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1444 H / 2023 M







Submitted as partial fulfillment of the Requirements for Bachelor Degree of English Education




PEKANBARU 1444 H / 2023 M








In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and Merciful, praise belongs to Allah Almighty. By his guidance and blessing, the researcher has accomplished the final research paper as academic requirement to finish the bachelor degree.

Then, shalawat and salam always be presented to the last mesengger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad SAW who has inspired and lightened many people up all around the world.

The researcher would like to thank many people who have provided assistance and motivation in completing this thesis, especially her beloved parents, Mr. Yangga Aryana and Mrs. Yusmarni Asra, who have never given up, prayed for their daughter, and always given her meaningful and useful support.

The researcher could not have reached this point without their tireless efforts.

Besides that, the researcher would like to express her sincere and deep gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Hairunas, M.Ag., the Rector of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Prof. Dr. Hj, Helmiati, M.Ag., as Vice Rector I, Dr. H.

Mas‟ud Zein, M.Pd., as Vice Rector II, Prof. Edi Erwan, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D, as Vice Rector III, and all staff. Thanks for the kindness and the encouragement.

2. Dr. H. Kadar, M.Ag., the Dean of Education and Teacher Training Faculty of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Dr. H. Zarkasih, M.Ag., the Vice of Dean I, Dr. Zubaidah Amir, MZ., M.Pd., the Vice of Dean II, Dr. Amirah Diniaty, M.Pd. Kons., the Vice of Dean III and all staffs. Thanks for the kindness and encouragement.

3. Dr. Faurina Anastasia, S.S., M.Hum., the head of English Education Department who has given the writer correction, suggestion, support, advice, and guidance in finishing this thesis.



5. Abdul Hadi, MA, Ph.D., my beloved supervisor who has given me correction, suggestions, support, advice, and guidance in accomplishing this thesis. The researcher would be lost without him.

6. Dr. Dodi Settiawan, M.Pd., the academic supervisor for her guidance to the writer.

7. All lecturers of the English Education Department who have given their knowledge and information to the researcher through meeting in the class or personally.

8. Dr. Hj. Yanti Dasrita, M.Si., the headmaster of SMAN 2 Tambang, who has welcomed and permitted the researcher to do the research at the school.

9. Mahdalena, S,Pd ,the English teachers of SMAN 2 Tambang who have helped and suggested the researcher in doing research, the school staff officer, and all the tenth grade students who have participated in this research.

10. The researcher is very thankful to herself for believing in herself. She has managed to fight the feelings of laziness, fear, and stress, and has managed to trust herself to do all this hard work.

11. My best friend Nadiyatul Adawiyah, S.Pd., who always give me a great support, share opinions and information in carrying out and completing this thesis.

12. All friends in English Department, especially all of the members of A class. Thank you for supporting and motivating me in finishing this thesis.

13. All of people who have given their help and motivation on finishing this thesis that cannot be mention one by one. Finally, the researcher is relizes that this thesis is far from perfect, there are still many weaknesses in writing this thesis. Therefore, suggestions and constructive criticism from readers are very much needed to improve this thesis.



Pekanbaru, Jumadil Akhir 20th, 1444 H January 13th, 2023 M

The Reseacher

Febri Angga Wahyuni SIN.11810423349



Students’ Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Texts at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 2 Tambang.

This research is about the effect of using YouTube videos on students‟

reading comprehension of descriptive texts at the tenth grade of SMAN 2 Tambang. The purpose of this study was to examine whether or not there is a significant effect of using YouTube videos on students‟ reading comprehension of descriptive texts. The research design used in this study was a quasi-experimental design, with data analyzed using SPSS.23. The writer used two groups pre-test and posttest design. The population of this research was the tenth grade students of SMAN 2 Tambang. The writer used experimental and control classes as sample for the research by using cluster random sampling in which the total sample was 36 students. In collecting the data, the writer used multiple-choice reading test to collect the data. While, in analyzing the data, the writer used an independent sample test and effect size. It can be seen from the effect size calculation that was calculated by using eta squared formula with the result 0.42 or categorized as large effect.



Febri Angga Wahyuni, (2022) : Pengaruh Penggunaan Video YouTube Pada Pemahaman Membaca Teks Deskriptif Siswa Di Kelas Sepuluh SMAN 2 Tambang.

Penelitian ini tentang pengaruh penggunaan video YouTube pada pemahaman membaca teks deskriptif siswa di kelas sepuluh SMAN 2 Tambang.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji ada tidaknya pengaruh yang signifikan penggunaan video YouTube terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa teks deskriptif. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi- experimental design, dengan analisis data menggunakan SPSS.23. Penulis menggunakan dua kelompok pre-test dan posttest design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMAN 2 Tambang. Penulis menggunakan kelas eksperimen dan kontrol sebagai sampel penelitian dengan menggunakan cluster random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 36 siswa. Dalam mengumpulkan data, penulis menggunakan tes membaca pilihan ganda untuk mengumpulkan data. Sedangkan dalam menganalisis data, penulis menggunakan independent sample test dan effect size. Hal ini terlihat dari perhitungan effect size yang dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus eta squared dengan hasil 0.42 atau dikategorikan sebagai pengaruh besar.




