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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of Requirments To get Undergraduate Degree (S.1) Education

















(3) ُ م َزأكَ ألْا َُكُّب َر َو ُأأَزأقا (2) َُلَعا ُأنِه َُناَسأنِ ألْ َُقَلَخ (1) َُقَلَخا َُكِِّبيِذَّل َُر ُِنأساِب ُأأَزأقا (5) ُ أنَلأع ُأنَل اَه َُناَسأن ِ ألْ ا َُنَّلَع (4) ُِنَلَقألاِب َُنَّلَع يِذَّلا

1. Read the name of your Lord who created, 2. Created man from a clot,

3. Read it, and your Lord is the Most Bounteous, 4. Teacheth man with the transmission of qolam (pen) 5. Taught man that which what they do not know.

(https://www.ruangbelajarbahasainggris.com/terjemahan-surat-al-alaq-96-dalam- bahasa-inggris-indonesia.html)




In the name of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala for his blessing and merciful, with deep thanks and pround, this research is whole heartedly dedicated to :

my beloved parents Zulkarnaini (Appa), and Fitri Yulianti (Amma) who always praying, listening, understanding, supporting until this thesis was done, and who always be my reason to be better. My beloved brother (Azhari Anggunawan), My beloved sisters (Ns.Reva Yulisni, S.Kep and Reza Ziada Fitria).

My greatest advisors Monalisa, M.Pd and Ayuliamita Abadi, S.Pd.I, M.Pd thanks for support, critical comments, advice and patience on guiding me to finish this thesis.

My big family of H. Abulifah and H.Agustar who has Supported me in finishing this research.

My beloved housemate (Mujahidatul Haibah, S.Pd) who always remaind, advice, and give me motivations. My beloved bestfriends The Kansah (Supianto, Agus Monika, S.E. Ilham al-anshory, S.Pd, Rezka Silviana, Rosa lini, Isnanil Mahfiroh, S.Pd). and my unforgottable friends until jannah (kk nen, mbak cik, kak yos, maaci, kk tik, kk mel, bes, alfi, ain, raha, kk dewi, cena. Mbak yi, kk wit, upik) the member of Sahabat Qur’an Center Jambi,

My beloved friends English education department batch 2015 especially my classmate English Class D’15 and my lovely friends (Shobaria, S.Pd, Suci Hardiya Ningsih, S.Pd, Sasmawati, S.Pd, Winkartika Sari, S.Pd, Siti Elisa Ritonga, S.Pd, Siti Badriah, S.Pd) thanks for spirit, motivation, and quality time for share everything.




In the name of Allah SubhanahuWata’ala, the most gracious and merciful, the lord of universe. Because of Him, the researcher could finish this thesis as one of the requirements for S1 degree in English Education Department of Education and Teacher Training Faculty of the State Institute for Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the lightness.

In this process of completion of this thesis, the researcher received muchadvices and contribution from many people who cannot be enumerated especially from my advisors, Mr. Mahyuzar Rahman, M.Pd.I as my first advisor and Mrs. Ayuliamita Abadi M.Pd.I as my second advisor. They are my great inspiration in teaching field. Next, this success would not be attained without supports, guidance, help, encourage from individual and institution. The researcher would like to say thank to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Sua’di Asy’ari, MA, ph.D the Rector of the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr.Hj.Armida, M.Pd.I as Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

3. Dr. H. Lukman Hakim, M.Pd.I as The vice Dean Academic Affair of faculty of Education and Teacher Training. Dr. Zawaqi Afdal Jamil, M.Pd as The Vice Dean Fluence and General Administration of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, and Dr. H. Kemas Imron Rosadi, M.Pdas the Vice Dean of student affair and cooperation of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training.

4. Amalia Nurhasanah, S.Pd., M.Hum as the chairwoman of English Education Program

5. Uyun Nafiah Ms, M.Pd and Edi Rozal, M.Pd As the validators of the product.

6. All the lecturers and staffs of English Education Program Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training for the contribution and assistant during studying in the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

7. The English Teacher Abdul Wahab, S,Pd and the second grade students of MTs Asas Islamiyah Jambi.

8. Last but not least everybody who love the knowledge especially my parents, my brother, my sisters, my bestfriends, my housemate, my classmates who always support me.

Finally, this thesis is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers, and the researcher is pleased to accept more suggestion and contributions from the reader for the improvement of this thesis.

Jambi, October 2019 Researcher




Nama : Roza Anggraini

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

judul :Pengembangan materi keterampilan membaca untuk kelas 8 di MTs kota Jambi. Skripsi jurusan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas ilmu keguruan UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan materi dalam keterampilan membaca untuk siswa kelas 8 sekolah menengah pertama di MTs Asas Islamiyah Jambi. Penelitian ini berupa penelitian dan pengembangan. Model yang digunakan dalam pengembangan materi ini ialah model ADDIE oleh Dick and Carry. Dalam model ini ada 5 tahapan, yaitu analisa, pola, pengembangan, penerapan, dan evaluasi. Materi dibuat untuk keterampilan membaca. Peneliti fokus pada pengembangan materi keterampilan membaca semeter 1 dan semester 2.

Pengembangan materi kemudian divalidasi oleh para ahli. Ada dua ahli yang akan memvalidasi produk, yang pertama ahli materi dan yang kedua ahli pola. Setelah produk divalidasi, peneliti melakukan uji coba produk untuk melihat respon siswa terhadap produk tersebut. Kemudian produk tersebut digunakan untuk mengajar keterampilan membaca dikelas. Berdasarkan saran dari validator serta hasil dari uji coba, kemudian produk diperbaiki. Setelah perbaikan dan penggunaan produk, peneliti memperoleh hasil akhir pada produk materi keterampilan membaca untuk kelas MTs Asas Islamiyah Jambi.

Kata kunci : Materi, Keterampilan Membaca, Dan Penelitian Dan Pengembangan.




