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Manual of Activities during COVID-19 Pandemic - TEP UB

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Faculty of Agricultural Engineering Universitas Brawijaya









UN10/F10/05/02/HK.01.02.a/020 Date: February 21, 2021


Revision : 1 Pages : 2 dari 13



Faculty of Agriculture Technology Universitas Brawijaya

Procces Responsible Agency

Date Name Position Signature

1. Formulation

Dr. Moch. Bagus Hermanto, S.TP., M.Sc

OHS Team signature February 21,


2. Investigation Lestari Head of General

Subdivision signature February 21,


3. Approval Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam

Santoso, MP. Dean signature February 21,


4. Appointment Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam

Santoso, MP. Dean signature February 21,



Dr. Eng. Ahmad Adi Suliyanto, S.TP, M.Eng

Head ofQuality Assurance Unit

signature February 21, 2021


3 Daftar Isi

Halaman depan dan pengesahan ... 2

Daftar isi ... 3

Tujuan prosedur ... 4

Ruang lingkup prosedur dan penggunaannya ... 4

Definisi istilah ... 4

Prosedur ... 4

Pihak yang menjalankan prosedur ... 4

Referensi ... 4

Diagram Alir... 11

Lampiran ... 13

Table of contents Cover and validity page ... 2

Table of contents ... 3

The aim of procedure ... 4

The scope of the procedure and its use ... 4

Definition of terms ... 4

Procedure ... 4

The party running the procedure ... 4

Reference ... 4

Flowchart ... 11

Appendix ... 13


4 1. TUJUAN/


: Memberikan pedoman bagi seluruh warga Jurusan Ketek- nikan Pertanian, Fakultas Teknolgi Pertanian dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan selama pandemi Covid-19.

Providing guidelines for all civitas of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology in carrying out activities during the Covid-19 pandemic.



: Prosedur ini berlaku bagi seluruh unit kerja dalam wilayah operasional Jurusan Keteknikan Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya.

This procedure applies to all work units within the operational area in the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology.



: SOP Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Selama Pandemi Covid 19 adalah pedoman yang berkaitan dengan semua aktivitas selama pandemi covid 19.

SOP of Implementation of Covid 19 Pandemic Activities is guidelines which related with all activities in pandemic covid 19.



: Dekan, Pembantu Dekan II, Ketua Jurusan, Sekertaris Jurusan, Satgas Covid 19 Jurusan, dan Dosen

Dean, Vice Dean II, Head of Department, Secretary of Department, Covid Task Force 19 in DAE, and Lecturers 5. REFERENSI/


: Peraturan Rektor Universitas Brawijaya Nomor 35 Tahun 2020 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Kampus Tangguh Universitas Brawijaya dalam Masa dan Pasca-Pandemi Covid-19.

Rector Regulation of Universitas Brawijaya No. 35 of 2020 About Universitas Brawijaya as Toughness Campus During and Post-Pandemic Covid-19)

Surat Edaran Universitas Brawijaya No. 6978/U10/TU/2020 Tentang Protokol dan Prosedur Operasional Standar Pence- gahan Penularan Covid-19.




6.1 Person in Charge a. Dekan Fakultas/Dean

Memantau pelaksanaan kegiatan operasional area Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian sesuai dengan prosedur yang telah ditentukan.

Monitoring the implementation of operational activities in the area of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology in accordance with predetermined procedures.

b. Ketua Jurusan/Head of Department


5 Memastikan seluruh tim internal masing-masing jurusan melakukan pertolongan

pertama yang tertulis pada prosedur ini.

Ensure that all internal teams of each department doing first aid with OHS principles written in this procedure.

c. Tim Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja/OHS Team

Berkoordinasi, mensosialisasikan, dan mengontrol serta menjamin seluruh tim memahami dan mengimplementasikan prosedur ini.

Coordinating, socializing, and controlling and ensure all of entire team can understands and implementing these procedures.

d. Pranata Laboratorium/Laboratory Assistant

Bertanggung jawab terhadap pelaksanaan SOP ini khususnya dalam lingkungan laboratorium.

Responsible for implementation this SOP especially in the laboratory

6.2 Prosedur Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Masa Pandemi Covid 19 /

Procedure for Implementing Activities during the Covid Pandemic 19

A. Protokol Kesehatan Umum Selama Pandemi Covid 19 A. Public Health Protocols During the Covid Pandemic 19

Protokol kesehatan umum selama pandemi covid 19 di lingkungan Jurusan Keteknikan Pertanian menjadi bagian dari SOP ini yang mengacu pada aturan atau protokol kesehatan umum untuk civitas Universitas Brawijaya. Berikut hal-hal penting yang harus diperhatikan.

