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Roles and Regulations for Pharmacists in State-Level Disaster Relief Efforts - SMBHC Thesis Repository


Academic year: 2023

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Pharmacists must work to achieve well-defined and coherent roles and regulations in disaster relief. While the activities of each member of the team are important, pharmacists perform multiple, essential functions in disaster relief. Determine the percentage of states with general regulations regarding pharmacy operations during disaster response.

Determine the percentage of states that anticipate the implementation of new regulations related to disaster relief efforts. Furthermore, each was asked if they had experience working in disaster relief as a pharmacist. Next, participants were asked about interstate licensing reciprocity and emergency prescription refill regulations during disaster relief efforts.

In addition, BOP support for disaster relief efforts by pharmacists was established (BOP sends representatives to disaster areas to provide assistance). Expected additions/changes to the rules and/regulations for a pharmacist activity in disaster relief appeared in the next section of the survey instrument. Additionally, in a series of related questions, respondents were asked if the BOP identified any expanded roles for pharmacists in disaster relief efforts.

In addition, almost half of the pharmacists who responded to the survey had previous experience as a disaster response pharmacist.

Determine the percentage of states with general regulations regarding pharmacy operations during disaster relief efforts

General regulations regarding pharmacy operations after a disaster N (%) The council reserves the right to make exceptions to any of the regulations. 7 (38.9%) The pharmacy will report the date of any natural or man-made to the council.

Determine the percentage of states that have regulations regarding the establishment of a disaster preparedness plan

Furthermore, only half of this 22.2% require the plan to specify how medicines should be stored or how patient records will be kept, and only 16.7% discuss how medicines will be made available to the public.

Determine the percentage of states that allow the establishment of temporary/mobile pharmacies during disaster relief efforts, and determine the

The pharmacy must notify the board of pharmacists after any change of address (including a temporary location or a return to the permanent location). The temporary/mobile pharmacy must cease operations within a set period of time after the end of the state. If the temporary/mobile pharmacy maintains its temporary location for longer than the set period of time, the pharmacy must apply for a new and separate facility permit.

N (%) No permit/license renewal for temporary/mobile pharmacies 6 (42.9%) Yes, permits/licenses of temporary/mobile pharmacies are renewable 8 (57.1%).

Determine BOP regulations regarding out-of-state pharmacists during disaster relief efforts

Of the latter, the majority (75%) do not indicate a time limit for reissuing temporary permits. Consistent license reciprocity regulations are necessary to ensure that assistance can be provided quickly and efficiently when needed during a multi-state disaster. Pharmacists who have been inactive/retired for 2 years or less may have their license temporarily reinstated to participate in disaster relief efforts as a pharmacist.

Other regulations governing the described out-of-state pharmacy staff. A state license is required unless the governor declares an official state of emergency and temporarily repeals the laws. The governor's office may, if necessary, override the board's rules and regulations during a declared state of emergency. These waivers are consistent with another state law that allows the governor to waive certain licensure requirements during a state of emergency, but these waivers are not in the Pharmacy Practice Act.

State licensing is required unless the governor were to declare an official emergency and suspend the laws. When asked the length of time pharmacists are permitted to assist in disaster relief efforts, the BOPs presented a range of responses as shown in Table 9. Length of time pharmacists from other states are permitted to operate to assist in disaster relief efforts.

Determine the percentage of states that have regulations regarding emergency prescription refills during a disaster

Maintaining patient medication records and stocking prescription medications during a disaster is critical to maintaining order and smoothly transitioning to normal pharmacy operations after the effects of the disaster have resolved. The pharmacist considers the drug essential to continue treatment, especially for a chronic condition, and that. 38.9% of boards that responded to the survey do not allow multiple refills, 33.3% allow multiple refills, and 16.7% only allow multiple refills for non-controlled substances.

May refill an emergency prescription more than once under a declared emergency.

Determine each state’s BOP involvement or participation in disaster relief efforts

Determine the percentage of states that anticipate the implementation of new regulations regarding disaster relief efforts

Determine if BOPs have any expanded roles for pharmacists in disaster relief efforts

Determine the percentage of states whose SOPs currently provide disaster relief training and how it should be provided to students

Is it in your state's best interest for student pharmacists to receive disaster relief training?

Determine the percentage of states whose SOPs currently provide public health training and how it should be provided to students

Additionally, BOPs lack a unified vision for regulations governing pharmacists during disaster relief efforts (Table 3). The main limitation of the study was the low response rate of pharmaceutical boards. Q8 Which of the following regulations has your board of pharmacy included regarding the establishment of an emergency preparedness plan. select all that apply).

Q12 Which of the following are required for a licensed out-of-state pharmacist to practice as an out-of-state pharmacist? pharmacist in your country during disaster relief. Select all that apply) q During an emergency/disaster, the state licensing requirement will NOT be waived. To participate in disaster relief, the pharmacist must apply for a temporary permit. The pharmacist licensed in another state may dispense prescription medications as long as he participates in disaster relief efforts.

Q13 According to the regulations or guidelines provided by your state's Board of Pharmacy, how long (how many days) are pharmacists from other states allowed to work in your state to help with disaster relief efforts. Q14 According to the regulations provided by your state's Board of Pharmacy, which of the following is required when a pharmacist dispenses a one-time emergency. prescription refills during a disaster relief effort. please select all that apply). q The pharmacist should first try to contact the original prescribing practitioner. Q18 Send your state's Board of Pharmacy representatives to disaster areas to provide assistance or advice.

Question 19 Do you expect your country to implement new regulations regarding the professional activities of pharmacists during disaster response efforts? Question 20 Does your state's Board of Pharmacy have a list of expanded roles for pharmacists in disaster response? Question 21 Which of the following roles does your state's pharmaceutical board currently recognize as defined roles for pharmacists in disaster response. Check all that apply).

Question 22 Do students at the pharmacy schools in your state currently receive disaster relief training. Question 23. Do you think it is in the best interest of the public that students at the pharmacy school receive training in disaster relief. Question 24 Do students at the pharmacy schools in your state currently receive public health training.

Because of their unique knowledge base, pharmacists have the ability to contribute significantly to disaster relief. Within the last three weeks, your board should have received an invitation to participate in a brief survey regarding the roles and regulations of pharmacists in disaster relief.

Table 18 indicates that the largest consensus of respondents in this category  (44.4%) believe that public health training should be offered as a required supplemental  training session in pharmacy schools
Table 18 indicates that the largest consensus of respondents in this category (44.4%) believe that public health training should be offered as a required supplemental training session in pharmacy schools


Table 16 indicates that the majority of respondents (55.6%) believe that disaster  relief training should be offered as a required supplemental training session in pharmacy  schools
Table 18 indicates that the largest consensus of respondents in this category  (44.4%) believe that public health training should be offered as a required supplemental  training session in pharmacy schools


Dokumen terkait

By Dian Anggraini A Bachelor‘s Thesis submitted to the Faculty of LIFE SCIENCE Department of BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of