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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Research Question

What are the students' problems with the level of equivalent words in the process of translating argumentative text. How to solve the problems faced by students in the process of translating argumentation text from English to Indonesian.

Objectives and Benefits of The Study

Students often use translation (literal translation), so the meaning of the translation results is unclear. Reference material to get the accuracy value in the translation of the text done by the students.

Prior Resarch


The Definition of Translation

Translation is "replacing textual material in one language with equivalent textual material in another language". Translation is an attempt by the translator to create a text that is transparent or invisible, with the goal that the translator wants the results of the translated text to not look like the text that was translated.

The Types of Translation

The advantage of this type of translation is its fidelity to the messages in the source language. The disadvantage of this type of translation is that it is abrupt and tends to be unfaithful.

Translation Process

Disadvantages The main difficulty that translators encounter in this type of translation is the difficulty in identifying a form of cultural expression and then finding its appropriate equivalent in the TL. The meaning found is then re-expressed or reconstructed using lexis and grammatical structures that are compatible with the receptors' language and cultural context.

Difficulties Faced In Translation

What makes language difficult in translation is the difference in the grammatical system of the two languages. The problems of a language in the translation process related to differences in the grammatical system of the two languages ​​can be categorized into genus categories.

Types of Difficulties in Translation

The problems mentioned above are difficulties in finding an equivalent meaning or formal equivalent and efforts to avoid stylistic obstacles in the translation process. A real difficulty in the translation process is the difficulty of finding an equivalent word or meaning in another word or sentence whose realization or meaning does not depend on the dictionary or the context. it is not clear which rules should be used to describe the meaning in the process. translation.41 .. linguistic factors include knowledge of ideology, culture, history, political-social science, chemistry, science, engineering, biology, medicine, agriculture and economics. Translation problems can be divided into two problems, namely linguistic and cultural problems.

Types of Correct in Translation

In this process, use the best strategy to correctly transfer the messages from the source to the target language, this is the easiest way to remember in the translation process. The revision process in this case involves reviewing the translation results and correcting words or sentences that appear to be incorrect or whose translation appears to be incorrect.

The Concept of Argumentation Text

  • The Definition of Argumentation Text
  • The Structure of Argumentation Text
  • The Characteristics of Argumentation Text
  • The Types of Argumentation Text
  • The Component of Argumentation Text

The main idea of ​​the argumentation paragraph is in the form of the writer's opinion, idea or idea. The argumentation paragraph or argumentation text has 3 main structures that must be present in the text-making process. The body of the argument, the content presented, focuses on attempts to prove the opinions or ideas written in the introduction.

An argumentative text is characterized by a reading that contains many ideas, ideas or opinions of the author. There are several characteristics of an argumentative text that can be used to identify readings, including the type of argumentative text. A detailed argument paragraph is a paragraph that contains the author's opinion and reasons, accompanied by more details.

An example of an argument paragraph is a paragraph that contains the author's opinion and reasoning accompanied by several examples as evidence that the author's opinion is correct and cannot be refuted by the reader. Logical classification is one of the components that make up soft computing, where the role of membership as a determinant of the existence of elements in a set is very important. From the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that logical classification is one of the most important components to get accurate results in detail and clearly, which involves members in it, and the value obtained by members is calculated at interval values ​​of 0 to 3.


Data Resources

In this research, there are two elements in the data sources that the author uses to facilitate her analysis. The writer presents some information in its original form, neither interpreted nor condensed nor evaluated by other writers. The primary sources of this research are difficulties in translating argumentative texts from students at Iain Metro.

The author can explain primary sources and often uses them to support a specific thesis or argument or to persuade the reader to accept a particular point of view. The secondary sources in this research are from observation, documentation and interview related to the research.

Data Colleting Technique

The researcher may focus not only on interview guidelines, but more on student statements or responses so that the information expressed by students is more understandable and also allows researchers to dig deeper into what students have provided.

Data Analysis Technique

Interview used to know the factor of the students' problems in translating argumentative text from English to Indonesian. When the researcher asked the students, "Do you struggle with translation?" The dominant answer was less of the vocabulary and not understanding the meaning of the actual sentence, therefore students struggle to translate the text. The meaning of the word "arbitrary" is "Sebangang-bangang", but the students translated it as the word "Suka-suka".

