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Dalam makalah ini penulis membahas bagaimana mengajarkan menulis dengan menggunakan Technique Mistake Buster


Academic year: 2023

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Leni Melia Yuspa *)

**) Dona Alicia, Staff PengajarProgram Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat


Bahasa inggris adalah mata pelajaran yang harus dipelajari di Indonesia sejak sekolah dasar sampai perguruan tinggi. Walaupun bahasa inggris telah dipelajari bertahun – tahun, tapi para siswa masih memiliki kesulitan khususnya dalam menulis. Untuk membuat paragraph yang menggunakan bahasa inggris banyak mengalami masalah. Siswa mengalami masalah serius di dalam struktur bahasa inggris, kurangnya penguasaan kosa kata, dan susah menimbulkan ide kreatif dalam menulis serta sulitnya menggunakan grammar dan kata hubung yang tepat dalam bahasa inggris. Dalam makalah ini penulis membahas bagaimana mengajarkan menulis dengan menggunakan Technique Mistake Buster. Teknik ini merupakan Teknik yang tepat untuk membantu para siswa meningkatkan motivasinya dalam menulis. sehingga siswa tidak kesulitan untuk memulai menulis, karena guru akan membantu mengembangkan ide – ide siswa. Dan mereka dapat menulis dengan baik berdasarkan kesalahan yang mereka ketahui. Dengan mereka mengetahui kesalahan mereka, mereka jadi termotivasi untuk menulis lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi. Dalam makalah ini penulis berharap kepada guru, siswa dan semua pihak yang terkait dapat mengaplikasikan dan menggunakan teknik ini dalam proses belajar mengajar.

Key word: Mistake Buster Technique at the Eight Grade Junior High Shool


There are four basic skills that have to be achieved by the students, namely: listening and reading as receptive skills, and speaking and writing as productive skills. Writing is essential to be required by the learners since this skill is a form of thinking.Writing is the process of selecting, arranging and developing ideas in effective sentences, paragraphs, and text. Thus , to produce a good and qualified writing, the students should have basic knowledge in content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanic. All of them are important aspects that should be considered in order to be able to write well. Writers have responsibility to express their idea written, because the core of writing process is show writer‟s ideas clearly and make reader

understands about it. Because of that, writer should consider many elements to make the product of writing understandable

Based on pre-teaching activities in SMP 38 Sijunjung, it was found that the students have some problems dealing with English, especially in writing activity. The Writers found some problems related to the students‟

writing competence. Generally, the students cannot master and understand how to write well. Most of the students get difficulties in writing especially in showing their ideas and developing it. Beside that most of students didn‟t know all aspects of writing such as content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. Thus , it is difficult to them to write a good paragraph, sentence or text. Then, they are not interested to the topic given by the teacher, so they feel


2 bore to share their idea in written shape. And the last, several students have low motivation to write down their idea, they think that writing is difficult than speaking and still ashamed to share their knowledge about writing with their classmates.

Most of the students have less participation in the class, and didn‟t focus in teaching and learning process, they think that writing is hard and make bored.

Based on the problem above, There are many technique that can be used by the teacher in teaching writing as : Field Trip technique, Written Feedback technique and Mistake Buster Technique. Field triep technique is used to help the students to get the idea in writig therefore the students can deliver it in the piece of paper. Then, written feedback technique is to help the students in order to correct their writing by avoiding students anxiaty. Finally, Mistake buster technique is a technique where the students take part in correcting the error of writing that prepared by the teacher. This technique in principle give the chance to the students to correct the mistakes, while teacher deliberately become the "mistake maker" and students become the

“mistake corrector”. This activity is a simple technique, by asking the students to correct the errors of writing, makes this activity effective in getting students' attention and participation.



Writing is the process of expressing ideas from the writer to the reader. Writing is the most difficult competence to be achieved in language learning, the writers should have a knowledge to analyze, construct, edit, and revise ideas to produce good and qualified

writing. Oshima and Hogue ( 1991 ) writing is a process not a product.

this means that a piece of writing whether it is a composition for your English class or a way to make short story, is never complete, that is, it is always possible to review and revise. The writing is not easy, writing need review and revise.

Harmer (2004) stated that the product of writing is not instant, there is a process where the writer has chance to plan and modify their writing before it appear as the finished product.

Writing is one of the four skills that important in teacing English.In addition, Nunan (2009) stated that writing is the mental work of making ideas, thinking about how to develop them, and organizing them into statement and paragraphs that will be clear to a reader. It is also important to make a sentence, paragraph or text and the uses the learners will performe in the field.

Writing is the process of selecting, arranging and developing ideas in effective sentences, paragraphs, and text.