Name : Roza Anggraini

Major :English Education Program

Tittle :Developing English Reading Materials for theEight Grade for Islamic Junior High School Jambi. Thesis English Education Program. Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

The aim of this research was to develop reading comprehension materials for the Eight Grade Students of Asas Islamiyah Islamic Junior High School Jambi.

The R&D was employed in this study. The model used for designing the materials was ADDIE model by Dick and Carry. It covers five stages, they are need analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The materials designed for reading skill. The researcher focused on developing reading material for 1st and 2nd semester. The developed materials were then validated by the experts. There were two experts who validated the product. First material expert and second design expert. After the product has been validated, the researcher tried out the product in order to see the respond of the product. Later the materials were used to teach reading in the classroom. Based on the suggestions from the experts and the results of tried-out, the materials were revised. After revising and using the product, the researcher produced the final product of reading materials for The Eight Grade Students of Asas Islamiyah Islamic Junior High School Jambi.

Keywords: Reading, Materials, and Research and Development







MOTTO ... v



ABSTRAK (Indonesia) ...viii

ABSTRACT (English) ... ix





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Study ... 1

B. Identification of The Study ... 3

C. Delimitation of The Study ... 3

D. Problem of the Study ... 3

E. Objective of The Study ... 3

F. Product Specification ... 4

G. Significances of The Study ... 4


B. Theorical Review ... 7

1. The Natural of Reading ... 7

2. Learning Material... 8

C. Relevant Studies ... 10


B. Development Stage ... 12

C. Research Setting and Subjects ... 14

D. Data Collection Technique ... 14



E. Instrument of Data Collection ... 16 F. Data Analysis Technique ... 16 G. Research schedule ... 18


A. Research Finding ... 19 B. Development Research... 19 C. Discussion ... 51 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. Conclusion ... 54 B. The Strenght And Waekness Of Product ... 54 C. Suggestion ... 55 References





Table 3.1The Organization Of Needs Analysis Questionnaire ... 15

Table 3.2 Category Convention Table ... 17

Table 3.3 The Range Of Score ... 17

Table 3.4 Schedules Of The Reseach ... 18

Table 4.1 The Questions Number 9 and 10... 20

Table 4.2 The Questions Number 4, 8, and 12... 21

Table 4.3 The Questions Number 5, 6, 7, and 15... 22

Table 4.4 The Question Number 13 ... 24

Table 4.5 The Questions Number 1, 2, 3, 14 ... 25

Table 4.6 The Question Number 11 ... 26

Table 4.7 The Result Of Material Expert ... 31

Table 4.8 The Result Of Media Expert ... 33

Table 4.9 The Result Of One To One Teacher ... 35

Table 4.10 The Result Of Small Group Try Out ... 36




Figure 3.1 Development Procedure Using ADDIE Model ... 14

Figure 4.1 Before Revision ... 36

Figure 4.3 After Revision ... 37

Figure 4.4 Before Revision ... 37

Figure 4.5 After Revision ... 38

Figure 4.6 Outer AND Inner Cover ... 38

Figure 4.7Preface. ... 39

Figure 4.8.Table Content... 39

Figure 4.9Syllabus ... 40

Figure 4.10User Instruction...40

Figure 4.11Material Learning. ... 41

Figure 4.12Example of Learning Material. ... 41

Figure 4.13Task. ... 57

Figure 4.14Text ... 57

Figure 4.15References... 57

Figure 4.16Writer’s Profile ... 57




Appendix 1 Letter Of Respondent ... 59

Appendix 2 Letter Of Validations ... 60

Appendix 3 Syllabus ... 64

Appendix 4 Need Analysis ... 72

Appendix 5 The Questionnaire Of Validity By The Validators ... 79

Appendix 6 The Questionnaire By Students ... 86



This chapter presents the Background of the Study, Identification of the Study, Delimitation of The Study, Objective of The Study, Product Specification, and Significances of the Study.

A. Background of The Study

English is one of the most widely studied and used international languages in communication between nations. This is in accordance with the role of English as a global language as stated by Crystal (2003: 2) that English acts as a global or world language because English is learned and used as a means of communicating in various countries both as first language, second language and as a foreign language. In Indonesia, English as the first foreign language is studied as a compulsory subject from junior high school to college or commonly known as formal school.

Formal schools are structured and tiered education consisting of basic education, secondary education and higher education. Education is held by giving exemplary, building will, and developing creativity of students in the learning process (Law No. 20 of 2003 Article 1 Paragraph (11) and Paragraph (13) about the National education system).

In learning English there are four language skills, one of them is reading. Reading is considered as the the important skill, and reading is also a key to improve learning outcome in many fields of study. In learning English reading dominates all activities in the English subject, the language components, namely pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary should also be learned to support the language skills, especially reading. Usually, vocabulary or grammar or writing are taught through reading texts (Ikhtiari, 2013). In reading a text the reader must be able to go entire and also understand the message. By reading, readers trained to answer the questions.



Based on preminary research at MTs Asas Islamiyyah Jambi, the researcher found some problems. Firstly, it was found that the teacher lack of the reading sources for the students, they only have student’s worksheet as the main source in reading material. Secondly, the materials in Lembar Kerja Siswa (Worksheet) materials are not complete, as informed by the teacher in informal interview. In addition, the worksheet is not unattractive, because the color used in the worksheet just black and gray, as stated by some students. Thirtdly, teacher uses text book as the additional book, the additional book was old publication (KTSP 2006).

The material for teaching reading is one of the problem parts in teaching reading succesfully, the compatibility of the words count the reading level of the students, also the exercise was considered to ensure the most appropriate material for the students. Therefore, develoving teaching material that fit to the learners’

and school’s condition has to be main consideration to achieve the learning objective.

In teaching reading, the context of the text influences student understanding. One of the three components in reading comprehension is convered the difficulties and characteristics of the text material for students (Caldwell (2008) as cited by Azizah (2016). The students are reading only when the teacher asked them. Whereas, increasing the students ability in reading means increasing students interest toward reading text.

