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Academic year: 2023



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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of recruitment on employee performance, to determine the effect of job placement on employee performance, and to determine the effect of recruitment and job placement on employee performance at PT. It is very important because for a company, placing the employees in the right position is the most important because it is closely related to the performance of the employees in providing great benefits to the company. It will bring an organization or business to optimal work results because there is a positive correlation between employee placement and employee performance improvement.

Based on the description above, the writer is interested in analyzing the correlation between recruitment and job placement on employee performance, therefore the researcher is interested in conducting research titled "The effect of recruitment and job placement on employee performance at PT. To find out the effect of recruitment and job placement on employee performance at PT Employee performance is job performance, namely the comparison between the work results that can be seen in reality with the work standards set by the organization.

The results of their work are adapted to the work expected by the organization through the criteria or standards of employee performance applicable in the organization. But the focus of employee performance appraisal is only on individuals, this results in an individual appraisal not as a system in an organization. Employee performance appraisal is expected to be able to measure employee performance and can be useful for employee development under certain conditions so that employees can quickly improve their performance.

Factors Affecting Performance

Performance appraisal is basically one of the multiple key factors to develop an organization effectively. Includes work systems, work facilities or infrastructure provided by the organization, compensation, organizational processes and performance culture within the organization. Performance is a result of work produced by individuals through the processes of the organization or company that can be concretely measured and compared by standards determined by the company or organization.

For this reason, recruitment must be carried out properly and appropriately to obtain competent and quality human resources. According to Siagian (2010 p.64), employee performance is a reflection of employee acquisition procedures performed by the personnel department. Means, if the placement of employees is good, it is very likely that the employee's job performance will be satisfactory.

The Indicators of Performance


  • The Definition of Recruitment
  • Alternatives to Recruitment
  • The Principles of Effective Recruitment
  • Recruitment Goals and Process
  • The Indicators of Recruitment

Recruitment is a type of activity to find and attract job candidates with the motivation, skills, expertise and knowledge necessary to cover the deficiencies identified in staffing planning (Simamora (2010, p. 170). From the above explanation, it can be concluded that Recruitment is collecting job candidates who will then be selected as new employees in the company. Recruitment is basically the process of identifying and attracting candidates who are able to work in the company.

This method is beneficial for both parties, where the company is more able to save expenses instead of adding employees, while overtime is additional income for them. Even if there is an estimate of the volume of long-term work, the company can still avoid the possibility of adding new employees, the way is to contract the work to other parties, the money is called subcontracting. In addition to reasons of efficiency, this method is also a solution if the company does not have experts in a particular field of work.

The total cost of permanent employees in general is 30%-40% of the total cost of the company. Using this approach means that the company has formally laid off some or most of its employees. Firstly, there has been a dramatic change in which in some countries the phenomenon of a shortage of workers who match the needs of the company emerges.

Third, the success of recruitment will depend on the extent of the problem area and the recruitment policy. The main objective of recruitment is to find qualified applicants who will stay with the company at the least cost (Simamora, 2010p. 173). Therefore, it is predicted that underqualified applicants will be fired in the middle of the process because they are not able to work as expected.

Meanwhile, those who are overqualified (excess qualifications) will be predicted to resign because they are not satisfied with the fulfillment that can be done by the company to screen applicants. The basis for the selection of prospective employees must be determined in advance so that applicants who submit their applications are consistent with the position or positions in which they are interested.

Job Placement

  • The Definition of Job Placement
  • Factors to Consider in Employee Placement
  • The Process of Employee Placement
  • Types of Placement
  • The Indicators of Job Placement

The open method is when job withdrawals are widely publicized by placing advertisements in the mass media, print and electronic so that they are widely distributed to the public. Knowledge that must be properly possessed by an employee is current job knowledge prior to posting and that is acquired only while the employee is working in the position. By taking the academic performance factor into account, it can be determined where the relevant employee will be placed in accordance with his academic performance.