( ،نيويهو انجأ يبريف ٢٢٢٢

ويديف عطاقم مادختسا يرثتأ :) ءانثأ مهفلا ىلع بويتوي

رشاعلا لصفلا ذيملات ىدل يفصولا صنلا ةءارق ةيموكلحا ةيوناثلا ةسردلمبا ٢


ءانثأ مهفلا ىلع بويتوي ويديف عطاقم مادختسا يرثتأ نع ثدحتي ثحبلا اذه

ةيموكلحا ةيوناثلا ةسردلدبا رشاعلا لصفلا ذيملات ىدل يفصولا صنلا ةءارق ٢


لذاو مهفلا ىلع بويتوي ويديف عطاقم مادختسا يرثتأ دوجو ةفرعم ثحبلا اذه نم فد تناايبلا ليلتح تمو .ةبرتج هبش وه ثحبلا اذه ميمصتو .يفصولا صنلا ةءارق ءانثأ

ةيعامتجلاا مولعلل ةيئاصحلإا ةمزلحا جمنارب مادختسبا ٢٢

ةثحابلا تمدختساو .

عمتلرو .يدعبلاو يلبقلا رابتخلاا تيعوملر ةيوناثلا ةسردلدبا رشاعلا لصفلا ذيملات ه

ةيموكلحا ٢

كلذو ،ثحبلل تانيع يطبضلاو بييرجتلا لصفلا ةثحابلا تلعجو .جنابمتا

تانيعلا ددعو ،ةيئاوشعلا ةيدوقنعلا تانيعلا ذخأ ةينقت مادختسبا ٢٣

عملج .اذيملت

بلا ليلحتلو .تارايلخا ةددعتم ةءارق رابتخبا ةثحابلا تماق تناايبلا تمدختسا تنااي

ابهاسح تم تيلا يرثأتلا مجح ةجيتنو .يرثأتلا مجحو ةلقتسلدا تانيعلا رابتخا ةثحابلا اتيإ عبرم ةغيص مادختسبا ٢..٢

.يربك يرثأتلا نأ نىعبم اذه ،








ABSTRAK ... vii

صخلم ... viii




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problems of the Study ... 5

C. Objective and Significant of the Study ... 6

D. Definition of the Term ... 7


1. Youtube Videos ... 9

a. Definition of YouTube Videos ... 9

b. Procedure of Using YouTube Videos ... 10

c. YouTube in Learning Reading ... 12

d. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using YouTube Videos ... 13

2. Reading Comprehension ... 15

a. Definition of Reading Comprehension ... 15

b. Components of Reading Comprehension ... 16

3. Descriptive Text ... 17

a. Definition of Descriptive Text ... 17

b. Purpose of Descriptive Text... 18

c. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text ... 18



d. Kinds of Descriptive Text ... 19

e. Example of a Descriptive Text ... 21

B. Relevant Research ... 22

C. Operational Concept ... 25

D. Assumption and Hypothesis ... 27


B. Time and Location ... 29

C. Subject and Object of the Research ... 30

D. Population and Sample of the Research ... 30

E. Technique of Data Collection ... 32

F. Technique of Data Analysis ... 34


B. Discussion ... 48


B. Suggestion ... 51 REFERENCES






Table III.1 Research Design ... 29

Table III.2 Total Population... 31

Table III.3 Total Sample ... 32

Table III.4 Blue Print ... 33

Table IV.1 Students‟ Scores in the Control Class ... 36

Table IV.2 Distribution Frequency of Students‟ Pre-test ... 37

Table IV.3 Distribution Frequency of Students‟ Post-test ... 38

Table IV.4 Descriptive Statistics of Pre-test and Post-test in Control Class ... 38

Table IV.5 Students‟ Scores in the Experimental Class ... 40

Table IV.6 Distribution Frequency of Students‟ Pre-test ... 41

Table IV.7 Distribution Frequency of Students‟ Post-test ... 42

Table IV.8 Descriptive Statistics of Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental Class ... 42

Table IV.9 Students‟ Gain Scores ... 43

Table IV.10 Descriptive Statistics of Students‟ Post-test in Control ... 44

Table IV.11 Descriptive Statistic of Students Post-test in Experimental ... 45

Table IV.12 Group Statictis ... 45

Table IV.13 Independent Samples T-test ... 46

Table IV.14 Effect Size Guildelines ... 47




Appendix 1 Syllabus Appendix 2 Lesson Plan

Appendix 3 Research Instrument (Pre-test and Post-test) Appendix 4 Students‟ Reading Test

Appendix 5 Research Letters Appendix 6 Documentation



A. Background of the Study

Reading English texts is an important skill for learners of all ages (Winskel, 2020). Reading is a fundamental life skill, it is a base for success in the school and in our life. Without good reading ability,opportunities for both professional and personal achievement will undoubtedly be lost. (Anderson, Hiebert, Scott, & Wilkinson, 1985). It is reasonable to consider reading to be the most important skill to master in school and in life.

Reading is a skill that students who learn it will gain, they will get the benefit from the wealth of information included in written publications (Pang et al, 2003). Generally, it refers to the process of understanding and recognizing written materials (Heriyawati, Saukah, & Widiati, 2018). In other words, according to Grabe & Stoller (2013) reading for the general meaning is provides advantages for comprehending and interpreting textual content. This means that readers can produce a lot of speculation about the written content, they are reading during the reading process. It is obvious that reading is a skill that involves comprehension in order to make sense of text.

Reading comprehension is the process of extracting and constructing meaning from written language through interaction and involvement (Caldwell, 2008). It is more important to comprehend the text as a whole than to make sense of the individual words or sentences.


According to Oakhill, Cain & Elbro (2015) reading comprehension is a higher reading skill level. In order for students to understand the interrelated conditions between written and oral communication, they must be able to apply their cognitive skills. According to Kintsch (1998) as a result of reading comprehension, the reader's previous knowledge is combined with the meaning of the text.