As for the English reading material developed in this study are additional book, extending exercises that will help students understand about English lessons, and use the latest material and resources. A good textbook must be able to facilitate and provide sufficient space for students to practice using that language and provide contextual material, relating to the condition of the student; the environment, experience, or prior knowledge possessed by students so that they can facilitate students in learning (Santosa, 2014, p. 4). In addition the function of course book will be achieved effectively for the teacher as a teaching material and for students as a learning source.



Based on the description above, the researcher is interested in conducting a research with tittle "developing English reading material for eight grade Of Islamic Junior High School Jambi”, in expectation the book will be an effective media to support the learning process.

B. Identification of The Study

Based on the background of the study, the researcher identify the problem as follow:

1. The teaching materials that match the demand of the curiculum did not exist or difficult to obtain.

2. Instructional materials existing in the school were still limited (use worksheet only).

3. The worksheet that used in the school unattractive, thus making the student were not interested in learning English.

C. Delimitation of The Study

The researcher limits the study on developing reading material for eight grade of Asas Islamiyyah islamic junior high school jambi, which is suitable for students’ need at The Asas Islamiyyah Islamic Junior High school Jambi. In this aspect, the media will be a guide media to make students easier in learning English.

D. Problem of the Study

From the delimitation of the study above, the researcher formulated the research into developing English reading material based on Syllabus for the eight grade of students at Asas Islamiyyah Islamic Junior High school Jambi in first semester and second semester.

E. Objective of The Study

Objective of the study is to develop reading material to teach English at the Asas Islamiyyah Islamic junior high school Jambi, that will help students



understand about English lessons and create positive activities that have a good effect on student interest.

F. Product Specification

Product specifications expected in this research are : 1. The material accordance with the latest textbook.

2. The book is developed based on syllabus and curriculum 13.

I. Significances of The Study

The result of the study is expected to support learning process, and also expected to give new great information to the teachers and the students’. The teacher can also get new way to do teaching. Hopefully, the describtion of te language, especially in English class.




This chapter presents of Concept of Developing, Theorical Review, and Relevant Studies.

A. Concept of Developing

The development model in this study will be ADDIE. According to Januszewski and Molenda (2008) as cited by Suryani that "ADDIE model" is the main component of the learning system for learning development, and development procedures in learning. ADDIE was developed by Dick and Carry as cited by Endang (2011. P.200) that model is to design a learning system. there is an example of the activities at each stage of the development model:

1. Analysis

At this stage, the main activity is to analyze the need for the development of models/new learning methods and analyzing the feasibility and the terms of the development of models/new learning methods. The development of new learning methods is preceded by a problem in the model/learning methods that have been applied. Problems can be occur because the model/learning methods that exist today is no longer relevant to the needs of the target, the learning environment, technology, characteristics of learners, etc.

After analysis of the problem, the researcher need to develop models/new learning method, researchers also need to analyze the feasibility and the terms of the development of models/new learning methods.

In this analysis, there should be no draft models/methods are good but can not be applied due to some limitations such course no tools



or teachers are not able to carry it out. Analysis of new learning methods need to be conducted to determine the feasibility when learning methods are applied.

2. Design

In designing the model/learning methods, stage design has similarities with designing learning activities. This activity is a systematic process that starts from the set of learning objectives, designing scenarios or learning activities, designing learning tools, designing learning materials and tool evaluation of learning outcomes. The design of the model/learning methods are still conceptual and will underpin the next development process.

3. Development

Development model of ADDIE contains the realization of product design activities. In the design phase, it has been prepared a conceptual framework application of the model/new learning methods. In the development phase, which is still conceptual framework is realized into products ready to be implemented. For example, if the design stage has been designed using the model/new methods that are still conceptual, then at the stage of development, it is prepared or made learning device model/new methods such as lesson plans, media and subject matter.

4. Implementation

At this stage, design and methodes that have been developed are implemented in a real situation, that is in the class. During implementation, the design models/methods that have been developed is applied to the actual conditions. The material that is presented in accordance with the model/new method was developed.



After application of the method, then it will be performed an initial evaluation to provide feedback on the application of the next model/method.

5. Evaluation

Evaluation stage is process that to see what the system of development is success or not. The purpose of evaluation is to evaluate each step to make the product is a good product.

B. Theorical Review

1. The Nature of Reading

Reading is one of four skills in learning English. It is must be learnt and mastered by the students in the school. Reading is very important for students, especially in learning English which is a foreign language for students.For most learners, this is the most important skill to master in order to ensure success or not only in learning English, but also learning in any content class that reads in English is required. With strengthened reading ability, learners will make greater progress in all other learning areas. Many experts have different perspective about the definition of reading itself.

Grellet (1996) as cited by Ihtiari (2013) reading is important for the students to link the different language skills of the language through the activities. In fact, reading comprehension skill is the basic skill in learning English. Therefore, every activity in English class involves reading.

Reading is a complex task to do as what is stated by Moreillon (2007) as cited by Indrasari (2012), in order to be readers, learners must take their ability to pronounce words and to “read” pictures and then make the words and images mean something.

While Rivers (1968) as cited by Armiyati (2018), argues reading is sometimes referred to as a passive skill, but if we examine and use the ability to read, so we are fluent in understanding the meaning, then it is not passive reading.



Based on the definition, reading is the important skill in teaching learning, by reading the students can understand and achieve the goal of teaching learning especially in English language learning, so the student should understand its content.

2. Learning Material

Teaching and learning is a systematic process that includes many components. One of the components is the source of learning. Learning resources are everything that can be used and support the learning process effectively to facilitate the achievement of goals either directly or indirectly.

This understanding explains that a teaching material must be designed and written with an instructional principle because it will be used by the teacher to help and support the learning process (Ruhimat, 2011)

According AECT (Association of Education Communication Technology) in Rohani (2004, p. 164) classifies learning resources into 6 types. The first is messages. The information from other components in the form of data, meaning, ideas and facts. The second is People.The human acting as the processor or the presenter of the message. The third is material.

