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Submitted as Partial Fulfillments of the Requirements to Obtain an S.Pd degree in English Education






My beloved Mother “ Sukaiyati” and Father “Sanusi”

My Husband “Dian Kaswara” and My child “Zhazha Assifa Mecca Thank for your love , Support, motivation, and prayer.

My sister “Siti rika Damayanti”, My Brother “Budi Jupriadi”

And My younger brother “Abdur Rahman Sayuti”

Thank for your love and big hug. I am proud of you.

Thank for my all friends, success for us. Aamiin


“The science must continue to move forward, otherwise you will remain

in place and capital to move forward is science”


under graduates degree (S1) in English Education Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty the University for Islamic Studies Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. This theses is entitled’ The Effect of Using Spinning Wheel in Teaching Speaking of Narrative Text to the Tenth Grade Student of the State Senior High School 6 Muaro Jambi”.

At this moment I would like thank to my people who have given spirit and help to me.

Then I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the following figures:

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan MA as Rector of the University for Islamic Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Mahmud MY. M.Pd as my first advisor who have given and lot of suggestion and revision to complete this thesis.

3. Ayuliamita Abadi M.Pd as my second advisor who have given a lot of suggestion, guidance and support to complete this thesis.

4. All lectures at Teacher Training and Education Faculty the University for Islamic Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi who have given knowledge to me since 2012 till present.

5. Officers and Librarian of the University for Islamic Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi who have giving help to finish my research.

6. Sutrisno S.Pd as Head of SMAN 6 Muaro Jambi, all of the teachers who have support the research and all of the students of SMAN 6 Muaro Jambi.

7. Sanusi, Sukaiyati, Dian kaswara my beloved parents and my husband who have giving me more motivation and never tired for finish this thesis.

8. All my best friends who have given me support to finish this thesis.

Jambi, April 2019 Reseachers

Dewi Sartika TE 120576


Judul : The Effect of Using Media Spinning Wheel in Teaching Speaking of Narrative Text to The Tenth Grade Student of State Senior High School 6 Muaro Jambi Media pembelajaran spinning wheel merupakan alat atau peraga yang digunakan oleh peneliti sebagai alat bantu untuk menyampaikan materi kepada siswa agar pelajaran tidak terkesan monotone. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa significant yang berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan siswa saat berbicara text naratif dalam media pembelajaran spinning wheel. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X1 berjumlah 37 siswa sebagai kelas experiment and X5 berjumlah 35 siswa sebagai kelas control di SMA 6 Muaro Jambi. Hasil dari kelas experimental diperoleh dari skor tertinggi 23 dan skor terendah 16 dengan hasil mean 18,78 median 19 modus 19 dan skor standar devesiasi adalah 1,72635 , standar error adalah dan data skor kelas control diperoleh dari skor tertinggi adalah 24 dan skor terendah 12 dengan hasil skor mean 17,02, median 18, modus 16, dan skor data standar devesiaisi adalah dan standar error adalah . Hasil statistic diperoleh dari kelas experimental dan kelas control Senior high school 6 muaro jambi diperoleh ttabel 5%< tt > 1% atau 2,00 < 2,86 >

2,65 bearti Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak artinya bahwa terdapat the effect of using spinning wheel in teaching speaking of narrative test to the tenth grade student of the state senior high school 6 muaro jambi.

Kata kunci: Spinning Wheel, Teaching Speaking, Narrative Text.


Major :English Education Department

Title : The Effect of Using Spinning Wheel in Teaching Speaking of Narrative Text to The Tenth Grade Student of The State Senior High School Muaro Jambi

The learning media spinning wheel is a tool or visual aid used by researchers as a tool to deliver material to students so that lessons do not seem monotone. This study aims to determine the significance of the ability of students to speak narrative text in learning spinning wheel. Subjects in this study were students of class X1 total 37 students as experimental and X5 class total 35 students as a control class at Muaro Jambi 6 High School.

The results of the experimental class were obtained from the highest score of 23 and the lowest score of 16 with the mean of 18.78 median 19 mode 19 and the standard deviation score was 1.72635, the standard error was and the control class score data was obtained from the highest score 24 and the lowest score 12 with the results of the mean score of 17.02, median 18, mode 16, and the standard score of the standard data is and the standard error is.

Statistical results obtained from the experimental class and control class the Senior high school 6 muaro jambi obtained ttable 5% <tt> 1% or 2.00 <2.86> 2.65 means Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected meaning that there was the effect of using spinning wheel in teaching speaking of narrative to the tenth grade student of the state senior high school 6 muaro jambi.

Keywords: Spinning Wheel, Speaking Teaching, Narrative Text.


Official Note ... ii

Statement of Originality ... iii

Dedication ... iv

Motto ... v

Acknowledgements ... vi

Abstrak ... vii

Abstract ... viii

Table of Contents ... ix

List of Table ... x

List of Appendices ... xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ... 3

C. Limitation of the Problem ... 3

D. Research Question ... 3

E. Objective of the Study ... 4

F. Significance of the Research ... 4


1. The Nature of Speaking ... 5

2. Basic Types of the Speaking ... 5

3. Micro and Macro Skills of the Speaking ... 5

B. Media ... 7

1. Definition of Media ... 7

2. Kinds of Media ... 8

3. The Advantages of Media ... 9

4. Types or Kinds of Visual Media ... 10

C. Spinning Wheel ... 13

1. Definition of Spinning Wheel ... 13


1. Definition of Narrative Text ... 15

2. Purpose of Narrative Text ... 16

3. Types of Narrative Text ... 16

4. Generic Structure ... 16

5. The Significant Lexicogrammatical Features... 17

6. Example of Narrative Text ... 17

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Setting and Times of the Research ... 30

