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Khrisna Pangeran

Academic year: 2024



Teks penuh



Nama : Ridwan Wahyudi

NIM/BP : 22178018 / 2022

Fakultas : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni (FBS) Prodi : Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : The Effect of Reciprocal Teaching Method and Students’ Reading Interest on Students’ Reading Comprehension

No .

Dosen Penguji Status Saran Perbaikan Tanda tangan

1 Prof. Dra. Yenni Rozimela, M.Ed., Ph.D.

Ketua 1. Regarding writing, there is still a lot that needs to be improved, and delete what is not important.

2. Show your novelty. Anything new must be written.

3. Explain the previous study in Chapter 2 clearly.

4. Missed use of vocabulary. Raises lots of questions.

5. Predicting is a reading strategy. Preparing the students to read.

6. In chapter 3 it should be explained at greater length. state what type of test it is, and also the reasons must be clear.


7. Quoting someone's ideas uses the Simple Present Tense, while research people use the Simple Past Tense.

8. Discuss first before collecting data, validate instruments, and record your teaching.

2 Dr. Ratmanida, M.Ed. TEFL. Anggota 1. The reasons for the research must be more specific.

2. The research background is explained sequentially.

3. In the introduction, you must write about Reciprocal.

4. Reciprocal is part of Reading, so Reading must be discussed first.

5. On page 9, technology has nothing to do with education in this research, so that part must be deleted.

6. In the previous study, it was written clearly what they studied or what the research was about.

7. There is no definition of Reciprocal Teaching in the background. Explain the concept of Reciprocal Teaching in the background.

8. Shows original references.

- On pages 30 and 33, there are no sources.


9. On page 39, what is the purpose of the assessment there? And what is the relationship with the assessment given?

10. On page 56, what is the meaning of applying literature articles?

11. Explains about the population in the population section and the sample in the sample section.

12. It is recommended that the type of sample used is total sampling.

13. Explain what tests will be given and where the test will come from.

14. This cannot be done if the test is given from material that has been taught.

15. Mention the source of the text taken. (Pre-test and Post-test)

16. There is no lecturing method.

17. There are too many different aspects in Chapter III. What is asked is about Reciprocal, so where is the difference?

3 Dr. Zul Amri, M.Ed. Anggota 1. Many explanations that have nothing to do with the research being discussed must be deleted.

2. The background must be clear in essence.

3. The contents of the proposal are not focused.


4. The idea quoted from the book uses Simple Present Tens.

5. Reciprocal teaching steps and learning steps are different.

6. Reciprocal teaching steps relate to teaching methods.

7. What is meant by low and learning outcomes?

8. In the title it says Reciprocal teaching, but the contents of the proposal are about Reciprocal learning.

9. In writing there must be parallelism.

10. Regarding internal and external, it should be elaborated. Explain what the internal part is about and what the external part is about.

11. Is reading interest internal or external?

explained one by one.

12. What are the categories described for?

The categories mentioned are too numerous and unrelated.

13. The conceptual framework is too long and the concept is not visible.

14. Check again whether you are still using



15. It is recommended that you enter the experimental class only. Don't be forced to enter the control class with lecturing.

16. In chapter III, there are still many who state that their research has been carried out.

17. In table 5 can be used as a basis for creating a conceptual framework.

18. The spacing needs to be corrected in references.

Padang, 28 Desember 2023 Ketua Program Studi

(Prof. Dr. Jufrizal, M. Hum.)


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