The software containing messages presented via hardware. The fourth is device. The hardware to deliver saved messages. The fifth is technique. It is about How to use materials, tools, environment to convey a message. The last is setting.The situation around where the message was delivered, whether physical or non-physical environment. The classification of learning resources is not separate, but mutually related to each other so that the learning process can be implemented optimally.

Teaching materials are part of learning resources. According Depdiknas (2008) that teaching materials are all forms of materials used to assist teachers in carrying out teaching and learning activities, both written and unwritten materials. While Sudjana (2009, p. 167) stated that teaching



material is the content of the particular field of study that is given to the student based on the curriculum used in the school.

It can be conclude that teaching materials are the tools and text that teachers need for planning and reviewing the implementation of learning in the classroom. The teaching materials at least includes among others: Study instructions, competence to be achieved, content, support information, exercises, evaluation and response or feedback to the evaluation result.

The difficult thing is not to set teaching materials, but to organize and discuss the teaching materials in class. It is about how teachers make students understand the material that has been delivered. Sudjana (2009, p.69) argues that there are some things that must be considered by teachers in setting teaching materials : The teaching material must be appropriate to support the achievement of the objectives, teaching materials only limited to the concept of materials, teaching materials should be in harmony with the sequence of learning objectives, the sequence of instructional materials must be sustainable, the material is compiled from simple to difficult, and the nature of teaching materials there are also actual which is conceptual.

Moreover, another things that must be noticed by the teachers are the ability of teachers in choosing the teaching materials and mastery of teaching materials to be taught.Teachers cannot teach all material to students, then the teacher should choose which materials are necessary and unnecessary.

In the process of learning, not all teaching materials contained in the book. It means that teachers are required to look for other teaching materials, such as from newspapers, magazines, articles or others. Abidin (2016, p 34) stated that the teaching materials used in the 2013 curriculum are not much different from the KTSP curriculum. However, the content of simple materials and the application of thematic learning will certainly have an impact on the provision of new teaching materials.



The government has started printing and distributing a number of new books to carry out lessons in the context of the 2013 curriculum.

While the book the government attempted is not yet in use at Asas Islamiyyah Islamic junior high school Jambi.

C. Relevant Studies

There have been several research and development studies conducted by researchers in various subject. For example, the first study was conducted by Alfan Rusdi Nururrozi (2012). He created students’ worksheet of mathematics lesson to make mathematics creative thinking abilities of eight graders of SMP 12 Yogyakarta. He used ADDIE development model which included five stages, analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The instruments of the study are observation sheet of creativity, questionnaires on teacher’ responses, questionnaires on responses of students, and tests. The result of the worksheet is good qualification, likewise, according to students’ responses, the worksheet is also in a good qualification.

The second study of research and development is a study conducted by Yudi Arifani and Slamet Asari (2013). They created English materials specifically English for Young Learners (EYL) tutorial material by using video tutorial aid in elementary school. They used ADDIE development model which included five stages, analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. result of the try out showed that the material developed in his study could fairly improve the students English especially for vocabulary enlargement.

The third study of research and development is a study conducted by Miftahul Hidayati (2016) in “Developing Reading material in Teaching English at An-Nur Islamic Boarding School Jambi”. The type of this study is Research and Development (R&D). she used ADDIE model. The Subject were English teacher and 55 students of the eight grade students of MTs An-



Nur Islamic Boarding School Jambi. The result from this study that researcher developed reading material by using Supplementary book. This book has been validated with the validity score is 89,7% and categorized as practical criteria.

It means that the supplementary book that has been developed is easy to use,usable an efficient.

This study has similarities to previous studies were the model they used, that was ADDIE model and also the subject that theirs develop. There are differences between this study and the previous studies. Firstly, this study develop English reading materials, while the previous studies develop students’ worksheet for mathematics subject. Secondly, this study develop the materials for English subject, while the previous studies is develop English materials specifically English for Young Learners (EYL) tutorial material by using video tutorial aid in elementary school.



This chapter presents the Research Design, Development Stage, Research Setting and Subject, Technique and Instruments of Data Collection, , and Data Analysis Technique.

A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher used R&D (research and development method). According to Sugiyono (2013, P.297) Research and Development is the research method used to produce certain products, and test the effectiveness of these products. The steps of this process were usually referred to as the R&D cycle, which consist of studying research findings pertinent to the product to be developed, developing the products based on the findings, field testing it in the setting where it will be used eventually, and revising it to correct the deficiencies found in the filed-testing stage. In more rigorous programs of R&D, this cycle is repeated until the field-test data indicate that the product meets its behaviorally defined objectives (Borg & Gall(1989) as cited by Latief (2015. p, 173). This research aims to develop English reading material to teach English.

B. Development Stage

The development procedure in ADDIE development model, in this model development consists of five phases that include analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. ADDIE development model is developed by Dick and Carry as cited by Endang (2011. P.200) for designing learning systems analysis. Researchers developed English reading material based on the students need. Development procedures of making book as instructional media, consists of five stages, there are:


xxviii 1. Analysis

Based on observation conducted in Asas Islamiyyah Islamic junior high school Jambi by giving the questionnaire, the researcher found it was important to develop appropriate materials and more interesting to make students easily master the material as well as additional materials in addition to existing materials.

2. Design

Researcher developed materials suitable for the needs of students based oncore competence. Then appropriate teaching materials provided for students by making the material interesting because there were various pictures and colors.

3. Development

In this stage, the result of design of materials need to be revised and validated by experts. The researcher develop the reading material by the environment of research setting, because it can help the researcher to develop the materials. The product formed a book that will motivate and add student’s interest in learning. The product is used for eight grade students at Asas Islamiyyah Islamic junior high school Jambi. Therefore, in this stage students examine based on design of reading materials. The data is gather from the experts by using close-ended item questionnaires will analyze to know whether the materials are good and appropriate with the students. The product will be revised again. This revision will be finished until the product is valid by the experts and match with the students’ need. The experts’ team consist of two experts; they are one material expert and one design expert.

