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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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Data primer diambil dari Brown's Principles of Language Learning and Teaching dan terjemahannya oleh Choolis dan Pareanom Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Data primer diperoleh melalui buku Brown berjudul Principles of Language Learning and Teaching dan terjemahan dari Principles of Language Learning and Teaching oleh Choolis dan Pareanom. Temuan penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa berbagai jenis transposisi ditemukan dalam buku "Prinsip Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Bahasa" dan "Prinsip Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Bahasa".


  • Background of Study
  • Problem Formulation
  • The Objective and Benefits of the Study
  • Prior Research

Based on the explanation above, the researcher proposed to conduct a research on studying one of the translation procedures, namely transposition in English to Indonesian translation found in Brown's book titled ―Principles of Language Learning and Teaching‖ and the Indonesian version entitled ―Prinsip -Prinsip Pembelajaran en Pengajaran Bahasa.‖. In this research, the researcher focused on studying types of transposition translation found in Brown's Principles of Language Learning and Teaching and its translation, and the aspect readability of the translated book Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. The quality is shown from the percentage of the level of accuracy, acceptability and readability.


  • The Concept of Translation
  • The Procedures of Translation
  • The Concept of Transposition
  • Types of Transposition
  • Translation Quality Assesment

Newmark accepts that translation is one process of translation that involves a change in grammar from SL to TL. First, there may be a change from singular to plural or in adjective position. First, 'father' in such contexts essentially represents a title and appears in the same syntactic positions as a word such as 'sir'.


  • Types and Characteristics of Research
  • Sampling Technique
  • Data Resource
  • Data Collecting Technique
  • Data Analysis Technique

In the phrase ―normal science‖, the original pattern is .. adjective+noun', but the transposed translation is .. noun+adjective' which is "normal saints". However, from the table above it can be seen that the translator has translated the text by applying this transposition as in ―the models that are . illustrated are typical of‖ in “yang sukuri disini adalah pola-pola tipik”. In "it's interesting", the "is" is not translated, so the translation becomes "menarik bahwa".

Description of the second type of type 3 (“Adjective + noun‟ in English becomes “noun + noun” in Indonesian). For example, in "Individuals engaged in social practices, ..", the initial clause could be "individuals who were engaged in social practices,..." However, it is fully and explicitly translated in the Indonesian translation by being made "individu- individu yang englamat dalam bergapan praktek sosial". When attached to a noun phrase, it translates to "noun + clause" in the Indonesian translation.

The adjective is translated into a clause, usually by using the word "yang" in Indonesian, which in "different viewpoints" becomes "berbagai angang pandang yang berbadda". For example, in the sentence "But that children learn...", the translation becomes "Tetapi bahwa meraka pun belajar...". Transposition of Theme and Rheme in "Habibie & Ainun". and ‗Habibie & Ainun The Power of Love‘: A Translation Study of Indonesian to English.‖ International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World 5. Theory and Practice of Translation.

Quality Assessment of the Translation of "The 8th Habit: from Effectiveness to Greatness" by Stephen R. American Policy Development Research Institute 2016) Vol.


Description of Research Setting

  • The Historical Background of IAIN Metro
  • The English Education Department (TBI)

As an Islamic institute which was one of the preferred universities, IAIN Metro has vision and missions. His vision was Be an Innovative Islamic College of Education in socio-eco-techno-preneurship synergy based on Islamic and Indonesian values. Then, to realize the vision, it compiles several missions, namely: Applying Islamic values ​​in the implementation of education, research and community service, Building a productive and innovative academic culture in resource management through scientific studies, learning models and research, Increasing socio-eco-techno-advantage of academics in the implementation of the three pillars of the university, Implementation of a professional and cultivated system of institutional management based on information technology. 50.

Finally, realized the dream of the Lampung society to found IAIN Al-Jami‘ah based on the Minister of Religious Affairs Decree No. In 1993, IAIN Raden Intan Tanjung Karang was changed to IAIN Raden Intan Bandar Lampung. Moreover, in 1967, the Faculty of Islamic Education and Law was established in Metro City based on the request of Metro society.

The change of status to IAIN would also encourage the formation of faculties, which were a merger of two majors with 9 courses. This status change is contained in Presidential Regulation No.71 dated August 1, 2016, according to the Presidential Regulation, the establishment of IAIN Metro was a change of form of the State Islamic College (STAIN) Jurai Siwo Metro. The change of status to IAIN will also encourage the formation of new faculties that will be born in accordance with the needs of the community for education, as well as the development of facilities and infrastructure that are more adequate to realize IAIN Metro for the better.

The legal and functional license of TBI based on the explanatory letter of the General Director of Islamic Education No.