B. Research Design ... 30

C. Population and Sample ... 31

D. Research Variables ... 31

E. Data Collecting Technique ... 31

F. Research Instruments ... 32

G. Technique of Data Analysis ... 32

H. Hyphotesis ... 36


B. Description of the Data ... 39

C. The Activities of Experimental Class ... 41

D. The Result of Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Class ... 43

E. The Activities of Control Class ... 46

F. The Result of Pre-test and Post-test of Control Class ... 47

G. The Data Analysis ... 49

H. Discussion ... 65


B Suggestions ... 67 REFERENCES



Table 2 : Data on Education and Education Staff ... 34

Table 3 : Scoring Rubric ... 35

Table 4 : Students of the Experimental Class Pretest... 39

Table 5 : Students of the Experimental Class Posttest ... 40

Table 6 : Students of the Control Class Posttest Score ... 43

Table 7 : Student of the Control Posttest Class ... 44

Table 8 : Distribution Frequency class experimental ... 46

Table 9 : Standard Deviations Class Experimental ... 47

Table10 : Distributions Frequency Class Control ... 48

Table 11 : Standard Deviations Class Control ... 49



A. Background of the Study

Everybody knows that language cannot be apart from human life. People need language for communication with each other. By using language, people can express their ideas and feeling. Therefore, language has a central role in students’

social and emotional development. It can support them in learning all subject matters.

English is one of international languages. This language is used all over the world. As a result, Indonesian government has decided that English is foreign language in Indonesia. In addition, it is the first foreign language taught as a compulsory subject in junior high school, senior high school and university in Indonesia. In learning language, there are four skills should be mastered by students, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. These four skills should be involved by teacher in process of teaching and learning in a classroom.

Speaking and writing refers to productive skills while reading and listening refers to receptive skills. Harmer (2003).

Speaking can be interpreted as speaking activities, where the speaking activity in question is speaking English. When viewed from the origin, the word

"speaking" comes from the speak word "speak is to express opinions; to say; to converse ". So speak here is a way of issuing or expressing opinions, words that we want to express. That is the definition of speaking in a simple and original way of speaking.

There are many benefits that can be felt directly if someone is capable or skilled at speaking. Some of these benefits can facilitate communication between people, facilitate the provision of various information, improve self-confidence, increase self-authority, enhance public or community support, become a supporter of profession and work, improve professional quality and work.

But unfortunately, there are many factors as handicap of how people can master speaking skill successfully, such as they never practice to speak English


with their friends formally or informally, afraid of making mistakes, or afraid to be laughed by others and do not feel confident, or sometime they seem do not have ideas in their mind if they are asked to practice their speaking. (Brown, 2000). Stated that there is the three types of affective factors that are affect students in the process learning is achievement motivation, self confidence and anxiety. Brown also added that proficiency language can be achieved if there is learning environment for participants students have a level of self anxiety low and the level of self-resistance low. From various studies that have been done, self anxiety factors are considered as one of the most affective factors influential for participants deep educator English speaking activities in class. This self anxiety can cause various difficulties for students to give the right response in speaking activities (Brown, 2000). This of course it can hinder mastery ability speak fluently, fluently and acceptable in various context life. Those problems also faced by tenth grade students of the state senior high school 6 Muaro Jambi.

Based on the information from the English teacher, the students have low ability in speaking especially narrative text. Students were shy to speak and tend to keep silent in the class. From the information from some students the problem is because they have no idea to speak and the method used by the teacher is boring. They want something new in teaching-learning process. As for spinning wheel media, it was used as an option in learning narrative text because of the many complaints that every child's point of view was not as good as learning English, especially in narrative text lessons. therefore using spinning wheel media will make students more interested in learning, because spinning wheel is a medium that has a new and interesting atmosphere so students will not feel bored while learning

Spinning wheel can improve students' speaking skills when students are interested in learning English. Books or textbooks make the students feel bored.

The students just exercise in their course book page by page without practicing orally. Thus using a spinning wheel media, students can practice, by using the material that has been provided in speaking spinning wheel. The spinning wheel gives everyone a chance to evaluate their experience individually and then


compare their experiences and thoughts with others. It helps to make people feel like they will have a chance to make amends or say how they feel if it goes wrong.

The use of spinning wheels also can improve students' motivation in learning English.

To solve the problem above, it is need a new teaching method which can give many ideas to students and create fun activity during teaching-learning process. Actually there are many activities can be done to create fun activities, such as pictures, cards, and other visual aids. Spinning wheel is one of the activities that can be applied in teaching narrative text. Based on the explanation above the researcher interested to conduct a research under a title “The Effect Of Using Spinning Wheel In Teaching Speaking Of Narrative Text To The Tenth Grade Students Of the state senior high school 6 Muaro Jambi”

B. Identification of the Problem

The problem of the research is to know whether the use of spinning wheel has significant effect on the students’ ability in speaking a narrative text or not after they are taught by using it.

C. Limitation of the Problem

In this research the limited problem is only at the state senior high school 6 Muaro Jambi. The population of this research is the tenth grade students at the state senior high school 6 Muaro jambi. There are two classes that are the subject of this research.

D. Research Question

Based on the background of the study, the problem was formulated as the following:

a. Is there any significant effect of using spinning wheel on the students’

ability in speaking a narrative text?

b. Is there any significant different to the experimental class and control class?


E. Objectives of the Study

The objective of the study was to find out if there is a significant effect of using spinning wheel on the students’ ability in speaking a narrative text.

F. Significance of the Research

After completing this study, it is expected that the findings will be useful for:

1. Teachers of English who might consider the use of spinning wheel in their teaching learning process especially in teaching a narrative text.

2. Students who might use this information to enlarge their knowledge in speaking a narrative text and,

3. Other researchers who are interested in using spinning wheel and conducting similar studies with different participants.




A. Speaking

1. The Nature of Speaking

Human being as social creature always communicates to one another. Therefore, speaking is needed in our life. According to Swam (2009) state that speaking is an actions to utter words express thought by words, utter speech, discourse, or argue. It is an act to communicate ideals in any matter. According to Tarigan (2008) state that speaking is the ability to pronounce sounds articulation or words to express, express and convey thoughts, ideals, and feelings. Therefore speaking is very needed to communicate orally with each other. According Allyn and Bacon (1990) say that speaking which is popular with hearers and speakers have to react to what they hear and make their contributions at a speed or high level.

