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Object of this research is the students‟ reading skill

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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This research was conducted by collaborating with an English teacher of MA MAARIF NU 5 Sekampung who was Mrs. This means that the use of Around the Point Strategy in reading can improve the reading skills of students in the tenth grade of MA MAARIF NU 5 Sekampung in East Lampung. Improve students' reading skills among tenth graders in MA Maarif NU 5 Sekampung in East Lampung”.

Number of teachers and their educational background for MA Maarif NU 5 Sekampung in the academic year 2020/2021.


Problem Identification

Problem Limitation

Based on the results of the interviews conducted in the pre-survey process, it is known that the students' reading problem is.

Problem Formulation

Objectives and benefits of the study 1. The Objectives of the study

This researcher is expected to assist the other researchers in preparation to deeply explore this research topic and in an effort to improve quality learning through methods or techniques deemed relevant.

Prior Research

  • The Definition of Reading
  • The Definition of Skill
  • The Definition of Reading Skill
  • The Models of Reading
  • The Strategies of Reading Skill
  • The Criteria of Reading Skill
  • The Measurement of Reading Skill
  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of About-Point Strategy
  • Steps of Teaching Reading by Using About-Point Strategy

4Nurlaili, "The Effect Using About-Point Strategy on Reading Skillin Hortatory Exposition Text of the Second Year Students at Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Hidayah Bantan Tua Bengkalis Regency", 2012. The method of the third previous research is quantitative research, while this research method Classroom Action Research. Reading is the practice of using text to create meaning.6 The two key words here are create and meaning.

In addition, the About-Point strategy is an easy-to-memorize guide to silent reading.22 Students are instructed to stop at logical points, such as at the end of paragraphs or subsections of a text. The About-Point strategy developed by Morgan, Meeks, Schollaert and Paul is a versatile strategy for informative, persuasive and explanatory text. 23.

Action Hypothesis

The researcher instructs the students to discuss the reasons for the selection "about" each paragraph. The researcher instructs the students to discuss the reasons for selecting the "point" of each paragraph.


Variables of Research

Operational Definition of Variable

The dependent variable of this research is the student's .. reading ability, which focuses on the student's ability. In reading skills, there are some indicators that show that students are able to understand the text they read, as follows27. Students can discuss the reasons for choosing “about” each paragraph.

Students are able to discuss the reasons for selecting the "point" of each paragraph.

Research Location

Subject of the Research

Action Plan

  • Cycle 1 a. Planning
  • Observing
  • Reflecting
  • Cycle 2 a. Planning

In this phase, the researcher acts as a teacher, and the real teacher becomes an observer. The researcher asks the students to discuss the reasons for choosing “about” each paragraph. e. The researcher determines the student's achievement in learning reading skills by taking a CAR test in cycle 1. 3.).

The researcher calculates student improvement scores from the pre-CAR test to the post-CAR test in Cycle 1, regardless of whether they are improving or not.

Data Collection Technique

  • Test
  • Observation
  • Documentation
  • Field Note

In this case, the researcher observes the students directly in the classroom and gets a description of the students' activities in the process of learning to read. The real teacher also observes the researcher teaching in the classroom and the implementation of CAR based on the observational notes already taken. In this research, the researcher used a field note to focus on a particular issue or teaching behavior over a period of time.

In addition, the researcher included field notes regarding classroom situation, classroom management, classroom interaction between teacher and students or students with students, and others.

Research Instrument

Reading worksheet, course overviews and classroom materials from the students of MA Ma‟arif NU 5 Sekampung. Responses to particular students, optimally productive pairs and groups of the class are more pronounced, etc. 6 The researcher instructed the students to discuss the reasons for their choice of the 'point' of each paragraph.

Data Analysis Technique

Then, she selected the data related to the research question and classified it into lower categories data from the learning process. Tabulation of the test result and finding the mean of pre-test and post-test. Furthermore, the formula to determine the percentage of students passing the minimum mastery criteria in each cycle is as follows:33.

The Indicator of Success

Result of the Research

  • Description of Research Location
  • Mission of School
  • Description of the Research
  • Acting
  • Planning
  • Observing

The researcher also planned to provide evaluation to measure students' mastery of the given materials. In the first step, the researcher instructed the students to read each paragraph of the descriptive text. Furthermore, in the second step, the researcher instructed the students to choose the best “about” statement in each paragraph.

In the fourth step, the researcher instructed the students to choose the best "point" statement of each paragraph or the students were asked to look for the supporting details in the descriptive text. The researcher started the lesson by praying, greeting, checking the attendance list and asking the students about the situation. From the result of the pre-test and post-test I, it was investigated that there was an improvement from the result of the students' results.

The researcher planned to give evaluation to measure the students' mastery on the given material. In the first step, the researcher instructed the students to read each paragraph in the descriptive text. Furthermore, in the second step, the researcher instructed the students to choose the best "about" statement from each paragraph.

In the third step, the researcher instructed the students to discuss the reasons for the choice. The researcher started the lesson by praying, greeting, checking the attendance list and asking the students about the situation.

Graph of Students’ Learning Activities in Cycle II
Graph of Students’ Learning Activities in Cycle II


The researcher therefore concluded that the study was successful because the indicator was successfully achieved in this cycle. In addition, the observed progress in terms of learning activities in Cycle 2 consists of reading each paragraph (100%), choosing the best one. The percentage indicated that learning activities in cycle II had achieved the success indicator 75.

