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Gemilang Makmur .P

Academic year: 2023



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The gap between previous studies and this research is that this research focuses on analyzing the types of intimate partner violence and its effects on Euphoria. In this research, the researcher used the theory of Bogat et al. 2016) to help the researcher answer and analyze the types of intimate partner violence, namely emotional/psychological violence and physical violence. To answer the effects of intimate partner violence, the researcher used the same theory of Bogata et al.

In this research, the researcher found 63 data of the types of intimate partner violence and their impact on Euphoria.


  • Background of The Study
  • Limitation of The Study
  • Formulation of The Problems
  • Objectives of The Study
  • Benefits of The Study
  • Definition of The Key Terms

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the portrayal of IPV in Euphoria and its impact on the play's characters. Furthermore, the thesis will examine the impact of IPV on the individual through the characters of the play. It is important for the researcher to provide data on the types of violence in intimate relationships of the characters so that readers can categorize an act of violence committed in an intimate relationship.

This research is also conducted to determine the effects of violence on individual characters in Euphoria.

Figure 1. 2: Nate points a gun at Maddy
Figure 1. 2: Nate points a gun at Maddy


Theoretical Background

  • Assessment and Psychotherapy with Women Experiencing Intimate
  • Euphoria

Emotional/psychological violence is a form of intimate partner violence that can be just as, if not more, harmful than physical violence. Physical abuse is a form of intimate partner violence characterized by the use of physical force to cause harm, injury, or pain to another person. One of the most striking and controversial aspects of the series is its depiction of intimate partner violence.

While Euphoria Season 1 is a challenging and sometimes difficult series overall, its portrayal of intimate partner violence is a powerful reminder of the importance of speaking out against abuse and supporting those affected by it.

Previous Studies

The study aims to explore gender differences in the occurrence of intimate partner violence (IPV). In this previous study, Olivero and Coleman's (2021) study, published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, explores the relationship between domestic violence of origin, emotion regulation, and intimate partner violence. The study aims to investigate whether emotion regulation mediates the relationship between domestic violence and intimate partner violence.

The study shows that emotion regulation partially mediates the relationship between family-of-origin violence and intimate partner violence.


  • Research Design
  • Data and Data Sources
  • Research Instruments
  • Data Collection Techniques
  • Data Validation Techniques
  • Data Analysis Techniques

This research included the analysis of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) as found at Euphoria based on the data collected. The above details show how Maddy angrily tried to convince her mother that Nate wasn't the one who strangled her. The emotional/psychological consequences of intimate partner violence can also be seen in the data above.

The data shows how Nate tried to convince the police that he did not strangle Maddy. The data shows how Maddy humiliated Nate by calling his mother a "cunt." The data shows that Nate was mad at everyone at the party because he saw Maddy with another guy.

Note: Maddy angrily tried to convince her mother that Nate wasn't the one who choked her. EPI The data shows that Nate was mad at everyone at the party because he saw Maddy with another guy. EPI The data shows that Nate has an anger problem because of his relationship with Cassie.

From the record it appears that Nate was angry with the game and he chose. IP From the data it can be seen that Maddy experienced the consequences of IPV behavior according to Bogat et al.

Table 3.2 : Data Sample
Table 3.2 : Data Sample



  • The Types of Intimate Partner Violence in Euphoria
  • The Impacts of Intimate Partner Violence in Euphoria

The types of violence that occur in the drama are emotional/psychological violence and physical violence. In the Nate series, the love triangle between Nate, Maddy and Cassie is characterized by psychological and emotional abuse. However, Maddy was not completely controlled by Nate, this can be seen in the scene where Maddy and Nate were to meet at the carnival.

Controlling behavior can be seen in the data above where Nate asks Cassie to move and live with him in his house. Physical violence between Nate Jacobs, Maddy Peres and Cassie Howard in Euphoria is a complex and disturbing issue explored in the show. In the HBO series Euphoria, the tumultuous relationship between Nate Jacobs, Maddy Perez, and Cassie Howard exemplifies the emotional/psychological consequences of IPV.

