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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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The existing literature should therefore be developed in order to broaden the understanding of the consequences of destination image to tourist-perceived value, perceived quality and positive word-of-mouth. Therefore, this research focuses on observing the spread of positive word-of-mouth to shopping destinations in Yogyakarta.

Research Problems

Limitations of the Study

This study focuses only on the variables that directly and indirectly affect the positive communication of tourists.

Research Objectives

Research Contribution

The findings of this research can help governments and managers associated with retail businesses in a tourist destination to create sustainable strategies in order to develop their shopping destination in particular and can increase competitive advantages in terms of tourism destination in general.

Systematics of Writing

Behavioral intentions of passengers in public transport - the role of service quality, perceived value, satisfaction and. The quality of tourist services and loyalty to the destination - the mediating role of the image of the destination from the point of view of international tourists.



  • Word-of-Mouth (WOM)
  • Destination Image
  • Perceived Value

The image of a shopping destination has a positive effect on the tourist perception of the destination's value. From a previous study, Allameh et al. 2015) found that quality is an antecedent of perceived value.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

Meanwhile, the twelfth indicator "The seller was honest", has the lowest average with a value of 3.79, which is still considered fair. Behavioral intentions of public transit passengers - The roles of service quality, perceived value, satisfaction and involvement.


Type of Study

It was expected that the results of this study would be able to analyze the variables used in this study as well as to prove their relationship. In addition, it was expected that the results of this study could provide better insights into the spread of positive word-of-mouth towards shopping destinations.

Population and Sample

This study was based on quantitative methods that aim to investigate the relationships between the constructs that have been mentioned in the previous chapter. The population of this study is Indonesians who have previously experienced shopping in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Data Collection Method

The variables used in this study are destination image as the independent variable, perceived quality and perceived value as intervening variables, and word of mouth as the dependent variable. To measure these variables, this study used a five-point Likert scale ranging from (1) strongly disagree to (5) strongly agree.

Operational Definition and Measurement of Variable

  • Independent Variable
  • Intervening Variable
  • Dependent Variable

The merchants were respectful. i) Dealers provided reliable services. j) Merchants performed the services on time. k) The merchants listened to me and we understood each other. l) The merchants were honest. m). The variables are described by the following indicators from Choi et al. a) I enjoy shopping here.

Validity and Reliability Test of Research Instrument

Word of mouth (WOM) is the sharing of experiences with others that is believed to have a significant effect on influencing the decision-making process for product or service use (Virvilaite et al., 2015). Regarding tourism, WOM is one of the factors that measures the level of loyalty of tourists to a destination through their intention to make a recommendation or not (Oppermann, 2000). Data can be categorized as reliable when the Cronbach Alpha value is greater than.

Therefore, the researcher first tested the validity and reliability of the variables and indicators used in this study by conducting a pilot test before distributing the questionnaire to obtain the data. The data obtained from the respondents was then analyzed for the validity and reliability in respect of the limitation described above.

Analysis Technique

  • Respondents ’ Characteristics
  • Descriptive Analysis
  • Model Development on Theory
    • Normality Test
    • Outlier Test
    • Goodness of Fit Criteria

However, the chi-square value will only be valid if .. the data met the assumptions of normality and has a large sample size. From the above table, it can be seen that the majority of the respondents in this study were women. Souvenir centers around the tourist attractions (Keraton – The Royal Sultan's Palace, Taman Sari – The Water Palace, Prambanan Temple, etc.).

Moreover, the highest mean among the 14 indicators in this variable is the sixth indicator which is "The seller was friendly" with a mean of 3.90 and can be considered fair or neutral. From the implied result, it can be concluded that the second hypothesis (H2) of this study is accepted. Based on the evidence shown above, it can be concluded that the image of the destination directly affects the perceived value among tourists.


Statistics Descriptive

  • Respondents ’ Classification Based on Gender
  • Respondents ’ Classification Based on Age
  • Respondents ’ Classification Based on Educational Levels
  • Respondents ’ Classification Based on Monthly Expenses
  • Respondents ’ Classification Based on Last Visit
  • Respondents ’ Classification Based on Length of Stay
  • Respondents ’ Classification Based on Accommodation
  • Respondents ’ Classification Based on the Main Reason to Visit
  • Respondents ’ Classification Based on the Most Visited Souvenir

Based on Table 4.6, it can be concluded that most of the respondents in this study visited Yogyakarta in 2018 with the number of respondents which is 213 people or 76.07%. Based on the length of stay, the respondents in this study are grouped into three categories. Based on Table 4.7, it can be concluded that most of the respondents in this study stayed in Yogyakarta for more than 3 days with the number of 210 respondents or 75% of the total respondents.

Based on Table 4.8, we can conclude that most of the respondents chose to stay in a star hotel with a total of 208. Based on Table 4.9, we can conclude that most of the respondents came to Yogyakarta for recreation with 120 respondents or 42.86% of all respondents . Based on Table 4.10, it can be seen that the majority of domestic tourists who participated in this research visited Malioboro, namely 155 respondents or 55.36% of all respondents.

Descriptive Analysis

  • Destination Image
  • Perceived Quality
  • Perceived Value
  • Word-of-Mouth (WOM)

Meanwhile, the third indicator, "I feel relaxed during a shopping trip here" has the lowest average with a value of 4.07 and is considered good. In Table 4.14, the result of a descriptive analysis of the social value variable shows that the average rating of 280 respondents is 4.084 and is considered good. The highest average in this variable is the second indicator, "Going shopping with this makes me feel accepted by the peer group I associate with", with an average of 4.12 and is considered good.