Public health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic within the Department of Agricultural Engineering are part of this SOP which refers to the rules or public health protocols for the Universitas Brawijaya community. Here are the important things that must be considered.

1. Mengisi penapisan secara periodik pada borang penapisan COVID 19 dan aplikasi COVID 19 yang dimiliki Universitas Brawijaya.

Fill out the screening periodically on the COVID 19 screening form and the COVID 19 application owned by Universitas Brawijaya.

2. Wajib menggunakan masker.

Must use a mask.

3. Hindari menyentuh wajah sebelum mencuci tangan sesuai kaidah yang benar.

Avoid touching the face before washing hands according to the correct rules.

4. Menggunakan pakaian lengan panjang dan celana panjang, hindari penggunaan perhiasan.

Wearing long-sleeved clothes and long pants, avoid using jewelry.

5. Wajib membawa handsanitizer.

Must bring a hand sanitizer.

6. Meminimalisir menyentuh fasilitas/peralatan yang digunakan bersama di area kerja.

Minimize touching shared facilities / equipment in the work area.

7. Menerapkan aturan physical distancing Implement physical distancing rules.


6 8. Menerapkan etika batuk dan bersin yang benar.

Applying the correct ethics of coughing and sneezing.

9. Drekomendasikan membawa bekal makanan atau peralatan makanan pribadi.

It is recommended to bring food supplies or personal cutlery.

10. Direkomendasikan membawa perlengkapan ibadah pribadi.

It is recommended to bring personal worship equipment.

11. Hindari angkutan umum, apabila terpaksa lakukan dengan menerapkan kaidah physical distancing.

Avoid public transportation, if forced to do so by applying the principles of physical distancing.

12. Selama berada di dalam rumah atau berkegiatan di luar rumah, pastikan kesehatan fisik tetap terjaga dangan beriemur sinar matahari pagi selama beberapa menit, mengonsumsi makanan bergizi seimbang, dan melakukan olahraga ringan.

While you are indoors or doing activities outside the home, ensure that you are physically healthy by using the morning sun for a few minutes, eating a balanced nutritious diet, and doing light exercise.

13. Ketika sampai di rumah : When you get home:

a. Menyimpan alas kaki di luar rumah.

Storing footwear outside the home.

b. Membuang masker sekali pakai, atau pelepasan tanpa menyentuh bagian depan masker untuk masker kain.

Throw away a single-use mask, or remove it without touching the front of the mask for a cloth mask.

c. Hindari menyentuh barang di rumah.

Avoid touching things at home.

d. Meletakkan ponsel, tas ditempat khusus untuk dibersihkan dengan disinfektan.

Putting the cellphone, bag in a special place to be cleaned with a disinfectant.

e. Segera membersihkan diri (mandi dan keramas) saat sampai di rumah.

Immediately clean yourself (showering & shampooing) when you get home.

14. Bagi yang merasa tidak sehat, seperti mengalami demam, batuk pilek, nyeri tenggorokan/sesak napas, diminta untuk secara sadar dan sukarela melakukan isolasi mandiri di dalam rumah.

For those who feel unwell, such as experiencing fever, cold cough, sore throat / shortness of breath, are asked to consciously and voluntarily perform independent isolation in the house.

15. Jika ingin melapor terkait kasus covid-19 dan atau kondisi darurat dapat melalui Hotline Tim Tangguh Kampus UB 08113631611.

If you want to report related cases of covid-19 and / or emergency conditions, you can go to the Hotline of the UB Campus Tangguh Team 08113631611.


7 B. Prosedur Penyelenggaraan Pembelajaran

Learning Implementation Procedure

Bagi mahasiswa atau peserta didik : Belajar secara mandiri dan terbimbing dengan menggunakan beragam sumber belajar.

For students or learners: Learn independently and are guided by using a variety of learning resources.

Bagi dosen : Menggunakan bahan ajar dalam bentuk digital yang dikombinasikan dengan bahan ajar lain dalam beragam bentuk, format, media, dan sumber.

For lecturers: Using digital teaching materials combined with other teaching materials in various forms, formats, media, and sources.