In senior high school, there are many kinds of the texts that are taught such as descriptive, narrative, recount, explanation, procedure, and report.

Then, the researcher chooses the descriptive text to be the topic of this research. Descriptive text is a part of the factual genre. Its social function is to describe a specific person, place, or thing (Anderson 1998). According to Gerot and Wignell (1994,p. 76-77) “ Descriptive text is divided into two parts, there are identification and description. First is identification, Identification is identifies the phenomenon that is to be described. Second is description, which describes parts, activities, and characteristics”.

The goal of senior high school reading instruction is to prepare students to respond to the meaning and structural text in functional texts.

However, there are several texts and every genre of the text is distinct in terms of its characteristics, language features, and schematic structure. The researcher chose descriptive text because it follows based on the curriculum, descriptive text is one of the texts studied in the curriculum at the tenth grade of SMAN 2 Tambang.

SMAN 2 Tambang is one of the schools that uses the 2013 Curriculum, located in Kampar. This school also presents English as one of



the subjects. Based on the researcher‟s interview with the English teacher on November at Senior High School 2 Tambang, there were several problems the students in learning. The students have many difficulties to reading English, the students did not have a great interest in reading, as it is reflected by their behavior in the class. The students lacked of vocabulary and motivation, and they felt bored because they did not have ability to comprehend and find the ideas in the english text. Then, the students sometimes know the meaning of every single word, but they were unabled to connect the words and comprehend the meaning of the text.

In reference to the 2013 curriculum and the concept of teaching reading, the teaching methods presented by the teachers by using application, but the teachers lack of knowledge and skills to realize the concept of the curriculum and teach reading in practice. The teachers method of teaching was not interesting and monotone, so the students became bored. Several methods used by the teachers were conventional reading method, imaginary dialogue, and summary. The materials were provided by the teacher with a method adapted to the material being studied. The students felt free to express the ideas they want to share, but they still find difficulties in some parts of reading English texts. So, reffering to the problems above, it is essential to apply a method or strategy that can solve the problem, the teacher can use one of the innovative media that is YouTube.

According to Burke (2008) Youtube is a well-known online video sharing platform for both scholarly and non-scholarly communication. It


means that YouTube videos can be established as a teaching resource.

Brünner (2016) states that YouTube is the most popular video website among students. YouTube is a video-sharing website where users can find and upload videos based on their interests. With all of the criteria listed above, YouTube can be used to search for appropriate materials.

According to Fleck et al (2014) found that students believed YouTube to be fun, enjoyable, entertaining, beneficial, and engaging. Watkins &

Wilkins (2011) states that using YouTube, students and teachers could examine these scenes deeply, focusing on roles in conversation, tonal shifts, and other topics that are currently being studied. In the classroom, videos from YouTube and websites were used. As audiovisual material, YouTube videos were used to teach other subjects to low-level learners. He found that the students improved their language ability, learning skills, and self-confidence (Oddone, 2011).

Then, Youtube is one of the learning media that teachers can use in learning activities at Senior High School 2 Tambang. The other consideration of using YouTube videos it is easy and simple to use. The teacher can only ask the students to open and watch the videos. The video can be played, paused, and repeated as many times as teachers want to make their students understand the topic. Then, give the students a task or exercise based on the videos they watched. We can download and save the videos for later use.

Furthermore, most of previous researchers were interested in using YouTube videos toward the learning media, such as a research paper by



Rakhmad felani (2021); Caroline Julianti Sitorus (2017); Alfi hasanah, (2020);

Syafrina Prihatini, (2022); Siti Solikhah, (2015). The five studied applied YouTube videos in learning. Meanwhile, the focus point was different.

Rakhmad felani (2021); Caroline Julianti Sitorus (2017); Siti Solikhah, (2015), used writing skill in their research. Meanwhile, Alfi hasanah, (2020); Syafrina Prihatini, (2022), used speaking skill in their research. Also, the text used was different.

Based on the description above, the researcher was interested in conducting the research on YouTube videos as learning media to improve students‟ reading comprehension of descriptive texts with entitled “The Effect of Using YouTube Videos on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Texts at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 2 Tambang”.

B. Problems of the Study

1. Identification of the Problem

In learning English reading, the main reasons for problems were that the students did not have a great interest in reading, the students lack of vocabulary, the students lack of motivation, the students felt bored to read the text and the students were unabled to connect the words and comprehend the meaning of the text.

Next, the problems came from the teacher. Because the teachers method in teaching was not interesting and monotone, so, it make the students became bored. Several methods used by the teacher were conventional reading method, imaginary dialogue, and summary. The


materials were provided by the teacher with a method adapted to the material being studied. The students felt free to express the ideas they want to share, but they still find difficulties in some parts of reading English texts.

2. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem above, this research focuses on the effect of using YouTube videos on students‟ reading comprehension of descriptive text. In descriptive text concerned with describes people, places, things, animals and plants. The writer considers that students' reading comprehension must be based on appropriate strategies. So, the objectives of this research can be carried out continuously. This research was conducted at the tenth grade of SMAN 2 Tambang.

3. Formulation of the Problem

Due the limitation of the problems above, the writer formulate the research into the following question: “Is there any significant effect of using YouTube videos on students‟ reading comprehension of descriptive texts at the tenth grade of SMAN 2 Tambang?”

C. Objective and Significant of the Research 1. Objective of the Research

To examine whether or not there is a significant effect of using YouTube videos on students‟ reading comprehension of descriptive texts at the tenth grade of SMAN 2 Tambang.