Based on the definition, the researcher concludes that speaking is an active process of grasp new information which is needed by readers. It is an activity to understand the meaning of written or printed media.

2. Basic Types of Speaking

According to Brown (2010) state that we cited four categories of listening performance assessment tasks. A similar taxonomy emerges for oral productions.

a. Imitative

At one end of a continuum of types of speaking performance is the ability to simply parrot back (imitate) a word or phrase or possibly a sentence. While this is a purely phonetic level oral production, a number or prosodic, lexical, and grammatical properties of language may be influence in the criterion performance.

b. Intensive

A second type of speaking frequently employed in assessment contexts is the production of short stretches of oral


language designed to demonstrate competence in a narrow band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical, or phonological relationships ( such as prosodic elements-intonation, stress, rhythm juncture).

c. Responsive

Responsive assessment tasks include interaction and test comprehension but at the somewhat limited level of very short conversations, standard greetings and small task, simple requests and comments, and the like.

d. Interactive

The different between responsive and interactive speaking is in the length and complexity of the interaction, which sometimes includes multiple exchanges and/or multiple participants.

e. Extensive (monologue)

Extensive oral production tasks include speeches, oral presentations, and story-telling, during which the opportunity for oral interaction from listeners is either highly limited (perhaps to nonverbal responses) or ruled out altogether.

3. Micro and Macro Skills of Speaking

Brown (2010) explains that there are two kinds of skills that the reader should have. They are micro skill and macro skills.

a. Micro skills of speaking

Here are some micro skills of speaking:

1. Produce differences among English phonemes and allophonic variants.

2. Produce chunks of language of different lengths.

3. Produce English stress patterns, words in stressed and unstressed positions, rhythmic structure, and intonation contours.

4. Produce reduced forms of words and phrases.

5. Use an adequate number of lexical units (words) to accomplish pragmatic purposes.

6. Produce fluent speech at different rates of delivery.


7. Monitor one’s own oral production and use various strategic devices pauses, fillers, self-corrections, backtracking – to enhance the clarity of the message.

8. Use grammatical word cases (nouns, verb, etc), systems (e.g, tense agreement, pluralization), word order, patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.

9. Produce speech in naturel constituents: in appropriate phrases, pause groups, breath groups, and sentence constituents.

Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.

10. Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse.

b. Macro skills of speaking

Here are some macro skills of speaking:

11. Appropriately accomplish communicative functions according to situations, participants, and goals.

12. Use appropriate styles, registers, implicature, redundancies, pragmatic conventions, conversation rules, floor-keeping and yielding, interrupting, and other sociolinguistic features in face- to-face conversations.

13. Convey links and connections between events and communicate such relations as focal and peripheral ideals, events feelings, new information and given information, generalization and exemplification.

14. Convey facial features, kinesis, body language, and other nonverbal cues along with verbal language.

15. Develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as emphasizing key word, rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning of words, appealing for help, and accurately assessing how well your interlocutor is understanding you.


B. Media

1. Definition of Media

According to Raharjo.Haryono dkk, (2008: 36), Teaching media are tools which are provided and brought into classroom by a teacher to facilitate teaching-learning process. Teaching media are all physical devices which can present message and stimulate students to learn. Understanding the detailed instructional media (Hamalik, 1994: 6), media as a communication tool in order to further streamline the learning process; the function of the media in order to achieve the goals of education; subtleties of the learning process; the relationship between teaching methods and educational media; value or enjoyment of media education in teaching;

selection and use of educational media; various types of educational media tools and techniques; media education in every subject; business innovation in media education. According to Arif S Sadiman (2006), "The media is anything that can be used to deliver a message from the sender to the receiver so that it can stimulate the mind, feelings, concerns and interests as well as the student's attention such that the learning process occurs".

According to Azhar Arsyad (2006), "The media are different types of components in the environment that can stimulate students to learn".

According to Dadang (2009) the media certainly has a very wide scope, therefore currently the media problem is limited to the relevant to the problem of learning alone or known as a medium of learning. Briggs (1970) in the book Arief Sadiman titled Media Education, said that the media is all the physical tools that can present the message and stimulate students to learn. Meanwhile Gagne argues that the media are the various types of components in the student environment that can stimulate it to learn (Arief Sadiman, et al, 2009: 6).

So it can be concluded, the media is anything that is used to convey messages from one person to another so as to motivate them to learn.


2. Kinds of Media

There are basic types of media in learning according to Heinich and Molenda (2005) (Dadang, 2009) namely:

a. Text.

Text is a basic element to convey an information that has various types and forms of writing that seeks to provide attraction in the delivery of information.

b. Audio Media.

Audio media helps to convey informations and make it easy to remember. Audio media to improment the attraction of something. The audio type includes background sound, music, or sound recording and more.

c. Visual Media

Visual media is a media that can provide visual stimuli such as pictures / photos, sketches, diagrams, charts, graphics, cartoons, posters, bulletin boards and more.

d. Audio-visual Media

Audio-visual are the media which can be seen and heard such as television and film. Audio-visual presents complete communicative situation. The students can be easy to understand the facial impressions, gestures, physical background shown and learning becomes closer to real life situation. It is very important to preview any program and assess its worth to class situation, time, and its content value and how to operate it more effectively to benefit all children in learning the content. These media include film, TV program recorded both picture and voice on video CD.


d. Media Motion Projection.

Media montion projection Includes motion pictures, TV programs, videokaset (CD, VCD, or DVD).

e. Objects / miniatures

It is like a three-dimensional object that can be touched and touched by students. This media is made to overcome the limitations of both the object and the situation so that the learning process still running well.

f. Human.

This includes teachers, students, or experts / experts in certain fields / materials.