Prosedur pembelajaran pembelajaran selama pandemi covid 19 adalah sebagai berikut:

The learning learning procedure during the Covid 19 pandemic is as follows:

1. Peserta didik melakukan belajar mandiri dari rumah. Belajar mandiri adalah proses pembelajaran yang diinisiasi oleh peserta didik dalam periode tertentu.

Students do independent learning from home. Independent learning is a learning process initiated by students within a certain period.

2. Peserta didik juga melakukan belajar terbimbing dari rumah. Belajar terbimbing adalah proses membantu proses belajar peserta didik dalam bentuk tutorial daring.

Students also do guided learning from home. Guided learning is the process of helping students' learning process in the form of online tutorials.

3. Dosen Dosen membantu peserta didik belajar secara mandiri dengan menyiapkan beragam tugas dan pemicu/inisiasi dengan memanfaatkan TIK (Teknologi lnformasi dan Komunikasi).

Lecturers help students learn independently by preparing various tasks and triggers / initiations by utilizing ICT (Information and Communication Technology).

4. Melaksanakan interaksi pembelajaran dengan media berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (Gapura UB, Google clasroom, google meeting, zoom cloud meeting, dll) dengan meminimalisasi interaksi secara langsung (on site).

Implement learning interactions with media based on information and communication technology (Gapura UB, Google classroom, google meeting, zoom cloud meeting, etc.) by minimizing direct interaction (on site).

C. Prosedur Penyelenggaran Penelitian di Laboratorium Procedures for conducting research in the laboratory C.1 Persiapan Infrastruktur Laboratorium

Laboratory Infrastructure Preparation

1. Peningkatan frekuensi membersihkan dan desinfeksi laboratorium dan area lingkungan laboratorium.

Increased frequency of cleaning and disinfection of laboratory and laboratory environmental areas

2. Penyiapan prosedur dekontaminasi dan desinfeksi, diantaranya:

Preparation of decontamination and disinfection procedures, including:


8 a. Bagian atau lokasi yang harus didesinfeksi, seperti permukaan yang

sering disentuh atau yang keras, tidak berpori.

b. Penggunaan cairan pembersih sesuai dengan standar kesehatan.

c. Penggunaan APD yang tepat saat menggunakan produk pembersih/

desinfektan, termasuk kacamata pengaman, sarung tangan sekali pakai atau sarung tangan kedap kimia yang dapat digunakan kembali.

d. Penggunaan tisu basah desinfeksi sekali pakai direkomendasikan untuk membersihkan permukaan barang yang sering disentuh didalam ruangan.

e. Pengecualian alat dan sarana lab yang tidak boleh diperlakukan secara umum, seperti menghindari penggunaan desinfektan berupa gel atau cairan pada perangkat elektronik atau perangkat lainnya, kecuali jika telah dinyatakan aman digunakan untuk perangkat tersebut.

f. Perlakuan secara khusus terhadap meja kerja personel yang sakit.

a. Parts or locations that need to be disinfected, such as frequently touched or hard surfaces, are not porous.

b. The use of cleaning fluids is in accordance with health standards.

c. Proper use of PPE when using cleaning / disinfecting products, including safety glasses, disposable gloves or reusable chemically resistant gloves.

d. The use of disposable disinfection wet wipes is recommended for cleaning frequently touched surfaces indoors.

e. The exception of laboratory tools and facilities that may not be treated in general, such as avoiding the use of disinfectants in the form of gels or liquids on electronic devices or other devices, unless it has been declared safe to use for that device.

f. Special treatment of sick personnel workbench.

3. Anjuran penggunaan bangku dan meja secara terpisah atau ruang yang dianggap pribadi sehingga tidak boleh digunakan oleh anggota lab lainnya.

Hal tersebut dapat dllihat sebagai ruang aman yang bebas dari kontaminasi.

The recommendation to use a separate bench and table or a space that is considered private so that it should not be used by other lab members. It can be seen as a safe space free from contamination.

C.2 Prosedur Operasional Laboratoium Laboratory Operational Procedures

1. Ketentuan penerapan physical distancing dan 5M dengan baik.

Provisions for the application of physical distancing and 5M properly.

2. Pembatasan jumlah individu yang bekeria dalam suatu ruangan dengan membatasi jumlah orang dalam ruangan atau laboratorium dalam satu waktu.


9 Limiting the number of individuals working in a room by limiting the

number of people in the room or laboratory at one time.