2. Significances of the Research

The researcher hopes this research can give contribution to the English teaching and learning. It has two major significances i.e.:

practical and theoretical significances:

By applied YouTube videos in the process of teaching and learning reading, it can make changes to the reading comprehension of the tenth grade at SMAN 2 Tambang. Practically the use of YouTube videos is very useful in the learning process. Teachers can apply and gain knowledge about media (YouTube videos) that can be used for the teaching and learning process of reading. So, the results of this study can help students improve their reading. This study also give additional information for other researcher who wants to conduct further research on the related field.

D. Definition of the Key Terms 1. YouTube Videos

According to Lee & Liang (2012) YouTube is a website that users from all over the world can view videos uploaded by other users and upload videos of their own. It includes several kinds of videos, including educational, entertainment, political, historical, medical, and personal videos. In this research, YouTube videos used in the classroom to examine whether or not there is a significant effect of using YouTube videos on students‟ reading comprehension of descriptive texts at the tenth grade of SMAN 2 Tambang.


2. Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is the process of extracting and constructing meaning from written language through interaction and involvement (Caldwell, 2008). According to Wolley (2011) reading comprehension is the process of extracting meaning from the text. As a result, rather than deducing meaning from isolated words or sentences, it is preferable to gain a broad understanding of what is described in the texts.

In this research, the researcher was focused on students‟ reading comprehension of descriptive texts at the tenth grade of SMAN 2 Tambang.

3. Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a part of the factual genre, its social function is to describe a specific person, place, or thing (Anderson, 1998). In the broad sense, description as explained by Kane (2000) descriptive is the sensory experience of how something appears, sounds, and tastes is what description is all about.




A. Theoretical Framework 1. YouTube Video

a. Definition of YouTube

Brünner (2016) states that YouTube is the most popular video website among students. YouTube is a video-sharing website where users can find and upload videos based on their interests. With all of the criteria listed above, YouTube can be used to search for appropriate materials.

YouTube was launched in 2005, YouTube was established as a platform for user-generated content. Content on YouTube includes music videos, TV clips and personal videos uploaded by users, who are mainly members of the public. Anyone with an internet connection can watch videos, but a user account is necessary to upload videos (Burke, Snyder, & Rager, 2009). Based on the statistical information on its official website, it has more than one billion visitors every month, and thousands of videos on thousands of subject matters are available in many languages on YouTube (Watkins and Wilkins, 2011).

In this globalization era, YouTube is a part of the growth of information technology. YouTube is a video-sharing website that features video clips, TV clips, music videos, movie trailers, and other


content such as video blogging, short original videos, and educational videos, (Jalaluddin, 2016). YouTube gives users the ability to upload, view, rate, post, and comment on videos. Only users who have been approved may add videos to their channels. YouTube offers a wide range of video types, including those for English language study, as was already mentioned.

YouTube videos are effective for teaching because they contain videos from major scientists, authors, TV news broadcasts, politicians, and other TV programs (Prensky, 2009). For crucial information that is only available in video form and cannot be found in print, YouTube videos have become a common method of communication.

According to Duffy (2008) YouTube is increasingly being used by educators as a pedagogic tool for everything from newsworthy events from around the world to “slice-of-life” videos used to teach students within an ESL (English as a Second Language) course.

Through the use of YouTube videos, Students can enjoy watching videos because they are entertaining, challenging, andsatisfying.

That's because the videos show them how people act in the target language. Culture through a series of communicative scenarios that are brought into class.

b. Procedure of Using YouTube Videos

According to Burke & Snyder (2008) the simple steps to watching video clips on YouTube.



1) First go to www.youtube.com.

2) Then, under the search field at the top of the screen, enter a keyword or title to search for.

3) Thirdly, click the Search button.

4) After that, a list of the titles of available YouTube videos that match your search criteria will be generated, along with a screenshot of each video.

5) Then, by clicking on the video clip screenshot, choose the video that appears to be most relevant to your chosen subject. The chosen video will then be viewed.

6) You can pause, rewind, fast forward, enlarge the video, and adjust the volume at the bottom of the video screen. A timer displays the length of the video as well as the running time.

7) After the video clip has finished, you will be able to forward it or watch it again.

8) Other video clips with similar content will have their titles and screenshots automatically displayed. You can also save the video clip on YouTube (under "Favorite" or "Add to Playlist"), or copy and paste the URL from the navigation bar and use it to create a link in electronic course documents for quick classroom viewing.

9) You can access additional information on video viewing and other YouTube functions by clicking on the "Help" link, which takes you to YouTube‟s "Help Center."


c. YouTube in Learning Reading Comprehension

According to Almurashi (2016), using YouTube to teach English plays a significant role in helping students‟ understand their English lessons. It has the potential to improve student performance and raise their levels in English courses. In other words, YouTube had a significant impact on students' English comprehension. He also stated that YouTube could be a good medium for incorporating English lessons and could aid in comprehension.

Refering to Berk (2009) there are several procedures of using a YouTube videos in reading comprehension:

1) First, teacher asks the students open the YouTube application or go to the link www.youtube.com

2) The students click the title in the search table on YouTube to watch the video about the description of a place on historical building.

3) Then, the students watch the video and try to understand the context of the video carefully.

4) After watching the video, the teacher helps students to understand the video and ask them to what they got from watching it

5) The teacher ask the students to discuss the content of the video, then relate it to what they know and what they do not know, and ask their opinion about the video.

