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Academic year: 2023



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Bahrun Amin, M.Hum and Erwin Akib, S.P.D., M.Pd, Ph.D, who guided, supported and motivated the researchers. To my research friends and students of SMA Pergis Yapki Maros for their help and motivation.

Table 4.1       Field Note                                                         50
Table 4.1 Field Note 50


  • Background
  • The Research Questions
  • The Objective of The Study
  • The Scope of The Study

Some students feel anxious when they want to perform because they are afraid of being wrong in pronunciation, language structure and intonation when they speak English. What strategies do the students of SMA Pergis Yapki Maros apply to reduce their anxiety about speaking English.


Al Qur’an and Al Hadith

  • The verses of the holy Al Quran talk about the importance of Education and Speaking
  • Hadith about the Importance of Mastering Knowledge

And whoever desires both (the world and the hereafter), let him master knowledge." (HR. Ahmad). This hadith teaches us that seeking or mastering knowledge is very important not only for the world but also for the hereafter.

Some Previous of Related Studies

  • Fear of speaking inaccurately
  • Fear of negative evaluation
  • Indirect Strategies
  • Preparation
  • Relaxation
  • Positive thinking
  • Peer seeking
  • Resignation
  • Language is an acceptable level
  • Talking in different social situations
  • Talk as interaction
  • Talk as transaction
  • Talk as performance
  • Speaks fluently without frequent obvious need to search for an expression

Fear of foreign languages ​​can be described as “the subjective feeling of tension, anxiety, nervousness, and worry associated with an arousal of the autonomic nervous system” (Horwitz et al., 1986, p. 125). This situation drags them into a silence that is increasingly difficult to break, as it contributes to a role as "the silent one" in the classroom. Student anxiety refers to the feeling about the concerns and fears of the students during classroom interaction.


  • Research Design
  • Operational Definition
  • Subject of the Research
    • Observations sheet
    • Interview
  • Procedure of Data Collection
    • Data reduction
    • Data Record
    • Conclusion or verification

The researcher recorded the speaking performance of the students during classroom observation for approximately 90 minutes in each session. The researcher collected data through observation to see the effect of anxiety on English speaking performance and also used interview to reveal the strategy that students used to reduce their anxiety in speaking English. Therefore, the researcher selected all students of one class of the XII IPA year in the academic year 2020/2021 as the subjects of the research.

Thus, the researcher chose video recording to record the process of speaking of the students in English, the participants. During the recording, the researcher took notes related to the performance of the students in the class. In the data analysis process, the researcher would transcribe the data from the audio recording to the written record.

Data recording means a set of information that would lead the researcher to draw the conclusion. The researcher concluded about the effect of students' anxiety on students' speaking performance and also their strategy in reducing their anxiety on English speaking performance.



  • Observation
  • Worried
  • Fear
  • Shame
  • Nervous
  • Lack of Confidence
  • Lack of mastery the Material
  • Forgetting the Material or Blank
  • Unsatisfactory Result
  • Relax
  • Self Confidence
  • Peer Seeking
  • Ignoring Audiences
  • Holding a script (Paper/ HP)

In this work, the researcher tried to classify the findings from the observations that occurred during the students' speaking performance. Based on the results of the interview conducted among the students, the researcher found that most of the students are worried about their speaking performance. From the exposure of the above data, it is clear that fear is one of the anxieties that students experience during a speech performance.

Some of the students lack self-confidence and therefore cannot perform optimally in speaking performance. From the results of the interview above indicated that one of the effects of anxiety in speaking performance was less self-confidence. From the results of the interview above indicated that one of the anxiety effects in speaking performance was the mastery of the material.

This was also visible when the researcher was observing the speaking performance of the students. From the answers of the students in the above interview, it appears that the effect of students' anxiety during the speaking performance was not fluency in speaking.

Table 4.1 Field Note   (See Appendix 2, on Page 100)  Based on the table above shows that the researcher divided into three  categories then explained to them as follow:
Table 4.1 Field Note (See Appendix 2, on Page 100) Based on the table above shows that the researcher divided into three categories then explained to them as follow:


  • Aspects of Students Speaking Anxiety
  • The Effect of Students Anxiety
  • Strategy in Reducing the Anxiety

From the above data, it appears that one of the media that helps or supports to reduce students' anxiety at the time of speaking performances is to bring a p a p e r o r s c r i p t so that the students felt happy during speaking performances. Most of the students experienced nervousness when speaking or during a speech. From the data description of the previous finding showed that most of the students who spoke performance felt shame when the students said in the interview that they were shy.

Decrease in mastery of the material is one of the anxiety effects that some students experience in their speaking performance. In the finding of this research, the conclusion of interview data displayed about the strategies used by the students to reduce their anxiety when speaking English. From the data obtained, the researcher found certain types of recreation used by the students.

Some students sometimes look for the door or window side when they give a speech in class. From the results of observations and interviews, the researcher came to the conclusion that holding onto a piece of paper or script is a strategy to reduce students' anxiety during speaking performance.



Keeping a script on paper or phone as a strategy that was used by students to help reduce their anxiety during the speaking performance. Some of the students write the points of the material on a piece of paper or make a note on the phone before performing in spoken English. This research looks at the mode of affect and divides it into four aspects of anxiety based on students' experience, namely: Anxious because their skills cannot satisfy them, Nervous because of the stage fright factor, Afraid because they are afraid of they make a mistake and Shame because they are afraid of being laughed at. or embarrassed by their appearance.

