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an undergraduate thesis - IAIN Repository

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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The purpose of this research is to know about the students' difficulties in listening comprehension of the second semester students in Metro State Institute of Islamic Studies. The primary data of this research was obtained from twelve students in the second semester of the Metro State Institute for Islamic Studies. From the analyzed data, it is found that the students of the second semester at the State Institute for Islamic Studies of Metro.

Akla, M.Pd, the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies of Metro. Moreover, listening is the first skill that the students or learners should master. Below is the data score of the final exam of the first semester at the State Institute for Islamic Studies of Metro.

The listening result for students in the first semester at the Norwegian Institute for Islamic Studies of Metro at the lecture. In accordance with the score above, the researcher had conducted a preliminary study to find out whether the student's difficulty in listening mastery performed in the first semester students of the State Instite For Islamic Studies of Metro. The result Data Listening Mastery Based on the Pre Survey of the Second Semester at the States Institute for Islamic Studies of Metro.

From the results of the data above, the researcher conducts in conducting a research on “An Analysis on the Sudent problems on listening mastery after the second semester at State Institute Islamic of Metro in the academic year of.

Problem Identification

Focus of the Study

Research Question

The Objectives and Benefits of the Study a. Objectives of the Study

Prior Research

The Definition of Listening

In our country Indonesia, English is a foreign language, but in another country English as a second language. English has status in the world, especially in the language, because English became an "international language" or "global language". Moreover, listening is the most important skill for learners because receiving and interacting with language input, especially to communicate with other people .6.

We saw above that four of the two skills are primary skills and the remaining two are secondary skills. Chauhan, “Language and its four basic skills with the description of different types, levels and subdivisions of students' listening skills”, (Saurashtra University), p, 6. Therefore, listening is a process of understanding what the speakers say, including pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.

Based on the definition of listening by experts, the researcher concludes that listening is the key to communicating with other people.

Types of Listening

The type of listening is often found in social life when we interact with others. One-way listening – the typical type of listening is conveying information or transactional listening. Two way listening - the typical of two way listening is communicating in social life or interactive listening.

Strategies of Listening

Metacognitive states: conscious or unconscious mental activities that perform an executive function in cognitive strategies. Assess the situation: take stock of the situation by assessing your own knowledge, internal and external resources of the situation before starting a task. Learning strategies: strategies to input their listening, for example negotiation (seeking clarification) or focused listening.

As a consequence, based on the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that there are many strategies in listening to improve and help students' difficulties in listening the subject.

Media in Learning Listening

The Definition of Media

Kind of media in learning listening

The word media, plural of medium, is from the Latin word for middle and describes what is the attitude between the receiver and the source of the message. The term multimedia often describes highly sophisticated technologies, such as CD-ROMs and Internet web pages, that include text, sound, vision, and animation. In today's digital age, podcasts are gaining popularity and dominating some internet media like Youtube or Spotify.

There are many types of English videos that students can search for on the Internet, from cooking videos, game videos, video tutorials, to vlog videos.

Potential Difficulties in Learning Listening

  • Cultural Differences
  • Quality of Recorded Material
  • Unfamiliar Vocabulary
  • Length and Speed of the Listening

Not all classrooms are completed because some of them do not have computers, multimedia systems, smart boards, etc. Hamouda stated that students still struggle with listening comprehension due to poor recording quality or poor quality.15. Understanding words arouses students' interest and increases the positive effect of listening learning.

In addition, there is a problem of many words having more than one meaning if they have less meaning, the students get confused. There is no similar value of the coverage required to understand what is spoken, but if the listeners know more than 5000 vocabulary words, they can have a good chance of understanding what the speaker said.16 . Wayland, Elizabeth Rhoades, Allison Blodgett, Jared Linck, and Steven Ross, "What Makes Listening Difficult?" (University of Maryland: 2010), p, 12.

Moving faster than normal from the speaker to the listener can have hard-to-understand target words. In addition, the researcher concludes that there are a number of potential difficulties in learning to listen, such as a different culture, the quality of the recorded material, an unfamiliar vocabulary, the length and speed of listening. 18 Abbas Pourhosein Gilakjani and Narjes Banou Sabouri, “Learners' Listening Comprehension Difficulties in English Language Learning: A Literature Review,” (Canadian Center of Science and Education: 2016), p, 127.