6) The teacher asks students to read a descriptive text with the same title as the one in the video



7) The students can replay videos again if they want to watch videos from YouTube and also download videos to save them and to watch whenever they want

8) The teacher and the students discuss similarities and differences of information in the video and the text.

d. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using YouTube Videos

According to Jalaluddin (2016) Youtube has some advantages and disadvantages for teaching and learning purposes. Those advantages and disadvantages are as follows:

1) Advantages of Using YouTube videos:

a) YouTube videos are very useful media that can be accessed both outside and inside the classroom. It is because YouTube videos are online-based videos that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

b) YouTube videos provide exposure to authentic English and present authentic examples of people speaking English in everyday situations. It enables students to gain an understanding of English as it is spoken by native speakers.

c) Using YouTube videos promotes a more autonomous and student-centered learning style. The students will be actively involved in their learning and the role of the teacher as the facilitator.


d) Using YouTube videos in the classroom significantly increases student attention, making the classroom very interactive for language learning. It is because they find videos fascinating and interesting to watch because they show how people behave while learning the target language.

e) Using YouTube videos allows students to comment on any video, particularly when it is played online. As a result, it also helps students develop their other language skills.

2) Disadvantages of Using YouTube Videos:

There are several disadvantages to using YouTube videos.

Those disadvantages are as follows:

a) Students can confront difficulties in understanding the language of videos.

b) Students may be confused by the language level used in the videos.

c) There could be issues with invasion of privacy.

d) There might be issues with copyright.

e) Some videos may be inappropriate at times without warning.

f) There is no way to control comments.

g) No control over-consuming it.

h) When students are looking for sources, they may come across tasteless and inappropriate content.



i) YouTube has the potential to easily divert students‟ attention away from the subject at hand.

2. Reading Comprehension

a. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is the process of extracting and constructing meaning from written language through interaction and involvement (Caldwell, 2008). According to Klinger (2007) reading comprehension as a multifaceted, highly complex process involving many interactions between readers and what they bring to the text (previous knowledge, strategy use), as well as text-related variables (interest in text, understanding of text types).

According to Woolley (2011) reading comprehension is the process of making meaning from text. Therefore, the goal understanding what is described in the text as a whole is preferred over deriving meaning from individual words or sentences. During the reading process, children develop mental models, or representations of the meaning of the text ideas, which aid in comprehension.

Snow (2002) states that reading comprehension is the process of building and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written language. According to the criteria given above, reading is primarily an active process since the reader needs to have a balance of knowledge and experience and the ability to adapt the information source into a context that is adaptable.


According to Brown (2012) reading comprehension is the process of developing effective, appropriate, and efficient comprehension strategies. It means that reading comprehension is intended to improve reading efficiency. Furthermore, in reading activities, students should have good reading comprehension to get information from the text. According to Moreillon (2007) the readers must learn five reading comprehension skills in order to make them easy to read. Activating word senses, comprehending sentences, inferencing, monitoring comprehension, and comprehending text structure.

b. Components of Reading Comprehension

According to Stanley (1999) there are five components of reading comprehension, they are:

1) Finding main ideas.

It is the main topic that can be discussed in a paragraph, and it aids readers in determining what the paragraph is about. The main idea of the paragraph can be found in the first, middle, or last sentence.

2) Finding factual information.

It necessitates the reader scanning specific details of the text.

It is usually accompanied by a guessing word. Finding factual information can help you find specific information such as a person, location, event, or time.



3) Finding meaning of vocabulary in the context.

The reader should be able to deduce the meaning of an unfamiliar word in the paragraph or sentence they have just read.

4) Identifying reference.

The paragraph contains several instances of the same words or phrases. They are typically short and contain 18 pronouns, such as they, she, he, it, her, him, and other. This component can identify the words to which they refer in order to assist the reader in understanding the reading passage.

5) Making inference.

The readers are expected to make precise predictions. A prediction can be made by correctly interpreting the indicators provided by the author. The researcher combined reading comprehension indicators and descriptive text in this study.

3. Descriptive Text

a. Definition of Descriptive Text

According to Anderson (1998) descriptive text is a part of the factual genre, its social function is to describe a specific person, place, or thing. According to Gerot and Wignell (1994, p.17) “Descriptive text is a text type we use when we want to tell how something looks, smells, feels, acts, tastes, sound etc”. It essentially gives information about the characteristics of people, places, and things. The details were used to assist the reader in forming a mental image.


Furthermore, descriptive text is a part of factual genres (Wardiman et al, 2008). It has a social function, which is to describe a particular person, place, or thing. Through words, descriptive language conveys sense perceptions such as how something feels, sounds, tastes, and appears. Its aim is also to inform the readers about how something or someone looks like. The characteristic features of a person, an animal or a particular thing become the focus of descriptive text. The point is that descriptive text gives a description of something in particular in order to help the people perceive it through words.

b. Purpose of Descriptive Text

According to Barbara (2004) purposes for descriptive text:

1) To entertain reader 2) To express feelings 3) To relevant experience

4) To inform (for a reader unfamiliar with the topic)

5) To inform (to develop a new appreciation for the familiar)

6) To persuade (to convince the reader that some music videos degrade)

c. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

Generic structure is a piece of the text. Every type of text has a distinct generic structure. Based on Pardiyono (2016) when writing a descriptive text, some generic structures must be considered. The generic structure of the descriptive text is composed of identification



and description. The following are the generic structures:

1) Identification: It identifies the phenomenon to be described. It consists of one sentence or one short paragraph. This part introduces the subject of the description to the audience. It gives the audience brief details about the when, where, who, or what of the subject.

