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Research Finding In this study the researcher used a questionnaire about students’ interest toward authentic materials


Academic year: 2023

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research and the discussion of the research finding. The finding of the research cover description of the result of data collected through test and questionnaire that can be discussed in the section below.

A. Research Finding

In this study the researcher used a questionnaire about students’ interest toward authentic materials. Meanwhile, the reading comprehension score obtained from the test. Moreover, and then, the research analyze both the data by using spearman rank to know the correlation from both of data. Additional, in this chapter, the data will be presented and described in the detail as follow:

1. The Result of the Questionnaire

This part covers the result of data analysis about students’ interest toward authentic materials. The researcher presented the data of the research consist of result questionnaire. To get better understanding, the researcher presented in the following table:

Table 4.1 Score in Questionnaire Responden



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 36

2 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 39

3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 3 40

4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 4 40





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 35

6 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 36

7 4 3 3 3 3 2 4 2 4 3 31

8 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 36

9 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 36

10 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 35

11 2 3 4 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 28

12 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 35

13 4 3 3 4 3 4 2 3 4 4 34

14 4 2 3 4 3 3 4 2 4 3 32

15 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 33

16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 38

17 4 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 37

18 4 2 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 38

19 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 42

20 4 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 39

Total 720


Saya sangat tertarik dengan materi authentic yang diberikan oleh guru di dalam kelas.

5% Totally Agree 70% Agree 20% Less Agree 5% Disagree 0% Totally Disagree

Materi authentic yang diberikan oleh guru membuat saya merasa tidak semangat dalam proses pembelajaran.

0% Totally Agree 10% Agree 55% Less Agree 30% Disagree 5% Totally Disagree


Saya merasa semangat dalam pembelajaran di dalam kelas ketika guru menggunakan materi authentic.

15% Totally Agree 45% Agree 40% Less Agree 0% Disagree 0% Totally Disagree

Saya menyukai apabila guru selalu menggunakan materi authentic dalam proses pembelajaran.

0% Totally Agree 85% Agree 15% Less Agree 0% Disagree 0% Totally Disagree


Saya tidak senang apabila guru menggunakan materi authentic dalam proses pembelajaran.

0% Totally Agree 5% Agree 30% Less Agree 60% Disagree 5% Totally Disagree

Saya merasa bosan apabila guru menggunakan materi authentic di dalam kelas.

0% Totally Agree 15% Agree 35% Less Agree 50% Disagree 0% Totally Disagree


Saya lebih memahami pelajaran ketika guru menggunakan materi authentic di dalam kelas.

5% Totally Agree 90% Agree 5% Less Agree 0% Disagree 0% Totally Disagree

Saya tidak tertarik dengan materi authentic yang diterapkan oleh guru di dalam kelas.

0% Totally Agree 20% Agree 45% Less Agree 35% Disagree 0% Totally Disagree


Saya sangat antusias dalam pembelajaran di dalam kelas ketika guru menggunakan materi authentic.

5% Totally Agree 80% Agree 15% Less Agree 0% Disagree 0% Totally Disagree

Saya tidak memahami pelajaran ketika guru menggunakan materi authentic di dalam kelas.

0% Totally Agree 0% Agree 70% Less Agree 30% Disagree 0% Totally Disagree


2. The Result of Reading Score

The student who were selected as a research sample, were given a reading test of 10 numbers to find out whether authentic materials affected their reading comprehension. The data related of the reading comprehension test is used as the result. The result of the data can be described as the following:

Table 4.2 Students Test Score

No Students Score

1 Student A 76

2 Student B 95

3 Student C 71

4 Student D 80

5 Student E 78

6 Student F 82

7 Student G 76

8 Student H 75

9 Student I 78

10 Student J 84

11 Student K 95

12 Student L 78

13 Student M 75

14 Student N 73

15 Student O 78

16 Student P 93


17 Student Q 80

18 Student R 87

19 Student S 82

20 Student T 78

Total 1614

Mean 80.7

Max Score 95

Min Score 71

From the table above showed that 2 students get 95, 1 student get 93, 1 student get 87, 1 student get 84, 2 students get 82, 2 students get 80, 5 students get 78, 2 students get 76, 2 students get 75, 1 student get 73, and 1 student get 71. Mean score from the test is 80.7, maximum score is 95 and minimal score is 71. From the value that has been obtained by students, it can be conclude that the score of students is in good and very good category.

