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Journal Contact - EDUCAFL - Universitas Brawijaya

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Exploring the role of university students' online self-regulated learning on different levels of epistemic beliefs. Unexpectedly, it was found that there are students who have basic OSEL with sophisticated epistemic beliefs and vice versa. Several researchers have conducted research on the relationship between self-regulated learning and epistemic beliefs.

As a result, the participants of this study have advanced OSEL with sophisticated epistemic beliefs.

Table 1 Categorization of EFL OSEL
Table 1 Categorization of EFL OSEL


The orientation of simple epistemic beliefs students are the product, no matter how the process they succeed. This means that students with sophisticated epistemic beliefs put more effort into their learning process. As shown in table 4.5, of 19 simple epistemic beliefs students, 11 of them have Basic OSEL.

2018), students with certain sophisticated epistemic beliefs did not show tendencies to engage in self-regulated learning in Internet-based environments.

Students here have such a positive view or belief in English learning, but they have less effort or even did not perform self-regulated learning. Investigate the influences of epistemic beliefs and knowledge representations on cognitive processing and conceptual change during the learning of physics. 2016) Students' achievements and learning strategies on gender differences. Students' perceptions of collaboration, self-regulated learning and information seeking in the context of Internet-based learning and traditional learning.

The intersection of English language learners' speaking, reading, writing strategies, and epistemic beliefs in language acquisition through e-learning.

Developing G-Smartive (Getting Smart in Narrative) Multimedia as an Aid to Learn Reading of Narrative Text for

Development of multimedia G-Smartive (Getting Smart in Narrative) as an aid to learning to read narrative text for tenth graders of vocational high school. Developing G-Smartive (Getting Narrative Smart) multimedia as an aid to learning to read narrative text.

Tenth Graders of Vocational High School

  • Research Background
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion

The questionnaire was adopted from [8] which was filled in by the students who joined the test. The students' purpose or motivation to learn English was to master English and to be able to study abroad. This happened because 50% of the students still lacked mastery vocabulary and could not understand structure (grammar).

Mostly, students preferred to have many texts and to be followed by exercises related to the text. Playing audio, video, and images can help students complete assignments. The first section was the Outline which gave a general description of what the students would learn.

The last was Evaluation to assess the students after doing some tasks in Learning Activity. Meanwhile, the media validation was done that the aim was to know the quality of the product before implementing it to the students. Based on the result of product testing, it showed that the students mostly gave the positive response to the learning multimedia.

There was an Emphasis section that aimed to connect the students' previous experience or prior knowledge with the new information. Additionally, the different materials or tasks provided in G-Smartive can be used to assess the progress of students with different learning styles.

Figure 2: Category Flowchart
Figure 2: Category Flowchart

Improving Student’s Speaking Skill Using Role Play Method at SMA Negeri 3 Malang

Conclusion and Suggestion

The conclusion of this study reported that role play is suitable for high school students to improve their speaking ability. It also becomes an alternative way to record students role playing using their smartphone. Third, their shyness, clumsiness and boredom were not as high as before the teacher gave them role-play treatment.

As mentioned in the result and discussion above, the researcher gives some suggestions for implementing role plays to improve speaking skills. However, the chosen topic of the role play should be considered according to their level of study. Meanwhile, further researchers could use this finding as a reference or as valuable resources to support their findings on role play in improving students' speaking skills.

Based on the weaknesses found in this study related to the implementation of role play technique, certain steps should be taken. It can make details related to the step by step of the role play technique. Improving students' speaking skill by using role play in English extramural class in SMP Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta (Undergraduate Thesis).

Improving students' speaking skills using role play in the seventh grade of Darul Mahdeeyah School in Thailand. Improving students' English speaking skills through role play in XI. class of the travel tourism program of SMKN 6 Yogyakarta in the academic year of the undergraduate thesis).




In this step, the researcher observed all effects of the implementation of VIP media to improve students' reading comprehension ability. The criteria for success for this research were emphasized based on two criteria, namely the students' response to Implementation of VIP Media and the product of the students' reading comprehension. Based on the result, the students' performance did not meet the minimum criterion (KKM) of 70.

The second problem was the seating arrangements including the student table, researcher table and VIP media display table. However, the researcher added an instructional step, which was to conduct the pre-test before the students used the VIP media. The researcher examined the learning process and learning outcomes achieved by students in cycle 2.