2) Description: It identifies the phenomenon to be described. It is made up of one sentence or one short paragraph. This section introduces the subject of the description to the audience. It informs the audience of the subject's when, where, who, and what.

d. Kinds of Descriptive Text

According to Adelstein and Pival (1976) there are several kinds of descriptive text:

1) Description of people

People are different, and writing about them is different as well. You're probably already aware of some of the complexities because you've been asked, "What's so and like?" Depending on the situation, you may respond with an identification, an impression, or a character sketch.

2) Description of places

According by Smalley and Ruetten (2001) when describing a location, such as a room, what should you start with? What about the partitions? What about the ground? Unlike a chronologically


developed paragraph, there is no set pattern for arranging sentences in a descriptive paragraph. It is not necessary to begin with one topic and then move on to another. The sentences, however, should not be arranged at random.

3) Description of things

According to Busemi (2002) to describe something, the writer must have a great imagination about the subject of the description. Furthermore, we use proper nouns and effective verbs to make our subjects as interesting and vivid to our readers as they are to us.

4) Description of animals

Descriptive about animals is related to many different types of animals, such as lions, elephants, tigers, chickens, pets, cars, and so on. According to Wishon and burk (1980) animals are distinguished from plants by their inability to synthesize organic molecules from inorganic ones, requiring them to feed on plants or other animals. They can usually move around, though this ability is sometimes restricted to a specific stage in the life cycle.

5) Description of plants

Plants are living things that grow in the ground, in water, or on other plants, have a stem, leaves, roots, and flowers, and produce seeds. So, the description of plants in the descriptive text



tells about the plant types, leaves, roots, fruits, and other characteristics of the plants (Lubis, 2019).

e. Example of a Descriptive Text

Prambanan Temple

The Prambanan Hinduism Temple Prambanan is a stunningly beautiful building which was built in the 10th century during the supremacy of king Rakai Pikatan Balitung. Risen as high as 47 feet (5 meters higher than Borobudur Buddhist temple), the foundation of this temple has answered the expectation, to show Hindu triumph in Java island.

This temple is placed 17 kilometers from the central of the city, in the middle of the area that becomes a beautiful park now.

Prambanan temple has three core temples in the primary yard, which are named as Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva. The third temple represents Trimurti in Hindu belief. All those three temples are facing east. Each of three main temples has an accompanying temple facing to the west.

They are Nandini temple for Shiva, Swan temple for Brahma, and Garuda temple for Vishnu. Moreover, there are some other temples around. They are two temples wedge, four of the temple curtain, and 4 temples in each edge. The second page of this temple has 224 temples.


B. Relevant Research

There are some previous researchers which have relevancy to this research:

The first research is a research conducted by Rakhmad felanie, (2021) entitles “The Effect of Using YouTube Videos on Students‟ Writing Descriptive Text Across Learning Styles”. This research was found that the achievement of students who were taught using YouTube videos were higher than the students who were not taught by using YouTube videos. The research was experimental design with quasi-experimental. The Instrument used were pretest and posttest as means to measure students„ writing achievement, and questionnaire It was also found that the significant value of interaction between the usage YouTube videos and student writing achievement was .04.

The significant level was less than .05 (04< .05).

The second research is a research conducted by Carolina Junianti Sitorus, (2017) entitles “The Effect of Using YouTube Video on the Tenth Graders Writing Procedural Text Achievement at SMA Corpatarin” This research was aimed to determine whether YouTube video significantly effected the tenth graders. This research was experimental research with quasi- experimental. The quantitative data analysis was conducted with the SPSS version 17. The results of the data analysis showed that the sample data of this research was normally distributed and homogeneous population variance and based on hypotheses test showed Sig.2-tailed (0.000) < Sig.level (0.05).

The third research is a research conducted by Alfi hasanah, (2020) entitles “The Effect of Video YouTube Toward Students Speaking Skill of the



Tenth Grade at SMAN 2 Bangkinang Kota”. This research was to find out the effect students speaking at SMAN 2 Bangkinang Kota.In this research, there was one instrument use, that was speaking test. The data were analyzed using SPSS 24 version. The researcher discovered that the effect video YouTube on the coherent of students speaking at SMAN 2 Bangkinang Kota was significant. The result of the t-test also showed that the effect of video YouTube pattern in teaching speaking was significant on students speaking because the t-table was higher than t-calculate, (2.021>-3.757). The mean score of the students also showed that there was significant after applied video YouTube.

The fourth research is a research conducted by Syafrina Prihatini, (2022) entitles “The Effect of Introductory Videos in YouTube on Students‟

Achievement in Speaking Skill of The Tenth Grade” This research was to find out whether introductory videos in YouTube have effect on students‟ speaking skill. The research was conducted using experimental research design.

Research instrument to collect the data was speaking test with the criteria of pronunciation, fluency, accuracy, and vocabulary. The mean score were analyzed using t-test formula. It showed that t-observed value was 11.05 and t- table value was 2.008 with df=50. By comparing both value, it was known that t-observed was higher than t table (11.5>2.008). Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. The research concluded that introductory videos in YouTube significantly affected the students‟ speaking skill.

The fifth research is a research conducted by Siti Solikhah, (2015)


entitles “The Effect of Using YouTube Video on The Ability in Writing Report Text at The Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah Palangka Raya”. This research was aimed at measuring the effect of using YouTube video on the ability in writing report text at the eleventh grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya. To examine the hypothesis, the writer used t-test formula. In addition, the writer used SPSS 16.0 program to compare the data. This indicated that the alternative hypothesis stating there is significant difference between students‟ ability using YouTube video and using handout in writing report text at eleventh grade of SMA Muhammadiyah Palangka Raya was accepted and Ho stating that there is no significant difference between students‟ ability using YouTube video and using handout in writing report text at eleventh grade of SMA Muhammadiyah Palangka Raya was rejected. Therefore, teaching writing report text using YouTube video at the eleventh grade of SMA Muhammadiyah Palangka Raya was effective at 5% and 1% significance level.