The experts team will give coments and suggestions through open-ended item questionnaire.


xxix 4. Implementation

In implementation stage is product trials. It means that the product has been revised is implemented for the user of the product. If still found

revision then revised again to make a good product. The user of the product is students.

5. Evaluation

Evaluation is an important process of this research. This is the completion of the stages. In this stage action will be taken to improve the development of productand studies. The evaluation results are used to provide feedback to the user model / method. Revisions are carried out according to the new model / method.

Figure 3.1. Development Procedure Using ADDIE Model by Sugiono (2013)

C. Research Setting and Subjects

This research was conducted at Asas Islamiyyah Islamic Junior High School in Jambi. This school is located in Nusa Indah 2, Simpang IV Sipin village, Jambi City. This research was conducted by researchers in the in the first semester of academic year 2019/2020. The subject in this study were students of A class in Asas Islamiyyah Islamic Junior High School Jambi.




D. Technique and Instrument of Data Collection 1. Questionnaire

One of the data collecting tecniques in this study is questionnaire.

According to Sugiyono (2011, P.199) questionnaire is a technique of data collection conducted by giving statements to respondents to be answered.

will be shared to experts, teacher, and students. used to collect data about the feasibility of the book will be filled by experts, the questionnaire for teacher is given before learning process, and the questionnaire for student responses is given after the learning process.

The instrument, the result of data collection from questionnaire, according to Johnson and Christensen (2008) as cited by Aminah (2016) questionnaire is instrument of data collection that is filled out by research participants. It is analyzed with many aspects of students’attitude. The aspect of students’ need and interest will be concern in this reseach. Besides choose the appropriate answer, the participants also given chance to give comment and suggestion about the product.

Table 3.1: The Organization of Needs Analysis Questionnaire

No Aspect Question


The Purpose of the Question


1. Student’s profile

To find out some information about the students’ profile

Graves (2000:103)

2. Goal 9, 10 To find the


about the students’


and interest of learning

activities in the

Nunan (2004:41) Graves (2000:103)




3. Necessities 4, 8, 12 To know the students’

need of the materials

Macalister and nation (2010, p.24) 4. Wants 5, 6, 7, 15 To find out the


desire if learning English,

especially writing

Hutchinson and Waters (1987:58) Graves (2000:103)

5. Topic 13 To find the

information about the students’ preference for the topic of the materials

Nunan (2004:47- 49)

6. Materials 1,2,3,14 To find out the appropriateness of the materials

Heinich, et.al (2002)

7. Lacks 11 To find out the



Graves (2000:103)

Adapted from Indraswari, k (2015) 2. Documentation

Sugiyono (2013:240) stated that “Document is a record of events that had passed. Documents can be in the form of text, images, or the monumental works of someone”. In this study, documentation used to collect the data of the school, like curriculum, syllabus, and worksheet.

E. Data Analysis Technique

In order to understand the collected data, the data analyze on the basis of their characteristics and purpose. The subjects’ responses on the questionnaire will



calculated in the form of percentages. The answer from each question score based on Likert Scale (Riduwan & Sunarto, 2010, p. 21) which are:

Table 3.2 Category Convention Table

Category Score

Strongly Agree (Sangat Setuju/SS) 4

Agree (Setuju/S) 3

Disagree (Tidak Setuju/TS) 2

Sterongly Disagree (Sangat Tidak Setuju/STS) 1

To analyze the percentage, the researcher use the following formula:

NA = PS x (100 %) SM

Where: NA = Final Score PS = Score Obtained SM = Maximum Score

Table 3.3 The range of score interpretation criteria proposed by Riduwan (2016: p.41)

Score Interpretation Criteria Category

0 % – 20 % Very Low

21 % – 40 % Low

41 % – 60 % Sufficient

61 % – 80 % High

81 % – 100 % Very High


xxxiii F. Research Schedule

Table 3.4 schedules of the research

No Type



March April July Agustus September October

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 Preperation of



2 Improvement of proposal

x x x

3 Preperation of seminar

x x

4 Improvements of seminar

x x

5 Research permit

x x

6 Research permit

x x x

7 Research improvement

x x

8 Script


x x x x

9 Script


x x

10 Final report x x x x




This chapter is devided into Result of research and five sections of model.

Firstly, discuss about the first step in developing English reading English based on ADDIE model, it is analysis stage. The second, about design result stage. The third about development result stage. Then, continued the implementation result stage. Then, continued the implementation result stage. The fifth, about the evaluation result stage.

A. Research Result

This chapter presents about the result of research and developing English reading materials. The process was started from the definition of the phrase which included analysis of the curriculum, and students. Then the English reading materials is validated by two lecturers of Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

After validating the English reading materials, the process is carried out tests on students eigh grade at MTs Asas Islamiyah Jambi. The researcher gave test to know the practicalities of English reading materials. While, in developing English reading materials the researcher used ADDIE model.

Researcher was consisted of five phases that include analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation.

B. Development Research

The result of development for English lesson especially for reading skill.

The English reading material was developed in five steps as cited in Endang (2011. P.200). They are analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation.

1. Need Analysis

a. Research Subject Analysis

In analysis step, the researcher analyzed students’ needs and students’ interest. Students’ needs was analyzed through syllabus that is



managed by Curriculum 2013 (K13). Besides, the researcher also analyzed the Worksheet that students used in learning English. While, students’ interest was analyzed by identifying the students’ interest by giving the questionnares.

The need analysis covered the syllabus and students’ need. First, syllabus analysis of Junior High School students should learn reading. In standard of competence and basic of competence, the students were expected to be able to read aloud sentence by correct pronunciation where the students’ achievement is measured by the indicators. Second, students’ need was analyzed by identifying the students’ need, and interest, and performance of the students. In term of performance context, there are two meetings in a week, it takes 90 minutes for each meeting.

