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MEV - Kapata Arkeologi

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Academic year: 2023

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Received: --/--/----; revisions: --/-- - --/--/----; accepted: --/--/---- Published online: --/--/----


These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for Kapata Arkeologi. Use this document as a template using Microsoft Word version 2013 or latest version on A4 size paper (210 mm x 297 mm), Font Times New Roman (TNR) 9 pt, single space, line spacing before 0 pt and after 0 pt, justify, center, with line indent inside 2,5 cm and outside 2 cm. Abstract length is about 200-250 words. The abstract should be concise, factual, giving a brief summary of the content, purpose of the research, review study, methodology, the principal results, major conclusions, and prospect. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. For this reason, do not include any pictures, tables, and References should be avoided.

Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further at Kapata Arkeologi.

Keywords: keywords are crucial to the appropriate indexing of the papers, contain three to five words/phrases, and should be separated with a semicolon (;), not a comma (,).



This guideline is a template for writing the paper for Kapata Arkeologi submission and this guideline is available online at Author Guideline page on Kapata Arkeologi official website at http://kapata- arkeologi.kemdikbud.go.id/index.php/kapata/about/sub missions#authorGuidelines. Authors are responsible for the quality of their paper and are kindly requested to strictly observe the following guidelines for the preparation and delivery of their camera-ready manuscripts. This will ensure that the journal has a consistent look from one paper to the next. We would ask you to assist us by following this template which will lead to faster editorial process and publication.

Authors are allowed to use this template for submission purpose. Margins, column widths, line spacing, and type styles are built-in. Some components, such as multi-leveled equations, graphics, and tables are not prescribed, although the various table text styles are provided. The formatter will need to create these components, incorporating the applicable criteria that follow. To use this template, kindly ‘Save As’ this MS

Word file to your document, then copy and paste your document here. To copy and paste the text into this template, please use ‘Special Paste’ and choose

‘Unformatted Text.’ For simplicity, you can just type your text in this template. Papers not prepared in accordance with these guidelines and manuscripts with number of mistakes will have to be pre-rejected by Editor. The manuscript should be written in English.

The author is required to request their manuscript to be examined by (or as a second author) a native speaker of the language (English) before submitting to Kapata Arkeologi. The manuscript must be submitted online via journal website. The author must login in order to make a submission. Online registration will be charged at no cost as well as manuscript submission and manuscript processing.

This format refers to Head of Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Regulation number 04/E/2012 on Guidelines of Scientific Writing. The manuscript should contain at least 2.000 words and should not exceed 20 pages including embedded figures and tables, contain no appendix, and the file should be in Microsoft Office (.doc/.docx) or Open Office (.odt) format. The paper

: 10.24832/kapata.v%vi%i.%a


should be prepared in A4 paper (21cm x 29.7cm) using 2.5 cm for inside margin and 2 cm for top, bottom, and outside margin. No need to alter page number in this template as the page number will be reordered at preprinting process.

The introduction of a paper is critically important.

Even if your results are quite good, unless you introduce your work well, interesting results can come across as boring or meaningless. The main goal of the introduction is to convey basic information to the readers without obligating them to investigate previous publications and to provide clues to the results of the present study. To do this, introduction should describe the background of the problem or research goal addressed in the article. It should explain the importance of the research and of the results being reported, as well as any relevance they have to other prior studies. State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. Explain how you addressed the problem and clearly state the aims of your study.

The manuscript should begin with title, abstract, and keyword and the main text should consist of:

Introduction, Method, Result and Discussion, and Conclusion; followed by Acknowledgement and References. The title and abstract should be in one column while the main text should be in two columns.

Title should be less than 15 words, title case, capital letter, centered, bold, font type Font TNR, font size 16 pt, and single-spaced. Abstract contains neither pictures nor tables, justified, in 9 Font TNR, single-spaced, and should not exceed 250 words. Keywords should be justified, 9 Font TNR, and single spaced. The main text of the writing should be in two columns with 0,6 cm column spacing, justified, Font TNR 10 pt, first line indent 5 mm, and 1,15spaced.

Heading should be made in four levels. Level five cannot be accepted.






Heading 1 should be written in title case, SMALL CAPS, left aligned, bold, 14 pt Font TNR, 1,15 spaced.

Heading Level 2

Heading 2 should be written Capitalized Each Words, left aligned, bold, 11 pt Font TNR, 1,15 spaced.

Heading level 3

Heading 3 should be written Sentence case, left aligned, bold, italic, 11 pt Font TNR, 1,15 spaced.