Based on all of the previous research that has been mentioned, it can be concluded the same topic focused on the effects of using YouTube videos as a learning media. And the similarity of this study with previous research aims to whether the significant effect of using YouTube videos to facilitate English learning. And all the researcher was used experimental design.

But the focus point is different. The first journal, the second journal and the fifth journal used writing skill in their research. Meanwhile, the third



and the fourth journal used speaking skill in their research. Also, the text used was different. The first journal was used descriptive text, the second journal was used procedural text, and the fifth journal was used report text. And the data collected and data analyzed also different.

C. Operational Concept

The theoretical framework is a concept in this thesis that describes how theorists can be linked to the factors that have been identified as significant problems. There are two variables in this study. both self-sufficient and dependent. The symbols X and Y are used to distinguish between two variables: X stands for independent and Y stands for dependent, as follow in:

1. Variable X

In this research, variable X is using YouTube videos. Refering to Berk (2009), the followings are several procedures of using Youtube videos modified to improve students reading comprehension:

a. First, teacher asks the students to open the YouTube application or go to the link www.youtube.com

b. The students click the title in the search table on YouTube to watch the video about the description of a place on historical building.

c. Then, the students watch the video and try to understand the context of the video carefully.

d. After watching the video, the teacher helps students to understand the video and ask them to what they got from watching it


e. The teacher asks the students to discuss the content of the video, then relate it to what they know and what they do not know, and ask their opinion about the video.

f. The teacher asks students to read a descriptive text with the same title as the one in the video

g. The students can replay videos again if they want to watch videos from YouTube and also download videos to save them and to watch whenever they want

h. The teacher and the students discuss similarities and differences of information in the video and the text.

2. Variable Y

In this research, variable Y is students‟ comprehension of reading descriptive text. can be seen through the following indicators based on Stanley (1999), there are five components of reading comprehension, are as follows:

a. The students‟ ability to find main ideas.

b. The students‟ ability to find factual information.

c. The students‟ ability to find the meaning in the context.

d. The students‟ ability to identify references.

e. The students‟ ability to make inferences.



D. Assumption and Hypothesis 1. Assumption

In this research, the researcher assumes that the YouTube videos can affect students‟ comprehension in reading of descriptive text.

2. Hypothesis

Based on the above assumption, the researcher develops the following hypothesis as follows:

(Ho) Null hypothesis : There is no significant effect of using YouTube videos on students‟ reading comprehension in descriptive texts at the tenth grade of SMAN 2 Tambang.

(Ha) Alternative Hypothesis : There is a significant effect of using YouTube videos on students‟ reading comprehension in descriptive texts at the tenth grade of SMAN 2 Tambang.





A. Research Design

This research employs a quantitative research. According to Creswell (2012) quantitative research is a type of educational research in which the researcher selects the subject matter to investigate, formulates a focused, narrow research question, solicits participants' numeric (numbered) responses, collects the participants' data, and uses statistics to impartially and objectively conduct the research.

Quantitative method is used to test objective theories by examining the

relationship between variables, the data was gained in numeric form and will be analyzed manually. Quantitative research consists of employing investigative strategies such as experimentation and data collection with predetermined instruments to generate statistical data (Creswell, 2012). While, According to Ary et al., (2010) quantitative research more relies on measure tools such as scales, tests, observations, checklists, and questionnaires. Quantitative research require explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data and analyzing it using mathematically based methods to know the real data that got from the respondent.

In this research was used quantitative approach with a use a quasi- experimental design. Quasi-experimental design was an experimental research design to come as close as possible to the benefits of actual experimental designs.

According to Johnson and Christensen (2008) a quasi-experimental research



design is an experimental research design in which potential confounding variables are not fully controlled. Because participants cannot be assigned to groups at random, full control cannot be achieved. According to Nunan (1991) the characteristics of quasi-experimental have both pre-test and post-tests, experimental and control groups, but no random assignment of subjects.

This research design was to examine whether or not there is a significant effect on students‟ reading comprehension taught by using YouTube videos at the tenth grade of SMAN 2 Tambang. In this research, using YouTube videos is the independent variable that may cause or influence students‟ reading comprehension of descriptive text as the dependent variable. This research used two classes with different treatments between experimental and control classes.

In the experimental class, the researcher was applied the treatment of YouTube videos. Another class was the control class which is taught without using YouTube videos.

Table III.1 Research Design

Control group Pre-test No treatment Post-test Experimental group Pre-test Experimental treatment Post-test

B. Time and location of the Research

This research was conducted from August - September 2022, at SMAN 2 Tambang. The address of the school is at Bupati Street, Kualu Village, Kampar, Riau.


C. Subject and object of the Research 1. Subject of the research

The subject of this research was the tenth-grade students of SMAN 2 Tambang in the academic year 2022/2023.

2. Object of the Research

The object of the research was to examine whether or not there is a significant effect of using YouTube videos on students‟ reading comprehension of descriptive text.

D. Population and Sample of the Research 1. Population

According to Creswell (2009 p.150) “The accessible population or available population is the population from which the researcher can realistically select subjects and the population to which the researcher would ideally like to generalize study results.” The statement implies that the population is the same set of data that will be the subject of the study.