The standard competence and basic competences for eight grade students can be seen in appendix.

1) The Result of Questionaire for Eight Grade Students

The questionnaire consisted of 15 questions with four answers.

a) Goal

Table 4.1 The Questions Number 9 and 10

No Question Item N Percentage

9. In your opinion, how is English learning process especially in reading skills in the classroom?

a. Very Interesting b. Less

Interesting c. Not Interesting d. Very Not


5 8

2 0

33 % 53 %

13 % 0


In your opinion, how important is it to have the ability to read in

a. Very important b. Quiet important c. Less important d. Not important

11 3 0 1

73 % 20 % 0 6. 7 %


xxxvi English?

The questions no 9 and 10 were to find the information about students’ opinion and interest of learning activities in the classroom especially in reading. Based on the result of the questionnaire in question number 9 (53%) of the students assume that reading activity in the classroom was less interesting. It was because in teaching learning process, they only used English reading materials which was not interesting for them. In question number 10, most of the students said that learning reading was very important in English. It means that students need reading activity to improve their reading skill and learn reading in interesting activity.

b) Necessities

Table 4.2 The Questions Number 4, 8, and 12

No Question Item N Percentage


In your opinion, in addition to teaching materials / learning resources that are currently used in learning English, especially reading , is there still needed additional material to support reading skills?

a. Very Needed b. Less Needed c. Not Needed d. Very Not


13 1 1 0

86,7 % 6,7 % 6,7 % 0


xxxvii 8. In your opinion, does

it need to be given a vocabulary list in each material?

a. Very necessary b. Necessary c. Less

necessary a. Unnecessary


9 1


26,7 %

60 % 6,7 %

6,7 % 12.

Is understanding vocabulary very necessary before understand the text?

a. Very necessary b. Necessary c. Less

necessary d. Unnecessary


10 1



66,7 % 6,7 %

6.7 % The questions number 4, 8, and 12 were aimed to know the students’ need of the material. In question number 4 (86,7%) of the students said that they need additional material in learning English.

While in questions 8 and 12 most of the students said that vocabulary was important in learning English. It showed that they need more vocabularies to understand the material. And the English reading materials that they use now was less interesting for them.

c) Wants

Table 4.3 The Questions Number 5, 6, 7, and 15

No Question Item N Percentage


What kind of reading materials do you want in learning English?

a. Short story/

fungtional text

b. Picture c. Article


8 3

53,33 %

53,33 % 20 %



d. Games 13 86,7 %


What kind of task do you want in lerarning reading?

a. Multiple Choices b. essay

c. Fill in the blank text d. answer based

on picture


1 1


66,6 %

6,7 % 6,7 %

20 %


What capacity building do you expect from learning English especially in reading skills?

a. To be able to improve

vocabulary b. To be able to

read well and correctly c. To be able to

use the

language used in text in daily activity

d. To be able to comprehend the text and answer

questions correctly





6,7 %

46,7 %

20 %

26,7 %

15. What kind of learning do you like?

a. Individually b. In pair c. In group d. whole class

1 6 6 2

6,7 % 40 % 40 % 13, 33 %



The aim of the questionnaire was to find the students’ want in learning English especially in reading. In questions number 5,6,7, and 15, there were no significant different answers in each question.

In questions number 5, and 6 it was clearly shown that the students like English material combine with many pictures.

They also prefer to do task in multiple choices form, although there was no significant different between 4 options. However, the researcher made the task in English reading materials not only focused on multiple choices so that the task that was designed by researcher still had varied exercise although mostly in multiple choices form. Based on the answer of questions number 7 and 15, there was no significant different between 4 options, but most of students expected that they want to be able to read well and correctly and they prefer to work in pair, and in group.

d) Topic

Table 4.4 The Question Number 13

No Question Item N Percentage


In your opinion, what topics do you like in learning English, especially


a. Daily Life (Family, School Life, And

Community, Etc)

b. Health c. Nature.

d. Economics And Socio- Culture.


3 4 0

60 %

20 % 26,7 %

The purpose of this question was to find the information about the students’ preference for the topic of materials. Based on



the table above, there is 60% students’ choose daily life topic. It was present in the English reading material, because the material was designed by the researcher related to daily life.

e) Material

Table 4.5 The questions number 1, 2, 3, 14

No Question Item N Percentage


Are teaching materials / learning resources used in reading in the classroom interesting?

a. Very interesting b. Less

interesting c. Not interesting d. Very not


4 11

0 0

26,7 % 73,33 %

2. Have the teaching materials / learning resources currently used in reading in the classroom

improving your reading ability?

a. Very improving reading ability b. Quite

improving reading ability c. Not improving

reading ability yet

d. Not improving reading ability





33,33 %

66,7 %

3. Is the teaching materials / learning resources that are now used in English lessons especially reading

a. Very sufficient b. Sufficient c. Less Sufficient d. Not sufficient

2 13 0 0

13,33 % 86,7 % 0 0


xli sufficient your reading needs?


In your opinion, how important is the clear picture in reading?

a. Very important b. Important c. Not

important d. Very not



9 2


26,7 %

60 % 13,33 %


The purpose of these questions were to find out the appropriateness of the material especially in reading. To make the students’ interested and easier to understand the material, the researcher combined the material in English reading materials with many pictures. It can seen that most of the students (60%) assumed that picture is important in learning reading, it can make students motivated and interested in learning. Beside, these questions were to measure wheter the worksheet currently used interesting or not.

