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School of Nursing Calendar, 1959-60


Academic year: 2023

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WILLIAM ASHTON, Ph.D., LL.D., Vice-President for Graduate Development, and Dean of the Graduate School. PRESSLY SPINKS SIKES, Ph.D., Dean of the Junior Division. oHN DITMARS VANNuYs, A.B., M.D., Dean of the School of Medicine. FRANCES ORGAIN, Assistant Dean of the School of Nursing and Associate Professor of Nursing.

WALTER DONALD CLOSE, Medical Director of University Hospitals, Director of Postgraduate Medical Education and Associate Professor of Medicine. FRANCES CLARK EKsTAM, Director of the Physical Therapy Program and Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy. GEORGE JosEPH GARCEAU, Riley Hospital Orthopedist, and Chairman and Professor of Orthopedic Surgery.

34; there shall be established and hereby established a university - for the education of youth in American, learned and foreign languages, applied arts, sciences and literature, to be known by the name and style of Indiana University. ". There are, of course, other goals which, as institutions of higher education in America and elsewhere have developed, have become the subject of increasing concern and interest to university faculty. Chief among them is the faculty's contribution outside the classroom to the general welfare of society and its institutions.

Indiana University's main campus, one of the most natural and beautiful in the country, is located in Bloomington, Indiana. One of ten Division of University Extension centers is located in downtown Indianapolis. The University is convinced that its press should not only promote the publication of scientific research in a readable and understandable form, but also that the results of this research should be made available to the widest possible audience.

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School of Nursing

Graduates of the School are eligible to take the State Board Examination for certification as registered nurses in Indiana. The School of Nursing is a member agency of the Department of Baccalaureate and Graduate Degree Programs, National League for Nursing. The outpatient departments of the four university hospitals care for an average of 211 patients per day.

Immediately prior to the fall semester of the second year, all prenursing students are focused on the School of Nursing and the Medical Center campus. A full physical examination, including chest x-ray, is given as part of the school entry requirements. A Student Health Service is maintained under the supervision of the Medical Director of Student Health Services.

The School of Nursing accepts married students and allows students to marry at any time, provided they maintain the standards of the school. Permission to marry must be obtained from the dean of the College of Nursing or his or her designee, and a written statement of permission from the parent or guardian must be submitted at the time the student notifies the dean of their intention to marry. The organization of which all students are members is the Student-Faculty Assembly of the College of Health.

The purpose of this organization is to promote student-faculty relations, develop and support student government, and uphold the ideals and standards of the School and the nursing profession. This organization is part of the Indiana Association of Student Nurses and the National Association of Student Nurses. The Executive Council functions as a board of directors of the Alumni Association and is composed of representatives of the schools within the University.

Although the Alumnae Association of the School of Nursing was first organized in 1917, it operated as an independent organization until 1954, when it became a constituent organization of the Alumni Association of the University, with representation on the Executive Board. Graduates of the School of Nursing may become members of the Alumni Association of Indiana University and the School of Nursing Alumnae Association by the payment of annual dues ($6). Junior or senior students are eligible for financial aid under the United States Army Nurse Corps Scholarship Program.

For more information about financial assistance during the three years at the School of Nursing, please write to: Dean of the School of Nursing, Ball Residence, Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis 7, Indiana. The faculty reserves the right to request the withdrawal of any student who does not meet the standards of the school due to his personality, health, behavior or level of performance.

Basic Professional Curriculum

Thirty academic credits are earned during the three years the student is in the School of Nursing and in residency on the Medical Center campus. Nursing classes, with related nursing practice in hospitals and health agencies, begin in the first semester of the second year and continue throughout the third and fourth years. The clinical portion of the program includes experience in medical-surgical nursing, maternity nursing, pediatric nursing, and psychiatric and community nursing.

A basic course in the theory and practice of public speaking, g1vmg training in thought processes necessary for organized speech content, personality, components of effective delivery,. Supervised practice in complete patient care, with emphasis on nursing problem solving and patient education, is the main aspect of the course. A study of the measurement of drugs is taught before introduction to the study of action, uses and toxicity of common drugs.

The practice of calculating doses occurs simultaneously with the practice of administering medications. A study of the essentials of nutrition, food composition and the basic methods of food preparation, with emphasis on the normal diet. These courses are designed to guide students in acquiring desirable attitudes and progressive insight, skills in the nursing care of medical-surgical patients.

The student gains an understanding of the principles and procedures involved in asepsis, disinfection, sterilization and isolation as they relate to nursing. A study of normal and abnormal conditions and of nursing during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and in the postpartum and neonatal periods. A course that includes examination and connection between growth and development to the child's needs for health and illness.

Emphasis is placed on nursing care, developmental levels and health education through guided participation in child care in the hospital and nursery. Credit for P234 may not be used to fulfill requirements for a concentration group in the College of Arts and Sciences. Includes principles considered essential to or inherent in the promotion of mental health and treatment and rehabilitation of the mentally ill.

A review of the development and principles of public health nursing, with application to the responsibilities of the public health nurse in a general public health nursing program providing family health services. A study of nursing in the current social order, with an emphasis on professional organizations, opportunities in nursing, legal issues associated with nursing, and personal and professional economic security.


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