3. Ketentuan dan prosedur izin masuk lab untuk melakukan penelitian di laboratorium setelah diperbolehkannya mahasiswa masuk kampus oleh pihak Universitas Brawijaya adalah sebagai berikut :

Provisions and procedures for laboratory entry permits to carry out research in the laboratory after being allowed to enter the campus by Universitas Brawijaya are as follows:

1. Mahasiswa meminta ijin kepada pembimbing sekaligus menentukan jadwal penelitian di Laboratorium via chat whatsapp.

Students ask permission from the supervisor as well as determine research schedule in the Laboratory via WhatsApp chat.

2. Berkoordinasi dengan Laboran untuk menentukan jadwal masuk laboratorium via chat whatsapp.

Coordinate with laboratory assistants to determine the schedule for admission laboratory via WhatsApp chat.

3. Mahasiswa meminta ijin ke Ketua Laboratorium dengan menyertakan bukti ijin dosen pembimbing dan jadwal dari laboratorium via chat whatsapp.

Students ask permission from the Head of the Laboratory to include proof of permission from the supervisor and schedule from the laboratory via chat WhatsApp.

4. Pada Hari (H–3) sebelum pelaksanaan penelitian, mahasiswa meminta persetujuan dari Tim Satgas Covid 19 Jurusan Keteknikan Pertanian dengan melampirkan dokumen yaitu : On the day (D – 3) before the implementation of the research, students ask for approval from the Covid 19 Task Force Team of the Agricultural Engineering Department by attaching documents, namely:

a. 2 (dua) bukti ijin (screenshoot) dari Dosen Pembimbing dan Ketua Laboratorium pada dokumen word

b. Hasil Tes Rapid

c. Surat Keterangan telah berada di Malang selama 14 hari sebelum pelaksanaan penelitian.

a. 2 (two) proof of permission (screenshot) from the Supervisor and Head of the Laboratory on the word document

b. Rapid Test Results

c. Certificate has been in Malang for 14 days prior to the implementation of the research.

5. Tim Satgas Covid 19 Jurusan Keteknikan Pertanian akan


10 mengevaluasi data yang masuk dan memutuskan untuk

menyetujui atau menolak ijin yang diajukan.

The Covid 19 Task Force Team of the Department of Agricultural Engineering will evaluate the incoming data and decide to approve or reject the proposed permit.

6. Apabila pengajuan ditolak maka mahasiswa mengulangi prosedur awal ijin penelitian.

If the application is rejected, the student will repeat the procedure initial research permit.

7. Apabila disetujui oleh Tim Satgas Covid 19, Mahasiswa memberikan form yang sudah disetujui ke Laboran dan bisa memulai penelitian di laboratorium pada jadwal yang telah ditentukan.

If approved by the Covid 19 Task Force Team, students provide an approved form to the Laboratory Assistant and can start research in the laboratory on a predetermined schedule.

8. Selama penelitian, mahasiswa wajib datang dan pulang sesuai jadwal yang ditentukan dan wajib menjalankan protokol kesehatan dan tata tertib yang ada di laboratorium yang digunakan.

During the research, students are required to come and go home according to the specified schedule and must carry out the health and discipline protocols in the laboratory used.

4. Mahasiswa harus merencanakan ke depan pekerjaan di laboratorium untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan waktu yang terbatas, dan harus memperbaharui logbook saat kembali ke rumah.

Students should plan ahead for work in the laboratory to maximize the use of limited time, and must update the logbook when returning home.

5. Prosedur khusus dalam laboratorium yang mempunyai risiko yang mengancam keselamatan lebih tinggi, seperti mereka yang bekerja dergan bahan kimia atau bahan berbahaya, tidak disarankan bekeria sendiri dan tidak bekerja di luar jam kerja.

Special procedures in the laboratory which pose a higher risk of safety, such as those who work with chemicals or hazardous substances, are not advised to work alone and do not work outside working hours.

6. Mahasiswa harus selalu melakukan koordinasi dengan penasihat akademik/pembimbing penelitian

Students must always coordinate with academic advisors / research advisers.

C.3 Tata Tertib Penggunaan Laboratorium/Laboratory Use Rules Tata tertib penggunaan Laboratorium adalah sebagai berikut:

The rules for using the laboratory are as follows:


11 1. Pengguna laboratorium tunduk dan patuh kepada protokol kesehatan

Universitas Brawijaya.

Laboratory users comply with and adhere to health protocols Brawijaya University.

2. Seluruh Pengguna laboratorium harus dalam keadaan sehat tidak menunjukkan gejala sakit (batuk, hidung tersumbat, suhu diatas 37°C).

