Table 14.4, the test of confidence in e-commerce sites providing OCR in relation to purchase intention was found to be significant because the probability value was 0.039 (p < 0.05) and the path estimate was 0.179 (supported by H3).

In summary, trust in e-commerce websites that provide OCRs influenced consumers' intention to shop online has positive result and the hypothesis was accepted. The data showed that the higher the value of the trust variable, the higher the consumer's intention to buy through an online shopping site.


The result of this study was consistent with Elwalda, et al. 2003), which stated that perceived usefulness has a significant impact on consumer confidence and purchase intent. This shows that the influence of the perceived ease of use variable will influence the confidence to have purchase intent. Finally, the result of the analysis conducted on the relationship between consumer trust and purchase intent in the city of Yogyakarta indicates that trust significantly influenced consumer purchase intent.

The results revealed that purchase intention was significantly influenced by perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use (TAM) and also trust. This research only focused on how perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use influence trust and purchase intention. Tuftaan bagian ini beluga dengan perceptição saudara/i ​​​​mengenai manfaat dari Ulamanas Online Konsumen saat berbelanja online.

Pertanyaan di bagian ini adalah tentang persepsi Anda tentang kemudahan menggunakan ulasan konsumen online saat berbelanja online. PEOU1 Ulasan konsumen online jelas dan mudah dipahami 1 2 3 4 5 PEOU2 Membaca ulasan konsumen online tidak ada saat berbelanja online. Ulasan konsumen online PEOU3 mudah digunakan 1 2 3 4 5 Ulasan konsumen online PEOU4 membantu saya menemukannya.

TRUST2 Saya yakin informasi dalam ulasan online konsumen benar 1 2 3 4 5 Ulasan online konsumen TRUST3 dapat diandalkan 1 2 3 4 5 TRUST4 Secara keseluruhan, saya percaya ulasan online konsumen 1 2 3 4 5. Pertanyaan ini berkaitan dengan tingkat niat beli Anda /i melalui situs belanja online setelah membaca ulasan online konsumen.



In terms of general implication, this study showed that OCRs play an important role in influencing consumer confidence and purchase intent.

Research Limitations


An Analysis of Factors Affecting Consumers' Trust Attitudes and Their Influence on Internet Purchase Behaviour. 34;Are the drivers and role of online trust the same for all websites and consumers. Moderating effect of website types in the relationship between trust and consumers' intention to use online shopping.

Persepsi konsumen terhadap ulasan produk dan layanan konsumen online Fokus pada pemrosesan informasi dan kepercayaan. Niat beli dalam konteks belanja online mengacu pada niat konsumen untuk terlibat dalam pembelian online dari e-vendor di situs e-commerce. Jumlah variabel dalam model Anda: 44 Jumlah variabel yang diamati: 19 Jumlah variabel yang tidak teramati: 25 Jumlah variabel eksogen: 23 Jumlah variabel endogen: 21 Ikhtisar parameter (nomor Grup 1).


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