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Academic year: 2023



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Nurul Cahyani1 Rita Roswita Duyo2 Andriani Jihad3

1STKIP YPUP/Makassar, Email: ncahyani5082@gmail.com

2STKIP YPUP/Makassar, Email: ritaduyo@stkip.ypup.ac.id

3STKIP YPUP/Makassar, Email: adriani_jihad@yahoo.com


The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Using Total Pshyscal Responce (TPR) and Direct method improves vocabulary mastery of eleventh graders at SMK LPP UMI Makassar. This study used a pre - experimental pretest and posttest design. The number of samples was 15 students who were determined by using purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that there was a significant difference between the mean pre - test and post - test scores (61,33<96). This is evident from the t-count value which is greater than t-table (5.41>2.411) at a significant level of 0.05 with a degree of freedom (df) 14. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the Total Pshyscal Responce (TPR) and Direct Method vocabulary mastery Directly increases in eleventh grader at SMK LPP UMI Makassar.

KEYWORDS: Vocabulary Mastery, Total Pshyscal Responce (TPR) and Direct



English is the most widely spoken language in the world and Indonesia's first foreign language. Now, that English has come the global language. It is spoken all over the world it means that English is exteremely important and useful for many people when it comes to communicating their thought and ideas. Speaking, reading, listening, writing, and vocabulary are the four skills in English that make up a tool for enhancing all other English skills.

According to the opinion expressed by wilkins (2002) in Setiawan (2010), states that A language's vocabulary is its wealth of words. The four language abilities of hearing, speaking, reading, and writing can all be improved with vocabulary. According wilkins (1984) in Pajo (2014) Without vocabulary, nothing can be said; without grammar, very little can be said. We are unable to communicate when we are only learning grammar without gaining language. It makes the notion that the teaching of English as a foreign language in schools has a unique place.

In schools, there are still issues with teaching and learning English because it differs greatly from Indonesian in terms of word order, pronunciation, and structure

Based on the observations of researchers in July 2021 at SMK LPP UMI Makassar. There are several learning problems faced by students. some students still lack knowledge and were monotonous about vocabulary, knowledge of vocabulary and have difficulty distinguishing forms of verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs.

Therefore, the researcher would like to do research with the title "Using Total Physical Response and Direct Method to Improve Students' Vocabulary Mastery

Based on the mentioned foregoing ned context, The researcher formulated the subsequent research query “Can Total Physical Response (TPR) and Direct Methods improve students’

vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade student of SMK LPP UMI Makassar.


22 Based on the research problem above, this study aimed to determine the increase in students’

vocabulary skills after using the Total Physical Response (TPR) and Direct Method to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade student of SMK LPP UMI Makassar.

People should learn as one of the, vocabulary linguistic characteristics they are acquiring.

George D. Spache asserts (1964) in Fadillah (2011) “Vocabulary Is The Number Vriety Of Words A Person Hears, Recognizes, Understands, And Uses In His Speech And Writing”. Anyone learning a foreign language for use in speaking, writing, reading, and listening requires a firm mastery of the terminology. If a language learner has a sufficient vocabulary and the capacity to use it correctly, they will be able to talk and write appropriately, as well as understand what they read and hear. Every skill places a heavy emphasis on language proficiency. Students' low vocabulary, according to Kufaishi, hinders their ability to write, speak, and read as well as listen.

According to Fandi Ahmad (2014) In the study and teaching of English, vocabulary is crucial.

The learners will struggle to comprehend what they see, read, and learn if they are unfamiliar with the word meanings. Reading more words will help them develop their vocabulary. Vocabulary is crucial for this reason since a poor vocabulary will result in a poor grasp of the material.

James T. Asher describes the entire physical reaction in Fdillah (2001) TPR is aware that learning occurs most effectively when a person is paying attention and understands the language they are exposed to. TPR teaches languages approach that focuses on the synchronization of voice and action and aims to teach language through physical (motor) activity, according to Richards and Rogers in Fadillah (2001). According to the declarations, the fundamental tenet of the Total Physical Response Method is that pupils first a comment from the instructor before physically responding to it.

In Total Physical Response (TPR), beginning or advanced students can learn to understand what a teacher says.

According to Freeman (2000) in Juhaeriyah (2010) There are various ways for people to learn new words. The direct method is method. There is nothing novel about the direct method. Language teachers have been using this idea for many years. It has only recently been used again as a teaching strategy when the objective is to educate students how to communicate in a foreign language


This study employed statistical analysis as its method. This study's pre-experimental approach included a single pre- and post-test group. The aim of this research was to know whether sprite game to be able to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery at SMK LPP UMI Makassar.

The research's two variables were. Both independent and dependent variables existed. First, the TPR and Direct Method were the independent variables. It was anticipated that these methods would improve students' English, particularly their vocabulary. The kids' vocabulary was the second dependent variable.

The population of one class in consists of five classes consisted of 15 students.

To get samples, the researcher employed the purposive sampling technique. Because at SMK LPP UMI Makassar there was one class of 15 students of eleventh grade. Researcher chose this class because their vocabulary skilss are still lacking and it was difficult to distinguish between nouns and verbs.