The population of this research was the tenth-grade students of SMAN 2 Tambang in the academic year of 2022/2023. The specification of the population can be seen as follows:



Table III.2

Population of the Tenth Grade at SMAN 2 Tambang

No Class Population 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 X 7 X 8 X 9 X 10

36 36 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 35 TOTAL 358

2. Sample

A sample is a subset of the target population studied by the researcher in order to generalize about the target population (Creswell, 2012). According to Balvanes and Caputi (2001) the sample is part of estimates of population parameters.The sampling technique was used in this study is cluster random sampling. Cluster random sampling was one kind of sampling procedure that was used in this research.

According to Setiyadi (2006) cluster random sampling is used when the population is divided into several groups that are not stratum. The sample consisted of 36 students. The researcher chose this population for the research because they had studied English since the first semester, and the population is considered as a group. In this case, a class is considered a unit of a group. The researcher used cluster random sampling because the researcher wants to give students the same chance in the semester. The sample of this research was students of X8 class and X9 class. And the distribution of the sample can be seen as follows:


Table III.3

Sample of the Tenth Grade at SMAN 2 Tambang No Class Population

1 2

X 8 X 9

36 36 TOTAL 72

E. Technique of Data Collection 1. Test

According to Brown (2003), test is a method of assessing an individual's ability, knowledge, or performance in a specific domain. In this research, the researcher was used the tests are pre-test and post-test. The pre- test is carried out before the researcher given treatment and the post-test is carried out after the researcher given treatment. In the experimental class, the researcher was applied the treatment of YouTube videos and the control class which is taught without using YouTube videos.

In order to collect data from the sample for this research, the researcher used a multiple choice test. The tests used to determine the students' reading comprehension consist of 20 items. The point that has been examined can be measured and evaluated as an indicator of test in operational concept.



Table III.4

Blue Print of Reading Comprehension Test of the Test

No Indicators Items Number

of items

Score Total

score 1. Students are able to

find the main idea

4 1, 6, 11, 16

5 20

2. Students are able to find factual


4 2, 7, 12, 17

5 20

3. Students are able to find the meaning in context

4 3, 8, 13, 18

5 20

4. Students are able to identify references

4 4, 9, 14, 19

5 20

5. Students are able to make inferences

4 5, 10, 15, 20

5 20

Total 20 5 100

2. Validity

Validity was the most important characteristic of a test to measure instrument. Validity is the criteria of a good test. The test with validity means it really measures what is intended to be measured (Heaton, 1990). Validity in language testing is needed to ensure the defensibility and fairness of interpretations based on the test. This research was valid if it measured the students‟ reading comprehension. In order to find out the validity of reading comprehension test, the writer used content validity.

3. Reliability

According to Ary (2010) the reliability of a measurement instrument is the degree of consistency with which it measures whatever it is measuring..

The term "reliability" refers to an instrument that can be relied upon while using a collection tool. It meant reliability related to consistency of a measurement. The scores from an instrument were stable and consistent.

Scores should be nearly the same when researcher administered the


instrument multiple times at different times.

Creswell (2008) stated that there were five types of reliability, they were test-retest reliability, alternate forms reliability, alternate forms and test- retest reliability, inter-rater reliability, internal consistency reliability. In this research, the researcher used Inter-rater reliability because Inter-rater reliability referred to the consistency of two or more independent scores, raters or observers.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the researcher was used an independent sample T-test and used eta squared. The independent sample T-test is used tocompare the mean score on some continous variable for two different groups of subject. There is any significant difference between the experimental class and control class, it is necessary to calculate the difference size by using the eta squared formula. The two classes would be compared. The formula of eta square is expressed as follows:

Eta Squared



: the value of the table

N1: number of students of the first group N2: number of students of the second group

(Adopted from Pallant 2010 incited Prasena 2021)




A. Conclusion

This research was conducted to examine whether or not a significant effect of using YouTube videos on students‟ reading comprehension of descriptive texts at the tenth grade of SMAN 2 Tambang. In line with what has been discussed, presented, and analyzed in the previous chapter, the researcher gives several conclusions as follows:

1. The students‟ reading of descriptive text taught by using YouTube videos at the tenth grade of SMAN Tambang had higher score than using traditional technique. The mean score from pre test was 82 and post test was 86.

2. The students‟ reading of descriptive text taught without using YouTube videos (by using traditional technique) at the tenth grade of SMAN 2 Tambang had lower score. The mean score from pre test 58.88 and post test was 74.86.

3. From the test, which consists of 20 items, the result of data analysis was based on which had been identified after using YouTube videos could improve students‟ reading of descriptive text with the percentage coefficient effect was 42%.


B. Suggestion

After concluding the research, the researcher gives some suggestions for teacher, students, and other researcher. They are presented as follows:

1. For the teacher:

a. The teacher teaches constantly to use YouTube videos.

b. Teacher trains students to read in English during the teaching and learning process.

c. Teachers can support their teaching strategies by using interesting and representative media.

2. For the students:

a. The students are expected to use English as the only one language, at least in learning English.

b. The students make such kinds of opportunities to read English.

c. The students never feel bored in learning their English lesson.

3. For the other researcher:

a. The researchers are expected to find the new strategy, method or approach in order to make the students easy and joyful in learning English especially in reading.



b. The researchers always watch the develop more effective and efficient online learning media in order to improve students' reading comprehension.

c. The researchers are suggested to investigated or measure the effect of using YouTube as media for learning English as a foreign language with better design and object in order to support the result finding.



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