Meanwhile, the lowest mean is the first indicator, "A shopping trip here gives me pleasure", with 4.04 and is considered good. The highest average is set by the fourth indicator, "A shopping trip here is economical", with an average value of 4.15 and is considered good. The highest mean in this variable is the sixth indicator, "Products purchased during a shopping trip here have consistent performance" with a mean of 4.12 and is considered good.

Reliability and Validity Analysis

For the indicator with the lowest mean, the fifth indicator is "When asked about a shopping destination, I would recommend Yogyakarta", with a value of 3.82 and is considered reasonable. Therefore, the result indicates that the respondents' perception of word-of-mouth is fair or neutral. The results of the validity test shown in Table 4.18 indicated that all question indicators representing 4 variables are declared valid because the loading factors are more than 0.5 (λ>0.5).

Furthermore, the reliability test results showed that the constructed reliability value for each variable is greater than 0.7. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the overall instrument of the study is reliable so that it can be used in this study.

Normality Test

Regarding the one-sided normality test, it can be concluded that most of the data are normally distributed because the critical ratio (C.R.) value for kurtosis and skewness is in the range of ± 2.58. Meanwhile, in terms of the multivariate normality test, the data fulfills the normal assumption because the value is equal to -2.044 which is in the range of ± 2.58.


From the data that has been processed, it can be seen that no value greater than 77,418 has been detected.

Goodness of Fit Measurements

Table 4.21 shows the result of the data analysis for the model proposed in this study. There are three indices that do not fit the minimum index probability value, such as significance probability, GFI, and AGFI. According to Haryono (2017), a researcher does not have to meet all criteria for goodness of fit.

Therefore, based on the general fit measurement above, the model proposed in this study is accepted.

Hypothesis Testing (Framework Model)

The second hypothesis showed that destination image has a positive and significant influence on the perceived value. From the implied result, it can be concluded that the third hypothesis (H3) of this study is accepted. The fourth hypothesis showed that perceived quality has a positive and significant influence on perceived value.

From the implied result, it can be concluded that the fourth hypothesis (H4) of this study is accepted. From the implied result, it can be concluded that the fifth hypothesis (H5) of this study is accepted. From the implied result, it can be concluded that the sixth hypothesis (H6) of this study is accepted."

Result Discussion

  • The Influence of Destination Image on Perceived Quality
  • The Influence of Destination Image on Perceived Value
  • The Influence of Destination Image on Word-of-Mouth
  • The Influence of Perceived Quality on Perceived Value
  • The Influence of Perceived Quality on Word-of-Mouth
  • The Influence of Perceived Value on Word-of-Mouth

The sixth hypothesis showed that perceived value has a positive and significant influence on word-of-mouth. The result of this study proved that the destination image of shopping destination has a positive and significant effect on tourists' word-of-mouth of the destination. The result of this study proved that quality perceived by tourists during shopping has a positive and significant effect on the spread of word-of-mouth to shopping destination.

The result of this study showed that value perceived by tourists during shopping has a positive and significant effect on the spread of word of mouth for shopping destinations. It can therefore be concluded that destination image, perceived quality and perceived value greatly influence the spread of word-of-mouth in the shopping destination. SHOPPING DESTINATION: THE ROLE OF THE DESTINATION, PERCEIVED QUALITY AND PERCEIVED VALUE OF WORD-OF-.


Research Limitations

The sample of this research may still not represent all tourists about shopping destinations in Yogyakarta. This study does not provide similar findings when the model is tested in another shopping destination, as different shopping destinations may have different characteristics.


The impact of market heterogeneity on the relationship between destination image and future tourist behavior. Destination image: comparing French and Australian consumers' preferences for destination stops for long-haul travel. The role of destination motivation and image in predicting tourist revisit intention: the case of Bandung-Indonesia.

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang tingkat kepuasan wisatawan domestik terhadap wisata belanja di Yogyakarta, Indonesia dalam menyebarkan hal-hal positif berdasarkan pengalaman berbelanja selama berkunjung ke Yogyakarta. Pegawai toko di lokasi wisata belanja ini adalah pendengar yang baik, sehingga mudah untuk saling memahami.

Literature Review of the Relationship Between Destination Image and

Literature Review of the Relationship Between Destination Image and

Literature Review of the Relationship Between Perceived Quality and

Literature Review of the Relationship Between Perceived Quality and

Literature Review of the Relationship Between Perceived Value and

Pilot Test Result

Goodness of Fit Indices Summary

Respondents ’ Classification Based on Gender

Respondents ’ Classification Based on Age

Respondents ’ Classification Based on Educational Levels

Respondents ’ Classification Based on Monthly Expenses

Respondents ’ Classification Based on Area of Origin

Respondents ’ Classification Based on Last Visit

Respondents ’ Classification Based on Length of Stay

Respondents ’ Classification Based on Accommodation

Respondents ’ Classification Based on the Main Reason to Visit

Respondents ’ Classification Based on the Most Visited Souvenir

Descriptive Analysis of Destination Image

Descriptive Analysis of Perceived Quality

Descriptive Analysis of Social Value

Descriptive Analysis of Functional Value (Cost/Value for Money)

Descriptive Analysis of Functional Value (Quality/Performance)

Descriptive Analysis of Word-of-Mouth

Validity and Reliability Test (AMOS)

Normality Test

Outlier Test

Goodness of Fit Analysis

Hypothesis Testing Result Model


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