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parents' difficulties of assisting children in learning


Academic year: 2023

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When accompanying children learning English at home during the Covid-19 pandemic, they faced problems such as limited time to accompany the children, lack of ability to understand the material the children are learning, increased budget for purchasing internet quotas. Therefore, based on research conducted by previous researchers, the researcher wants to find out the problems of parents of students of SDIT Al-Qiswah in Bengkulu city in monitoring their children in online English learning due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. .

Identification of the Problems

The difference in terms of the object of research is, in this study the object of research is the parents of primary school students at SDIT Al-Qiswah Bengkulu City. So that the results of this study are expected to provide a newer understanding of the problem.

Research Question

This study only focuses on investigating the difficulties parents face in helping children learn English at home during the Covid-19 pandemic in SDIT Al-Qiswah Bengkulu City”.

Objectives of The Research

To find out what are the difficulties of parents in helping their children learn English during the Covid-19 pandemic at SDIT Al-Qiswah Bengkulu City. To understand the extent of parents' difficulties in helping their children learn English during the Covid-19 pandemic at SDIT Al-Qiswah Bengkulu City.

Significances of the Research

Definitions of the Key Term

Concept of Assisting children Learning English

In other words, Assistance is an activity that is carried out and can control, direct, directly within an individual or a group, which has the meaning of controlling, supervising and controlling. Assistance is a form of interpersonal relationship between a person who is seen as more experienced or more professional, and a person who positions himself as even less experienced or less professional.

Factors Affecting Children Assisting

Marital relationships, the state of marriage, can have a direct negative impact on how parents raise their children and how this follows. These characteristics will influence the ability of parents to meet the demands of the parental role and the extent to which parents are sensitive to the needs of their children (Nika Cahyani & Rita Kusumah.

The Roles of Parents in Assisting Children in Learning English

These characteristics will affect parents' ability to meet the demands of the parenting role and how parents' sensitivity to their children's needs (Nika Cahyani & Rita Kusumah, 2020:154). In this study, the proxy for the role in question is the role of parents in helping children learn English during the pandemic.

Parents Difficulties of Assisting Children in learning English during pandemic

The difficulty of using devices is one of the obstacles parents face in accompanying children to study at home during the Covid-19 pandemic. The difficulty parents face when helping children learn online is the unavailability of smooth internet access.

Learning English During Pandemic

Deni Darmawan (2014:23) stated that distance education is the physical separation between instructors and students and the use of multiple technology delivery systems. From this statement, it can be understood that distance learning is a learning activity that focuses on use.

Research Design

According to Sugiyono, this says that explanatory research is research based on the variables studied and the influence between one variable and another. According to Sugiyono, survey research is usually descriptive in nature, comparative settlement, associative, associative comparative and structural relationships, and structural equation relationships. According to Donald Ary & Friends (2010), there are two basic data collection techniques in survey research: interviews and questionnaires.

Therefore, the explanatory research method is a research method that is conducted on large and small populations, but the data studied is a sample of that population so that the descriptions and relationships between variables are found.

Population and Sample 3. Population

The population in this study was all parents of students of SDIT Al-Qiswah Bengkulu City for the academic year 2021/2022, a total of 238 students consisting of 11 classes. In quantitative research, the sample is part of the number and characteristics of the population. Arikunto stated that if the population is less than 100 people, we should take the entire population as a sample, but if the population is more than 100 people, we take it from the population of 15% - 25%, then it will be used as a sample. sample.

Sampling is a process that involves taking a portion of the population, making observations or a group of samples, and then generalizing the results to the population.

Table 3.1 population of the research
Table 3.1 population of the research

Research Instruments

Data Collection Techniques

The questionnaire has 32 questions and consists of two main parts: physical e-learning barriers (items 1-16) and non-physical e-learning barriers (items 17-32). The questionnaire was distributed to the random sample in SDIT Al-Qiswah Bengkulu City and then collected to see the response. When measuring parental problems, parents only have to select one option by placing a check mark on the questionnaire.

Data Analysis Techniques

Interviews were conducted to learn more about parents' difficulties in helping their children learn English during the pandemic. In the first part of the questionnaire, the questions are divided into two parts, namely; number one to sixteen measurable questions about physical barriers to e-learning; Questions seventeen to thirty-two measured non-physical barriers to e-learning. Five scales were used to measure the difficulty level of successful parents in the first part.

The results of research conducted on the difficulties of parents accompanying children to learn English at home during the Covid-19 pandemic for parents of SDIT Al-Qiswah students in the city of Bengkulu for the 2021/2022 school year.

Table 3.4 the parents difficulties Level
Table 3.4 the parents difficulties Level


General Information

The level of parents' difficulties in helping children learn English during the Covid-19 pandemic English during the Covid-19 pandemic English during the Covid-19 pandemic. From the results of the data, it is known that the level of difficulty of parents in accompanying children to learn English at home during the Covid-19 pandemic in SDIT Al - Qiswah Bengkulu City for the academic year 2021/2022 has an average level of difficulty. The following two tables (Tables 4.2 and 4.4) describe all the items with a total of 32 items of the questionnaire, the result is a detailed mean score, which is calculated using descriptive statistics Mean Score and Standard Deviation (SD) with the description of the level of difficulty of parents.