3. The Advantages of Media

According to Arief, et al (2009: 17) learning media has the following:

a. Clarify the presentation of a message so as not to be too verbalistic b. Overcome the limitations of space, time and sensory power such as:

1). Objects that are too large, can be replaced with reality, images, film frames, movies,video images,or models.

2). Small objects assisted with micro projector, slide film, video image or picture.

3). Motion that is too slow or too fast can be helped with timelapse, highspeed photography or slowmotion video playback.

4). Events that occurred in the past can be displayed again through recording of movies ,videos, or photos.

5). Objects that are too complex can be presented with models, diagrams, etc.


6). An overly broad concept can be visualized in the form of movies, slides, pictures or videos.

c. Using appropriate and varied learning media can overcome the passive attitude of students .In this case the learning media is useful for:

1). Cause passion for learning.

2). Enables direct interaction between students with the environment and reality.

3). Allow students to learn by their own interests and abilities.

d. With the unique nature of the students also with different environments and experiences, while the curriculum and learning materials are the same for each student, this problem can be over come by learning media in its ability:

1). Provide the same incentive.

2). Equating experience.

3). Generate the same perception.

4. Types or Kinds of Visual Media

Intan Natsir (2017) say that the kinds of visual media that will mention bellows are able to be used by the teacher in teaching learning process. Of course, using visual media in teaching activity in order to be effective and enjoyed, the teacher must adjust the use of visual media with the subject matters. In this case, not all the visual media can be used for all the subject matters, but must be adjusted with the subject matters will be conveyed to the students and the teaching purposes will be reached.

The teacher in the teaching learning process of speaking can use many kinds of visual media. There are the simple and cheap visual media, and there are also the sophisticated but not expensive to apply any where the teacher wants it.

The kinds of visual media are;

a. Blackboard


The blackboard has been rightly termed the most versatile visual media. It is standard equipment in every classroom. Teachers need to begin with a clean slate. The blackboard should be completely erased before beginning any new lesson or new point in the lesson. Teachers should write an attention pointer when new material is taught. Teachers in the primary level make very effective use of colored chalk. Excellent use of the blackboard can increase memorization of text.

b. Picture

That are meant here, including photos, paintings / drawings, realia, and sketches (line drawings). The main objective appearance of various types of picture is to visualize the concept to be conveyed to students. This media, students feel to undertake to perceive picture and at the same time train natural existence energy and their memory, and naturally student have attention to what teaching, (Alwi Achmad: Makasar 2003).

c. Flashcard

The forms of flashcard are variety. The teachers can collect their own sets of flashcards from magazines, calendars, etc. According to Betty Morgan Bowen in Leni’s thesis, there are two types of flashcard as their shapes, and they are word flashcard and picture flashcard, (Leny: Jakarta 2006). Word flashcard is a card with printed word on it. The teacher can use the card to demonstrate exactly what the teacher wishes. Picture flashcard is card with printed picture on it. It is very useful for the representation of a single concept, such as an object or in action.

But now, it is very often that flashcard has both such as picture and word that printed on it. Mokhammad Nizam said that this type is considered more beneficial than the previous two sorts because it does not only give conrete visual imagery but also word spelling, (Nizam: Surabaya 2009). It means that flashcard that consist of the picture and word on it is more useful and interested because through flashcard the students will know the spelling of the word and colourful picture will provide concrete illustration to the students. It will make the students are motivated. Then, flashcard can reinforce the writing skill of the students such as the students are asked to compose words, making sentences or paragraphs until finally forming essay or article through flashcard.


d. Chalk board

Most of the time teachers do make special effort to use the chalkboard effectively, for lesson elements that develop from simple to complex ideas.

Students often to do practice work directly on the board. Students add symbols, carts, maps, or outlines at just right time to emphasize the content involved. Some solve arithmetic problems while walking at desks. Chalkboard can provide immediate feedback and information on accuracy of the work and knowledge of procedures.

e. Puppets

Puppets are very popular among children. They have been popular for hundreds of years because they are so much fun. Teachers can move them around and make them talk, dace, and walk, just like actors in a play. Some simple puppets are very easy to make. These can be paper bag puppets, glove puppets, stick puppets, hand puppets, or finger puppets.

f. Charts

Wall charts of many types have been used successfully for years. They have great advantages for oral practice. They keep the attention of a whole class together on the same stimulus, whereas individual pictures in the student’s books tend to scatter the attention of the class. Charts can be used repeatedly in full daylight, while others aids require electric connections, darkening of room, special equipment, etc.

g. Graphs

Graphs show numerical or proportional relationship that can enable readers to graphs quickly and accurately the specific meaning of messes of complex data. Nearly any list of figures can be made into graph that is understandable to even unsophisticated readers.

h. Models

There are many advantages in real things in instructions, not the least of which is that students became familiar with objects are part of their environment and relate to their problems and activities. In many deferent ways in which real


things can be used for instructional purposes, each student will study to manipulate the object practice with them, and use them to discover their characteristic, operational actions, or behaviours.

C. Spinning Wheel

1. Definition of Spinning Wheel

According to Poerwadarminta: (782), definition of spinning is rotating or spinning motion, cyclic, change direction, turn, around.

Meanwhile the definition of wheel ( W.J.S. Poewadarminta: 829),is a good that can move the rotation to the front and rear, used to run the vehicle. This term is also often used wheel for wheeled objects rotating in the form of other paddles. Rotary mode is a tool in the form of a circular cut board with the aim as a medium of learning that can facilitate students to understand the concept of learning. According to Jaelani, (2012: 12), "spinning wheel has the definition: spinning wheel movement, around, change direction, turn, get around ". So it can be concluded that the spinning wheel is a circular object or circle that can produce a movement around or change direction. In other words, the spinning wheel is a circular object or circle that can be rotated.