Heading level 4

Heading 4 is not recommended, however, it could still be accepted with the format of Sentence case, left indent 5 mm, 11 pt Font TNR, 1,15 spaced.

Heading level 5

Heading level 5 cannot be accepted in the manuscript.



Includes basic explanations of method, data collection, location and time of research, type of research, analysis, and interpretation of data. State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.

A Theory section should extend, not repeat, the background to the article already dealt with in the Introduction and lays the foundation for further work.

Methods that are published should be summarized and indicated by a reference. If quoting directly from a previously published method, must cite the source. Any modifications to existing methods should also be described.





Results should be clear and concise. This section should be a discussion of the results and the implications on the field, as well as other fields.

Discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. The hypothesis should be answered and validated by the interpretation of the results. This section should also discuss how the results relate to previous research mentioned in the literature review, any cautions about the findings, and potential for future research. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.

Figures and Tables



Figure can be graphs, photos, and diagrams Figure should be in color or grayscale, and if it made in color, it should be readable when it later printed in grayscale.

Caption should be numbered, in 9 pt Font TNR, placed center in below of figure, and single-spaced, whereas multi-line captions must be justified. Words of ‘Figure’

and ‘Numbering’ should be bold. A caption should comprise a brief title (not on the figure itself) and a description of the illustration. Keep text in the illustrations themselves to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used. The lettering on the artwork should be clearly readable and in a proportional measure and should have a finished, printed size of 7 pt for normal text and no smaller than 6 pt for subscript and superscript characters. Figures should have a brief description in the main body of text. Source of the figure is placed under the caption.

For layouts purpose, please provide the respective high-resolution figure (≥300dpi) separately in .tif/.jpg/.jpeg within a particular folder apart from the manuscript. Moreover, kindly avoid mentioning position of figure/table e.g. “figure below” or “table as follow” because the position will be rearranged in layouting process. DO NOT put boxes around your figures to enclose them.

Figure 1. Flake tool from Yarvavan Cave, Fordata Island (Source: Ririmasse, 2016)


Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Avoid vertical rules. The table caption is placed above the table, align left, Font TNR 9 pt. The words 'Table' and 'Numbering' should be bold, while table caption is written Sentence case.

Number tables consecutively with Arabic numerals in accordance with their appearance in the text (1, 2, 3, etc.). The content of the table using Calibri 7 pt with 1,15 space, without vertical line. The inclusion of sources or information is placed at the bottom of the table, align left, italic, Font TNR 9 pt, Sentence case.

Table 1. Distribution of fortress in research area


Fo rt Na m e


F o r t C o n d i ti o n



Fo rt Ng of aki ah

a Ngofakia

ha Village, Makian Island

R e l a t v e l y I n t a c t

Klein Fort


Fo rt Pu w at

Puwat Village, Makian Island

D e b ri s

Redo ut


Fo rt W ail oa

Wailoa Village, Makian Island

D e b ri s

Redo ut


Fo rt Taf as oh o

Mateket en Village, Makian Island

D e b ri s

Klein Fort


Fo rt Na ss au / M ot

Mot Island

D e b ri s

Klein Fort 6

Re do

Kota Village,

L o

Redo ut


ut M ot

Mot Island

o s e S t r u c t u r e

Source: Research result, 2014

Construction of References

The citation is written according to the American Psychological Association Style (APA). The quotation includes the name, year, and source page, for example:

(Greene, 1995: 45). References are required using reference management software i.e. Endnote, Zotero or Mendeley in APA style. References should be listed at the end of the paper. Authors should ensure that every reference in the text appears in the list of references and vice versa. Wikipedia, personal blog, or non-scientific website is not allowed to be taken into account. Primary references should be at least 80%

from at least ten references. Primary references i.e.

scientific journal articles, proceedings, research reports, undergraduate thesis, graduate thesis, and dissertations.

Secondary references i.e. books, newspaper articles, electronic media, and others.

Sample of correct formats for various types of references are as follows:

Journal article: Author. (year). Title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), pages. e.g. (Handoko, 2014:

40) - follow the hyperlink to see on references

Book: Author. (year). Book Title. City, State or Country: Publisher. e.g. (Robertson, Seibert, Fernandez, & Zender, 2006: 55) - follow the hyperlink to see on references

Part of book: Author. (year). Title. In Editor (Ed.), Book Title (pp. pages). City, State or Country:

Publisher. e.g. (Ambary, 1996: 38) - follow the hyperlink to see on references

Conference proceedings: Author. (year). Title. In Editor (Ed.), Proceedings Title (pp. pages). City,

State or Country: Publisher. e.g. (Mansyur, 2008:

598) - follow the hyperlink to see on references

Newspaper article: Author. (year, month day).