3. The Result of Calculating between Students Interest toward Authentic Materials and Reading Comprehension

After giving the questionnaire and a test to the students, the researcher calculated both of them, and it can be seen in the table as following:

Tabel 4.3 Calculating Scores of Students’ Interest and Reading Comprehension


1 36 76 2736 1296 5776

2 39 95 3705 1521 9025


No X Y XY X2 Y2

3 40 71 2840 1600 5041

4 40 80 3200 1600 6400

5 35 78 2730 1225 6084

6 36 82 2952 1296 6724

7 31 76 2356 961 5776

8 36 75 2700 1296 5625

9 36 78 2808 1296 6084

10 35 84 2940 1225 7056

11 28 95 2660 784 9025

12 35 78 2730 1225 6084

13 34 75 2550 1156 5625

14 32 73 2336 1024 5329

15 33 78 2574 1089 6084

16 38 93 3534 1444 8649

17 37 80 2960 1369 6400

18 38 87 3306 1444 7569

19 42 82 3444 1764 6724

20 39 78 3042 1521 6084

N=20 720 1614 58103 27160 131164

From the table the result of calculating between students’ interest using authentic materials and reading comprehension above showed that the value of


variable X is 720, variable Y is 1614, the value of XY is 58103, the value of X2 is 27160, and the value of Y2 is 131164. From all the score above used to find the correlation and proving the hypothesis to variable.

Where N = 12

∑X = 720

∑Y = 1614 ∑X² = 27160

∑XY = 58103 ∑Y² = 131164


































Analysis data infrensial quantitative from the result of the r -9,392 and r table 5% = -0.444 is the combination of the questionnaire and reading test.


Table 4.4 The Correlation between Students’ Interest and Reading Comprehension r-value

r-table 5%

-9.392 -0.444

Based on data analysis, if r-value is higher than r-table, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted. But on the contrary, if the r-value is lower than r-table, the null hypothesis (H0) is accepted and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is rejected.

Based on the calculation above, r-value =-9.392 ≥ r-table is obtained at a significant level of 5%, so it can be concluded that H0 is rejected, and H1 is accepted.

Meands, there is a significant influence of students’ interest using authentic materials on students’ reading comprehension at the Second Grade of MA DDI Kanang.

The magnitude of the influence of students’ interest on students’ reading comprehension can be determined by squaring the correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient produced in this study is -9.392.

Next make a simple linear regression equation to find out whether the variable X has a significant effect on the variable Y.

Find the value of konstanta b b = 𝑛.∑xy−∑x.∑y


b = 20.58103−720.1614






= -8.06

Find the value of konstanta a a = ∑𝑦−𝑏.∑𝑥


a = 131164−(−8.06).720 20

= 131164−(−5803.2) 20

= 6268.04

Make a regression equation Y = a + b.X

Y = 6268.04 + -8.06x Y = 6268.04 + -8.06 (720) Y = 6268.04 + -5803.2 Y = 464.84

The calculation result of simple linear equation Y = 464.84 shows the number of regression coefficients, it explain that the students’ interest (X) has a significant influence on students’ reading comprehension (Y).

B. Discussion

In this part the researcher explained the discussion of the effect of using authentic materials toward students’ reading comprehension at the second grade of


MA DDI Kanang. This research did on 27th July 2020. The researcher had been prepared the questionnaire and reading test to give the students for answering.

Because during pandemic every student have to study from home, the researcher made collaboration with the teacher to give a little explanation to the students in whatsapp group about the instrument and what they would do with instrument. So, the students would not be confused how to answer the test.

4.2.1 The Result of Questionnaire about Students’ Interest using Authentic Material The researcher did questionnaire test on 2nd August 2020. Because the researcher did the research during pandemic that made the researcher can not do the research at school, so the other alternative that the researcher took is made the instrument with google form. Before the students answer the questionnaire the researcher explain about authentic materials in first page.

The researcher gave the questionnaire as the first test. This questionnaire helped the researcher to knew how students’ feeling if the teacher used authentic materials in teaching. In obtaining research data, researchers used a questionnaire with a total of 10 items. The test consist of several alternative answer. The test did at four classes.

From the research, the writer found that many students more interesting when the teacher used authentic materials in teaching. Therefore, this research is very useful to do because it helps the teacher at MA DDI Kanang to knows what their students need in teaching. By knowing what the student need, can help teacher to prepared the materials.

Students’ interest can influence the students’ motivation. The way that teacher can take is make the material more attractive. Teacher can modifying or


simplifying authentic texts. In addition to shortening sentences, texts are simplified by replacing low-frequency words, eliminating or reducing idiomatic language.1

Authentic materials are those which are taken from real life communication and not designed for language teaching and learning purposes. Authentic texts comprise both spoken and written language samples. For example, newspaper articles, short series, advice columns, magazine ads, and grapic novels are commonly use authentic written texts. Spoken texts include, but are not limited to, television commercials, movies, radio broadcasts, lectures, songs, podcasts, and conversations or service encounters among native speakers.12

4.2.2 The Result of Reading Test

After the researcher did the first test, the researcher gave the essay test as the second test. There is twenty students were used as research samples and given a reading comprehension test with a total of 10 number questions. The score test showed that 2 students get 95, 1 student get 93, 1 student get 87, 1 student get 84, 2 students get 82, 2 students get 80, 5 students get 78, 2 students get 76, 2 students get 75, 1 student get 73 and 1 student get 71. Mean score from the test is 80.7, maximal score is 95 and minimal score is 71.