This researcher's tool was a vocabulary test that consisted of 50 number for pre-test and multiple choice 20 number for pre test. The pre-test was used to gauge students' abilities prior to therapy, and the post-test was used to gauge improvement in students' abilities following treatment.

Before starting the treatment, pupils took a pre-test to gauge their readiness. Immediately after the pre-test, students treated to using a vocabulary. There were four meetings for treatment and approximately Each meeting will last 60 minutes. The following steps were taken to administer the treatment

The vocabulary exam used to gauge student performance refers to the following scoring criteria:




N ( N



D2 − (

D )


1. Classifying the students score : Score : 𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑠 × 100

(Gay 2012)

2. Classifying the score of the students pre-test and post-test into seven levels as follows:

NO Classification Score

1 Excellent 96-100

2 Very good 86-95

3 Good 76-85

4 Fairly good 66-75

5 Fair 56-65

6 Poor 36-55

7 Very poor 00-35

3. Calculating the rate percentage of students score by using the following formula:

P = 𝑛

𝑁 × 100 Where:

P = percentage n = frequency

N = the total number of the students

4. Calculating the mean score of the students ability by using the formula:

X = ×

𝑁 Where:

X= mean score x= total raw score

N= the total number of students

(Gay 2012)

5. The formula used in finding out the difference between students’ score in pre-test and in post- test

t = D

Notes :

t : Test of the significance

D : The mean of difference between the pair score

D2 : The difference between two pairs score (D)2 : The difference between two pairs score N : The number of the subjects

(Gay 2012)



24 Results

The researcher used pre-experimental method which consisted of one group. The class was given a pre-test previous to treatment. The aim of the pre test would be to know the students' prior knowledge of vocabulary. As a research tool for students, the researcher provided and delivered essay test questions. The researcher explained clearly how to answer the questions before they worked out the test. The researcher found in this test that some students had trouble answering the questions provide. Automatically, the students score of pre-test was low. In order to be more clearly explained as follows :

1. The Students' Pre-Test and Post-Test Score a. The Result of Pre-Test

The researcher used pre-experimental method which consisted of one group. The class was given a pre-test previous to treatment. The aim of the pre test would be to know the students' prior knowledge of vocabulary. As a research tool for students, the researcher provided and delivered essay test questions. The researcher explained clearly how to answer the questions before they worked out the test. The researcher found in this test that some students had trouble answering the questions provide. Automatically, the students score of pre-test was low. In order to be more clearly explained as follows

The data above can be seen in the following graphic :

Graphic 4.1 The students score in pre-test

b. Post-test Results

To the researcher created a second exam to gauge the effectiveness of this method and the students' comprehension of the subject matter. Post-test was given after students got treatment. It aims to increase students' vocabulary after students use the TPR and Direct method. In this test, after treatment, the researcher tried to find out the student's learning outcomes. It was expected that the students' post-test scores were higher than the pre-test scores.

There were six students who got 100, six students got 95, and three students got 90 , where the total number of students was 15 and the total score of the pretest score was 1.440.







3 2 0 1 2 6 6.7

1 Excelent Very Good Good Fairly Good Fair Poor Very Poor

Percentage Frequency



25 Graphic 4.2 The student score in Post-test

c. The Comparison Between Students' Pre-Test and Post-Test

The researcher gave out two tests (a pre-test and a post-test) to find out the answer to the research question from the previous chapter. The pre-test was provided before treatment, and the post-test was given after treatment. It is possible to compute Gain (D) and Gain square (D2) from the results of the pre- and post-tests, and these results are shown in the table below.

Table 4.3 the students’ score Pre-test (X1) and Post-test (X2) , Gain/ Different Between the matched pair (D), and the square og Gain (D2)


. NAME Pre-test


Post-test (X2)


(X2 - X1) 𝑫𝟐



68 95 27 729



56 100 44 1936



44 90 46 2116



96 100 4 16



48 90 42 1764



96 100 4 16



36 90 54 2916



14 95 80 6400



44 95 51 2601



88 95 7 49



41 100 59 3481



56 100 44 1936



42 95 53 2809



94 95 1 1



96 100 4 16

N=15 920 1440 520 26786

Table 4.6 Frequency and Rate Percentage of the Students’ Pre-test 40


0 0 0 0 0

6 9

0 0 0 0 0

0 20 40 60 80

Excellent Very Good Good Fairly Good

Fair Poor Very Poor Percentage frequency Column1



Category Score Frequency Percentage

Excellent 96-100 3 20%

Very good 86-95 2 13,3%

Good 76-85 0 0%

Fairly good 66-75 1 6,7%

Fairly 56-65 2 13,3%

Poor 36-55 6 40%

Very poor 0-35 1 6,7%

Total 15 100%

The data in Table 4.6 above showed the frequency and rate percentage of student achievement in the pre-test (teaching vocabulary TPR and Direct method). It can clearly be seen that students achieved very poor, one students achieved fairly Good, two students achieved fair classification, two students achieved very good, three student achieved excellent, but none of the students obtained good, 6 student (40%) was classified as poor, 3 students (20 %) were classified as excellent, 2 student (13,3%) was classified as fairly, 2 students (13,3%) was very good, 1 students (9,7%) was classified as fairly good, 1 students (6,7%) was classified as very poor.

