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Jahres-Bericht des Vororts des Nordamerikanischen Turnerbundes 1902-1903


Academic year: 2023

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1.--The parties hereto: The first part appoints the second part to be instructor at and technical director of the Normal School of the orth American Gymnastic Union for a term of five years from that. the first day of September, J UO:!. The said party of se<.:(Jnd part sl1all give all instnidiun. Ile also binds himself to recognize the parties of the llrst part and the N. A. Gymnastikforbundet's executive committee In VorortJ as his superiors in office and to follow their orders and di1·ectin11s... 7 .-In any case i1~ which disputes Hrise between the party of it.

Sl'Concl part rt and Director of the German and English Academy and .. Federal Gennan-A. American Teachers' Semiuary, the party of the second part will submit the matter to the executive committee aforesaid and act in accordance with the decision of the committee. However, such an agreement does not enter into force after the expiration of one year from this decision without the consent of the parties of the first party. I will pay you part of the bill. nder St:)JHrHle l'OVCr-f conveyed _v

The Associati< n has 1 ~ branches, XU suh-commiltees, an

President Local Executive Committee Olympic Games, Smokehouse Building, Chicago, 111. .. DEAi< Sue-The Nntio1wl Executive Committee of the North American.

Über das ~erninar'oireftorium crl)alteu .. Das ist sicher nicht das Richtige für '8spiration Bamirese. . . . . l)em munbesbotort .. firiuorten general @?d)uT~ffid)t filr Sl'inbcr t>on fie'6en ois t>ieql'qn. 1unnbf11nn£pro3effes von mμi. pure un'o monopofifimn, IDCicf)ft 'riie 9JcaITe bes .. fenos, bes SDrnds, bet ~nedJtung, just ~·egrnbation, just Wus6eutung, af-.et. LIV. aiHfJ bie Y-mporung 'oer ftds onf d)iueOrnben 11nb b11tL1) 'oen 9J?etf)ani5m11s bes fopHaliftifcf)en ~srob11ttionspro3,effes fd6ft nefd)ufen, llerat:un: die Orgel. buftionsmittef unb bie ~Hergef1e!lftf)aft11ng mbi ~ftoit meictjen një çerek, luo fie unberttagfic!J ioer'r>en me fopitafiftif tuaj cf)rn .\)gabim. 5.Die '5tu11be 'oes fopitnfiftift~rn ~tibnteigrnlums fdJfogt '!liie.

A unb B fden 'oi·e Sfonbibaten bet 31ud .f.)auptpLn!eien, C ti.er !rclll'hibat about btitten q.lnrtd, beren @3ieg t>on oornl)criein ausg.ejdj(offtn 3u fine ft ~eint. 91·1.lcf) unfnem genenlo-Orliuen Jillnqfmobus ftjdler over 100 ~Hiiqfer för ·e in e 11 über brei St\nnbiboten. SDit! oko ::: . ge6en etfkn ®·aPi!jtimmen vsebuje:ift.. farnt3.nfyI bet filt i1e'tt>n Stnnbibatrn .abg·enebentn. tmbibat v približno ffieil)e ri~e 9~lajoriti1t. nen prenosi in 'o 6ummiernn~v.n fOnnen bas !l'H'f) zgoraj .lliewln feftAefteUte ®al)ltefu.rtnt .nid)t nnbe.~n; fte .follrn .le 3e1nen. Jt, jo iU.et'boen iqre fUt P a6gene6enen .!I3oqugsftimmen gegefd)artet, be3l0. geftrid)·en, unb 'The ·on bien 5 @stimr.wttt'ln t>ieqeicf)nieten ~bentu.aiftimmen a!S 1. bibaten ibe qlattei geroaqrt ~at.

SDie lffia'f)I f{irnrntriCf)~r Wogeorb-nden ift aTfo ·auf ~runb bes mits ITTei'fyen r unb s af>f dJ.Iiief3enoen Stiffs 'Q.e~. fffiagrberid}tes cl* cnbgiHtig f>.eftimmt. In ben !Reiqen t-z aufgezeichnete Übertragungen sind nur 3veta, inlui·eltleit ha.S [\Jnf)Tresult on tfyeoretifd'. Jen tyorbmtng ·entfprid)t, hafi ber .. 2f6~1eor'bnetie ltlomogrtcfy 'r>ie btttcf) l>it. ftimmenoer lffiaqfer t>er!rden forrtoe.. ei t-z fonn ·@Jtimmenii6bearance only nod) inn•erf)'afb 'bier li)Jr~ei and no}·t meqr uon a ~·at!ti crnf falls anbere iil1ttfinben. nnetf}aT6 febet !party lunben in ben !Reif)tn t-w falls ~oqugs~ . Zittern über ni cf}! >.etreffen'ooen ~b·entiwiftirnmen · 3u erften ~rGaf)rftimmen entsprechend)t (täglich

