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Jahres-Bericht des Vororts des Nordamerikanischen Turnerbundes 1901-1902


Academic year: 2023

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Landlord hereby acknowledges that the building on the aforesaid premises was built and constructed by and is the property of the North American Gymnastics Federation. Most of said trustees are entitled to act, and the signatures of temporary officers elected in the absence of regular service are equally valid as those of the principal officers. The parties to the first part agree to maintain and continue without burdening the party to the second part.

It is further hereby agreed that the said party from the first part will bear all costs and expenses for general maintenance. heating, light ink. and cleaning of the building known as the Uuilding Seminary. Furthermore, it is certain that the said party of the first party will all succeed. all costs and expenses for service, maintenance, lighting. Müller stated that a contribution to the aid of the women and children in the concentration camps would be acceptable at any time and would reach its destination without this aid.

At a meeting held on April 5th, our Committee decided to raise a fund among the 1:!G000 members of the Gymnastic Association and the people generally, to be used for the relief of distress in South Africa. Our treasurer is, however, directed to advance (}rom the funds of the Cqmnastic Union Lhe sum of $1,000 spent under my direction. 011e of our oldest members went to New York and took charge of seeing the tr. m off in behalf of the Red Cross.

Great Britain, at that time, had made no objection to their departure, had passed them in good faith, in the name of the Red Cross.


Sec'y, Norlh American Gvmnastic Union, P. Your esteemed communication of April 3 regarding the silence regarding the war in South Africa and suggesting comfort to the women, through organized efforts . . and possibly the Red Cross is a medium. I duly received it and read it with feelings of approval and pain. To someone who knew the struggle against women and children in concentration camps. The situation of the helpless part of the doers, 'whether their wounded, or women and children, very early appealed to us at the Red Cross and became a matter of consideration among us.

Two years ago or mure, while this thought was present with us, a mt:ssenger came with the proposal of an ambulance corps of fi7 men, doctors and assistants,. in the city of Chicago, who had banded together to help the wounded and sick among the Boer army. They had furnished themselves, covered their bill, and determined to go, 57 strong, to devote their strength and their lives if necessary to the merciful endeavour, but as better security, strength and protection they prayed the face of the American Red Cross. We went from them through Pretoria, and I need not tell you that the report that came through the one doctor who returned was that these men, when they reached the frontiers, tore off their Red Cross a1·mlets, threw down their flags, put on the Boer uniform, and as n7 new recruits from America entered the Boer armv.

Their Red Cross took them through all the expedition and ferried them over Lorenzo Marquez and landed them safely when: they couldn't have come without him. You will understand what this meant to the Red Cross, not only that it closed its doors forever to all aid in that place, but that it diminished the faith and confidence, not only of ourselves, but of others. will be coming back for a long time.

Jetid)t be~ etften 6cijrif huad~


An ob et weider geléist gëtt oder net, et wäert de President vun de britesche Slates sinn fir dës Entschlossenheet un d'Regierung vu Groussbritannien ze vermëttelen. Do, Äddi~. fdbe am ~nforberungen entfprid)t, ob fie prattifd) tft, i-oirb burd) lBe3irts~ .. fefte waiter bieidjt uft burcf) bas nadjfte f8uHbe!5turnfeft er~tobt toerben fOnnen. ~ie f.)au~tanberung-en in bet Wettlurnotbnung finb bie fofgenben: .. SDie eoiigatorif d)en Übungen fiit lnminstuettgymnastik oftteqe au:reiiiions mit berfd)ieben S)bgerietien, f o bL1fi jeder @ru~µe with a pray : Jetate Gymnastik. 3ie schwéier if)re .\!egret mutiligen, bief elben 3 Stonnen virun ncl)en, unb iqnen l)elves, Offer meifefoften 3hours lues .. naqme. !illieberum gfauoen mand)ie £elJtet, an i'f)ter @>eminat6itbung genuch 3h I}aoen.. lie neq111Jrn an bien ~roetten i'f)ter ~oUegen Är lllntei(, jud)en fine ~urnlel)rertage unb fonnt bi ~Hotroenbigfeit einet ®eiteroilbun\) nid)t betfte'f)en.. lie roiITen nicl)t, toie anregenb unb f>ele'f)tenb ~urn1ef}rertage .. ebet £e'f)m, roefd)et fein filHf1en 'bieteid)etl, ift fiit lnmin ein 6eITmr £eqret, he isn. iioettrigt f ein Stonmn auf f eine.

12. Auf einem Urnenbein liegt eine Urne und ihr Schaft; Nicht I)ier au.S muss ~urnerounb gegeben werden. Ptogramm, wenn es verschiedene Un·'o 1uolJlb1mf)badJtes gibt. ~hid) bie '.!days Carry ba3u ·oei, unfm %urner 3u f>il'oen.. iie 'f)aben 011f3etbern am lnorteil, bie 1JJWglie'oet ·bet !Be3itfsbeteinc naf)et miteinnr.bei: .. Übung 3h llHll'f)en. ])en ®erl \)l)ll well µdeiteten morturnetfurf en f)aben fie jebod) n·icf)t.. 3idJedid) ift au3uneqmen, 'onfi in ben meift.en gr.if3eren !nminen mel)t o'ou lueniger flit bie .f.)eranbildung 1.1011 )Borturnern f otgt roitb.. aqte 1904 gefeiert in ~f)icago roetben foll. fil\it bilrfen ba~ ?jeft nicht tloriioet ge'qen Iaff en, ol)ne unfet '.!part 3um en. ~6 roirb bielleid)t f obnlb teine ​​​​​​al)nlid)e @degenqeit roiebedef)ten, hJ9 toh t>ot a ~ "oisl)er ftemb gegeniloerfteqenben '.!haast unfmr Wlitoilrger.

Jinmensnne uon [urnreorern, me[l~e iefjl nit1jl meor in llnnOesuereinen tOnlig ~lnO


SThe l8allcatch und lballerfen neoft ~oUreigen .. iif>ungreigen unb 2? lReigentan3e.. urn::: . Übungen und Trainingsspiele sind unerlässlich. lReid) tlluftrirt.. SDie zyecf)tdoes mit dem frenmmen CSaoel. Das @eoraucf) der Universitätsübungen, mmtarf>itbungsanftarten, .. f d)ufen, mmtaroilbungsanft.aften, %urnfd)ulen unb l'Yecf)tlJmine, Foto zyreunbt unb Bieo'f)aoer bet zyecf)ttunft.


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