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Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh





Aldinar Mukhtar *)

**) Belinda Analido , M.Pd

Pembimbing atau Pengajar program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STIKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat


Dalam makalah ini, penulis akan menerangkan tentang pengajaran writing skill untuk anak- anak SMA kelas XI dengan menggabungkan dua strategi Power writing dan Collaborative writing strategy. Tujuan pembuatan makalah ini adalah memberikan informasi tentang teknik-teknik pengajaran writing skill dengan menggunakan power writing dan collaborative writing strategy yang bertujuan untuk menulis Report text untuk murid SMA kelas XI. Power writing strategy adalah sebuah strategi yang membantu mengatur ide mereka dalam menulis dengan menggunakan struktur yang mudah mereka pahami. Sedangkan collaborative writing strategy adalah sebuah strategi yang mempunyai komponen penting dalam menulis, khususnya bagi siswa yang malas atau yang membutuhkan dukungan dalam menulis. Dan bagi siswa-siswa yang sulit mengembangkan ide-ide mereka dalam menulis.Tujuan dari penggabungan dua strategi ini agar siswa menjadi lebih aktif, efektif dan efisien dalam menulis. Penulis mengharapkan agar penggabungan strategi-strategi ini bisa menjadi panduan bagi guru dalam mengajar menulis.

Keywords: Writing, Power Writing Strategy, Collaborative Strategy.





Information can be gotten in many ways. It can be gotten through written or oral forms. Through oral forms can be like as listening to the news on television and radio. While the written forms can be like journals, articles, books, magazines, and encyclopedias. For written forms, the readers can learn more information. It is also an authentic material, where the readers can understand well about them. So that, writing become a skill important. Writing is a skill to express feeling and ideas into a written form.

Through writing, the students will be able do indirect communication and they can express their mind, feelings, ideas, and opinions in order to produce a text. To produce a text, students need much times and much attention for arranging the ideas, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary. So the students need to understand the process of writing to produce a good text.

In reality, there some problems in teaching writing process at senior high school. Based on the writer observation at SMA 1 Lembah Gumanti, the writer found several difficulties still happening at that school in teaching writing. Like, some students can not explore their ideas into be a good paragraph, and they have less motivation to write, and some students think that writing is a boring skill to be learnt, and also writing is a difficult.

Because, they have to have knowledge about writing that involves vocabulary, grammar, rhetoric, and also involves the rule of writing such as how to organize ideas and how to choose the right word to be good sentence. The problem is not only come from students, but also from the teachers, like: the material is not interesting for students, the strategy used by the teacher is not creative and also the teacher seldom asks to students divide into several group, so they can’t share their ideas. Among of those of skills, writing might be the most difficult and complicated skill to learn. It involves the

knowledge about vocabulary, grammar, and rhetoric, it also involves the rules of writing such as how to organize the ideas and how to choose the right word sentence.

In order to solve the problem above, English teacher should create some of interesting strategy or approach in order to develop the students’ ability in writing and it is very important to find a suitable in teaching writing. So, writing can be easy for the students. As stated above, there are some strategies to solve the problem. But in this paper discuss about using combining Power writing and Collaborative in teaching Writing at senior high school grade two. By using Power and Collaborative to help students in expressing and developing their ideas.

Review of Related Literature

Writing is a tool of students to share their information and knowledges and put them down on paper. Writing has much defenitions from the experts.

According to Wingersky et al. (2009:2), writing is a good way to control your ideas and write them on the paper. Writing is a step to write all of the ideas in mind and we have to control all of the ideas so it is not become jumping ideas. By writing the ideas, the writer should make the reader understand with their writing. On the other hand, if the reader does not know what is the meaning from the writing of the writers, of course the reader is not interesting to read more.

Then, Grainger et al. (2005) defines that writing is the process which make students get the benefits from imaginative contexts. Writing is likely have advantages from imaginative context for students. When students imaginative their ideas, they can share it on their paper and make a good writing based on their own words.

Last, Bouehl (2013:173) states that writing is a good and an effective way to help student to combain their understanding. This is an effective way


to synthesize all of understandings of the students. When students understand about one topic, they can share their knowledge when doing writing. Students should know how to develop their ideas, how they can get a good writing, how to make a good sentence with a good structure and how to use the rules of grammar.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that writing is a good and an effective way to share understandings about something on the paper and it should be mastered by the students although this is difficult and complicated subject with all of the rules by using grammar. Every ideas in writing should be understand by the reader to make the ideas deliver and the reader will interest with our writing.