Students' anxiety, especially in English speaking performance in the classroom, felt anxious, caused some effects. This research has found four effects of anxiety experienced and indicated by students in their speaking performance, namely: Lack of confidence, Lack of mastery of material, Forgetting material or gap, Lack of concentration, Unsatisfactory result. The final objective of this research was to present strategies for reducing anxiety in English speaking students' performance.

Based on observation and interview, the researcher classified six categories about the strategies that the students used to reduce their anxiety in English speaking performance. These strategies were preparation, relaxation, confidence, finding peers, ignoring the audience, and keeping the script on paper or on the phone.


This way, students can learn about the effects of anxiety that can make them perform worse. As a result, the learner must anticipate the negative effects of anxiety and then motivate themselves to do things more efficiently to achieve their goals. Teachers should know what strategies are appropriate to use in the classroom to overcome students' speaking performance anxiety.

This research can serve as a guideline for students and English teachers to measure the student's fear of public speaking. By knowing the types of anxiety experienced by the students, they are expected to be able to find their own strategy to reduce their anxiety, thus enabling the students to achieve a perfect performance. Strategies for coping with language anxiety: the case of students of English Japan. ELT Journal volume 58/July 3: Oxford University Press, 258-265.

Methods and outcomes in the study of anxiety and language learning: A review of the literature. A factor causing language anxiety for ESL/EFL learners in learning to speak: An interdisciplinary journal.


Interview Protocol


Bingung mencari kelanjutan materi yang disampaikan pada saat pertunjukan, atau sepertinya Anda kurang memahami materi.

Data Record

S : Saya tidak merasa percaya diri untuk berbicara di depan kelas S : Saya tidak merasa percaya diri. Q: Strategi atau metode apa yang Anda gunakan untuk mengatasi rasa cemas yang Anda rasakan saat berbicara? S: berlatih berbicara atau berlatih berbicara dengan teman sebelum tampil berbicara bahasa Inggris di depan kelas.

S : Saya berusaha fokus pada materi yang ingin saya sampaikan dan tidak memandang teman-teman saya. T: Nah, dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, terkadang guru memberikan pidato atau terkesan berbicara di depan kelas. Hal pertama yang ingin saya tanyakan adalah apa yang Anda rasakan saat melakukan pidato atau pidato tersebut.

Pertanyaan: Rasa takut yang Anda rasakan kira-kira dipengaruhi oleh penampilan Anda saat berbicara bahasa Inggris. Q: Nah, pertanyaan terakhir, Bu, strategi apa yang Ibu gunakan saat ingin berbicara atau berbicara.

Transcript 3

Q : Oke, pertanyaan terakhir, strategi apa yang kamu gunakan untuk mengatasi rasa cemas dan gugup saat ingin berbicara bahasa Inggris? Q: Maksud saya, metode atau solusi apa yang pernah Anda gunakan untuk dapat melakukan pertunjukan speaking atau berbicara? Kadang banyak yang disiapkan tapi karena ada rasa ragu, gugup, bingung jadi hilang atau kosong, bingung mau ngomong apa.

T : Saya punya beberapa pertanyaan, Pertanyaan pertama, apakah Anda merasa cemas ketika ingin berbicara bahasa Inggris? Q: Pernahkah Anda mendengar atau membaca tentang strategi atau cara mengatasi atau menghilangkan rasa cemas saat berbicara bahasa Inggris?

Recorded on March 26 th, 2021

Recorded on March 27 th, 2021

Recorded on March 29th, 2021

Pertanyaan: Ok Bahar, apakah ada perasaan cemas atau ragu yang anda rasakan saat berbicara bahasa inggris?

Recorded on March 30 th, 2021

Recorded on April 5 th, 2021

Aku berusaha untuk tidak menatap teman-temanku karena takut gugup saat menatap wajah mereka.

Recorded on April 6 th, 2021

Saya ada beberapa pertanyaan bu, ada beberapa pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan perasaan cemas saat berbicara bahasa inggris. T : oke, pertanyaan terakhir, strategi atau cara apa yang kamu lakukan untuk menghilangkan rasa malu atau cemas saat berbicara bahasa inggris. S : Tarik nafas dalam-dalam, hembuskan nafas, percaya diri dan percaya diri bisa menjadi motivasi diri.

S : Aku tidak google atau bertanya pada teman, tapi belajar dari pengalamanku sendiri dan melihat teman saat mereka muncul sebelumnya.

Recorded on April 6th, 2021

Q: Strategi atau cara apa yang Anda gunakan untuk menghilangkan rasa cemas yang Anda rasakan saat ingin tampil berbicara?

Recorded on April 07 th, 2021

Recorded on April 07 th, 2021

Biasanya aku menjadi blank atau lupa segalanya ketika teman-teman menatapku dengan gugup, jadi aku memeriksa ponselku untuk mengingat apa yang ingin aku katakan ketika aku berbicara.

Recorded on April 08 th, 2021

Q: Apa pendapat Anda tentang solusi atau cara yang Anda gunakan untuk menghilangkan rasa gugup saat berbicara? Saya berusaha fokus pada materi yang ingin saya sampaikan dan tidak memandang teman-teman saya.


She began her studies at SD Inpres Bakung II and graduated in 1994. In the same year, she continued at SMPN 14 Makassar and graduated in 1997. In the same year, she continued her studies again at SMAN 7 Makassar and graduated in 2000. After that, she accepted as a student at English Department Faculty of Teacher Education and Training at Makassar State University and graduated in 20004.

In 2018, she enrolled in the graduate program of the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar and registered for the English education program.


Table 4.1       Field Note                                                         50
Figure 2.1  Conceptual Framework                                      39
Table 4.1 Field Note   (See Appendix 2, on Page 100)  Based on the table above shows that the researcher divided into three  categories then explained to them as follow:


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