From the result of test reading comprehension, it was found that, students’

interest using authentic materials that were correlated with reading comprehension to determine the effect of students’ interest on their reading comprehension, with a correlation coefficient r-value = -9.392 higher than (α) 5% r-table -0.444 (r-value ≥ r-

1Eve Zyzik, Charlene Polio, Authentic Materials Myths (Applying Second Language Research to Classroom Teaching), (United States of America: University of Michigan, 2017), p.82.

2Eve Zyzik, Charlene Polio, Authentic Materials Myths (Applying Second Language Research to Classroom Teaching), (United States of America: University of Michigan, 2017), p.2.


table). Based on data analysis, if r-value is higher than r-table, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted. But on the contrary, if r-value is lower than r-table, the null hypothesis (H0) is accepted and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is rejected. Based on the calculation, r-value = -9.392 ≥ r-table - 0.444, so it can be concluded that H0 is rejected, and H1 is accepted. So there is a significant influence of variable X to variable Y.

The calculation result of simple linear equation (Y = 464.84) shows the number of regression coefficients, it explains that the students’ interest using authentic materials (X) has influence on students’ reading comprehension (Y). It concluded that there is a significant influence of students’ interest in using authentic materials on students’ reading comprehension at the second grade of MA DDI Kanang.

The theory of authentic materials in chapter 1 explained that authentic materials are encourage a focus on meaning or in other words can help students to understand the meaning of a message created for a real-word purpose. According to Berado, using authentic materials in the classroom can support a more creative approach teaching and more closely to learners’ need and interests.3 Based on the statement, it can be concluded that using authentic materials have a significant role in learning process.

Nowadays, teaching reading has important role in learning English as either second or foreign language. Readings expose students to new vocabularies, syntax,

3Amir Marzban, Solmaz Davaji, The Effect of Authentic Texts on Motivation and Reading Comprehension of EFL Students at Intermediate Level of Proficiency, (Iran : January 2015), p.86.


and even new cultures. Most of the new words can be learn through the reading.4 William Grabe stated that reading is a process when reader learn something from what they read and involve it in an academic context as a part of eduction.5 Furthermore, Nunan state that reading is usually concived of as a solitary activity in which the reader interacts with the text in isolation.6

Reading is how discover new things and how we develop a positive self- image. Reading is so important because it helps to expand the mind and develops the imagination. A person who knows to read can educate themselves in any area of life they see fit. People who do not read or they are poor readers often have low opinions of themselves and their capabilities. They mostly feel isolated and behavior problem surface. As we live in an age abundant with information, reading is the only way to become informed.7 Reading is one of method to find the meaning of the text and get information, and work as communication between reader and writer. Each student has a different way of reading, whether it is read aloud or silence. So in choosing reading material, they must be careful in accordance with their abilities.

There are many benefits of using authentic materials for teaching reading comprehension. They not only develop the abilities of students but they also

4Amir Marzban, Solmaz Davaji, The Effect of Authentic Texts on Motivation and Reading Comprehension of EFL Students at Intermediate Level of Proficiency, (Iran : January 2015), p.85.

5William Grabe, Reading in a Second Language : Moving from Theory to Practice (New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009), p.5.

6David Nunan, Language Teaching Methodology (New York : Prentice Hall, 1991), p.72.

7Why Reading is Important One World Literacy Foundation.

https://www.oneworldliteracyfoundation.org>....)Accessed on September 2020).


contribute to improve students’ communication skills because authentic materials provide authentic cultural information and exposure to real language.

Authentic reading materials support students to acquire their communicative competence in using English. It is believe that authentic materials are able to stimulate students’ motivation to learn. They can support students’ opportunities to intermingle with real uses of language rather than artificial materials which are made for learning purposes only.8

Based on some of the opinion above, it can be concluded that using authentic materials have positive effect toward students’ reading comprehension. In addition, authentic materials also have more good effect, such as have a positive effect on learner motivation, and also make students have more vocabulary.

8Desy Rusmawaty, dkk, Teachers’ Beliefs of Authentic Materials for Teaching Reading in Indonesian EFL Classrooms, (Journal of Language Teaching and Research: May 2018), p.607.



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