Teaching Writing

Teaching writing is a process to help students to able to express their ideas through into a piece of paper. It means that writing is process, it is not a product point out. The ideas should be developed and we have to know or have knowledge about the subject that will be discused. Whereas, Caswell and Mahler (2001:3) state teaching writing provides opportunities for students to develop clear thinking skills. It means that, the students will get opportunities to develop their ideas in writing.

Moreover, Hyland (2003:4) proposes teaching writing predominantly involves developing learners’ skills in producing fixes patterns, and responding to writing means identifying and correcting problems in the student’s control of the language system. It means that, repair or identifying grammatical made by the student and their control in making a sentences by using a good language system.

Meanwhile, Carter (2003:182) explain that teaching writing is focuse on students’ writing in order to enables students to get progresif purpose. This statement means when teaching writing, the teacher should guide the teacher how

to open their ideas in writing, and critical action to make students enable to achieve progressive aims in writing. The teacher lets students think critically, develop and arrange their ideas into paragraph. In this case, the teacher as facilitator and the students as the writer.

Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that teaching writing is a process of the teacher to guide and help students to express their ideas, to know how to choose a corect vocabulary, using grammar and knowing about the steps in writing. Besides, teaching writing is not easy for the teacher, they have to know how to be a good guide Component of Writing

In the writing process, the teacher should tell the students about the writing component, while the student as writers need to know how the components in writing before they make the writing. The writing process is some steps that will the writer in writing.

According to Clark (2007:6), here are some ideas for each station of the writing process:

a. Prewriting

The first step of writing to the poured of existing ideas motivate students to write a sentence.

b. Drafting

The second step, it helps the students in the preparation writing and their goals in writing in order to be understood by the reader.

c. Revising

The third step, students rearrange their ideas in sentences and made changes to the text or sentences that they made more clearly and effectively.

d. Editing

The fourth, the teacher helps the students in checking or checking rechecking grammatical and neatness of the students in writing.

e. Publishing

The last, the students’ writing showed that they make to their friends.


Then, Oshima and Hugue (1991:1) strengthen that there are four main stages in the writing process: prewriting, planning, writing and revising drafts, and writing the final copy to hand in.

a. Prewriting

The first step, in writing by found the ideas that there to proceed the next step. Here the students can explore their ideas before they make writing.

b. Planning

The second, determine the context, develop a thesis, and outline the ideas. In this step should have some planning about what they want to say by making outline.

c. Writing

The third get your ideas down on a paper. After the students plan their writing the students have to write their ideas.

d. Revising

The fourth re-view and re-write your writing. It involves more than simply fixing spelling mistakes and adding missing details. Students re-read their writing to know whether their writing still have many mistakes or not.

e. Edit

The last step is edit. In this edit step, check the final version for mechanical check and edit their writing mechanic overall such as organization, punctiation, spelling, grammar, and content.

In addition, Connelly (2010:11) exposes that there are six steps to save time and improve students’


a. Prewriting

Good writing explores ideas and analyzes people and events. In here the students can explore their ideas before they make writing. Thus, students have to use their background knowledges and collect ideas befire begin to writing.

b. Plan

Determine the context, develop a thesis, outline the ideas. In this case, the students should have some

planning about what they want to say by making outline.

c. Write

Get your ideas down on a paper.

After the students plan their writing now at this time the students have to write their ideas.

d. Revise

Re-view and re-write your writing. It involves more than simply fixing spelling mistakes and adding missing details. Students re-read their writing to know whether their writing still have many mistakes or not.

e. Edit

The last step is edit. In this edit step, check the final version for mechanical errors. Students check and edit their writing mechanic overall such as organization, punctiation, spelling, grammar, and content.

There are several steps when do Firstly, select the topic. In this case, before the writing that should be learned by the students. students begin their writing, they should to know and choose the topic that will be used on their writing. Secondly, pre-writing. In here, the students begin to explore their ideas and gathering their information to make their writing. Thirdly, drafting. It means, the students have to make some lists that will be discussed on their writing. Fourthly, revising and editing. Students read again their writing to know if there is a errors and have to make editing after finding the errors. And the last, publishing. Here, students can publish their perfect writing to share to the public.

This is as a result of the writing.

Report Text

There are several types of genres in writing, among others: report, recount, narrative, descriptive, and others.

However, the writers just choose the report text in this paper. Report text also describe by some expert about Definition of report text, According to Yudantoro (2010:84), report text is the kind of text to describe a nature phenomenon, social aspect, or phenomenon human product around us.

The purpose of report text is to describe


something. For example from nature phenomenon, like earthquake, flood, and storm. In social aspect, like demonstration, style life, transportation, economic, and education. Thus, it is to give information about thing in the world.

