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= o 'A x Z&.f 3 - Undip Repository - Universitas Diponegoro


Academic year: 2023

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Electrical Supply Fiber Manufacturing High Technology Injection Pump Nanometer Scale Manufacturing Process Synthesize Voltage Source. The electrospinning system is implemented with the main body in the form of an acrylic chamber, an electrical supply to generate a constant DC high voltage DC, an adjustable syringe pump and a flat collector.












Steering Committe


All accepted papers will be published in Scopus Indexed Proceeding E3S Web of Conferences and selected papers will be published in HAYATI Journal of Biosciences (Scopus Q3)






E3S Web of Conferences

Environmental Conservation

Geomorfologi dan Kawasan Rawan Longsor di Kecamatan Cisolok Kabupaten Sukabumi 01005 Mochamad Seandy Alfarabi, Supriatna, Masita Dwi Mandini Manessa, Andry Rustanto dan Yoanna Ristya Published Online: 28 Oktober 2019. Pemasangan Sumur Air Tanah Dalam di Subsistem Panggang Masalah Kawasan Karst Gunungsewu, Indonesia 01009. Indra Agus Riyanto, Ahmad Cahyadi, Dwi Sismoyo, Muhammad Naufal, Fajri Ramadhan, Margaretha Widyastuti dan Tjahyo Nugroho Adji.

Thomas Triadi Putranto, Muhammad Iman Luth, Nurakhmi Qadaryati, Narulita Santi og Wahju Krisna Hidajat Udgivet online: 28. oktober 2019. Geotourism Potential as Information for Infrastructure Planning of the Karst Area, Kayen District, Pati Regency, Central Java Temporalations Variations 01013. ow Bidrag til Epikarst-forårsudledning i Gunungsewu Karst-området, Indonesien 01014.

Analyse van holtekenmerken in het Semar - Kiskendo Caves System, Jonggrangan Karst Area, Kulon Progo, Indonesië 01016. Bernadus Agus Hartanto, Jafron Wasiq Hidayat en Bambang Waluyo Hadi Eko Prasetiyono Online gepubliceerd: 28 oktober 2019. Grondwateroverstromingen als gevolg van tropische cycloon Cempaka in Ngreneng Karst-venster, Gunungsewu Karst-gebied, Indonesië 01020.

Environmental Policy, Planning, and Education

Mengintegrasikan Ekonomi Lingkungan untuk Membangun Perilaku Ekonomi 02009 Amin Pujiati, Khasan Setiaji, Hana Netti Purasani dan Nina Farliana. Implementasi program kredit untuk memperlambat penebangan pohon 02015 Satryani Kartika Ningrum Ika dan Fuad Muhamad. Pengembangan Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup Melalui Program Adiwiyata (Belajar di : SDN Tlogosari Kulon 03 Semarang, Indonesia) 02016.

Environmental Technology

Perancangan Metode Logika Fuzzy Kerentanan Longsor 03004 Dibuat oleh Dandy Wardhana, Aghus Sofwan dan Iwan Setiawan. Penghapusan besi menggunakan bakteri terisolasi (Vibrio alginolyticus) dalam air laut di Area Pembongkaran Kapal 03005 Harmin Sulistiyayan Titah, Herman Pratikno dan Atiek Moesriati. Harmin Sulistiyayan Titah, Ipung Fitri Purwanti, Herman Pratikno, Rachmi Layina Chimayati dan Handayanu Diterbitkan online: 28 Oktober 2019.

Hybrid Advanced Oxidation Process (HAOP) as an Effective Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment 03007 Aris Mukimin and Hanny Vistanty. Personal Care Wastewater Treatment by Electrocoagulation and Electrooxidation 03008 Rachmad Ardhianto and Arseto Yekti Bagastyo. Drought Potential of Paddy Fields Using Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index in Kuningan Regency 03009 Dian Nurhandayani Putri, Taqyyudin, Ratna Saraswati and Iqbal Putut Ash-Shidiq.

Aplikasi UAV untuk Pemetaan Longsor di Kabupaten Kuningan Jawa Barat 03011 Humam Abdurrasyid Af, Rokhmatuloh, Ratna Saraswati dan Revi Hernina. Penggunaan uang elektronik dan kartu debit dalam perilaku konsumsi pelajar 03013 Dewi Fatmasari, Waridin, Akhmad Syakir Kurnia dan Rizaldi amin. Potensi pemanfaatan tanaman pisang (Musa spp.) sebagai bahan biosorben untuk mengendalikan gas pencemar 03015 Sri Sumiyati, Haryono Setiyo Huboyo dan Bimastyaji Surya Ramadan.

Environmental Health and Toxicology

Kualitas Perairan Sepanjang Sawah di Kecamatan Karang Ploso Kota Malang, Indonesia 04007 Kiki Gustinasari, Joni Hermana dan Ellina S.