The results of the research include the students' responses to the implementation of VIP media in reading comprehension, and the students' final product. The results in the first cycle did not meet the criteria for success, so the researcher decided to continue to the second cycle. In relation to students' attitude, most of the students gave positive points in response to the effects they felt after experiencing reading comprehension using VIP media. Regarding the results, it can be concluded that the students' achievement of reading comprehension on business letter material was 21%.

The findings of this research showed that the use of VIP media can improve students' reading comprehension ability. The improvement of the students was achieved through the pretest form and the use of the vocabulary group in the VIP media during the learning process.

Table 2. The Students’ Achievement in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2
Table 2. The Students’ Achievement in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2


Improving Improving Motivation of Learning English Subject Through Integration of Urban Legend Literacy - A Short Play in Narrative Text of Tenth Grade Students at SMAN 8 Malang Education of English as Foreign Language Journal (EDUCAFL).


Therefore, in the second semester of the 2019/2020 school year, the first author wants to motivate the students by applying the integration of the literacy of urban legends with a short play that was included in the syllabus (KD) of K-13 at 3.8 & 4.8 on Narrative Text. The first author who actually acted as the English teacher of this school prepared the subject of Urban Legend Literacy based on the name of different provinces existing in Indonesia, and divided students into different groups. In this step, the first author observed the whole research activity by recording the performance effects for the implementation of the integration activity between Urban Legend Literacy with short-play.

Based on data from observational activity, a sense of curiosity of the participants about the Urban Legend Literacy was created during this research. As mentioned from the first finding, the motivation of the entire student was sparked by their sense of curiosity in their legacy of Urban Legend Literacy. The finding of this study regarding the integration between Urban Legend Literacy with short-play has proven to be effective.

The progress of students' interest aspect was significantly high considering the increasing number of their curiosity towards Urban Legend Literacy and its short play action. In these sessions, the integration of Urban Legend literacy with short games was more or less explicitly framed in a 'genre-specific' approach. Reflecting on these findings, this study demonstrates that the fun learning innovation such as this integrated activity between Urban Legend Literacy with short game was necessarily necessary to increase students' motivation to learn English subject.

Within all these remarks, the integration of urban legend literacy with the short game will definitely spark students' interest and motivation in the learning process. Based on the findings and discussions of this study, it can be concluded that the activity technique integrated between the Urban Literacy Legend with a short game proved to be an effective way to increase students' motivation in learning English.

Vocational High School’s Students Motivation and Anxiety in Learning English at EFL Context

  • The Finding of Students’ Motivation In learning English
  • Students’ Intrinsic Motivation in Learning English
  • Students’ Extrinsic Motivation in Learning English The result of students’ intrinsic motivation can be described as follow
  • Negative Evaluation
  • Communication Apprehension
  • Fear of Test
  • Students’ Motivation in Learning English

The writer used two types of data which are the result of the student motivation and anxiety questionnaire and the result of the interview. Meanwhile, the writer interviews some students to get more information about students' motivation and anxiety in learning English. Finally, the result was obtained on how students' motivation and anxiety are in learning English.

After obtaining the data, the author also conducted an interview with the students to get further information about students' motivation and anxiety to learn English. From the results of the questionnaire, the author conducted interviews with the selected students to get further information about students' motivation and anxiety to learn English. In data analysis, the author examined the scores of the students' motivation and anxiety in learning English questionnaire.

The purpose of the study's research is to find out how students' motivation and anxiety are when learning English. The result of the students' motivation in learning English questionnaire and interview are described in two parts according to the students' intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in learning English. The result of the questionnaire on students' motivation in learning English is described in four parts, depending on the sources of students' anxiety in learning English.

Meanwhile, the result of students' communication anxiety showed that the statement I am not worried that I will make mistakes in English class as the lowest mean score (2.029). It can maintain students' motivation and anxiety to improve students' English learning achievement.

Table 4.1 The Result of Students’ Intrinsic Motivation   Variable  Statement
Table 4.1 The Result of Students’ Intrinsic Motivation Variable Statement


Table 1 Categorization of EFL OSEL
Table 3 Advanced OSEL Students Responses
Table 4 Categorization of EFL Epistemic Beliefs Level  CATEGORY  N  Percentage (%)
Table 5 Categorization of Basic OSEL and Epistemic Beliefs


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