According to Dadang and Anggraini (2008:27), report text is a text to present information about something as the result observation systematic or analysis.

The purpose of report text is to describe the way things are generally by using observation and analysis. The aspect is discuss in this text is about behavior, habitat, the propagation about the topic. As usual, this text tells about the creatures or sometime about the nature.

In addition, Atmawinata et al (2011:183) mention report text is a text to present information about something as the result observation systematic or analysis.

The purpose of text is to describe the result based on the observation. For example to present the quality of things product based on useful it. The information presented in the report text is the result of systematic observation and analysis.

In conclusion, the writer concludes that report text which present information about something generally based on systematic observation and analysis. It also provides about natural or non natural phenomena. Report text is also organize and store factual information on a topic, classify and describe the phenomena of our world about a wholes class of things not about one specific thing

Generic Structure of Report Text According to Yudantoro (2010:84), report text has some generic structure:

a. General classification.

It is about statement or sentence that contains information relating to the topics that will be described.

b. Description.

It is about what the phenomenon under discussion is like in terms of part, qualities, habits and behaviors.

Next, according to Adip et al (2014:351), mentions that the structure on report text includes:

a. Classification.

It is about statement a general opening statement.

b. Description.

It is consisting of a series of paragraph.

Furthermore, According to Dadang and Anggraini (2008:27), the generic structure of generic structure:

a. General statement.

Expression that clarify subject explanation and classification.

b. Description.

More detail explanation by the result analysis.

Based the experts explanation above about the generic structure of the report text, the writer concludes that are two structure of report text: first, general classification, second identification.

General classification is a statement to introduce the topic of the report.

Description is to provide details of topic.

Language Feature of Report Text In this part, the writer will discuss about language features of report text. It is very important student to know it.

According to Blake (1998:5), there are some language features of report texts as follow: use a factual and precise descriptive adjectives to give details about appearance, function and component, use relating verb to link features, use of action verb to describe behavior, use of present tense, use of preposition such as behind, beside, under, etc, and the last use of comparative adjective and classifying adjectives.

Then, According to Yudantoro (2010:84), there are some language features of report texts as follow: focus on generic participants, use of relational processes to state what is and that which it is, and not use temporal sequence. It is refers to a sequence of happening in a space of time.

In addition, according to Adip et al (2014:351), there are some languages features of report texts are: first, use general noun. A general noun is a word for a broad category of noun. Second, use relating verbs. Relating verbs is


identifying, it equates one thing with another. Third, use present tense. It is a tense that expressing an action that is currently going on or habitually performed, or a state that currently or generally exist.

The last, use technical terms, a word that has a specific meaning within a specific field of expertise.

In conclusion, based on the expert’s above, the writer concludes that there are some language features of report text from the expert are use of present tense, use of comparative adjective, use of action verbs, use of relating verb, use of general nouns, and use of relational processes. In making text language features is very the important that should be known by the students because it will help them in making a good composition in writing a text. In addition, by knowing the language features the students is easier how to produce a good writing and the content of their writing is more interesting and qualifying.

Power Writing Strategy

In teaching writing at classroom, the teacher needs to know meaning of Power writing Strategy, to be more easy when applied Power writing Strategy in the classroom. According to Fearn and fernan in frey (2011:142), power writing strategy is a strategy to improve writing fluency through brief, time writing events. It means that, students need to increase their writing ability to make them fluency in writing.

So, power writing is the appropriate strategy to make it happened.

Furthermore, According to Department of education and training (2007:95) power writing is a strategy to help students to organize their ideas by using a complete structure that students can understand more easily. It means that, Power writing strategy can be make students easier in writing. Because, this strategy an effective way to teach in writing skill. Especially, when they make assignment given by the teacher. In power writing strategy, the teachers’ guides the students start from organize their idea until the students can make their own writing

Meanwhile, Johnson (2008:185) mentions that power writing strategy is a strategy that requires student to write as many words as they can do on topic in given amount of time. This strategy expects student to begin writing immediately. Through this strategy the students builds the energy and confidence in writing. So, power writing strategy can guide students to make them can write many words and ideas on the topic.

Base on explanation above, the writer concludes that power writing is a power writing strategy is a strategy to improve writing fluency through brief, time writing events. And also this strategy that aims to help students organize their ideas. This strategy also gives the easier way for students who want to make a good writing. In power writing also the teacher guides students in making their own writing starts from find their ideas until they publish their writing.

