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Academic year: 2023



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Alhamdulillah, all thanks to Allah, the only powerful, the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the Judgment Day, the Almighty God, for all the blessings and graces that the researcher was able to complete this thesis entitled Effect of Paired Reading Strategy. on students' reading comprehension achievements (quasi-experimental research in the eleventh grade of MAN 02 Kota Bengkulu in the academic year 2020/2021). This demonstrates the value of different test scores (t). Based on the above table, it is found that there is a mean difference in reading skills after testing between the experimental and control groups.

Background of the Study

It is a reading technique that prioritizes collaboration in order to understand the content of the reading. In the Covid 19 pandemic, the use of the blended learning method must be supported by the right strategy so that the results are maximum.

Identification of Problem

The choice of this strategy is due to the suitability of the characteristics between blended learning and paired reading strategies, because according to Driscol (2002), using the blended learning method with paired reading strategies can improve students' reading skills. Based on the background of the above problem, the researcher is motivated to conduct a study entitled The Effect of Paired Reading Strategy on Students Reading Comprehension Achievment.

Limitation of the Research

Research Question

The Objective of the Research

Significances of the Research 1. For Students

For me personally as a researcher, this blended learning method is a very good method to be used in the class, because with blended learning, the teacher and the students can discuss not only in school, but from their respective homes, and they can discuss it together again in the school.

Definition of Key Terms


Blended Learning

Definition of Blended Learning

  • Characteristics of Blended Learning
  • Advantages of Blended Learning
  • Disadvantages of Blended Learning
  • The Effect using Blended Learning
  • Blended Learning Application Models
    • Implementation of Blended Learning

According to Rusman (2012), he states that blended learning is a combination of different approaches to learning. From this definition, blended learning is said to be a combination of conventional (face-to-face) learning with online experiences to produce effective, efficient and flexible learning. Blended learning is a combination of the characteristics of traditional learning and an electronic learning environment or blended learning.

Combines aspects of blended learning such as web-based learning, video streaming, synchronous and asynchronous audio communication with traditional face-to-face learning. Graham (2006) explains that blended learning is a combination of two historical models of the separation of teaching and learning. The elements of blended learning include the domain of online learning and face-to-face learning.

The Flipped Classroom version of the blended learning is the most famous version, the Flipped Classroom starts with student.

Students Reading Ability 1 Definition of Reading Skill

  • The Principles for Teaching Reading

According to Harmer (2003) Indicator of reading comprehension, identification of word meaning, meaning context, identification of main idea, identification of connection in text, process of text analysis. Therefore reading is one of the receptive skills of English, the four language skills are closely related to each other. If students continue their studies in high school and university, they are required to understand many books written in English.

If students do not have prior knowledge in reading a text, they cannot understand it because they do not know what the text is about. Text types such as newspaper articles, fairy tales, business letters, if students do not know what kind of text it is, they cannot understand what the text is about. If these things are not done - and if the students are not doing these things - then you just scratch the surface of the text and quickly forget it.

But the meaning, the massage of the text, is just as important, and teachers must give students a chance to respond to that massage in some way.

Definition of Paired Reading 1 Paired Reading

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Paired-Reading Strategy
    • Advantages
  • Paired Reading Problems
    • Only one person think and works
    • Cheating
    • Just playing with friends
    • Problem with a friends
  • Implementation of Paired Reading Strategy
  • Role of the Teacher
    • The Teacher as Controller
    • Teacher as a Manager
    • The Teacher as a Facilitator
  • Previous studies

In applying paired reading strategies, there is often concentration of thought (only one person thinks and works). In the process of applying the paired reading strategy, some students can only play with friends and cannot focus. He didn't want to participate in the paired reading activity because he didn't like one of his friends.

In applying the paired reading strategy there are a few things that need to be specifically understood. In this study, the researcher wanted to know the effectiveness of reading program through paired reading strategy on the reading effectiveness of Man 02 Bengkulu students. Ho = does the implementation of the paired reading strategy have a significant effect on the students' reading ability.

H1 = does the implementation of paired reading strategy have a significant effect on the reading ability of Man 02 Bengkulu students.