Experience of working in similar jobs, which has been experienced before, must be considered in connection with the employment of the employee. The amount of work experience shows a tendency for the employee in question to have relatively high expertise and experience. The placement of employees in certain tasks and jobs must be adapted to the employees' physical and psychological conditions.

The marital status of employees, in addition to employment interests, is of great importance and a material consideration in the placement of employees. Before undertaking a staff placement, it is necessary to look at the process that needs to be completed. Meanwhile, the process of job placement in the company according to Suwatno (2011p.49): .. 1) There should be authority to place workers who come from the recruitment list developed through workload analysis and manpower analysis.

Therefore, managers must be aware of several factors that must be taken into account when placing employees for the sake of business continuity. Generally given as a prize, an award (reward system) for efforts and achievements in the past. The placement of employees is governed by the principle of placing the right people in the right places and placing the right people in the right positions.

Someone who works according to the criteria of education and expertise will be able to work professionally because he has been trained in the field in which he finds himself. Knowledge consists of facts and lessons that we can learn to face the problems that will arise. in the future, especially with learning and work problems.

Relationship Between Variables

The Effect of Recruitment on Employee Performance

The Effect of Placement on Employee Performance

  • Previous Research
  • Conceptual Framework
  • Hypothesis
  • Type, Location and Time of Research 1. Type of Research
    • Research Location
    • Time of Research
  • Population and Sample Population
  • The Definition of Research Variable
  • Types and Source of Data 1. Types of Data
    • Source of Data
  • Data Collection Techniques
  • Data Analysis Technique

This research was conducted by a previous researcher Atkhan (2013) whose research findings showed that placement had a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Plantation Office of East Kalimantan Province. The results of the hypothesis test showed that after multiple regression testing showed that recruitment and job placement had an effect on employee performance at Alpha Hotel Pekanbaru. Based on the results of data processing and data interpretation of each variable and the dimensions of each variable, it can be concluded as follows: (1) recruitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

So the better the implementation of the recruitment system, the higher the employee performance; (2) placement has a positive effect and has a great influence on employee performance. The results of the Goodness of Fit test with the F-test show that the independent variables of employee recruitment, selection and placement have a significant effect on employee performance. The results of the study showed that recruitment, selection and internship simultaneously had an effect on labor productivity, but that recruitment partly had no effect.

To realize employee performance and long-term job success, in addition to company policies, employees must also have the right skills or competencies to perform their jobs. As an effort to develop the potential of the employees, it is expected that the organization can carry out the recruitment and training programs properly so that the human resources in the organization can work in a productive, skilled, creative, disciplined, professional and able to use, develop and master knowledge. and management skills so that they can support employee performance achievements. The relationship between the variables under study will be analyzed using statistical measures that are relevant to the data to test the hypothesis.

A sample is a part of a population taken from some data that is believed to be representative of the entire population. According to Sugiyon (2011, p. 81), a sample is a fraction of the number and characteristics that a population has. Saturated sampling is a sampling technique in which all members of the population are used as samples.

This technique is done by distributing questionnaires in the form of questions or statements directly to respondents and immediately returning them to the researcher. In this study, an internal validity testing technique was used to test whether there is a fit between the parts of the instrument as a whole. Cronbach Alpha (α) statistical test was used to test the level of reliability of a variable.

The assessment criterion when testing the reliability of the instrument is if the Cronbach Alpha value > 0.60, then the study is considered reliable.

Table 2.1  Previous Research
Table 2.1 Previous Research

Classical Assumption Test Data Normality Test

Multicollinearity Test

Heteroscedasticity Test

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

Determinant Coefficient (R²)


Based on data obtained from research into the effect of recruitment and job placement on employee performance at PT. There is a significant and positive effect of recruitment variables on employee performance variables; it shows that there is a partial effect of recruitment on employee performance. There is a significant and positive effect of placement variables on employee performance variables; it shows that there is a partial effect of placement on employee performance.

Simultaneous testing shows that recruitment and job placement variables have a significant and positive effect on employee performance at PT.



Table 2.1  Previous Research
Figure 2.3 Conceptual Framework Recruitment
Table 3.1  Research Time Detail


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