In this study, the researchers developed a media wheel swivel which is the development of media wheel of luck that both use the spinning wheel as the media. Wahyuni (2017: 2) states that the medium of the wheel of luck is a wheel-shaped media that can be rotated and divided into several sectors / parts in which there is a question card. Aulia (2016: 12) adds that the wheel of fortune is a learning medium that uses a circle that is divided into several sectors. Within the sector there are questions that will be answered by the students listed in the form of a certain number of sectors in the circle. While Rahman, et al. (2013: 2-3) suggests that the wheel of luck is a learning technique that involves all students to make students more active, interactive, learning process becomes more optimal and fun.

Based on the definition, the spinning wheel is a round tool that can be moved and swirled around or that can be used as a medium of instruction in teaching narrative texts.


In this research the spinning wheel is made by using cardboard. It consist of two layers, base layers, and top layers. There are some picture on it. The picture is about the scenes in narrative story.

2. The Advantages of Spinning Wheel

There are some advantages of spinning wheel. They the are as follow :

1). The spinning wheel media tool is an educational medium that encompasses a new field of education, especially in the text of English language learning narrative. In addition, the media spinning wheel can present a message or information

2). The way to speak English with narrative text is more practical and interesting. Therefore, by using a media spinning wheel, students may be interested and eager to learn to speak, especially in a faster text narrative and understand it.

3). The tool is very simple to used and made.

4). The spinning wheel media provides an interesting and creative visualization, which will make it easier for students to understand the narrative text lesson.

3. Steps in Using Spinning Wheel

There are some steps of using spinning wheel. They the are as follow : 1). Students are divided into four groups

2). One of the group representatives stand in front of the class to tell the narrative story using a spinning wheel.

3). The audience pay attention the story the story told by the student by using spinning wheel.


4). Students spin little by little the spinning wheel so that the first picture appears, and so on until the last picture.

5). Teachers pay attention to students when telling a narrative story using spinning wheel.

D. Relevant research

Relevant research is the research conducted by Fahmi Roosdianna Fikriya under the title Developing a Spinning Wheel to Teach Speaking for the Seventh Graders of Malang Middle School 12. This development research aims to develop a "Spinning Wheel" learning media to teach speaking skills for seventh grade middle school. This media provides material for speaking skills activities. The product is spinning wheel. game boards, game procedures, product specifications, situation cards, and stickers. In general students and teachers provide positive responses to the product. They said that the game had very interesting boards and cards. This can foster students' confidence in speaking activities so that teachers can easily assess their appearance.

Relevant research is research conducted by Husnatul Munawarah with the tetle of improving mathematics learning outcomes through the application of twister in cooperative learning type student team achievement division VII graders of the junior high school in 27 Pekan Baru.

Based on the research, researchers are interested in using a twister or spinning wheel in English learning in teaching of speaking of narrative text to the tenth grade student of the state senior high school 6 Muaro Jambi. To there is the effect in using spinning wheel for class expetimental and class control.

E. Narrative Text

1. Definition of Narrative Text

Accordding to Mulyono (2011:30), narrative text is communicative purpose to entertain or amuse and teach the readers, moral values.

Muhammad (2015), state that 1). Narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people, 2). Narrative text is a spoken or written account of connected events a story. 3). Narrative text is narrated part of a literary


work, as distinct from dialogue. And 4). Narrative text is the practice or art or narration. Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers. According to Alice (2007), narrative is story writing. When you or learners write a narrative paragraph, you write about events in the order that they happen.

Meyers, (2005) argues that a narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain learner or reader about a past story or story related to the real experience, imaginary or complex event.

From the explanation above, it cant be councluded that a narrative text is a written or spoken story, and a series of connected events.

2. Purpose of Narrative Text

According to Elfatin (2016), basic purpose of the text narrative is to entertain and attract readers with a story or event that has the problem that lead to conflict and at the end of the story is no resolution or a happy ending, or even depressing. Actual narrative text is not confined to the mystical story, fiction, legend, fairy tale or fable, but another story in the form of adventure, mystery and all forms of story. In essence, narrative text is about the story. But the lesson in school, genre narrative text is usually only used to indicate a fiction such as fairy tales or legends.

3. Types of Narrative Text

According to Irwan (2013), There are many types of narrative text.

Narrative text can be text imaginary, factual, or a combination of both. Here are the types of narrative text: fairy stories, mysteries, science fiction, romances, horror stories, adventure stories, fables, myths and legends, historical narratives, ballads, slice of life, personal experience.

4. Generic Structure

The structure of the generic narrative text focuses on a series of steps proposed to build a story. In a narrative text that stage covering:


a. Orientation

(Introduction) in which the characters, setting, and story time are set. Usually answer the question who? When? Where ? For example: Once upon a time, there was a wolf lived in the forest.

b. Complication or problem

Telling the beginning of the problem that caused the crisis (climax). Complication usually involves the main character.

c. Resolution

of story can be a solution of the problem. The need for resolution of the problem. The problem can be solved can be better or worse, happy or sad. Sometimes -sometimes there are some complications that must be solved. This adds to the tension and maintain interest and for his readers.

d. reorientation / Coda

Is a story and a concluding statement is optional. Can contain about moral lessons, advice or instruction from the author.

5. The Significant Lexicogrammatical Features

According to Mulyono (2011), there are five the significant lexicogrammatical features of narrative text, they are:

a. focus on specific participants

b. Use of material process (for examples behavioral and verbal Processes).

c. Use relational process and mental processes

d. Use of temporal conjunction and temporal cricumstances.

e. Use of past tense.

6. Example of Narrative Text

The following is the examples of narrative text. The text is about :


1. Mermaid

One day at the bottom of the sea lived a kingdom called the mermaid. King Triton is a mighty king of the sea, he has many daughters. They love the underwater world where they live. But Ariel is his youngest son, dreaming of the world on the surface of the water, the human world. Although his father had warned him not to the human world, Ariel ignored him. He often swims to sea level to see the world on the surface of the water

Ariel and his friend Flounder, were delighted to visit Skatel the seagull. The skatel told them about all the human stuff that Ariel found on the seabed.