Based on question number 1, the worksheet currently used was less interesting. However, in questions number 2 and 3, it can be seen that the worksheet was still unable to improve their reading ability yet and sufficient the students’ reading need. It can be conclude that the worksheet which used was less interesting, so it was not improving the students’ reading ability yet.

f) Lack

Table 4.6 The Question Number 11

No Question Item N Percentage

11. What are the difficulties

a. Comprehend the grammar

13 86,7 %


xlii factors in

learning reading?

b. Comprehend the text

c. Comprehend the vocabulary

d. Comprehend the functions of the text




40 %

46,7 %

33,33 %

The purpose of this question was to know the students’

difficulties in learning reading. Based on the table above, there were different answers from 4 options. It can be seen that most of the students (86,7%) feel difficult to comprehend the grammar.

2. Design Step

In this step, The design of the English reading materials began with design the cover, and the content.

a. Designing the cover of English Reading Materials

The cover of English reading materials presented interest picture to get learners attention to follow the learning process. There were three cover in English reading materials, namely outer and inner covers.

The outer cover was designed by the microsoft word. The researcher chosed the background with mixed colour between Orange, and Yellow. It is looked so simple and elegant and it was more natural.

On top of the cover contained the tittle of the modul and the under of the tittle is the name of the School level, grade and semester of the English reading materials user. The name of the researcher as the writer of the modul in the bottom side area of book. The colour of the writing was black, and red with the backgrund each other. It is looked more bright. This was interesting. The back cover same with the front cover without the text.



While the second and third cover were designed by the microsoft word. It is inner covers. The inner covers same with the outer cover without grade.

b. Designing the content of English reading materials

Designing content of the English Reading Materials consisted several part; designing preface, table content, syllabus, using instruction, learning material, language feature, text, activity, references and writer’s profile. Preface of this English reading materials contained about the writter’s gratitude, overview of the content and the grade user of the book. The preface is written by the Texton Pro Ext with font size 10 and font size 12 for subtittle.

Furthermore, in designing table of content in English reading materials was included, preface, syllabus, instructions for use. It was easy for students or teachers to find the material and story when they wanted to learn. Then, in designing Syllabus, it is used the 2013 curriculum syllabus. The existing material in the book adjusted to the syllabus used in junior high school, it was added two column for the core and basic competence with the orange background.

While, in designing the instruction for using the English Reading Materials, it was instructions for students and teacher that used the books to facilitate understanding of the material. There were also several steps or activities that must be done by the teacher and students in learning the material in the English Reading Materials. It was two column, the top column is instruction for teacher and the second is instruction for students.

Moreover, in designing learning material of English Reading Materials, it was discussion of reading material. There were fife concepts in this material, they were basic competence, the definition of text, the purpose and function of the text, language features, and activity of each the chapter. In the map concept there was an orange column with an orange background and black, and white writing. The



combination of each color was designed to make it looked attractive.

After that, the researcher provided some examples in every part of them.

The Researcher also designed the activity for the students. There were many stories in the English Reading Materials with various pictures in the text and activity. The appearance of each chapter also had a different color background for each part to make it looked colorful. Then, the researcher add some vocabularies. It was designed with a little color to make it looked interesting by being placed between stories and questions. The vocabularies helped students to understand the contents of the story and the questions that provided it.

After that, the researcher also add questions that related with the lesson and story. In English Reading some of the materials, it had two types of questions that designed to be more interesting, is called essay questions, true false questions and multiple choices. The questions served to help students understand the story in the text with the help of the vocabulary provided. Questions and multiple choices in the module were aimed to examine the students' reading skills and students’ reading comprehension. Questions were made in three types so that the students are not bored in doing the assignments.

The researcher designed some interesting zone under the task or activity, such as column of synonym, find out the verb and meaning, choose article in the vocabularies, choose the word according the color, and wise word. It was to make the students more active and encouraging in learning and provided motivation for learning. In other word, it was to make an interesting activity during learning process, hopefully this part can refresh the students’ feeling after they done the tasks. They can play or discuss it. It was a way to make them have a fun while learning. So they did not feel bored in learning.



The last was designing references and writer’s profile. The references was the source of material that the researcher use in designing the English reading materials. While, the writer’s profile was the profile of the researcher who designing the English reading materials. It consisted of the name, address, and contact person. It also designed with the photo in top side. To conclude, the content of module had been designed appropriate with the syllabus.

3. Develop Step

This step is a stage of carry out the sketch in design step into real performance. The English reading materials considered components of learning media, such as selecting words, texts, shapes, colors, pictures and styles or design English reading materials. The researcher used Microsoft word 2007 to design the English reading materials. Then, the research printed out A5 ( half A4).

Before the English reading materials was implemented to the users, it was validated by two experts; material expert and media expert. The expert were recommended by advisor. First, the material expert was Mrs.

Uyun Nafiah Ms, M.Pd. She assessed, suggested and gave comments towards content of the English reading materials and also validated the accuracy of materials displayed in the English reading materials, Meanwhile, the media expert was Mr. Edi Rozal, M.Pd. He assessed and suggested and gave comments towards cover, picture, color, font size and type presented the English reading materials.

The English reading materials, it also validated by the teacher and the students of MTs Asas Islamiyah Jambi as users and respondent. The teacher is Abdul Wahab, S.Pd. And the respondent is the students of class VIII A at MTs Asas Islamiyah Jambi 2019/2020.


xlvi a. Validations

Data validation from media expert, material expert, and users were explained as follows:

1) Material Expert Validation

The worksheet was given to the material expert on 02nd July 2019 and the worksheet was returned on 20thAgustus 2019. The data from material expert was collected by using closed-ended questionnaire. Validation from material expert was include in six aspects: 1) relate to the curriculum; 2) has authenticity in text and exercises; 3) stimulate to the interaction; 4) focus to the formal language of students; 5) help the students to increase learning skill; 6) help the students to implement the language skill. The questionnaire for material expert consisted of 15 items. Here is the results of the validation from material expert:

Table 4.7 The result of material expert

No Statement Score


Maximum Score

(1) (2) (3) (4)