This chapter contains the explanation about the research types and characteristics, data resources, data collection method, data analysis technique and approach.

Types and characteristics of the Research

Data Resources

Data Collecting Method


In addition, the researcher got the data of the result of the problems of listening mastery students. In addition, qualitative methods such as interview, documentary and data source are made relevant and feasible.23 There are some advantages to using documentation:24 1) Relatively cheap 2) Good source of information 3) Modest 4) Indirect observation 5) Can solve problems that can be solved in other ways have gone unnoticed.


Data Analysis Technique

Components of Miles and Huberman Model Analysis There are four steps to perform data analysis by Miles and Huberman:26. Therefore, it is concluded that data analysis has several functions in analyzing research data that include; to make data meaningful, test null hypotheses, obtain significant results, describe inferences or make generalizations, and calculate parameters.


Profile of State Istitute forIslamic Studies of Metro a. The Historical Background of IAIN Metro

From 2011, STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro continued to strive for the development of STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro to be IAIN Metro. STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro was established on April based on the explanatory letter of president RI No. The establishment of STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro cannot be separated with the history of IAIN Raden Intan Bandar lampung.

The existence of IAIN Raden Intan Bandar lampung began with the effort of elite and religious figures uniting in the Lampung Islamic Welfare Foundation (YKIL). In the discussion of YKIL, two faculties, education faculty and Islamic law, were mentioned, which were located in Tanjung Karang. In the year 1993, based on the change of the name of the capital of Lampung province from Tanjung Karang to Bandar Lampung, STAIN Raden Intan Tanjung Karang was also changed to STAIN Raden Intan Bandar Lampung.

As a state, IAIN Metro was established for graduate students who have quality not only in the development of Islamic value and science. Then, to fulfill the vision, IAIN Metro composed several missions, namely (1) Development of the three pillars of the university (education, research and development and community services), (2) Development and dissemination and technology in Islamic culture and creation of academic persons. who are smart, competent and have good morals. Nowadays, IAIN Metro has four faculties, namely the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, the Faculty of Syari'ah, the Faculty of Economic Business and the Faculty of Islamic News and Communication.

In IAIN Metro there are facilities to support lecturers and students in conducting the learning process, namely: lecturers' unit, Computer Laboratory & Baitul Mal wa Tamwil, Library, Language Laboratory Unit, Micro-Teaching Laboratory, Islamic Development Unit , classrooms, mosque, futsal court, basketball court, climbing wall court, volleyball court, tennis court, auditorium, student activities hall (UKM), Student Committee Office. Along with the status change from STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro to IAIN Metro, the Department of English Education (TBI) layer 1 (S1) as established in 2007 is also the change to the Department of English Education in 2017. In the implementation of education, the Department English Education stands for English Education that can integrate Islamic values ​​and academic dimensions.

It is the vision and missions that include all the students in English Education Department of IAIN Metro. In line with the above statement, the English Education Department always tries to develop the quality of the teaching and learning process. Indeed, it will be a dynamic, open and polite relationship between the stakeholders of TBI IAIN METRO.

Data Analysis

Result of the interview with the students about their difficulties in listening mastery

Terminologically, according to the result of the first question, most of the respondents have difficulty mastering hearing. The British accent makes it very different for us, especially me, to understand him, but if we want to study more, I think we can understand him. Based on the results of the above interview, it can be concluded that listening mastery includes three components, namely: understanding, listening and responding.

The Percentage components of students difficulties in listening mastery


Those students who do not understand the meaning of speaking and have low vocabulary should practice listening on a daily basis such as listening to English music, watching English movies or listening to English podcast. This research is expected to be useful to the educator as valuable information in terms of students' listening mastery problems. By knowing the problem, it is expected that the teacher is able to apply the solution to overcome the students' problems with listening skills.

Language And Its Four Basic Skills Describing Various Types, Levels And Interruptions Of Students' Listening Skills. An investigation into listening comprehension difficulties encountered by Saudi students in the El listening classroom.



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