One day King Triton learned that Ariel often went to sea level. Knowing that King Triton was very angry. She is worried about her daughter's safety, Ariel.

King Triton asks his confidant friend, Sebastian the crab to keep an eye on Arie


A few days later Ariel saw a ship passing through the sea.

"where !!!" exclaimed Ariel as he hurriedly swam closer to the ship.

"Oh no!" Shouted Sebastian the crab. Sebastian and Flounder soon pursue Ariel.

When Ariel appeared on the water, Ariel saw a large ship full of sailors singing and dancing. Ariel's eyes glow when she sees the handsome young man, the other sailors call him Prince Erik. Ariel fell in love with Prince Erik at first sight. Suddenly the sky became dark and lightning struck. The ship that Prince Erik ride is not a match for the storm. The ship was oscillated, the waves were so big that Prince Erik was instantly thrown into the sea.

"I have to save her!" Ariel shouted.

Quickly Ariel swam to where Prince Erik was thrown, Prince Erik nearly drowned, then Ariel took him swimming to the beach.


Prince Erik does not move when Ariel touches her face gently and sings a beautiful love song for her. A beautiful song with Ariel's melodious voice. Soon Ariel heard Prince Erik's men searching for him. Ariel does not want to be seen by humans. He kissed Prince Erik, then Ariel immediately dived back into the sea. Then they too have fallen in love with the view of the first, over time with the barrier of the crossed by aril and princes erik and finally they were married on a magnificent ship and they were living happily

2. The Deer and Crocodile

One day the deer, the animal that he said cleverly, was walking around the edge of the forest. He just wanted to find some fresh air and watch the bright sun shine. Inside the forest is too dark because the trees are very dense.

The mouse deer wants to bask in the sun. There is a great river with deep water.

After so long sunbathing, the deer felt something that rang in his stomach.


kruuuk ... kruuuuuk ... kruuuuuk.

Well, apparently the hare deer already hungry. The deer imagine how good it would be if there was his favorite food that was cucumber. But the cucumber garden is across the river, how to cross it? The deer think for a moment.

Suddenly the deer jumped excitedly, and shouted: "Crocodile .... let's go ... .. I have food for you ... !! "Such is the deer shouted to the crocodiles who live in the deep river.

Again deer shouted, "Crocodile ... crocodile ... come out ... want fresh meat noooooo?"

The deer Talk to Crocodile

Soon after, a crocodile emerges from the water, "Bruaaar ... who's shouted this afternoon ... just interrupts my sleep." "Hey deer, shut up you .. otherwise I eat you later." The second crocodile comes together .

"Whoa .... nice you want to go out, where is the other crocodile? "said the deer then. "If there are only two more leftovers then this food. Let's go out...! "The deer shouted again.

"What's the real deer, let's just say," said the crocodile.

"This is a crocodile, sorry if I interrupt your sleep, but I will split fresh meat for the crocodiles in this river," so you should go all out to eat these fresh meats.

Hearing that they would be distributed fresh meat, the crocodiles promptly summoned his friends to go all out.

"Hey, guys all, there's free food ! Come on let us go ...!


"The leader of the crocodile shouted to give command. Soon, all the crocodiles came out of the water.

"Well, now I have to count how many crocodiles come, let's all crocodiles hurry up to the riverside line," "I'll count one by one."

Then without thinking, the crocodiles immediately took up positions, lined up from one bank to the other, making it look like a bridge.

"Okay, now I'm going to start counting," said the deer who immediately jumped onto the back of the first crocodile, shouting,

"One ... two ... .. three... .."

so on and on jumping from crocodile back to crocodile. Until finally the deer reached across the river. And inside her heart laughs, "It's easy to turn out."

Once across the river, deer said to the crocodile, "Hi crocodiles stupid, actually there is no fresh meat that I will share. Do not you see that I'm not carrying a piece of meat? "" Actually I just want to cross this river, and I need a bridge to pass by. Then I thank you guys, and apologize if I crack you guys, "said the deer.

The crocodiles are upset because of the hoax of the deer

"Haaaa! .... Ohaaaaaahh ... damn ... deer naughty, it turns out we just lied to.

Beware you are deer though ... if I meet again I eat you, "said crocodiles are furious.

The deer runs quickly disappear behind the trees and into the garden of Mr.

Farmer to find his favorite cucumber food.


3.The Rabbit and Turtle

Tortoises Against Rabbits One day there was a very arrogant rabbit. He boasted of being the world's best rabbit. The rabbit always boasted how fast he went. It has a very strong back foot to run like a breeze. He always shows his skills running fast to his friends.

One day the rabbit bragged in front of his friends and showed him how quickly it went. As he ran, he jumped on a shell in the street. Slowly a head and four legs out of the shell and start moving on the streets. Only then did the rabbit realize that the shell was a tortoise that seemed to crawl slowly on the streets.

'' How slow are you, '' said the rabbit to the tortoise. '' You are very slow. I do not understand why you are not bothered by your slow moves. "The rabbit laughed at his own joke about the tortoise.

The tortoise stares coldly at the rabbit and says, '' Every animal moves in its own pace. I may move slowly, but I can go wherever I want. In fact, I can achieve goals faster than you and faster than you. ''


The rabbit thought that the turtle's words were very funny. He laughed to hear, that the turtle ran faster than him. "It is impossible," said the rabbit.

I can run as fast as the wind. While you crawl very slowly, so it's hard to say, that you move faster than me. I want to see.''

The rabbit then challenges the turtle to the race, so they will see who is faster.

Running competitions will be held tomorrow. Every animal wants to see a race run between the fast rabbit and the slow turtle.

Wolves are counting down when the race begins. 'Five, four, three, two, one, run ...' 'With one spring, the rabbit quickly disappears from the eye. The turtle stepped slowly, step by step, while his eyes fixed on the path in front of him.