Procedure of Power Writing Strategy According to Graham et al (2007:148), an overall writing strategy is represented by the mnemonic Power (Plan, Organize, Write, Edit, and Revise)

a. Plan

In this step, the teacher prepares some topics, and the teacher gives brainstorming to the students, to make them easier connect with their ideas.

b. Organize

In this step, students make content organizer appropriate for the particular text structure. The purpose of a graphic organizes for the students are to help them organize their paper.

c. Write

In this step, involves the students thinking the information from the planning guide and organizing, and then students write their first draft into paragraph form. It is not needs the correctly. The just write as well as they can do., and the teacher guide the students as they write.

d. Edit


In this step, the students critique their own writing and to identify areas in which they need clarification or assistance. The teacher gives attention their critique.

e. Revise

The last step, Student evaluated their text alone and with a perusing a set evaluation question that included general criteria like clarify as well as criteria related to the specific text structure.

Power writing strategy has several advantages. There are some advantages of this strategy. According to Department of education and training (2007:99), there are some advantages of Power writing strategy:

a. Straightforward, Easy to explain and understand

b. Increase students’ motivation c. Help student to write quickly d. Encourage activity

e. Build confidence

f. The students can produce their writing easily

Collaborative Writing Strategy

For understood this strategy, the experts explain the definition in their books, according to Taylor and Francis (2014:35), Collaborative writing is an effective strategy for teaching writing in which students work to together. It means that, in Collaborative writing strategy the students can make a group. Because, they can share their ideas with others. So collaborative writing is an effective strategy to help students in teaching writing.

In addtion, according to Storch (2013), collaborative writing is a writing strategy which uses distinct process and product. It means that collaborative writing is has different process and effect for the students. It means that, the process refers to the act of gathering ideas and working them until they are presented in a manner that is polished and comprehensible to reader. The product in collaborative writing refers to how to process jointly and share text.

Furthermore, as stated in Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology (2009:54), collaborative writing is a strategy that composed of several sub-activities. Thus, sub-activities are arranged collaborative writing they are:

brainstorming, note taking, organizational planning writing, revising, and editing.

Every sub-activities help students on their writing process. So their writing will be not jumping idea and will be structure.

Based on the experts’ explanation about the definitions of Collaborative writing Strategy above, the writer can conclude that Collaborative writing is a strategy in which students should work together, because from the group students can share their ideas, and Collaborative writing composed of several sub- activities: brainstorming, note taking, organizational planning, writing, revising, and editing. So, this strategy help students on their writing process, and make their writing will be not jumping idea and will be structure

Procedure of Collaborative Writing Strategy

According to Johnson (2009:115), how collaborative writing works:

a. Ask students to get in groups of three or four and work collaboratively.

b. Ask students to work together to select a topic.

c. Next, student should work together to select a topic sentence.

d. Students should work together to write an attention grabber.

e. Students work together to make transitions.

f. Students should work together and decide on at least three supporting details for each paragraph topic.

g. Students then write, the essay using powerful action words.

h. Students should then edit, revise, and finish their writing.

i. Invite student to provide a formal presentation of their collaborative writing.


j. Finally, students should provide their own evaluation and assessment of their work.

Advantages of Collaborative Writing Stratgey

Collaborative writing Strategy has several advantages, According to Jhonson (2009:114), there are some advantages of Collaborative writing:

a. For the students who are not yet ready to write independently.

b. The collaborative writing activity can extremely revealing to the teacher Teaching Writing by Combining Power Writing and Collaborative Writing Strategy for Senior High School.

Based on explanation before, the writer can using two strategies to teaching writing in the classroom, by using both strategies in one lesson. Then, students will be more motivated and more enthusiastic in learning writing, and the goal of writing itself would be achieved if teachers use teacher this strategy. The writer combine these two strategy to this by combining the two procedures of these two strategy. The writer use Power writing strategy Graham et al (2007:148), and the second strategy the writer choose Collaborative writing Johnson (2009:115), the combined procedures are as follows:

1. The teacher asks students to get in groups of three or four and work collaboratively.


2. The teacher prepares some topics.(PW) 3. The teacher asks students to work

together to select a topic. (CW)

4. The students should work together and decide on at least three supporting details for each paragraph topic.(CW)

5. Students then write, the essay using powerful action words. (CW)

6. Edit, the students critique their own writing and to identify areas in which they need clarification or assistance.


7. Revise, Student evaluated their text alone and with a perusing a set evaluation question that included general criteria

like clarify as well as criteria related to the specific text structure. (PW)

8. Invite student to provide a formal presentation of their collaborative writing. (CW)


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