Environmental Epidemiology

Pollution Control

Waste Management

Tinjauan Pemodelan Jalur Pengangkutan Sampah Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) 07006 Dian Haerani, Syafrudin dan Sasongko Setia Budi. Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Timbulnya Sampah: Studi Rumah Tangga di Kota Palangka Raya, Kalimantan Tengah 07007 H Herianto, M Maryono dan Mochamad Arief Budihardjo. Optimalisasi pengomposan sampah organik di Universitas Diponegoro menggunakan Pterocarpus indicus sebagai bioaktivator 07008.

Kajian Pengelolaan Sampah untuk Memperpanjang Umur Tanah Sukoharjo II Kabupaten Pati 07009 Mei Viantikasari, P Purwanto dan Mochamad Arief Budihardjo. Kajian Keadaan Bank Sampah Kota Semarang 07010 Mochtar Hadiwidodo, Budi Prasetyo Samadikun dan Desy Arinasandi Diterbitkan online: 28 Oktober 2019. Mochamad Arief Budihardjo, Fadel Iqbal Muhammad, Al an Rizky Rizaldiannonu dan Warrawanna online: 28 Oktober 2019.

Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga: Studi Eksplorasi di Indonesia 07013 Anantya Novega Santoso dan Farizal. Estimasi produksi sampah akibat banjir rob di Kelurahan Semarang Utara 07019 Semua Denicko Roynaldi dan Maryono Maryono. Pendahuluan Penelitian Biaya Pengelolaan Sampah Banjir Rob Di Kecamatan Semarang Utara 07020 Nandita Nur Rahma, Maryono Maryono dan Widjanarko Widjanarko.

Green Infrastructure and Resilience

Culture and Environment Development in Coastal Community

The community dynamics of Kampung Batik Semarang in overcoming slums 09006 Titiek Suliyati, Dewi Yuliati, Slamet Subekti and Tri Handayani. Explanation of the natural materials of traditional kitchen equipment in the Javanese coastal communities based on the internal structure formation of language units 09010. The development of the cultural value of the eating activities in the communities of the Javanese coastal region through the reconstruction of semantic components 09011.

Menjaga Harmonisasi Lingkungan Sosial Nelayan di Pantai Utara Jawa Tengah Melalui Mitos Laut 09013. Muslihudin Muslihudin, Tyas Retno Wulan, Tri Sugiarto, Sotyania Wardhianna dan Sri Wijayanti Diterbitkan secara online: 28 Oktober 2019. Pasar di Semarang 09015 Ririn Wahyuni, Purwanto AP dan Hartuti Purnaweni.

The influence of local taboos and beliefs on the social practice of the fishing community on the north coast of Central Java to develop the environment during the industrial revolution 4.0 09017. Rattan as craft material of the community on the north coast of Java (Rattan Craft Study in Teluk Wetan Jepara). The language landscape of Kampung Bahari presents the development of the coastal community of Tambak Lorok Semarang 09020.

Energy Management and Policy

E ect of energy consumption and economic growth on Indonesia's environmental quality 10007 Shanty Oktavilia, FX. The E ect of Firms' Financial Performance and Business Characteristics on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Disclosure 10008. Considering Social Aspects of Geothermal Projects: The Case of Social Mapping of Mount Ungaran Geothermal Projects 10009.

Energy Planning and Education

Energy Conservation and E ciency

Energy Conversion Technology

Renewable Energy

Optimasi Pirolisis Sampah Plastik untuk Produksi Bahan Bakar Berkualitas Tinggi Menggunakan Desain Faktorial 13005 Renanto Pandu Wirawan dan Farizal. Simulasi sistem fotovoltaik grid-tied berdasarkan data radiasi matahari dan suhu di Semarang. Ahmed Jumui Sumoi Fomba, Hermawan Hermawan, Trias Andromeda, Mochammad Facta dan Iwan Setiawan Diterbitkan online: 28 Oktober 2019.

Reservoir identification based on gravity method at “AUN” geothermal field 14008 Annisa Dwi Ha dah, Yunus Daud and Al an Usman. Waste cooking oil to biodiesel transformation and its economic strength through circular economic model in Semarang Barat area Indonesia 14010. Production of fuels from HDPE and LDPE plastic waste via pyrolysis methods 14011 Enggar Hero Istoto, Widayat and Singgih Saptadi.

Penggambaran Manifestasi Panas Bumi di Wilayah Sangubanyu Berdasarkan Metode Mikrotremor HVSR 14012 Dwi Sudarmawan Sudjono, Udi Harmoko dan Gatot Yuliyanto. Analisis Kinerja Grid Band Tipe Fotovoltaik Polikristalin Menggunakan Simulasi Iradiasi Matahari 14013 Kurniawan Galih Putra Pratama, Hermawan Hermawan dan Trias Andromeda.