Research Design

  • Sample

For the experimental class using Flex Blended Learning and then receiving the paired reading strategy treatment, and for the conventional class using Flipped Blended Learning. The random (random) sample from the population consisted of 110 students on the odd semester morning of the 2020-2021 school year. For the experimental lesson using Flex Blended Learning and then the Paired Reading Strategy treatment is given.

Meanwhile, the final test was done to determine their reading ability after they were given treatment by the Reading subject teacher on the use of paired reading strategies. If the results aim to determine whether the use of paired reading strategies has a significant effect on students' reading skills or not. In this study, the sample using 16 people from the total population because not all students met the research criteria, the criteria were taken from the results of the pre-test that was done.

A sampling technique is a method or method used to determine the number and members of a sample.

Research Intrument

  • Questionnare
  • Multiple Choice Test

Students are able to extract general information from the text they read. After getting the results of the pre-test, the researcher conducted the reading in pairs and divided the students into groups, and then the students could discuss them together. The aim of the discussion is to help students understand the read text, especially the descriptive text.

The teacher provided an object to draw and then asks the students to discuss it in pairs with their friends. The post-test given to students after the treatment is carried out using the speed reading technique to teach the reading ability of the students. The advantage of taking this post-test is that you will get an idea of ​​the skills achieved after the class ends.

The results of this post-test are compared with the results of the pre-test that was carried out in order to know to what extent the effects or effects of the learning have been carried out and at the same time to see which parts of the learning material are still not understood by most of the participants.

Validity of Test and Reliability of Test 1. Test Validity

Similar to the pretest, the researcher provided conclusions about paired reading strategy with descriptive text. There are several conditions or aspects of validity that must be checked to indicate whether one of the test instruments is valid or not. The reliability test in the instrument aims to determine the extent to which it can be trusted as a measuring instrument.

The reality of the question of whether an instrument can be believed in accordance with the criteria set out. If an instrument is retested at a different time with the same group, it will give the same test results.

Technique of Analysis Data

  • Normality Test
  • T-test

0.05, it can be categorized that the data distribution is normal, but if the score is less than <0.05, the data distribution is not normal (Sujarweni and Endrayanto, 2012) using the following formula to know the normality of the data . . After obtaining the results of the normality test, the next step the researcher took was to calculate the homogeneity of the data. The homogeneity test is used to determine whether the data in the two classes are homogeneous or not.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There is an effect of using the paired reading strategy on students' reading skills or if the p-value is sig α 0.05 (5%).

This chapter presents the results of the experiments that have been carried out, this chapter contains the results and the discussion.

Research Results

  • Normality Test Data

The learning results of students in the experimental and control groups have almost the same reading skills. Based on the results of statistical tests on the learning outcomes of the students in the experimental class, it is known that there is a significant effect of the paired reading strategy in the experimental group on the reading skills at MAN 2 Bengkulu, and the results of the statistical tests on the learning outcomes of the students in the control class show the same results, and otherwise there is a significant effect. It can be seen that the increase in the value of the learning outcomes of the experimental class using the paired reading strategy is much greater in increasing the learning outcomes of the students compared to the control class.

There is a difference in the average learning outcomes of students in the experimental class and the control class due to differences in treatment during the learning process. Using the paired reading strategy in the experimental classroom makes students more motivated and interested in reading. Based on the results of the research and discussion described in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of paired reading strategy on reading skills in MAN 2 Bengkulu.

It can be seen that the increase in the value of the learning results in the experimental class with the application of the paired reading strategy is much greater in the increase in the value of the students' learning results compared to the control class.

Graph of Student Learning Results Pre-Test Experiment Class
Graph of Student Learning Results Pre-Test Experiment Class


D'Louvre, one of the largest art museums in the world, which attracts a large number of visitors. The charm of the beach is especially noticeable at night, when the sunset stands out. The length of the beach is about one kilometer and it is a public space that anyone can access.

Due to the topography of the area, Kediri is called a cool town by locals. In the center of the city there is a large hill called Dathokberg. Due to the topography of the region, Kediri is called a cold town by locals.

The cigarette factory dominates the town's economy and employs the majority of the female workforce.


Table 3.1  Pretest posttest Design
Graph of Student Learning Results Pre-Test Experiment Class
Table 4.2  Tests of Normality
Table 4.4  T-test Table


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