A Kelayakan Isi

1 Buku English Reading Materials dibuat sesuai dengan standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar

4 4

2 Buku English Reading Materials dibuat sesuai dengan kemampuan siswa/siswai

3 4

3 Buku English Reading Materials dibuat sesuai dengan bahan ajar yang dibutuhkan di MTs

3 4

4 Buku English Reading Materials disajikan dengan alur cerita yang memudahkan siswa memahami materi

3 4

5 Buku English Reading Materials dapat menambah wawasan pengetahuan siswa MTs

3 4



6 Topik-topik yang disajikan merupakan materi yang menarik bagi siswa MTs

4 4

7 Topik-topik yang disajikan dalam Buku English Reading Materials mudah dipahami

3 4

8 Latihan yang diberikan akan memperkaya pengalaman belajar siswa

3 4

9 Cakupan latihan yang disajikan dalam Buku English Reading Materials sesuai dengan materi yang disampaikan

3 4

10 materi yang disajikan mampu meningkatkan vocabulary siswa MTs

4 4

11 Materi yang disajikan berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari

3 4

12 Latihan yang diberikan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan memaca siswa

3 4

B Komponen Kebahasaan

1 Bahasa yang digunakan dalam Buku English Reading Materials komunikatif

3 4

2 Bahasa yang digunakan dalam Buku English Reading Materials mudah dipahami

3 4

3 Bentuk dan ukuran huruf yang digunakan pada Buku English Reading Materials dapat dibaca.

3 4

∑ score 48 60

Percentage 80% 100%

Criteria High

Based on the questionnaire that has been filled by expert, there were some parts that need revision.There are also comments and suggestions from material expert.

The English reading materials is stated as good product as it can help the students in Reading, but there are some revisions from the expert



toward the English reading materials ; “pay attention to spelling and the grammar”. She suggested to add basic competence in each chapter.

2) Media Expert Validation

Media expert was the validator who should validate the English reading materials in term of performance. The data from media expert was collected by using questionnaire. Validation from media expert is considered from four aspects: 1) novelty; 2) variety; 3) attractive performance and ; 4) appealing content. The English reading materials was given on 23th Agustus 2019 and the English reading materials was returned on 04th September 2019. The questionnaire for media expert consisted of 9 items. Here the results of the validation from media expert:

Table 4.8 The Result of Media Expert

No Statement Score


Maximum Score

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Cover telah menggambarkan isi buku English Reading Materials

4 4

2 Gambar pada English reading material telah menggambarkan materi yang diuraikan

4 4

3 Besaran ukuran huruf yang digunakan dalam buku English Reading Materials ini tepat

4 4

4 Variasi jenis huruf/font untuk tampilan tulisan pada buku English Reading Materials ini menarik

4 4

5 Penggunaan kombinasi warna antar tulisan, background, dan gambar pada buku English Reading Materials ini

3 4


xlix sudah tepat

6 Tata letak gambar yang digunakan pada buku English Reading Materials ini sudah sesuai

4 4

7 Gambar yang digunakan pada buku English Reading Materials ini menarik

4 4

8 Tampilan buku English Reading Materials secara keseluruhan menarik

3 4

9 buku English Reading Materials ini cocok digunakan oleh siswa MTs

3 4

∑ score 33 36

Percentage 91,67% 100%

Criteria Very High

Based on the questionnaire that has been filled by expert, there were some parts that need revision, there are following comments and suggestions from design expert.

Design expert stated that the design of the product is very good and appropriate for the students, but it needs perfection of the product. Here were some comments and suggestions from the design expert: 1) The picture of the cover should be changed with the picture that related to the topics and grade of the English reading materials. And change the color with the light color.

3) Teacher Validation

The English reading materials that has been revised based on the comments and suggestion from material validator and media validator needs to be validated by teacher. The English reading materials was given on 09th September 2019.The questionnaire and English reading materials were



returned for revision. The questionnaire for teacher consisted of 14 items.

Beneath the result of teacher’s questionnaire:

Table 4.9 The result of one to one teacher

No Statement Score


Maximum Score

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Buku English Reading Materials membantu pemerolehan belajar bahasa siswa

3 4

2 Kesesuaian materi dengan

komppotensi dasar (KD) pada kurikulum 13 bahasa inggris

3 4

3 Kesesuaian materi dengan indikator pada kurikulum 13 bahasa inggris

3 4

4 Kesesuaian tujuan pembelajaran dengan materi reading pada kurikulum 13 bahasa inggris

3 4

5 Kemudahan mamahami materi reading yang disajikan dalam buku English Reading Materials

3 4

6 Penggunaan bahasa mudah dipahami 4 4

7 Cakupan materi pada soal representatif 3 4

8 Tinggkat kedalaman materi sesuai dengan tingkatan siswa MTs kelas VIII semester 1 dan 2

3 4

9 Materi yang diberikan membantu menarik perhatian siswa

4 4

10 Urutan materi sudah memcukupi dikaitkan dengan standar kompetensi

3 4

11 Pemberian latihan sudah memcukupi standar kompetensi3

3 4

12 Pemberian umpan balik sudah sesuai 3 4

13 Materi pada buku ini dapat memberikan pengalaman pada siswa

4 4

14 Buku ini menggunakan kalimat 3 4


li sederhana

15 Secara keseluruhan buku English Reading Materials ini sangat membantu guru

3 4

∑ score 48 60

Percentage 80% 100%

Criteria High

Beside questionnaire, the researcher also discussed the English reading materials with the teacher. The result of the questionnaire, there were no comments and suggestions about the product.

4) Small Group Try Out

The English reading materials was implemented in small group on September 19th 2016. This try out consists of 15 students. The product and questionnaire were given for the students as the small group try out. The product was the English reading materials and the questionnaire consists of 17 statements that have to fill by the students.

Table 4.10 The Result of Small Group Try Out

No Statement Score Obtained Total Max

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 score Score 1 Gambar yang

terdapat pada cover buku English Reading Materials ini menarik

4 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 52 60

2 Mata pelajaran

pada buku

English Reading Materials

menarik untuk dipelajari

3 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 49 60


Dokumen terkait

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