None of the students are classified as good. The data above can be seen in the graphic below :

Graphic 4.4 the frequency and rate percentage of the students’ pre-test score

Table 4.7 Frequency and Rate Percentage of the Students’ Post-test

Category Score Frequency Percentage

Excellent 96-100 6 40%

Very good 86-95 9 60%

Good 76-85 0 0%

Fairly good 66-75 0 0%

Fairly 56-65 0 0%

Poor 36-55 0 0%

ExcellentVery Good Good Fairly Good Fair Poor Very Poor pre-test 20% 13,3% 0% 6,7% 13,3% 40% 6,7%










Very poor 0-35 0 0%

Total 15 100%

The data on table 4.7 above showed the frequency and percentage of the student achievement in post-test. 6 (40 %) of the 15 students scored excellent, and 9 (60%) of the 15 students scored verry good. It can be concluded that the achievement of students' vocabulary has been classified as Verry good. Based on the above result, it can be concluded that the rate percentage of post-test was higher than the rate percentage of pre-test. The data above can be seen in the graphic bellow:

Graphic 4.5 the frequency and rate percentage of the students’ post-test score

Table 4.9 the meanscore of students pre-testand post-test

Class Mean Score

Pre-test 61,33

Post-test 96

The data on the table above shows that the mean score of the students' pre-test was 61.33%, which classified as fair, while the mean score of the students' post-test was 96%, which classified as excellent, was higher than the mean score of the students in pre-test. It means that the use of TPR and Direct method could improve students' vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade of SMK LPP UMI Makassar.

Table 4.10 The T-test and T-table

Variable T-test T-table

X2-X1 5.41 2.411

ExcellentVery Good Good Fairly Good Fair Poor Very Poor

post-test 40% 60% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%











28 showed that the T-Table was lower than the T-Test value of the student's English vocabulary, where the T-Test was 5.41% and the T-Table was 2.411. Thus, the value of the T-test was greater than the value of the T-test (5.4>2.411). It means that the TPR and Direct Method could significantly improve the English vocabulary achievement of students at the eleventh grade students' SMK LPP UMI Makassar. It is corroborated by the percentage increase from "fair" to "excellent" on the students' pre- and post-test results.

Based on the T-test result, The score between the pre-test and post-test was significantly different, the researcher discovered. It indicates that there was a noticeable difference between the test results obtained before and after vocabulary was taught and learned using the TPR and Direct Method. The treatment's effects on the pre- and post-test means score differences. In short, the use of TPR and Direct Method could improve the students English vocabulary mastery.

Table 4.7 the mean score of students pre-testand post-test Discussion

The discussion focuses on the interpretation of the findings of the data analysis. The population of this research was eleventh grade of SMK LLP UMI Makassar. This research TPR and Direct Method to improve students' vocabulary mastery focus on noun and verb.

The researcher gave pre-test to the students before received the treatment by using Tpr and Direct method. A vocabulary test was the study instrument employed. Test questions with 50 numbers and nouns and verbs were provided by the researcher. The purpose was to know the students' prior knowledge in vocabulary.

When the researcher visited their class to do the pre-test, their English teacher allowed the researcher to introduce himself and the reason for his attendance before leaving the researcher in the classroom.

After pre-test activities, the researcher gave the treatment for four times and so explained the TPR and Direct Method. First meeting, second meeting, third meeting, and fourth meeting the researcher taught vocabulary focus on noun, and verb. In the treatment activity, the researcher gave orders to the students to guess the vocabulary of objects and verbs from the physical forms and pictures that had been prepared, then the students guessed the vocabulary and made sentences and took direct actions or movements.


This method does not scare students who do not know the answer, but increases the motivation of sstudents who give the correct answer. This makes it easier for students and can also be a valuable resource for children to learn. which can be used to increase vocabulary knowledge. TPR



pre-test post-test

mean score


29 and the Direct Method had the potential to improve understanding of English vocabulary in class XI SMK LPP UMI Makassar


It could be seen from the total score of the pre-test was 920 and the total score of the post-test was 1.440, and classifications of students from" fair category in pre-test and the mean score vocabulary test in pre-test was 61.33, while post-test was in "excellent category" and the mean score vocabulary test in post-test was 96, and T-test value was higher than T-table value (5.4>2.411). It suggests that using the Word Sort Strategy to teach English vocabulary could engage students in the teaching and learning process, making the strategy successful and efficient, particularly for enhancing students' vocabulary knowledge



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Dokumen terkait

Conclusion Reflecting to the result and discussion of the research, the researcher cagerly would like to conclude that the use of match game media improve the students grammar mastery

Based on previous research on vocabulary and reading above, it shows that all the media applied to students to influence the process and improve the vocabulary of students, therefore