The rabbit ran all the way. Every time he saw the crowd at the curb, he turned around and waved his hand. He wants them to know who is the fastest running.

Far away, if the turtle went behind him, step by step, slowly and his eyes staring at the road ahead of him. Soon the rabbit arrived at a sign on the road. The sign indicates that he has run half the distance between the start and finish lines. He also no longer see the tortoise.

The rabbit thought, '' I'm far ahead and the turtle is so slow, so he's still very far behind. It takes a long time for the tortoise to get here. I think I can lie down here and rest for a while under a very warm sun. There's plenty of time to win this game when I wake up. ''


Meanwhile, the turtle continues to crawl slowly without stopping. He kept moving. Time passed, the rabbit was still asleep. Slowly and steadily, the turtle went on without rest. He moved slowly along the road. Finally the turtle passes the bunny who is still asleep on the side of the road. The rabbit was fast asleep, so he did not hear when the turtle passed. When the rabbit awoke from his deep sleep, he looked back to see the turtle's whereabouts. But he did not see the tortoise. However, he did not see a turtle. He said, '' It turns out the tortoise is slower than I thought. Maybe it was midnight he arrived at the finish line. '' The bunny stretches his legs and kicks his way to the road to continue the race.

The rabbit ran and climbed the hill. Then he saw an amazing view. At the finish line looks the turtle. The audience reveled, as the turtle cut the finish line. The tortoise is announced as the winner. The bunny sighed and the turtle smiled.

"How ... when ... where?" "Mutter the rabbit.

The turtle said, '' I catch you when you're asleep. I may be slow, but my eyes are looking at the goal. Slowly and steadily, I won this race. '


4. The Deer And The Snail

One day the deer seem sleepy. His eyes seemed heavy to open."Aaa .... rrrrgh", the occasional deer seem to evaporate. Because the day was quite sunny, the deer feel a loss if the waste. He began to take a stroll through the woods to dispel sleepiness. Up on a hill, the deer shouted arrogantly, "O the woods, I am the most intelligent animals, clever and smart in this forest.

Nothing can match the intelligence and my intelligence ". As he puffed out his chest, the deer was off and running down the hill. When we reached the river, he met with a snail.

"Hi deer!", Greeted the snails. "Why are you screaming? Were you happy? ", Said the snail. "No, I just want to tell all the inhabitants of the forest if I am the most intelligent animals, ingenious and clever", said the deer Proudly.


"Arrogant once you hare, I am the most intelligent animals in the forest," said the Snail. "Hahahaha ..., which may be" teased deer. "To prove it, what if tomorrow morning we race?", Challenged the Snail.

"Okay, I accept your challenge," said the hare. Finally they both agreed to hold a race tomorrow morning.

After the deer go, the snail soon gather his friends. He asked for help to his friends lined up and hide in the race track, and the answers that the deer call.

Finally, the awaited day has arrived, deer and slugs were ready to race. "Are you ready to run a race with me", said the deer. "Of course I have, and I would win," said the snail. Then the deer slug invited to run first and called to make sure it is the extent to which the snails. Deer running relaxed, and felt confident that he would win. After a few steps, the deer tried to call the snails.


"Snail .... Where you been up to?", Cried the deer. "I'm in front of you!", Cried the snails. Hare astonished, and soon his pace. Then he called again the snail, and the snail replied with the same words. "I was there in front of you!"

Eventually the deer ran, but by calling it the snail, he always comes up and says that he was ahead deer. Sweat profusely, his legs felt weak and gasping breath.

Deer ran on, until he saw the finish line. The face of deer are very pleased, because when he called snail, is not there any more answers. Hare felt that he was the winner of that race.

How surprised the deer, because he saw the snail was sitting on a rock near the finish line. "O deer, why are you so long?I've come out of that! ", Cried the snails. With bowed heads, the deer over to the snails and admit defeat. "So do not get cocky, you're so clever and smart, but you're not the most intelligent and clever," said the snail. "Yeah, I'm sorry snails, I would not be arrogant again", said the deer.


A. Setting and Times of the Research

According to Miles and Huberman in Creswel (1984:149), setting is where the research will take place. In this case the researcher will do the research for the tenth grade students of the state senior high school 6 Muaro Jambi. which located on JL. KH. MOH Agus Mudung Darat Kec. Muaro Sebo Kab. Muaro Jambi. The research will be conducted in the second semester in the academic year 2016/2017 for one month.

B. Research Methods and Design

This research will be conducted by using experimental research design. According to Sugiyono (2016; 107) experimental research is a research method that used to find the influence of certain treatment toward something. He added that there are many kinds of experimental research design; they are pre-expremintal design (nondesign), true eksperimental design, factorial design, and quasi eksperimental design. The type of this research is true experimental design.

To collect the data, two classes are used. They are experimental class and control class. The experimental class is the group receiving the treatment by using spinning wheel, while the control class is the group receiving the treatment of the teacher’s conventional method. The design could be described as the following:

Table. 3.1

Experimental Research Design

Class Pre test Treatment Post test

Experimental X Spinning



Control Y Teacher’s

Conventional Method



Y1 = Pre-test of control group X2 = Post-test experimental group Y2 = Post-test control group B. Population and Sample

The population of this study will be taken from class X students of SMA 6 Muaro Jambi which consists of fifth classes and a total of 184 students. The research sample will be taken random. Two classes were selected as samples of this study. One class as an experimental class and one class as a control class. The experimental class will be taught how to speak narrative texts using a spinning wheel while the control class will be taught using the teacher's conventional teaching methods.

C. Research Variables

According to Regoniel (2012) the word variable is derived from the root word “vary”.

The meaning is changing in amount, volume, number, form, nature or type. These variables should be measurable, or they can be counted or subjected to a scale.

In his book, Sugiyono (2016; 60) stated that it is named variable because it has variation. He added that the definition of research variable is an attribute, characteristic, or a score of someone, something or another activity that has certain variation which is determined by the researcher to be studied and to take a conclusion.