SDie·e 3ur ~uffterrung '!J.er ~anbibateen filqren~n ~ortuaqten 10tthtrt tt,ei!er down at j 6efprod)en. aifr b'ie lillaql in i·eber ·@ruppe gift bas f>d e, f, g Q.guts :igte. l&i 'rxr fil!.aqI kommt gemäß j .stirnbibates nur in ~e!rnd)l vor. SD·de ·~urjf ioitb i~ über die Erfüllung .S)a!fte bes monals maq eq·eqaften.. ufttg, m tuld)er feme t.5timmen3aqf in bet ffi.eif)e r best firuppenbetid)tes. 16ftimrmmg bie ll)eni·gflen Gtimmen -erf)ieft.en, trn£Sg·efd)L1(tet, unbierne 3met!1st ~frft'irnmung. norg, taken.!Bij 'b-er 311Joeilen ~6ftimmHn!J . fOnnw nm bie i.ibtigge&fie6men %urner, rodcfye 6-ei 'oer inheriten Uoftimmung 0timen ierqieitien, irt lBetradjt tomm.zn. l81etr1iigt bie i.ibtrfd)iiiµge 3,1fJ[ nut J. mins emicf)t; ift bi ·Uoier·fd)ili'ftg~ 3afyl gtofiier alf.. 2, für· ift a brit!t ~, fti~mung notwendig. Kein Bier, orit!en ~tbftimung llJitb 't>ie bern lle6rrfcf)uf3reft. Männer erfahren, bie ~an'bfoat-en Bier @ruppe.. genannt %urner tie bor1f d)riftsmaf3ige Stanbibl1kn3af)1 nic'f)t emid)t, weil er:: . niennt bet l8e3irtsnorod CIUS ter!Heif)e bet r@rupprnmi!gfieber 'bie fd)Tenbe,Saql bon ~anoi't>als.

SDiie ooen lJOtgejdJfaAmen lBtftimrnung.en beomecfen, 6·ei b-en morlo11qfm b-aB lnorjd}fagBroed)t bier 9".flinotit.Qtien in oem if1rer Glade e11tfpr<'cfJe1tb~n . ma&ie 3u fdJi.iten un'b· }eb.er, b11t~d) 9'J1njoritatsf>.ejcf)fiiffe mi.'Jlicfy.!n Q1erflir3ung .. tgebniB >elnfac'f)et lB·mcfJnungien a6Qangia uemad)t lU.Ctben. 91ad) .' 76 bet lBunbesftatuten finb bie ~mine berpflicf)kt, bem .. ftatten. 1r,ut btefe lB~nd)terftattung l)at bet lBunbe. SDn bie \Jom ~orort annenommenen l!k=. gt;teuern trden f 0Ifo1, "ift bon ber Unterfud)ung au:s3ufcf)Tiefien. InJired laxes arc lhosc which he demanded of one JH.~rs()n, in the expectation of inlenlion l that he would indemnify himself at the small expense of the other.".

9 14 bet Qhunbfa~e unb ?jorbmmgen bes ~urnerounbd. as bon bem el)emaHgen i:iftemid)ifcf)en U:inan3miniftet. SD1e ein~efnen 8~11111Jllern ber 'beibm ~togrnmme f ollen f onmt nll5 tunltcq a11s 'oem nn bet .\)lrnb bes ~cfJrpfone~ erteirten 1tntettid)t f)eroorgel)en.



St(lti f tif~Ct!


The book is well illustrated and in addition contains \\·all the tables of all the illustrations which are found scattered throughout the text of the book. A Hand-Hook of thorough instructions for wrestling, with the accepted rules to be observed in the various methods of fighting generally accepted at the time. Fully illustrated with well-designed engravings showing all the agt,rr ssive and defensive positions necessary for success.

A thorough handbook on sparring and self-defense, illustrated with forty engravings, showing the various strokes, stops and guards; by NED DONNELLY, Professor of Boxing at the London Athletic Club, etc., etc. This work explains every move of attack and defense in the plainest language; the engravings show each position as clearly as a professor's instruction could convey it. Includes the latest revision of the Marquis of Queensbury's and London Prize Ring Ilul ~ 127 pages.

A Manual of Fen ng, Sword and Bayonet Exercises, and Boxing.. this work offers thorough instructions in the modern method of Fencing, Sword .against sword or bayonet, bayonet against sword or bayonet, and the latest developments in the pugilistic art. Paper cover. Specially adapted for the use of teachers and pupils in public and primary schools and gymnasiums.


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~Werbings liitte bie %Iufftellu11g 'oer .Sette unb @ebiiif idfeiten iniofern eine 31oecf111iifiigm fein fonnen, nm bm ?Mtbcfudent, mdde nicft nuf ber .ju\da1tertribiine einen ®i~pfa~