According to harmer ( 2004 ), there are four element in writing process : planning, drafting, editing ( reflecting and revising ) and final version.

a. Planning. When planning, writers have to think about three main issues. There are purposes, audience and content structure.

b. Drafting. Drafting is make the important point what there are going to write. It is means point of writers plan

c. Editing. Once writers have produced draft they then, usually, read through what they have written to see where it works and where it


3 doesn‟t. It means revisi about content, grammar, punctuation and etc.

d. Final version. Once writers have edited their draft, making the changes they consider to be necessary, they produce their final vesion


Teaching writing can improve the students to write a good sentence. Because of writing is a difficult and complex process, so in teaching writing a teacher should give a clear instruction to the students to make their writing improved. In other words, the students be able to write in clear thinking skill as a process of writing to generate and develop the ideas. Based on „Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan‟

(KTSP) 2006, writing is one of the four basic skills taught to the students. The goal of- teaching and learning English is to make students able to understand and create oral and written text.

According to Harmer ( 1998 ), the reasons for teaching writing to English students as foreign language are reinforcement, language development, learning style, and most importantly writing as a skill, in this case writing related the ability of communication. As a teacher of English students, they have to teach them how to write beside teach them how to speak, read and listen.

There are many kinds of genre for example: narrative, descriptive, recount, anecdote etc, but the writer only chooses the recount text. Some experts explain definition of recount text, Davies (2000) states that purpose of recount text is recalls and reconstructs event, experiences

and achievement from the past in a logical sequence. It means that in recount text someone retells and share about past events in chronological order. Someone can be telling about their experience and also can be telling about another peoples experience.

In writing skill, the students should know and learn about generic structure of recount text. Linked ( 2002) states that there are three structure of recount text:

a. Orientation

Tells who was involved, what happend, where the events took place and when it happened.

b. Sequence of event

It this part of the recount it is important that students are given adequate guideline and scaffolds to assist with the structure of their writing.

c. Re-orientation

This often round off the series of event.

Technique means the way of doing something. Mistake Buster Technique introduced by Huynh (2003) in order to help the language learner studying better by creates various chances for them to actively involved in teaching learning process. One of the technique that have already applied by Huynh, and he found that it was effective to prepare the activity where the students take over the rule of teacher as „corrector‟.

One of the alternative techniques that can be used by the teacher to make students get involved in correcting writing is Mistake Buster Technique. Mistake buster technique is a technique where the students take part in correcting the error of writing that prepared by the teacher. Huynh (2003) stated that this technique in principle gives the chance to the


4 students to correct the mistakes themselves.

According to Huynh ( 2003 ), Mistake Buster Technique is a technique where the students take part in correcting the error of writing that prepared by the teacher. This technique in principle give the chance to the students to correct the mistakes, while teacher deliberately become the "mistake maker" and students become the “mistake corrector”.

Huynh ( 2003 ) States that this activity is a simple technique, the students to correct the errors of writing themselves makes this activity effective in getting students' attention and participation. First, the teacher needs to select a mistake category that is pertinent to the focus of the lesson being taught, for example the mistakes of grammar or vocabulary, the wrong verbs to be found and corrected by the students can be prepare in the form of a verb list, in short sentences, in long sentences or in a form of text. Second, The teacher also can prepared another mistakes categories, such as the mistakes of mechanic of the text, like punctuation or spelling of the words, or can be a set of disordered paragraph. Third, teacher asks the students to arrange it in an appropriate sequence of event. Last one, After corrected the mistakes that they found, students asked to rewrite the correct one on a piece of paper. Students can correct it in group or individually.

According to Huynh (2003), this technique can bring forth several benefits. For instance, by switching the role of the "mistake corrector" he often observes that students get excited. The level of excitement is even increased when the class is divided into two

teams or more to compete with each other in finding and correcting the mistakes. Another benefit is that the students have the opportunity to identify the possible mistakes themselves instead of teacher telling them what the mistakes are, thus giving them a sense of accomplishment.

By correcting and rewrite the correct one, students will be impressed that mistakes, and later they will not make the same mistakes in their writing.

This technique can also help the teacher to check the students‟

understanding of a grammar point or comprehension of a reading task, that is by check their work after corrected the errors provided in a text


The writer discuses about the application of strategy. The are two steps in this activity first. The teacher should have preparation before teaching. The teacher do the procedures of using strategy in the teaching learning process.


Preparation of Teaching

Before the teacher begins the teaching and learning process in their classroom, they should prepare the material before and everything which is needed in teaching. The teachers should consider the factors in their teaching, such as:

1. Prepare a topic

The teacher should prepare an interesting topic descriptive text with Looping and Round Robin strategy that will be helped the students to stimulate their spirit in writing.

2. Select material

The teacher should select the appropriate material to be taught in the classroom.

Interesting material can give motivation to students in


5 constructing their writing. And the material is descriptive text.

3. The teacher should prepare a lesson plan.

Before the teacher starts the teaching, the teacher should prepare the lesson plan, because the lesson plan includes directions and the rules of teaching and learning process.

4. The teacher prepares the goal of teaching to support the teaching itself. The teacher should motivate the students and present their teaching based on the goals to be reached. Walk on the aims of the teaching process is very useful for the students‟


5. Time allocation

The teacher should be able to predict and limit the material time consuming during the teaching and learning process.