The findings of a survey on parents' physical difficulties in helping their children learn English at home during the Covid-19 pandemic at SDIT Al-Qiswah Bengkulu City in the 2021/2022 academic year are shown in diagram form.

Parents Score of Physical Difficulties

Then Statement number 2 (I give children writing/tools to learn) with a total mean score of (3.66) and total S.D (1.18) and statement number 6 (I always prepare a nutritious breakfast so that children to be able to concentrate on studying well) with a total mean score (3.16) and a total S.D. (1.25) these two statements are statements of medium difficulty. Statement number 9 (My home is too far from urban areas, so it causes poor internet access) With a total score mean (2.19) and a total S.D (0.96) is the statement with the lowest level of difficulty among all items . The highest score in this indicator is statement number 13 (For me online learning media is very confusing) with a total mean of (4.29) and S.D (0.76) this statement shows that parents have a high level of difficulty.

The statement showing the lowest score is number 15 (online learning media used by educators are very effective and creative so that I as a parent can easily understand the material my child learns) with a total mean (2.56) and a total S. D. (0.99) at the medium level of difficulty.

Parents Score of Non-Physical Difficulties

Dominant Physical or Non-Physical Difficulties of Assisting Children in Learning English During The Pandemic Covid-19Learning English During The Pandemic Covid-19

The following table and charts show the predominant problems between physical and non-physical problems that parents have in helping their children learn English at home during the COVID-19 pandemic in SDIT Al-Qiswah Bengkulu. The researchers make a comparison table with a comparative score between physical and non-physical problems, which can be seen in the table below:

Comparison between Physical and Non-physical Difficulties

Result of Interview

There are 10 questions in the interview section asking parents to explain their answers and difficulties in accompanying children to learn English at home during the Covid-19 pandemic. Besides that, I find it difficult to motivate to raise children's spirit of learning when they take English lessons at home.”. The parents of this student responded "the most frequent difficulty I encounter when accompanying children to study at home during a pandemic is to motivate children to maintain the spirit of learning English at home."

As for non-physical difficulties, it is more based on not having the competence to understand English material, difficulty in allocating time to help children learn, and not being able to motivate children during English education at home.


  • School Conditions and Situations During The Covid-19 Pandemic The Covid-19 outbreak has become a global epidemic that has hit the
  • Level of Parents’ Difficulties of Assisting Children in Learning English During Covid-19 Pandemic
  • Dominant Physical or Non-Physical Difficulties of Assisting Children in Learning English During The Pandemic Covid-19

Based on the results of this study, it was found that the physical problems are categorized at a moderate level of difficulty, which means that parents were able to prepare the spaces and infrastructure of their children to participate in learning English at home during the Covid-19 pandemic. Prevailing physical or non-physical difficulties in helping children learn English during the Covid-19 pandemic learning English during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on the results of the calculation of the score between physical and non-physical problems, it was found that the overall average score for physical problems is (3.47), and the average score for non-physical problems is (3.68).

The results of this study show that parents of SDIT Al-Qiswah students in Bengkulu city have higher non-physical difficulties compared to physical difficulties in accompanying children to learn English at home during the Covid-19 pandemic.


  • RA ( 3 th September 2021)
  • LW (3 th September 2021)
  • SPA (3 th September 2021)

Media yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran daring membuat saya kesulitan dalam memahami materi yang dipelajari anak saya. Saya selalu menyemangati anak-anak saya untuk selalu optimis dan tidak mudah menyerah dalam belajar. Dari tabel diatas diperoleh nilai r-hitung dan r-tabel untuk setiap item permintaan fisik sebagai berikut.

Dari tabel tersebut diketahui bahwa butir soal fisika memperoleh nilai rhitung r-tabel, maka dikatakan valid. Dari tabel diatas diperoleh nilai r-hitung dan r-tabel untuk setiap butir soal nonfisika sebagai berikut. Dari tabel tersebut diketahui bahwa butir soal fisika memperoleh nilai r-hitung < r-tabel untuk butir soal nomor dan 39, sehingga 5 butir soal dikatakan tidak valid, sedangkan 16 butir soal lainnya memperoleh r- nilai hitung > r-tabel, sehingga dikatakan valid. .

Tabel diatas menggambarkan hasil uji validitas physical dengan menggunakan Uji Korelasi Pearson Product Moment (r)
Tabel diatas menggambarkan hasil uji validitas physical dengan menggunakan Uji Korelasi Pearson Product Moment (r)


Table 3.1 population of the research
Table 3.2 Sample of the research
Table 3.3 the Likert Scale Rating
Table 3.4 the parents difficulties Level


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