Figure 1 : The Organization Structure of IAIN Metro
Figure 1 : The Organization Structure of IAIN Metro

Description of Research Data

Description of Data Analysis

  • Transposition
  • Readibility


The above statement has something in common with Catford's notion that translation is a process of replacing a text in one language with a text in another language.9 In addition, translation is also defined as the process of replacing ST in one language with the corresponding textual material in another language (TL).10. Instead of worrying about the operations on linguistic units, it focuses on phenomena that do not exist in the target culture.22 Furthermore, Vinay and Darbelnet define adaptation as translation method to establish an equivalent word, phrase or sentence that qualifies the same value , which is applicable to a dissimilar situation between SL and TL.23 As an example, due to the different culture and language concept, one of the most popular sports in the world is called ‗soccer' appropriately ‗football' in America. Considering the context of the phrase "Mustang" as a kind of horse, the phrase can be translated as "Kuda Mustang itu adalah yang tercepat dalam pacuan tersebut."25.

It is used as a priest title especially in the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. It is consistent with Baker and Saldanha's notion that transposition generally refers to changes that arise or may arise in the process of translation. TT : untuk tejnaja para intelektukal untuk nadjaja gehidunga intelektukal.. b) "Adjective + noun" in English becomes "noun + noun" in Indonesian.

Dipermukaan, sämää masuk akal membuat analogi itu. .. that in the mid-twentieth century the direct method was revived and redirected into what was probably the most visible of . all languages ​​.. revolutions‖ in the modern era, the Audiolingual. In the second example, sentence-to-sentence shows "Because it is in the communicative process" to "Karena dalam proses komunikasi". In sentence number 13, two participants gave the score 2, which includes in non-readable category.

From the above data, the researcher concluded that transposition plays an important role in the translation process. The researcher found the 1919 transfer findings reported in Chapters 1 – 3 of Douglas Brown's book: Principles of Language Learning and Teaching and its Translation. On the level of readability, based on the questionnaire received by two lecturers and one student of IAIN Metro from the Department of English in evaluating the level of readability, the researcher found that 10 sentences (25%) are readable, 23 sentences are readable. less legible (57.5%) and 7 sentences unreadable (17.5%).

Students must have a good understanding of translation, especially translation processes, and improve their reading habits so that they can properly analyze the exchange of grammatical structures in the translation process and thus quickly understand the meaning of the text. Aria Septi Anggaira and Sofian, ―Linguistic Errors On Narrative Text Translation Using Google Translate‖ in Pedagogy Language Teaching Journal, Vol.5, No.1, January-June/2017.



The analysis result showed that there are four types of transpositional translations found in "Principles of Language Learning and Teaching" and "Prinsip-Prinsip Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Bahasa" from Chapters 1 to 3. It can be said that the readability of the 40 sentences with transposition in it is less readable and, according to the average score of the result, they got a score of 2.3.


Masalah baru-baru ini dalam akuisisi bahasa kedua (SLA) pada awalnya dapat dilihat sebagai segudang pertanyaan yang muncul tentang proses yang kompleks ini. Penelitian "modern" dalam pemerolehan bahasa anak-anak dimulai pada paruh kedua abad ke-18, ketika filsuf Jerman Dietrich Tiedemann mencatat pengamatannya terhadap perkembangan psikologis dan linguistik anak-anaknya yang masih kecil. Dalam dekade berikutnya, langkah-langkah penting diambil, terutama di bidang model generatif dan kognitif, untuk menjelaskan pemerolehan bahasa tertentu dan untuk mengeksplorasi aspek pemerolehan universal.

Gelombang penelitian tentang pemerolehan bahasa anak-anak ini mendorong guru bahasa dan pendidik guru untuk memeriksa beberapa temuan umum untuk membuat perbandingan antara pemerolehan bahasa pertama dan kedua atau bahkan untuk membenarkan beberapa metode dan teknik pengajaran bahasa berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran bahasa pertama. Penelitian yang dipercepat dalam akuisisi bahasa pertama pada paruh kedua abad ke-20 menarik perhatian tidak hanya ahli bahasa, tetapi juga pendidik di bidang yang berhubungan dengan bahasa. Saat mempelajari linguistik, calon guru perlu mempelajari penguasaan bahasa pertama, terutama penguasaan setelah usia 5 tahun, untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mereka tentang keterampilan bahasa pengajaran.

Dalam pendidikan bahasa asing, sebagian besar teks wajib dan kurikulum saat ini berisi semacam materi pengantar tentang penguasaan bahasa pertama. Apa yang mungkin tidak jelas adalah bagaimana guru bahasa kedua harus menginterpretasikan penemuan penelitian bahasa pertama yang beragam dan terkadang kontradiktif. Pemerolehan bahasa pertama dimulai pada usia yang sangat muda, tetapi pemerolehan bahasa kedua dapat terjadi pada masa kanak-kanak maupun dewasa.

Jika masa kanak-kanak dan dewasa, dan perbedaan di antara mereka, memainkan peran penting dalam model dan teori penguasaan bahasa kedua (SLA). Langkah pertama dalam penelitian pemerolehan dan usia mungkin adalah menghilangkan beberapa mitos tentang hubungan antara pemerolehan bahasa pertama dan kedua. H Stern (1970, hlm. 57-58) merangkum penjelasan umum yang merekomendasikan metode atau prosedur untuk mempelajari bahasa kedua berdasarkan pemerolehan bahasa pertama.


Figure 1 : The Organization Structure of IAIN Metro
Figure 3: The Location Sketch of IAIN Metro Campus 2


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