Time distribution : 2 X 45 (minute)

6. Media

The teacher should prepare media that suitable with the combination of Looping and Round Robin strategy. There are media can be used in this combination such as: video, real object, picture and card.

But in this case, the teacher uses a picture as media to be wrrite based on the picture to make paragraph or sentence.

Procedure of Teaching

To create a good situation in the classroom, teacher and students have to follow several procedures. They are pre-teaching, whilst-teaching, and post-teaching activities.

1. Pre-Teaching Writing Activities (15 minutes)

To stimulate the students‟

background knowledge, the teacher

has to do pre-teaching activities at the beginning of the class. The purposes of these activities are make students are not be nervous, they keep spirit to start studying and the teacher can motivate them. The teacher allocates time around 10 minutes for these activities. The procedures of pre-teaching activities are:

a. Greeting

b. Checking students attendance c. Reviewing the last lesson

Teacher review the last lesson in order to connect students‟

knowledge about asking and giving opinion, because they have read it in the last meeting.

It is also aimed to help students talk and discuss about asking and giving opinion. Teacher asks students about their understanding of asking and giving opinion that they have on the last meeting.

2. Whilst-Teaching Activities Whilst-teaching activities are the activities where the teacher presents the material. Mistake Buster Technique will be implemented in this activity. The steps implementing are described based on Huynh (2003) who has explained steps in the previous chapter. For these activities, teacher allocates time about 60 minutes.

The describing of the steps is as follows

a. Exploration

a. Teacher explains the purposes of the study b. Brainstorming

c. Teacher gives example of recount text

d. The teacher asks some questions based on the topic.

b. Elaboration

In this part, the teacher use misate buster technique which has


6 some procedures. The technique procedures are:

1. The teacher divides the students into five group (sometimes individually) with clearly instruction of what students are going to do.

2. The teacher gives a set of vocabulary in present form and asked the students to find the past form of it and write it on their book 3. The teacher writes some

error sentences on the board to be corrected by the students in group. The fast group that can make the correct sentences will get the point.

4. The teacher gives a set of disordered paragraph to be arranged by the student in an appropriate sequence based on the generic structure of the text.

c. Confirmation

Confirmation is the end of whilst-teaching activity. In this stage, teacher becomes a facilitator that guides students learn independently in groups. This stage also allows teacher to check students understanding of what they discuss during elaboration activity.

In corfirmation session, the teacher and students do the activities as follow:

a. The teacher asks students to write the correct text on a piece of paper

b. The teacher and students to compare and discuss the original text with the students

c. The teacher give apresiasion for the students

3. Post Teaching Writing Activities (10 minutes) Post teaching activity are the activities at the end of the lesson.

The activity consists of several activities that are intended to measure the students‟ ability in writing , especially in writing by using good grammatical in recount.

The teacher allocates about 10 minutes for these activities.

a. The teacher asks student to give their own ideas to make a recount text

b. The teacher gives conclusion about recount text

c. The teacher reviews about recount text

d. The teacher closes the meeting.


Dealing with the previous chapters, the writer concludes that writing is a process of selecting, arranging and developing ideas in effective sentence, paragraphs, and text. Thus, students need an interesting learning process that encourages them to write correctly.

So, teacher should be used an active and appropriate technique, in order to facilitate students to explore their ideas into sentence, paragraphs or a text.

The writer recommends one of interesting technique in teaching learning namely mistake buster technique. These technique is a simple technique. It is very effective in getting students‟

attention and participation, so that the students get a motivation to write.

The creative activity will provide more interesting English writing for students during the learning process, so that the students are able to write their ideas into good a text. And then they are able


7 to correct text themself. Thus, These technique become an interesting and active technique that is used in writing class at junior High School.

It will encourage students to write better and better.


Writing is not easy to teach for the students, especially at Junior High School, it needs more attention in teaching learning process. The teacher should be creative, so the students will be easy to understand and following the guides of teaching learning process, then they do not bore during the process run. The teacher should use the appropriate technique in teaching writing. One important thing, the mistake buster technique in teaching writing is a good way for the students more interesting in learning and they are can improve the writing ability and motivate the students to write. The last is the teacher should have knowledge about student‟s needs in writing, in order to catch the goal of writing.


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Brown, Douglas. H. 2001. Teaching by Principles. An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. 2nd edition. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, inc

Brummer, Trisha And S. K. Clark.

(2008). Writing strategies for mathematic.

New York: Shell Education Hanifa ( 2013 ) using the mistake buster

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Hasanah (2012), The Mastery of Simple Past Tense of The Eight Grade Students of MTs. Matholiul Ulum Banjaragung Bangsri Jepara in Academic Year 2011/2012 Taught by Using Mistake Buster Technique” Unpublished Paper.

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Huynh, Hai K.P. 2003. Getting Students Actively Involved Using The Mistake Buster Technique. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. IX, No. 11, November 2003.


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