News Title. Newspaper Publisher, p. pages. e.g.

(Simanjuntak, 2010) - follow the hyperlink to see on references

Web page/electronic sources: Author. (year).

Title. Retrieved Month day, year, from URL. e.g.

(Grimes, 2006) - follow the hyperlink to see on references

Unpublished paper: Author. (year). Title. In Event Title. City, State or Country. (Ririmasse, 2010:

112) - follow the hyperlink to see on references

Thesis, dissertation: Author. (year). Title. Thesis University. e.g. (Mujabuddawat, 2013: 106) - follow the hyperlink to see on references

Patent/Standart: Inventor. (year). patent ID number: Title. Country: Issuer. e.g. (ID/28290, 2006) - follow the hyperlink to see on references

Research Report: Author. (year). Research report:

Title. City: Publisher. e.g. (Handoko et al., 2016) - follow the hyperlink to see on references

Statute: Statute Name. Statute Title, Pub. L. No.

statute number (year). Country. e.g. (Undang- undang RI, 2010) - follow the hyperlink to see on references



The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and Discussion section. The conclusion section should lead the reader to important matter of the paper. It also can be followed by suggestion or recommendation related to further research.

This author guideline is the second version of writing template for submitting manuscript into Kapata Arkeologi. Please do not alter the formatting and style layouts which have been set up in this template document. For inquiries relating to the submission of articles, please visit this journal's homepage at


http://kapata-arkeologi.kemdikbud. go.id or contact Kapata Arkeologi Secretariat at ejournal- kapata@kemdikbud.go.id and support contact Mr.

Muhammad Al Mujabuddawat at +6285244177696.



This section is the place to acknowledge people (dedications), places, and financing. List here those institutions or individuals who provided help during the research (e.g., sponsoring organizations, providing language help, or proof reading the article, etc.).

The guidelines for citing electronic information as offered below are a modified illustration of the adaptation by the International Standards Organization (ISO) documentation system and the American Psychological Association (APA) style.




Ambary, H. M. (1996). Peranan Cirebon sebagai Pusat Perkembangan dan Penyebaran Islam. In S. Zuhdi (Ed.), Cirebon sebagai Bandar Jalur Sutra (pp. 35–54).

Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI.

Friedman, G. S. (2006). ID/28290: Pemetaan Model Sistem File ke Dalam Obyek Database. Australia: Australian Patent.

Greene, K. (1995). Archaeology: An Introduction, The History, Principles and Methods of Modern Archaeology. Archaeology (3rd ed.). London:


Grimes, B. D. (2006). Mapping Buru: The Politics of Territory and Settlement on an Eastern Indonesian Island. Retrieved May 29, 2010, from http://epress.anu.edu.au?p=63751

Handoko, W. (2014). Tradisi Nisan Menhir pada Makam Kuno Raja-raja di Wilayah Kerajaan Hitu. Kapata Arkeologi, 10(1), 33–46.

Handoko, W., Mujabuddawat, M. Al, Huwae, A., Husni, M., Karolina, J., & Latupapua, S. (2016). Research report:

Tanah Kao: Menguak Identitas Asal Usul Komunitas, Sejarah, dan Peradaban Islam di Halmahera Utara.

Ambon: Balai Arkeologi Maluku.

Mansyur, S. (2008). Inventarisasi dan Identifikasi Benteng Kolonial di Propinsi Maluku. In Mundarjito (Ed.), Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Arkeologi XI (pp. 595–

606). Solo: Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia.

Mujabuddawat, M. Al. (2013). Tinjauan Arkeologis Kompleks Situs Ki Buyut Trusmi Cirebon. Thesis Universitas Indonesia.

Ririmasse, M. N. (2010). Arkeologi Pulau-Pulau Terdepan di Maluku: Sebuah Tinjauan Awal. In Evaluasi Hasil Penelitian Arkeologi (EHPA). Jakarta.

Robertson, E. C., Seibert, J. D., Fernandez, D. C., & Zender, M. U. (2006). Space and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology. Calgary: University of Calgary Press.

Simanjuntak, T. (2010, December 29). Arkeologi Prasejarah:

Menunggu Kejutan dari Gua Harimau. Kompas, p. 35.

Undang-undang RI. UU tentang Cagar Budaya, Pub. L. No.

11 (2010). Indonesia.


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