In the data above, Cassie is angry with her mother and sister for not taking her side. In the data above, the secret relationship between Cassie and Nate was revealed thanks to Rue deliberately revealing it in front of everyone. 54 In the data above, Maddy, on the other hand, shows symptoms of lack of focus.

The interpersonal relationship between intimate partner violence between Nate Jacobs, Maddy Perez, and Cassie Howard in the HBO series Euphoria is complex and multifaceted. In the show, we see both Maddy and Cassie experience violence at the hands of Nate. The behavioral consequences also happened to Cassie, who ended up in a romantic relationship with Nate in the second season of the show.

In the data above it can be seen that Cassie consciously changed her sleep pattern and woke up at 4am just to get ready for school.

Table 4.5: Research finding on IPV types
Table 4.5: Research finding on IPV types


From the data analysis done by the researcher, it can be seen that the type of intimate partner violence that exists in Nate, Maddy and Cassie's relationship is dominated by emotional/psychological violence that occurs as a result of trauma experienced by the three characters in this experienced in the past. Show. EPV From the data we can see that Nate threatened Cassie because he was still trying to get back at Maddy. From the data it can be seen that Nate choked Maddy to make her shut her mouth because she was talking too much.

From the data, we can see that Maddy made a statement about how Nate made her feel uncomfortable, which can be considered emotional consequences. The records show that Maddy was angry with the officers because she thought her relationship with Nate was none of their business. The data shows how upset Cassie was when her sister was worried about her.

EPI From the data, it can be seen that Maddy was not even aware of the class she was in at the time. EPI From the data, it can be considered an interpersonal relationship consequence experienced by the victim of IPV. From the data, it can be seen that Maddy was feeling bad about the abuse she just received from Nate earlier that evening at the carnival.

From the data we can see how Maddy tried to hide the bruise on her neck by sacrificing her hours of sleep. IP The data shows how angry Nate Jacobs was when he asked McKay about Cassie and what they were doing in the bedroom.

Table 4.7 : Types of Violence
Table 4.7 : Types of Violence



This research generated knowledge about intimate partner violence that contributes to and influences the topic of violence, specifically intimate partner violence in social and cultural phenomena. The theoretical impact of this research may be useful/useful to readers or other researchers in academic activities and may share the knowledge about violence, especially intimate partner violence found by this research.


EPV The data above shows that both Maddy and Nate try to monitor and control each other's behavior by doing something they both hate and expect to make the other party jealous because they know they would always get it . back together, no matter what happens. The records showed that Nate was annoyed by Maddy hooking up with another man in the pool. EPV From the story, we can consider this as emotional/psychological violence, even though what Nate did for Maddy seemed acceptable, but it was done indirectly to keep an eye on her.

Note: Maddy humiliated Nate who had just come out of the bathroom while someone else was outside the bathroom. EPV Maddy humiliated Nate who had just come out of the bathroom, in the culture it was weird to defecate at a party. EPV Not only controlling, but Nate has also isolated Cassie from society since he invited her to move into his house and live with him.

PV From the data we can see that there was physical contact between Nate and Maddy. EPI From the data we can see how Maddy's emotional state has been affected by the IPV. Just as we can see from the data, how Cassie was angrily yelled at her mother and her sister.

Note: Maddy is depressed by the reality that her ex was actually dating her best friend. EPI From the data we can see how the relationship between Cassie and Nate affected Maddy's emotions. To compound the problem, she was also suffering from a serotonin crash from the Molly she got at the carnival.

As we can see from the data, Maddy couldn't sleep because she kept thinking about Nate.


Figure 1. 2: Nate points a gun at Maddy
Table 3.2 : Data Sample
Figure 3.2 : Data Analysis Model by Miles & Huberman
Table 4.5: Research finding on IPV types


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