Regoniel (2012) stated that there are two kinds of variables; dependent variable and independent variable. The independent variables are just those variables that may influence or affect the other variable, i.e., the dependent variable. In this research, dependent variable is the students’ ability in speaking narrative text and spinning wheel is as independent variable.

D. Data Collecting Technique

In this research, test is used to collect the data. There are two kinds of test. They are:

1. Pre-test

Pre-test will be given to the students at the beginning. It is given to the students in experimental class and control class. The aim is to measure the students’ speaking ability before treatment especially for narrative text.

2. Post-test

Post-test will be given to the students after the researcher give the treatments. The aim is to measure the students’ speaking ability after treatment.


the test are about narrative text. The researcher will give a topic and the students speak about it. The researcher monitored the students’ utterance. There are five components used to analyze speaking performance. They are grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The name of analysis is quantitative research. The data from pre-test and post test are arranged from the highest to the lowest one. The data is analyzed to find out whether the results have a significant effect or not. The test ‘t’ for two samples from each other does not have a relationship. According to Anas Sudijono (2015: 346-347).

1. Uji Normalitas

The normality test aims to see whether the sample is normally distributed or not, the test used is the chi square test (Riduwan, 2014, p.190), namely:

X2 = ∑𝑘𝑖=1( 𝑓𝑜−𝑓𝑒 )𝑓𝑒 The calculation steps:

1. Determine big scores and small scores 2. Determine range (R)

3. Determine the number of classes (BK) BK = 1+ 3.33 log n

4. Determine class length

`I = 𝐵𝐾𝑅

5. Determine the mean or mean (Ẍ) 1) Determine standard deviation

S = √𝑛 𝛴 𝑥𝑛 ( 𝑛−1 )𝑖2− ( 𝛴 𝑓𝑥𝑖 )2

1) Make the expected list clearly as follows:

a) Make class limits, namely the bats left score of the first interval class minus 0.5 and the upper right score score interval plus 0.5.

b) Finding the Z-score value using the formula:

Z = 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡− Ẍ


d) Searching for the area of each interval class by subtracting the numbers 0-Z, which is the number of the second row of the second row minus the third row and so on.

e) Finding the expected frequency (fe) by multiplying the area of each interval by the number of respondents.

d) Look for chi squared (X2count) with the formula:

X2 = ∑ ( 𝑓𝑜−𝑓𝑒 )

2 𝑓𝑒


f). Comparing ( X2count ) with ( X2table ), dk = k1 and α =0,5

rules of decision:

If t count > t table means the distribution data is not normal.

If t count < t table means normal distribution data.

2. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity tests were conducted to see whether the two sample groups had homogeneous variants or not. Homogeneous tests use large variances and small variances.

The calculation steps are as follows:

a. Using table data variables X and Y variables in a table.

b. Look for the average of each variable

c. Look for the standard deviation of each variable d. Looking for variance

e. Look for the largest variance value and the smallest variance with the formula:

𝑓𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡= 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑠 𝑏𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑠 𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡


dk denominator = n-1 (for the smallest variance)

both variables are said to be homogeneous if at a significant level (∝) = 0.05 with the following testing criteria:

if 𝑓𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 ≥ 𝑓𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 ,, No Homogeneity

if 𝑓𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 ≤ 𝑓𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒, Homogeneity (Riduwan, 2012, p. 120) 3. Hypothesis testing

"Test" t "or" t "test, is one of the statistical tests used to test the truth or falsehood of the null hypothesis which states that among the two sample mean from the same population, there is no significant difference".

The sample in this study are small samples that do not have relationships with each other, so the formula used is:

𝑡𝑜 =𝑀1− 𝑀2 𝑆𝐸𝑀1−𝑀2 Information :

M1 = Mean for the experimental class M2 = Mean for the control class

SEM1 = Standard experiment class error SEM2 = Standard Error of the control class Steps that need to be taken are:

a. Propose a hypothesis or null hypothesis b. Make a comparative test help table

c. Determine the deviation of X and Y by the formula:

x = X-𝑀 dan y = Y-𝑀


𝑆𝐷𝑥 𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑢 𝑆𝐷1 = √∑ 𝑥2 𝑁1

f. Look for the standard deviation of the y variable score with the formula:

𝑆𝐷𝑦 𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑢 𝑆𝐷2 = √∑ 𝑦2 𝑁2

g. Look for the standard mean variable error x with the formula:

𝑆𝐷𝑀𝑥 𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑢 𝑆𝐸𝑀𝑥 = 𝑆𝐷𝑥

√𝑁1− 1 h. Look for standard mean variable error y with the formula:

𝑆𝐷𝑀𝑦 𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑢 𝑆𝐸𝑀𝑦 = 𝑆𝐷𝑦

√𝑁2− 1

i. Searching for standard errors Differences in Mean Variables X and Mean Variables Y by formula:

𝑆𝐸𝑀1−𝑀2 = √𝑆𝐸𝑀12+ 𝑆𝐸𝑀22

j. Search for by formula:

𝑡𝑜 =𝑀1− 𝑀2 𝑆𝐸𝑀1−𝑀2 k. Give an interpretation of "to"

If 𝑡𝑜≥ 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒, then the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. By this means there is a significant influence on the application of in spinning wheel


as follow: there is a significant effect of using spinning wheel in students’ achievement in speaking a narrative text.


A. Research Findings

Table : School Identity


NPSN 10505577

No. School Statistics 301100108009

Category school Potencial/RintisanSSN/SSN/RintisanSBI/SBI Type of School A/A1/A2/B/B1/B2/C/C1/C2

Total of study groups 14 (fourteen) Total class room 11 (eleven) Teacher total 31 (thirteen)

School address JL.K.H.Muhammad Agus

Village Mudung Darat

Districts Muaro Sebo

Regency Muaro Jambi

Province Jambi

HP/Fax/e-mail/Website Sman6_muja@yahoo.co.id

School status Negeri

Accreditation A


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