Therefore, it is concluded that this research is successful in improving the students' reading ability and their learning ability. The researcher would like to describe the conclusion that the reading skill ability can be improved by about point strategy at the tenth grade of MA Maarif NU 5 Sekampung, as follows: the researcher concludes the research results by answering the problem formulation that consists of improvement. reading skills and learning activities using the over-point strategy. Moreover, cross-point strategy improves reading skill in the tenth grade of MA Maarif NU 5 Sekampung.

This means that the result of cycle II had already achieved the indicator of success, which was that 75% of the students meet the minimum mastery criteria (MMC). In addition, about-point strategy can improve the learning activity of the tenth graders in MA Maarif NU 5 Sekampung.


The result of this study can be the consideration for the teacher to use the Around the Point Strategy as an alternative strategy in improving reading skills. The result of this research can make a positive contribution to students in improving their reading skills. Boston: Parso, 2012 C.Timothy, Urdan..Statistics in English Plain Edition 3rd.New York: Taylor & Francis.

Diana Ladi, "Teaching Interpretive Text Reading Using About-Point Strategy to SMA NU Palembang's EleventGrade Students". 2018. Ismail Hijril, “Improving Students' Reading Skills through Translation Method”, Journal of English Education, Vol.2.2.2016. Kasim Usman, Raisha Siti, "EFL Students Reading SkillProblems: Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Complexities", English Education Journal (EEJ) Vol.8.2017.

Martika Wini, Hermayawati, Meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa dengan pembelajaran kuantum. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Bahasa Inggris, Vol.2.2016. Nurlaili, “Pengaruh Penggunaan Strategi Around The Point Terhadap Keterampilan Membaca Teks Paparan Darurat Siswa Kelas II Madresah Aliyah Nurul Hidayah Bantan Tua Kabupaten Bengkalis”, 2012. Rahmadani Windi, “Belajar Membaca dengan Menggabungkan strategi panduan tentang titik dengan Strategi prediksi di SMP", Jurnal Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Vol.2.2013.

Sari, R, K. "The Effect of an About Point Strategy on Student Reading Performance (A Study of Students of the Eleventh Grade of MAN 2 Padang in Academic Year 2014/2015)", Jurnal Wisuda ke 49 Mahasiswa Prodi Bahasa Inggris Vol. California: Corwin, 2009 Snow, Cathrine.Reading for Understanding,.Pittsburgh: RAND Education,.2002 Singh, Yogesh.Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics.


Kompetensi Inti(KI)

Kompetensi dasar dan indicator pencapaian kompetensi: Kompetensi Dasar(KD)

Tujuan pembelajaran

Materi pembelajaran

Gunakan kata-kata khusus untuk mendeskripsikan objek 2. Gunakan kalimat terperinci untuk mendeskripsikan objek 3. Gunakan kata sinonim dengan perasaan yang kuat. Taman Nasional Way Kambas merupakan taman nasional penangkaran gajah yang terletak di Lampung tepatnya di kecamatan Labuhan Ratu, Lampung Timur, Indonesia. Pada awal berdirinya, Taman Nasional Way Kambas bernama Pusat Latihan Gajah (PLG), namun beberapa tahun terakhir berganti nama menjadi Pusat Konservasi Gajah.

In Way Kambas National Park, there are several endangered animals such as Sumatran rhinoceros, Sumatran elephant, Sumatran tiger, Mentok Rimba and Buaya sepit. There are also some plants that are mainly found there like Api-api, Pidada, Nipah and Pandan. Various species of birds such as Little Adjutant, Blue Pheasant, Kuau Raja, Pependang Timur and several other birds are often found on the marshy banks of Way Kambas National Park.

Langkah-langkah pembelajaran Pertemuan1

Inti 1. Observing (Mengamati)

  • Questioning(Menanya)
  • Data (Mengeksplorasi)
  • Associating(Mengasosiasi)
  • Communicating (Mengkomunikasikan)
  • Penilaian hasil pembelajaran Kriteria penilaian Kinerja danTugas
    • Write your name and class on your answer sheet!
    • Read the text then answer the questio n by crossing a, b, c, or d!
    • Y ou may not cheat with your friends!
    • Check your answer before submitting!
    • Read the text then answer the question by crossing a, b, c, or d!
    • You may not cheat with your friends!

It was built by a Muslim emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife at Agra. The following text is provided to answer questions from number 1 to 3 Orchard Road. Vehicles from Dunearn Road can turn left at the intersection of the Marriott HOTEL junction. Vehicles coming from Paterson can turn right onto Orchard Road.

When he enters the classroom, he will wash his hands in the basin in the corner of the class. It has been known as the "Queen of the Adriatic", the "City of Bridges" and the "City of Light". The city stretches over 117 small islands in the swampy Venetian lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeastern Italy.

In the center of the city is a large hill called Mount Dathok. Due to the topography of the region, Kediri is called a cold city by the locals. The cigarette factory dominates the town's economy and employs most of the female workforce.

This mosque was found on the bank of the Kuin River, near KampungKraton, which was destroyed by the Dutch colonials.

Meeting 1)

Meeting 2)

Meeting 1)

Meeting 2)



Graph of Students’ Learning Activities in Cycle II


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