Mereka tidak peduli apa yang terjadi pada lingkungannya”, siswa menerjemahkan “Mereka tidak memperhatikan apa yang terjadi di sekitar mereka”, arti sebenarnya dari kata “Mereka tidak peduli” adalah “Mereka tidak peduli”, tetapi siswa menerjemahkannya menjadi kata “Mereka tidak peduli”. Pada paragraf kedua “Banjir yang terjadi bukan salah satu sungai itu sendiri”, para siswa menerjemahkan “Banjir yang terjadi bukanlah salah satu sungai itu sendiri”, adalah arti sebenarnya dari kata “Banjir yang terjadi”. Banjir terjadi", tetapi siswa menerjemahkan "Banjir terjadi", dan kalimat berikutnya adalah "bukan salah satu sungai itu sendiri", arti sebenarnya dari kata "bukan kesalahan sungai itu sendiri", tetapi siswa menerjemahkan "bukan salah satu sungai itu sendiri".

Mereka tidak peduli apa yang terjadi pada lingkungannya", para siswa menerjemahkan "Mereka tidak peduli apa yang terjadi pada lingkungannya", arti sebenarnya dari kata "Mereka tidak peduli" adalah "Mereka. Namun arti sebenarnya dari kalimat tersebut adalah “Banyak orang menebang pohon untuk keuntungan pribadi”. Terjemahan teks argumentasi Erdila Suryani dalam kalimat “Saat ini kerusakan lingkungan telah terjadi dimana-mana”.

Figure II: Interactive Data Analysis Model Miles and Huberman
Figure II: Interactive Data Analysis Model Miles and Huberman


Profile of State Institute for Islamic Studies of Metro

And the factor is that I don't understand the content of the text and I don't understand the vocabulary. Translations of the argumentative text of Rizka Mutiara A In the first paragraph "Today environmental damage has happened everywhere". The actual meaning of the word "Today" is "Saat ini" but students interpret it as "Dewasa ini".

Namun arti sebenarnya dari kalimat tersebut adalah “Aliran sungai menjadi dangkal dan kehilangan resapan air, inilah yang menyebabkan banjir.” Terjemahan teks argumentatif oleh Asih Anggraini Pada kalimat pertama “Saat ini kerusakan lingkungan telah terjadi dimana-mana”. Arti sebenarnya dari kalimat tersebut adalah “Bukan karena kita tidak sadar akan bencana yang terjadi, tetapi kita semua sudah tahu bahwa alam bukan lagi sahabat manusia”.

The translations of the argumentative text of Ayu Puspitasari In the sentence "Many people cut down trees for their own personal gain". The translations of Destri Rahma P's argumentative text In sentence "They like to throw rubbish carelessly so that they pile up in the river and cover the river". The translations of Hellen Sekar P's argumentative text In the sentence "Many people cut down trees for their own personal gain".

But the actual meaning of the sentence is “meskipun mereka benar-benar sadar dan tahu akan tampak dari kyakodah mereka, namun. Yes, I have difficulties in translation and the factor is that I do not understand the content of the text and I do not understand it.

Figure 1: The Organization Structure of IAIN Metro
Figure 1: The Organization Structure of IAIN Metro



It is presented as the reference of the previous research and as inspiration to carry out the research. Department of Language Engineering, No. Translation Quality In Translate English Phrase Verbs In Indonesian By Sixth Semester Students Class A of English Department of FKIP UNIB”. The way I solve this is to look for text references that are almost the same as the text, to make it easier for me to translate it.

Translation is the process of transferring text from the source language to the target language. Translation is the process of transferring linguistic meaning from the mother tongue to the target language. The way to overcome this is to better understand the content of the text before doing the translation.

Translation is the process of transferring meaning from the native language to the target language. To overcome difficulties I usually look for new vocabulary in the text with a dictionary or google. Translation is the process of transferring the meaning of a text from the source language to the target language.

Nowadays, environmental damage has occurred everywhere, almost all parts of the world such as forests, oceans, rivers and lakes have lost their sustainability. The flood that happened was not one of the rivers themselves, but the people living around the river caused everything.


Figure II: Interactive Data Analysis Model Miles and Huberman
Figure 1: The Organization Structure of IAIN Metro
Figure 2: Location Sketch of IAIN Metro Campus 1
Figure 3: Location Sketch of IAIN Metro Campus 2


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