All laboratory users must be in good health shows symptoms of illness (cough, nasal congestion, temperature above 37 ° C).

3. Mahasiswa yang melakukan praktikum dan penelitian diwajibkan memakai APD seperti jas lab, masker dan/ face shiled, sarung tangan, dan sepatu ketika di dalam ruangan.

Students doing practicum and research are required to wear PPE such as lab coat, mask and / face shield, gloves and shoes when indoors.

4. Penggunaan laboratorium harus izin dan mengisi buku kehadiran.

Laboratory users must consent and fill out an attendance book.

5. Mahasiswa yang melakukan praktikum dan penelitian diwajibkan mencuci tangan sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan peralatan dan fasilitas laboratorium.

Students doing practicum and research are required to wash their hands before and after using laboratory equipment and facilities.

6. Penggunaan peralatan laboratorium harus bergantian dan diwajibkan untuk dibersihkan kembali atau desinfektan dengan alkoloh 70 %.

The use of laboratory equipment should be alternated and mandatory to be cleaned again or disinfect with 70% alcohol

7. Penggunaan fasilitas Laboratorium menyesuaikan dengan kapasitas dan protokol jarak minimal pengguna laboratorium.

The use of laboratory facilities is adjusted to the capacity and minimum distance protocol for laboratory users.

8. Mahasiswa yang melakukan penelitian diwajibkan mengisi buku peminjaman alat dan pengambilan bahan laboratorium.

Students doing research are required to fill out a book for borrowing tools and taking laboratory materials.

9. Penggunaan fasilitas lab di larang bergerombol dan selalu mencuci tangan sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan fasilitas peralatan laboratorium.

Use of laboratory facilities is prohibited from hanging out in groups and always washing hands before and after using laboratory equipment facilities.

10. Kerusakan dan kehilangan peralatan menjadi tanggung jawab peneliti dan praktikan.

Damage and loss of equipment is the responsibility of the researcher and the practitioner.

11. Jam operasional laboratorium adalah 08.00-15.00 WIB.

Laboratory operating hours are 08.00-15.00 WIB.

12. Dilarang mkan, minum dan merokok di dalam laboratorium.

Eating, drinking and smoking are prohibited in the laboratory.

13. Segala pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh peneliti atau praktikan akan berakibat pada penutupan penghentian penggunaan seluruh fasilitas


12 laboratorium dan ditindak sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku

All violations committed by researchers or practitioners will result in the closure of the use of all laboratory facilities and will be prosecuted in accordance with applicable regulations.


Bagan alir ini hanya menjelaskan prosedur operasional penyelenggaran penelitian selama pandemi covid 19. Karena aktivitas penyelenggaraan pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring di rumah.

This flow chart only explains the operational procedures for conducting research during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because learning activities are carried out online at home.


13 Start

Asking for permission from the supervisor as well as determining

the research schedule at the Laboratory via WA chat.

Coordinate with the Laboratory Assistant to determine the

schedule for entering the laboratory via WA chat

Requesting permission from the Head of the Laboratory by including proof of permission from the supervisor and the

schedule for admission

D-3 research asks for approval from the Covid 19 task force by

submitting a file (3 documents)

Evaluate incoming data and decide to approve / reject

Submit the approved form to the Laboratory Assistant and start

research according to the specified schedule


Permission is obtained, schedule is drawn up

Permission is obtained, schedule is drawn up

Permission obtained

Permission obtained

Permission is approved or denied

Research in the Laboratory Yes

No Ditolak







Dokumen yang dilampirkan oleh mahasiswa untuk pengajuan izin penelitian di laboratorium yaitu:

Documents attached by students for submitting research permits in the laboratory are:

1. 2 (dua) bukti izin (screenshoot) dari Dosen Pembimbing dan Ketua Laboratorium.

Two proofs of permission (screenshot) from the Supervisory Lecturer and Head of the Laboratory.

2. Hasil Tes Rapid yang masih berlaku./Current Rapid Test results.

3. Surat Keterangan telah berada di Malang selama 14 hari sebelu pelaksanaan penelitian.

Certificate has been in Malang for 14 days prior to the implementation of the research.


Dokumen terkait

BAGAN ALIR Mulai Penilaian mahasiswa terhadap proses belajar mengajar di dalam kelas 1 minggu Evaluasi jumlah kehadiran dosen setiap minggu Evaluasi ketepatan penyerahan nilai 14