Non-renewable Energy/Fossil Energy

Identify the oil seepage in Plantungan Geothermal Manifestation, Kendal using HVSR Method 15004 Fatma, Gatot Yuliyanto and Udi Harmoko. Porosity Prediction Using Neural Network Based on Seismic Inversion and Seismic Attributes 15006 Tau k Mawardi Sinaga, M .

Epidemiology Related to Disease and Health Event Prevention and Control

Managerial Epidemiology

Occupational Epidemiology

Nutritional Epidemiology

Behavioral Epidemiology

Business Intelligence

Industrial Information Systems

Decision Support Systems

Menggunakan Fuzzy Time Series (FTS) dan Linear Programming untuk Perencanaan Produksi dan Perencanaan Model Penanaman Bawang Merah 23007. Aries Dwi Indriyanti, Dedy Rahman Prehanto, Ginanjar Setyo Permadi, Chamdan Mashuri dan Tanhella Zein Vitadiar Diterbitkan online: Oktober 200198 Optimasi Waktu menggunakan Produksi. Algoritma Campbell Dudek Smith (CDS) untuk Penjadwalan Produksi 23009 Chamdan Mashuri, Ahmad Heru Mujianto, Hadi Sucipto, Rinaldo Yudianto Arsam dan Ginanjar Setyo Permadi.

Ginanjar Setyo Permadi, Tanhella Zein Vitadiar, Terdy Kistofer dan Ahmad Heru Mujianto Diterbitkan online: 28 Oktober 2019. Algoritma koloni semut untuk menentukan rute perjalanan dinamis berdasarkan informasi lalu lintas dari Twitter 23012 Edy Suwowo, Ekoik Sediyono. Perancangan Alat Pendeteksi Gas CO dan SO2 Dalam Ruangan Berbasis Mikrokontroler Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy 23013 Slamet Widodo, M. Miftakhul Amin dan Ahyar Supani.

Smart Information Systems

Health, Safety, and Environment Information Systems

Prediction of rainfall in Central Java using hybrid GSTAR-NN-PSO Model 23015 Hasbi Yasin, Budi Warsito, Rukun Santoso and Arief Rachman Hakim. Application of Internet of Things (IoT) to Air Pollution Monitoring Database System 25005 Sudarsono, Muhammad Andang Novianta and Cyrilla Indri Parwati. By using this website, you agree that EDP Sciences may store web audience measurement cookies and, on some pages, social network cookies.

Contaminated Rivers

Trace metals and metalloids are a common and persistent form of river (river) pollution and derive from a variety of sources, including mining and milling operations, industrial activities, urban runoff, agricultural chemicals, and atmospheric pollution, among others. . Documenting trace metal sources and distribution pathways in river ecosystems is essential to mitigate their potentially harmful effects on human and ecosystem health and is often required from a legal (environmental legal) perspective to assess liability for remediation costs. Unfortunately, documenting the sources and source contributions of trace metals to rivers has proven difficult, time-intensive, and costly.

Here, an interdisciplinary framework with four components is proposed to efficiently identify the sources and source contributions of trace metals in alluvial sediments where multiple natural and/or anthropogenic sources exist. Components include (1) analysis of river alluvial stratigraphic architecture and geomorphic history, (2) temporal correlation of geochemically characterized alluvial deposits with potential anthropogenic trace metal sources, (3) analysis of spatial variations in selected geochemical parameters, and ( 4) use of geochemical and/or isotopic tracers to quantify trace metal contributions from dedicated natural and anthropogenic sources. The four components are not intended to be exhaustive; the framework may require modification following multiple lines of evidence approaches, in which additional methods and data are added to the investigation until there is confidence that all trace metal sources and their contributions have been effectively determined.

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Effects of heavy metal pollution in the Pilcomayo River system, Bolivia, on resident human populations. Antimony at the El Triunfo Contaminated Site, Baja California Sur, Mexico E3S Web of Conferences.

Alternatives to groundwater

The Water as Leverage project aims to set a plan for urban coastal areas around the world that face various water-related problems. In the short term, it is recommended to produce industrial water from (polluted) surface water as a means of offering an alternative to groundwater pumping. In the long term, it is recommended to install additional systems for cleaning waste and drinking water for greater hygiene and a higher quality of life.

An overview of marine mammals in eastern Indonesia 2016: implications for marine mammal research and conservation E3S Web of Conferences.


Dokumen terkait

DOI: 10.15575/join.v4i2.394 Received: October 29, 2019; Revised: December 14, 2019; Received: January 11, 2020; Published: February 14, 2020 63 Security Scanner for Web Applications